Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 138 137 Ghosts of the Old Era

Chapter 138 137. Ghosts of the Old Era (Spoilers at the end)
The world is so sad. It seems that no one can get everything they want. In the past, present, and future, there are always stories that make you angry, sad, and unforgettable.

Lu Mingfei leaned against the flame-colored Ferrari and held the breakfast that Nono bought for him. It was nothing more than steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and soy milk. It was still a little hot, and the heat was rising.Nono was leaning next to him, the two of them were touching each other, looking aimlessly at the subway station in front of them.

This is a crowded and busy city, with men in suits and women in professional skirts walking in a hurry, their leather shoes and high heels making small splashes in the stagnant water on the road.The traffic lights changed colors silently and quickly. Young people rushing to catch the morning rush hour looked curiously at the boy and girl leaning on the Ferrari. After all, the looks of these two people are considered trendy even in BJ, which is known as an international metropolis. So, A red Ferrari that shines like a rose blooming alone in the monotonous black and white traffic is by no means cheap.

But with such an awesome combination, he was leaning listlessly on the street, eating steamed buns and drinking soy milk. The boy in the Florentine custom-made suit had a depressed expression that reminded him of the little dolphin in the aquarium that had just been separated from its mother.

Lu Mingfei was so preoccupied that he didn't forget to light a cigarette for himself even when he was chewing the buns. Nuonuo didn't say anything, just trying to deal with his two slightly hard fried dough sticks, as if those things were the heroic heroine's request to enter the world. The first level encountered.

The little devil said that there was only one HE, but Lu Mingfei couldn't get a clue. He didn't dare to stand by Jörmungandr's side, because even a desperado like him who didn't care whether he died or lived still had something he really cared about. .

Lu Mingfei is a very stubborn person, and he must do what he wants to do. Between his junior sister and Hui Liyi, he will still choose Hui Liyi without hesitation.Because it is a vow that spans two fates and an obsession that transcends life and time.

Maybe it's because Lu Mingfei still doesn't feel that he has fallen in love with his junior sister.

There are so many fucking choices in this world, choosing between someone you love and someone who loves you.Lu Mingfei didn't know what others would choose, but he would choose the one he loved.

But why.

Lu Mingfei suddenly put his right hand on his chest, where the soul was, and tapped it lightly, and a dull sound came from his chest.My heart is healthy and my cardiopulmonary function is sound, but why does it hurt so much when I make this choice?

Nuonuo noticed Lu Mingfei's strange movements. She raised her eyes and opened her mouth again, but still didn't say anything.In fact, she knew from a long time ago that Lu Mingfei had grown up. He was no longer the bad boy she fished out of the screening room. Today, Lu Mingfei needs to make important decisions in his life. Man, he has to decide for himself where his destiny should go.

"Senior sister, you must have watched the mission report of the Tokyo incident repeatedly before, right? You have also learned about the girl named Eriki Uesugi from many angles." Lu Mingfei said while chewing on the bun.

A trace of astonishment flashed in Nono's red eyes. The mission report of the Tokyo incident was not a secret in Kassel College. Many people were very interested in the incident, so they browsed it repeatedly. Nono was no exception before. .

After returning from Tokyo, Lu Mingfei suffered from severe PTSD, and his personality also underwent tremendous changes. Later, he accepted the transformation of the Nibelungen Plan and struggled in long pain. In just one year, he changed from From the useless dog known to everyone in Kassel Academy, he transformed into the Prince of Kassel who shined on the dragon-slaying battlefield.

Everyone loves this kind of senior brother Lu Mingfei, but everyone also wants to know what kind of changes have brought such changes to Lu Mingfei.However, the description of Lu Mingfei's whereabouts in the mission report was vague. It only vaguely mentioned two people who had been marked in gray. Gray represented death and they had died in the incident.Those two people were Minamoto Child, the second son of the Minamoto family, whose pseudonym was Ruri Kazama, and Eri Uesugi, the head of the Uesugi family of the Jakikihachi family.

People who came back from that city kept Uesugi Eri secret, but they heard that Lu Mingfei suffered from PTSD because of this girl.

Nuonuo had actually heard Lu Mingfei talking about this girl, but it was just a glimpse in his words. He only knew that she was somewhat similar to him. She had never seen the world and was a mafia princess with unstable blood. She There were very few men who were willing to contact him, and Lu Mingfei was the one the little girl trusted the most.They once escaped from Genji Heavy Industries together, walked the streets after the rain in Tokyo, and prayed at Sensoji Temple.But even a miko like Nono, who has super profiling abilities, can hardly piece together a complete girl from these scattered words.

