A fighter who came out of Hinata

Chapter 63, Teacher!I want to challenge that yellow-haired brat!

Chapter 63, Teacher!I want to challenge that yellow-haired brat!

The next morning, Xiuji and others went to the grove to practice as usual.

Kushina, who had not yet learned the shadow clone technique, went to a ninja school to learn theoretical knowledge.

After a whole morning of theoretical knowledge, Kushina finally came to the physical arts class that she had been thinking about.

Today, we must achieve a perfect victory!

"Today's physical training class is in the form of a battle. Now, does anyone want to take the initiative to challenge?"

The teacher wearing a green vest stood in front of the children and asked everyone.

"Teacher! I want to challenge!"

Almost as soon as the teacher's words fell, Kushina stood up suddenly and said to the teacher.

"Oh? Who does Kushina want to challenge?"

When the teacher heard this, he immediately looked at Kushina with a smile on his face.


Kushina blinked when she heard this and looked around, first eliminating those with white eyes, and secondly eliminating those who looked good at fighting...

Finally, Kushina's eyes fell on the man with blond hair who just looked weak.

"Teacher! I want to challenge that yellow-haired brat!"

Raising her head, Kushina shouted to her teacher.

"Oh? Minato, are you willing to accept the challenge?"

The teacher immediately became happy when he heard this, and then looked at Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato, it can be said that this is the one who is the most unexpected by the teacher in this elite class.

Although this child is a commoner, he learns very quickly no matter what he learns.

Especially in terms of physical skills, although Namikaze Minato is still very young, he has already shown extraordinary talent in speed.

It is even enough to firmly suppress those wealthy children who have received the most complete ninja training since childhood.

"of course."

Looking at Kushina helplessly, Namikaze Minato pursed his lips silently.

This new classmate is quite beautiful, but why is he so rude when he talks?
What is that yellow-haired kid?

"Okay, let's play."

Seeing this, the teacher took two steps back, making enough room for Kushina and Namikaze Minato.

"Kushina-san, my name is Minato Namikaze, please give me your advice."

Standing opposite Kushina, Namikaze Minato bowed to Kushina and said.

"I'm sorry, because I just came to the ninja school and am not very familiar with it, so I am very offended."

Hearing this, Kushina also bowed to Namikaze Minato.

Putting everything else aside, it's really not right to call someone a yellow-haired brat or something.

Kushina may have a bad temper sometimes, but Kushina still talks about the most basic principles.

"It's okay, it's a pleasure to play against you, Kushina-san."

Namikaze Minato chuckled when he heard this, and while forming the Seal of Opposition, he said to Kushina in front of him.

Being offended without reason is certainly an uncomfortable thing, but if the other party admits his mistake with a good attitude, it is actually not an unforgivable thing.

"Please advise!"

Kushina also chuckled when she heard this and formed a seal of opposition towards Namikaze Minato.


"It's nice to have Byakugan..."

Naoki looked enviously at Shuuji and Hiashi who were watching Kushina's battle with their Byakugan open, and said sourly.

Although they are all in the same school, the training ground of the ninja school is very large, and the place where the rope tree class takes physical arts classes is in front of the ninja school.

The place where Kushina's class holds classes is behind the ninja school.

and so……

You really can’t see it without a white eye...

"Well, it's really good."

Xiuji nodded when he heard this and said to the rope tree absently.

In Shuji's field of vision, the battle on Kushina's side had already begun.

Compared with the huge amount of chakra in Kushina's body, the amount of chakra in Kushina's opponent's body is too inferior.What’s there to see?
Looking at Shuuji next to her calmly, Mikoto complained silently in her heart.

"Has Kushina's battle begun?"

But Mikoto still asked Shuuji with a gentle smile on her face.

"Yes! Yes! Has it started?"


And it was at this moment that Minami Saho's voice suddenly sounded.

Naoshu's body suddenly stiffened, and he smiled sheepishly at Nan Sasui. Under Nan Sasui's dissatisfied gaze, he sat upright obediently.

"Well...it's begun."

After waiting for a while, Xiuji whispered.

"It's time to test Shuji-sensei's achievements."

Hearing this, Naoki immediately whispered to Shuuji. As he spoke, Naoki quietly looked at Minami Saho.

"How could Kushina, who was taught by Shuji, lose?"

Mikoto said immediately after hearing this.

"This... I can't tell for sure..."

Xiuji pursed his lips and said hesitantly.

Who is Kushina's opponent?Speed...so fast?

At such a speed...it couldn't be Minato Namikaze, right?
"Oh? How is it now?"

Naoki immediately became interested after hearing this. If Kushina loses, she will have new material to mock Shuuji in the future.


As the battle on Kushina's side ended, Shuuji let out a sigh of relief.


As Shuuji let out a breath of turbidity, Rizu burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"Teacher Shuji, can't you do this?"

Turning his head slightly, Naoki said to Shuuji with a look of contempt.

Although he didn't see the battle on Kushina's side, Hizu's laughter said everything.

"It doesn't matter. Winning and losing are normal. Besides, it's just one day of teaching, so it's hard to make any big improvement."

Mikoto on the side glanced at Naoki in displeasure, and then said softly to Shuuji.

If it wasn't convenient for Mikoto to defeat the rope tree now, Mikoto would have challenged the rope tree.

Seeing this, Shengshu curled his lips in disdain, shook his head, and turned away.

"Now I'm starting to get a little interested in the guy who defeated Kushina."

Hizu on the side said softly, although the amount of chakra is not the only factor that determines the strength of a ninja.

But with such a huge difference in chakra amount, it is a very rare thing to be able to defeat the strong with the weak.

It was easy for Hizu to come to the conclusion that the junior who defeated Kushina was a genius.

As for making friends with geniuses, Rizu is still very interested.

After all, if a genius grows up, he will become a jounin who can stand alone.

It is much easier to make friends now than to make friends later when this genius grows up.

Even if this genius dies on the way to growth, it doesn't matter.

Rizu can still afford that cost.

"It's easy to say, just go and have a look after school."

Shuji nodded when he heard this and said to Rizu.


He looked in disbelief at Namikaze Minato who stretched out a hand to him.

Kushina, who fell to the ground, blinked in confusion.

Are all the ninjas in Konoha... so strong?
 Is the intensity I arranged for Minato okay?After all, I think Minato should also be a taijutsu ninja to some extent.

  The attribute of reaction speed requires talent, so I think Minato should have been very strong since he was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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