My Chinese ancestors

Chapter 430 Epilogue

Chapter 430 Epilogue

"Enter the palace and capture Emperor Wu!"

"Surrender and avoid being killed by those who resist!"

The sky was setting in the west, and the setting sun was shining with orange light. The palace, which had never experienced chaos before, was filled with fighting and shouting. The eunuchs and maids were hiding in the various halls, secretly looking through the gaps in the doors and windows, watching the palace roads, swarming in and out. The arriving soldiers and horses of the Xia Kingdom swept over like a wave.

The resisting palace guards charged forward, but despite their superb martial arts skills, facing the formation of the army, after a short fight, they began to show signs of retreat.

In the space of a cup of tea, the body of the palace guard fell down on the guardrail, waterside pavilion, and under the eaves of the palace, still holding the knife, in a pool of blood.

The soldiers who followed the troops came in, and their military discipline was not good. They rushed into various palaces and buildings and began to fight for valuable porcelain vases, calligraphy and paintings, and all kinds of gold, silver and soft goods.

When he met the panicked eunuch, he chopped him with his knife. When he met the woman, he carried her to the corner like a wild beast. The palace maid could only struggle and cry helplessly; some frightened palace people sat beside them with dull eyes. Look at everything in front of you.

Guan Yu's face turned extremely ugly when he heard that the surrendered troops who had entered the palace were behaving like this. He had always been arrogant and could not tolerate being subordinated. He bullied the strong but did not bully the weak.

"Send an order to Zhao Kangzhi. If the soldiers are not restrained, Guan will kill him first."

The faces of Guan Ping and Zhang Bao who were accompanying him were equally ugly. They were from the Jihan Group. Liu Bei loved the people like his own son and always treated the people under his rule seriously. It was rare for the army to attack a city and fortify a stronghold. After arriving here, Su Chen As a descendant, we should also treat the people with kindness, strictly enforce military discipline, and not infringe on the people in the slightest.

Zhou Cang immediately handed over his hands and rushed away with the order.

He was rushing towards the East Palace and had already captured Emperor Wu's crown prince and a group of concubines. When Zhou Cang came over, his heart skipped a beat.

All of his subordinates were frontier troops, and they had lived a hard life. Suddenly entering a colorful world like the palace, it was inevitable that he would lose control.

At this moment, I guarantee that I will immediately order the restraint of the soldiers and return all the looted things.

"General Zhou, don't worry, Zhao understands what Guan Junhou means."


In the back garden of the palace, when Xia soldiers and horses entered the imperial city, the honest emperor Kang Zun, who had already heard the news, walked back and forth in panic. His wife prepared two sets of clothes for him to quickly change into, and followed the eunuch. , the palace ladies took advantage of the chaos to escape.

"I know, I know, Prime Minister Gu and Taiwei Fan don't have good intentions when they ask me to become emperor."

After standing at the door and listening to the noise outside for a while, Kang Zun turned around, quickly took off his imperial robe, casually took off his crown and threw it to the ground.

After his old wife helped him change, he took a breath and said, "I wonder what happened to Huang'er and the others, and whether they have a chance to escape." Then he gritted his teeth and said dejectedly: "Forget it, I can't even protect myself."

Just as the couple opened a crack in the door and slipped out, they looked at the palace maids and eunuchs running around in a panic outside, and quickly started running after them.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the front of the courtyard: "Your Majesty, come with me quickly!"

It was Taiwei Fan Li, with disheveled hair, holding a bloody sword in his hand, and running towards this side with a panic look on his face.

"Spread out, don't block the way, I am Taiwei Fan Li!"

He grabbed Kang Zun and his wife who were mixed in the crowd and dragged them to a palace on the right side of the back garden. He waved his sword and killed the eunuchs and maids who were blocking the way. He turned around and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, as long as we escape, we still have a chance to come back!"

His expression as he spoke was full of madness.

At this time, I saw a guard running over from the eaves covered in blood. Halfway there, he staggered and fell to the ground again, and never got up again.

The nearby palace maids screamed and screamed, and in an instant, waves of Xia soldiers rushed over. The captain Fan Li wanted to drag Kang Zun and his wife away, but several soldiers stood in front of them with their bows and arrows drawn. , scolded: "Stop, drop your weapons!"

Taiwei Fan Li pulled Kang Zun and rushed to a nearby pavilion, and shouted briefly: "Your Majesty, follow me quickly this way."

However, just as they entered the pavilion, soldiers surrounded the pavilion and the lotus pond. A dark man with a leopard head and ringed eyes galloped towards me from a distance. He immediately dismounted and walked through the path with a group of personal guards. He shouted: "The thief who has brought disaster to the country and the people knows me, Zhang Yide!" " Don’t come over here!”