"You mentioned it, and I also know that a lot of what you are doing now is for that girl named Uesugi Erika." There was a bit of stubbornness in Nuo's beautiful crimson eyes, and she suddenly turned her head. Staring into Lu Mingfei's eyes, "But do you really like her that much? You will risk your life for her, and you will even give up Xia Mi for her."

In fact, there is a voice in her heart saying about me, junior brother, will you give up on me for that girl?

Many people say that Nono is an overly arrogant girl, so sharp and always hurting others invisible. Even if she had to do it over again, she would not change much.Because she doesn't care what others think or whether others like her, she has always been a self-centered girl and a very selfish girl.

In the final analysis, it was because she was timid in her heart. In the deepest part of her soul, there was a child who was as cowardly as Lu Mingfei in the past.That's why she wore such hard armor and used an indestructible shell to protect that little, weak child.

Some people may think that Nono is still like a little girl, and sometimes even she may think so herself.But she actually just hopes that there is someone who can tolerate her, forgive her, endure her nonsense, and hold her tight when she is scared.

Once upon a time, Nono really felt that there should be such a person hiding behind the scenes in his life. He could often feel that he was by his side, but he could never be found.

A long time ago, in the Three Gorges Reservoir, when Nono saw death coming again, the sickle came to harvest her life again after taking away her mother's life.

At this moment, that person appeared quietly. His embrace was as warm as a father or an elder brother. His bright eyes reflected anger and majesty, but when he looked at her, he was so gentle, making Nono feel like he was It's like bathing in the spring sunshine.

It felt good, and the taciturn power made Nono feel at ease.

Later, she finally found that person. His ferocious face overlapped with that of Lu Mingfei. His eyes were still golden, and he looked at her very gently.

But that was already the end of fate.

Even if it happened again, it would be irreversible. The god and demon who had always stood behind her now had someone he wanted to protect more, and he could already make a heart-wrenching decision for that person.

Nuonuo looked at Xia Mi today as if she was looking at herself, so she felt a little irritable for no reason.

"I let her down last time. I had a chance to fight with Herzog. As long as I fought hard, I could bring her back. We had a chance to go to South Korea, China or any corner of the world. Just because I made the wrong choice, everything was in vain." Lu Mingfei's voice was indifferent and sad, not like a Chinese, but more like a Russian who drank vodka in the cold wind.

"You know, senior sister, Eriki is also a person who is starting over again. I don't want her to be disappointed anymore. How cruel that is. She is so stupid and so good. She obviously has the power to destroy everything, but she sits quietly in Genji She is waiting for me to take her away in the heavy industry, how can I make her wait come to nothing? I also want to fight for my junior sister, but who should I fight for, the principal? The school board? Or the school board? explain……"

"That's enough." Nuonuo suddenly said coldly.

Her expression was a little angry, stubborn and sad, "Stop defending your choice, Lu Mingfei, no one can influence your heart, you can do whatever you want!"

She yanked the door open and returned to the driver's seat. She looked at Lu Mingfei's eyes through the rearview mirror and felt that they were tired and timid.Nuonuo softened her heart for a moment. She thought about what she was angry about and what right she had to be angry. Chen Motong, Chen Motong, take care of yourself.

But she was angry because she knew that a lonely soul was about to be abandoned, and that soul would be waiting for the arrival of a certain beam of light until it died.

But don't wait, junior sister, don't wait, he won't come, he really won't come...

Nuonuo's eyes suddenly became filled with cruelty.

The roar of the engine was like the roar of a liger. Lu Mingfei staggered back two steps. He looked at Nuonuo with a look of indifference and determination in astonishment, not knowing what he said wrong.

"Lu Mingfei, you said something to me before." The Ferrari made a beautiful flick in front of Lu Mingfei. The next moment it was ready to leave. Nono lowered the window and the silver four-leaf The grass earrings reflected little bits of light, and those eyes had never been colder.

"You said not to do things that will make you regret, and not to make those who love you sad, because although there are few people you love in this world, there will never be many people who love you. You have lost yourself, Then, before the academy has erased everything about her, let’s take a closer look at the place where Jörmungandr once lived when he was Xia Mi.”

