A fighter who came out of Hinata

Chapter 45: Separate the family, but you should be taught a lesson

Chapter 45: Separate the family, but they should be taught a lesson

Hinata Junichi...

Hizu knew this person, he was a child of the clan's jounin family.

Because he is a few years older than himself and Shuji, he has not been in contact with him usually.

So is he crazy?

Take action against Daisy and Hizashi.

"Xiusi, what should I do?"

Raising his head, Hizu asked Shuuji.

There was no way, after all, there was a big age difference, and Rizu also knew that there was definitely nothing he could do if he only relied on himself.

At most, he would risk being beaten to bully Hinata Junichi's younger brother.

That's it, you have to use the caged bird to bully.


Xiuji was stunned when he heard this and looked at Rizu with some surprise.

"What should I do? What can I do? Do you still want to invite him to dinner?"

Hearing this, Rizu pursed his lips helplessly and said nothing.

"Have a good rest and I'll bring you something delicious to eat later."

Seeing this, Xiuji turned around and looked at Daisy who was lying on the hospital bed with a face swollen three times and said.

For the family separation after being bullied by the Zong family, the trauma was the least severe.

"What are you going to do?"

Turning her head, Daisy looked at Shuuji.

To be honest, Daisy didn't really want Shuuji to go find Hinata Shunichi.

On the one hand, the opponent is a ninja who is about to graduate after all. Although Shuuji is said to be a genius, it is hard to say whether he is the opponent of Hinata Shunichi.

On the other hand, if Shuuji goes to trouble Hinata Junichi, he will probably trouble himself once he sees Hinata Junichi once.

"What are you doing? Let you see how disgusting the real Zong family is."

When Xiuji heard this, he rolled up his sleeves, hummed to Daisy, turned around and left.

Originally, I thought that as a member of the Hyuga clan, with both parents being Jonin, and as a disciple of Tsunade. Yesterday, I had a certain interaction with the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Shuuji felt that he could almost train safely until he graduated from the ninja school. .

However, these problems within the Hyuga clan were really ignored by Shuji.

After a slight pause in his steps, Shuuji formed a seal with his hands, leaving a shadow clone to take care of Daisy and Hizashi, and then walked out of the ward without looking back.

The Zong family is so awesome.

Naoki and Hizu looked at each other and followed Shuuji without saying a word.

Although as a member of the Senju family, I shouldn't get involved in this matter.

However, Shengshu still caught up and joked that the friend who usually practiced together every day was bullied into this.

If you don't do something, what will you become?

As for why Daisy and Hizashi were beaten like this?

Does that matter?That's not important, what's important is that it happened.

Although you might get beaten by Tsunade if you do this, it doesn't matter.

At most it would be a broken arm or a leg.

Tsunade, can he really beat me to death?

At worst, we'll all be hospitalized together. It doesn't matter, just take it as a rest.


The only way to reach the Hyuga clan from the ninja school.

Shuuji and Naoki Rizu squatted neatly on the roadside, looking at the pedestrians coming and going.

There was no way, it was not easy to start in the ninja school. The teacher stopped me before I even started using it. So what happened?

"Hey, did you see it? That's it. Try to lure him into the woods."

Seeing Hinata Junichi appear, Shuuji whispered to the rope tree next to him.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Naoki nodded after hearing this, stood up, stretched his legs and feet, and strode towards Hinata Junichi who was walking on the road with his younger brother Hinata Yuichi.

Shuuji and Hizu looked at each other, turned a corner, and walked towards the woods.

The so-called grove is where Shuji and others used to gather.

Usually not many people go there, so it is a very clean place.


"Your name is Hinata Shunichi, right?"

Arriving in front of Hinata Junichi, Naoki asked carelessly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Hinata Junichi stopped when he heard this and looked at the six-year-old kid who was blocking him, but his eyes fell on the Senju clan emblem on Naoki's clothes.

What is the kid from the Senju family doing with me?
"I heard that your Hyuga family's soft fist is very powerful. Do you dare to try it?"

Hearing this, Naoki immediately smiled disdainfully. Although he was much shorter than Hinata Junichi in height, even with his neck raised, Naoki gave Hinata Junichi a feeling of looking down on him.

"Huh? Okay!"

Hinata Junichi nodded when he heard this and directly agreed to Naoki's request.

If you tell Naoki to talk nicely, Hinata Junichi might be able to say some nice words out of respect for Senju.

But the look of the rope tree made Hinata Shunichi particularly angry.

What happened to Senju?Can people from the Senju family do whatever they want?

The first and second generations are already dead.

"Hmph, come with me."

Naoki snorted disdainfully upon hearing this and looked at Hinata Junichi up and down.

Then he turned around and walked towards the woods.


"Hinata Shunichi."

After following the rope tree to the grove, Hinata Junichi heard another unfamiliar voice before he could speak.

Hinata Junichi was startled when he heard the words. He heard the words and went to see Hiashi and Shuji squatting side by side on a tree.

"I thought it was the brats from the Senju family who were uneducated, but it turned out to be you two?"

Crossing his arms, Hinata Junichi looked disdainfully at Shuuji and Hizu who were squatting on the tree trunk, and said with a sneer.

"What? Doesn't it mean that the branch family didn't say hello to the Zong family when they saw it? Not only did they not obey the Zong family's teachings but they also spoke rudely to the Zong family. Shouldn't they be punished accordingly?"

After saying this, Hinata Junichi continued to ask Shuuji and Hizu.

Regardless of the facts, Hinata Junichi gave the reason anyway.

This is also the reason why Hinata Junichi dared to attack Daisy and Hizashi.

If a clan wants to find trouble, there is no other way to separate the family except to die.

Regarding this matter, Hinata Shunichi had something to say even in front of Hyuga Dehiro.

At most, he would just be scolded for not being too harsh on his fellow clan members, which would intensify the conflict between the clan and the branch family to a certain extent.


After hearing this, Rizu suddenly stood up and stared at Hinata Junichi below with an unkind look on his face.


Seeing this, Shuji took Nizu's hand and stood up as well.

"Senior Junichi is right. If you separate the family, you are just ignorant. If you need to be taught a lesson, you must be taught a lesson."

After hearing this, Rizu looked at Shuji next to him in surprise.

What does this guy... want to do?
Ignoring Hizu's surprised look and looking at the slight smile on Junichi's face, Shuuji focused his eyes on Yuichi behind Junichi.

"It seems like this branch should be taught a lesson. Could you please give me a hard time, Mr. Rizu?"

As he spoke, Shuuji asked Hiashi next to him.

 This is my first time writing this kind of plot. If you think there is something wrong, please leave a message.

(End of this chapter)

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