Fan Li's hair was disheveled and his robes were in disarray. His lips were pursed tightly and his red eyes were staring at Zhang Fei who was striding over, holding up the sword in his hand to threaten.

Kang Zun, who was standing behind him, was trembling with fear. From time to time he said behind Fan Li, "Lieutenant, let's... let's not resist. We are already surrounded anyway..."

"No... no..." Fan Li said "no" in succession, waving the sword in his hand a few times, shouting hysterically: "We helped you up, you must listen to us!"

"People from the Xia Kingdom! You, the emperor, don't even think about getting the Wu Kingdom..." His eyes were scattered and he was looking back at Zhang Fei in front of him. When he reached his mouth, his words suddenly changed and turned into a scream: "Ah!"

The arm holding the sword was shot through by an arrow, and the weapon fell to the ground with a clang.

"So many useless words!"

On the other side of the pavilion, Wei Yan slowly put down his bow and arrow, then threw it to the soldiers beside him. He came over and bowed to Zhang Fei, "Third general, take down this emperor."

Capturing the Emperor of Wu was a great achievement at any time. Wei Yan said this because he wanted to give the credit to Zhang Fei.

"Haha, I don't deserve this credit?"

As if returning to the Shu Han of the past, Zhang Fei threw the snake spear to the soldiers, stepped forward and patted Wei Yan on the shoulder boldly, "You have called me the third general, why are you so polite to me? The emperor and the captain gave it to him together." is you!"

Over there, Kang Zun looked at Fan Li who was shot through the arm and screaming in pain on the ground. He was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, looked at the approaching soldiers, and begged Wei Yan for mercy.

"I don't want to be the emperor. I was forced to take the throne by them..." Kang Zun pointed to Fan Li on the ground. Tell your emperor the whole story."

In fact, there is no need for him to explain at all. Which of the generals who conquered Wu State doesn't know?

What's more, Su Chen's order didn't mention killing Kang Zun's family. He probably understood that the other party was being pushed to the limit and there was no need to kill the whole family.

After all, the Wu Kingdom is also a strange country. The emperor cannot make the decision and everything is controlled by the aristocratic families. Therefore, unlike other countries that want to slaughter all the clans, the aristocratic families of the Wu Kingdom are the first to be killed.

As Kang Zun begged, the soldiers stepped forward and dragged the honest emperor up from the ground, and took him away from the place together with the queen over there. He and his prince and princess were identified by Guan Yu. After confirming their identities, they were sent to Reunited with Kang Chengqian at the military camp outside the city, and then returned to Luyang in the Central Plains together.

The sun was setting, and the fighting in the palace was coming to an end. After Zhao Kangzhi executed more than a dozen soldiers who burned, killed, looted, and raped the palace maids, he came to Guan Yu to return to his life.

"Fan Li and Xiao Zhiyi were arrested, but their family members are not in the city. They should have moved all their family members in advance."

"Guan is already aware of this matter and has sent people to hunt him down before entering the palace."

Walking in the deep palace courtyard, Guan Yu looked at this palace complex that was even more luxurious than Luyang with some emotion, "It is true that the Wu Kingdom is rich, but it is a pity that the money and food are controlled by the wealthy families and go into their pockets."

Zhao Kangzhi knew the situation of Wu State quite well, and nodded in agreement. Now the entire Wu State Shengkang has been defeated, and the emperor has been captured. Only some aristocratic families in the city who have not left are left, and Gu Chongwen has not been captured.

After a while, Guan Yu ordered again, leaving only a small number of soldiers to control the defense of the palace and the imperial city, while the rest of the troops withdrew from the palace.

"Let's go and see how Zhou Yu is doing with the aristocratic families in the city."

He and Zhang Liao entered from the west gate and took the imperial city first. The outside was handed over to Zhou Yu's navy and Zhao Kui'an's surrender army. However, when they went out, they discovered that Zhou Yu was a man of many talents.

As soon as they arrived outside, they heard a report from the scouts. Zhou Yu revealed one by one that the family had controlled the Wu Kingdom for many years, controlled the emperor to implement tyranny, and monopolized trade and tariffs.

After Guan Yu thought about this strategy for a moment, he understood Zhou Yu's intention. It aroused the anger that had been accumulated in the hearts of the people for many years, making them believe that the fate of the Wu Kingdom was due to these aristocratic families. In the future, the Xia Kingdom would not be governed here. Many obstacles.

"Zhou Yu was very resourceful. If he had not died young, the situation in the world would have been different." Guan Yu sighed with emotion. If Zhou Yu had not died young and he was the one who led 100,000 troops to attack Hefei, things might have been different.

(End of this chapter)

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