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He put down the bun silently, and with his lowered eyes, the Ferrari window slowly rose.

Just as he was about to cover Nono's eyes that were looking straight ahead, "We have been assigned the task. The college has found the Nibelungen hidden in the subway line. They will do it tonight. You can stay away. Stay away." Neither guilt nor sorrow can catch up with you."

The Ferrari left in front of him, leaving only a red shadow piercing the traffic like a blade.

At this time, the phone vibrated, and Lu Mingfei lowered his head to see if Norma had assigned him a task.

No, it was Xia Mi who sent him the message.

"Senior brother, please come to my house for a big dinner tonight. Junior sister will cook it herself."
The central control room of Kassel College is where Norma controls the flow of confidence in the entire world's network. Since the Hunter Market released the mission of "Hunting the Dragon King Fenrir", the school directors authorized the activation of Norma's war personality. EVA conducts comprehensive monitoring of this bounty hunter website that faces the entire mixed race society and the dark side of human society. Any information related to the above tasks will be retrieved within a short period of time and summarized before being sent to the school directors. .

The King of the Earth and Mountains, who was called the Scourge of God by ancient Europeans in history, transformed into Attila the Hun and gathered an unstoppable torrent to almost destroy the entire Western world.

An opponent of this level deserves the Camarilla's full strength, so they did not hesitate to send the most powerful dragon slayers to China.

At the same time, the college also obtained all the information about the post on the hunter website.

The poster's ID is Prince. Everyone who has experienced the ice sea mission ten years ago knows what this ID means.

In the fall of 2001, a mysterious man with the ID of Prince published information on a hunter website that was still in its infancy at the time, suggesting that ancient dragon embryos were hatched in the ice sea, attracting the attention of the academy.At the end of the autumn of the same year, the secret party implemented the Greenland ice and sea plan, but there were major flaws in the plan. Almost all the students and execution department specialists who participated in the dive operation were wiped out, leaving only one survivor. This survivor was the defeated Lu Mingfei. Brother Dog Finger.

Today, the ID named Prince has been silent for nearly ten years. Today, ten years later, he speaks again, immediately stirring up the whirlpool of the entire hybrid world like a giant sperm whale under the ice.

The powerful people of the secret party gathered together, and the central control room was so quiet that the only sounds that could be heard were the sound of the specialists on duty typing on the keyboard and the rustling of the main engine dissipating heat.

A huge bright blue holographic projection appeared in the center of the control room. It was Angers sitting in the driver's seat of a Rolls-Royce, holding a glass of hard liquor with ice in his hand.

The elders began to whisper, but the old man in the air who had been in charge of the secret party for hundreds of years just looked down at all this happening solemnly and silently. "Our expert team has completed the simulation analysis of earthquakes in the entire northern China region in the past ten years, and has made a complete mathematical model based on this. I believe everyone here has noticed that the earthquake was sent directly to your hands. The model of the mailbox is shown. At the same time, our Professor Manstein played an indispensable role in another work. With the help of his words, the college has found and tried to open the place where all geographical activities converge. The country of the dead, that is, the Nibelungen." Angers faced the senators who were not inferior to him in blood in a condescending manner, but no one felt that it was awkward, and even the great Saint George would not light a fire in Angers When he had those brilliant golden eyes, he tried to fight against this old guy.

He is a person who lives by burning hatred as fuel. This kind of person is more dangerous than anyone else, like a liger who is always ready to kill.

"All the evidence shows that the resting place of the King of Earth and Mountain is in BJ. At the final point of that subway line, we found the throne of a monarch who still has nothing. I know." Ange gently shook the wine glass in his hand, and the cold ice cubes swayed in the wine, hitting the inner wall of the glass from time to time and making a crisp sound.

"The execution department is not qualified for the Dragon King-level battlefield. Let Lu Mingfei enter the Nibelungen, and the academy will provide him with support." Frost, who was present among the elders, said sternly.

Frost Gattuso is the actual leader of the Gattuso family, and his brother, who is keen on women, is more like a stallion who reproduces offspring for the family.

When he spoke like this, Frost's eyes also shone with a faint golden brilliance.

In the modern mixed-race world, a large number of powerful mixed-races have emerged. They can become the elders of the secret party or a member of the school board. The adults present judged them based only on their bloodline, and they were at least similar to Caesar and Chu Zihang. A+, like those successors of ancient names that have gone through hundreds of years, is even as good as the S-class in Angers.

Only such excellent bloodline dared to express their opinions when Angers spoke.

"Frost's suggestion is reasonable. For thousands of years, our hunting team has no precedent of fighting the Dragon King head-on. Even the next generation species only have hunting experience in modern times. Send them without experience." To go to such a battlefield would undoubtedly be to send them to their death," said Saint-Georges, an older man than Angers who was said to have been seen on the streets of London in 1830.

If Angers's life is supported by wildfire hatred, then what supports this old man's life today is his bloodline, which is naturally powerful enough to fight with the prince.

"I will enter the country of the dead, but Lu Mingfei will not be absent from this operation. He used the forbidden power in the last battle with Odin, and is still in a weak stage. It is difficult to survive in such a situation. How much help can you provide on the battlefield?" Ange's voice left no room for doubt, as if Lu Mingfei was really seriously injured.

The elders stopped talking.

Today, Angers is the person with the greatest say in the Camarilla, and there are many important people who support him, because many people believe that he can completely end the era of the Dragon Clan.

"We have analyzed your combat power, Angers. You can reach the level of the next generation in a short time at most by using the violent blood technique passed down by the Lion Heart Society for generations, and this power will be restored in no more than 3 minutes. It will fade away. You cannot use the power of the prince to kill a real emperor within 3 minutes. After the duration of the violent blood passes, you will die." Beowulf said coldly, he stood up slowly, and in his golden eyes As if spitting out bloody flames,

"Let me enter the Nibelungs with you. Only the two of us can have a chance to kill him!"

Everyone saluted the old man who got up with eyes full of respect. Even among the ancient Holy Family, Beowulf was an absolutely heroic name. The life of every Beowulf for hundreds of years. They are all epics of overcoming thorns and thorns, and none of the Beowulfs died well. Their Pantheon cannot even enshrine the complete bones of an ancestor.

Ancient families naturally have ancient inheritances. It is obviously unrealistic for dragon slayers before the industrial age to be able to kill creatures more powerful than themselves by relying solely on the swords in their hands. They had the means to sell their souls in exchange for power.

Those methods are all attributed to the road to becoming a god.

Angers hesitated, and now Cadmus also stood up.This taciturn old man, this old man who once helped the child named Lu Mingfei who had no relatives in the Senate and the school board to speak at the core of power, his body is slightly stooped, but the color of his golden eyes is like that of a freighter. Gas lamp.

"These days we are hiding in these mountain buildings because we are worried that some supreme being will tear open the high wall between the world and the realm of the dead and pierce our hearts with a sword. Your lives are still precious, and the Camarilla cannot live without a leader, but I It's different. Every generation of Cadmus' descendants accumulates more and more pus-like dragon blood in their bodies. My body is almost unable to support it. It's time for me to die in a battle of ten thousand armies. Hit, use the blood and bones of the fallen to smash the throne of God." Cadmus' voice became more majestic, and his momentum even overwhelmed Beowulf at this moment.

But Ange suddenly raised his head, and the solemn expression on his face disappeared, replaced by the joy of reuniting with an old friend.

"No, it's not time for you to take action yet, my old friends." Angers raised the glass of strong wine, raised his head and poured it all down his throat. At this moment, the old guy returned to his graceful appearance, Looking around with a slightly frivolous look,
"Those ghosts from the old days, it's time for us to use them," he said.

"You mean those monsters buried under the ice -" Frost was shocked. Even a person like him would be frightened by the so-called ghosts of the old times. When someone talked about the resurrection of the Dragon King around Gattuso The acting head of the family was just silently calculating the profits from killing the emperor, but when Ange mentioned releasing those things, he felt horrified.

"Now is the most critical time. We must strangle the return of the Dragon King in their tombs, strangle them in their coffins, crush their cocoons, and kill them completely. The escape of any monarch means the most critical moment. The ultimate thing is one step closer to returning, this is an undoubted fact." Angers said, "Isn't it that our ancestors transformed themselves into that inhuman and ghostly appearance just to board such a battlefield?"

"The ghosts can unite to sing the praises of the supreme and special Emperor of Word Spirits. This Word Spirit can suppress anything whose bloodline is the Black King. The higher the purity of the bloodline, the stronger the suppression. We can take advantage of this, The monarch will definitely be able to break free from such oppression, but I can kill him before he breaks free!" Angers told his plan in a voice that was almost like a suppressed roar.

"Such an important decision cannot be made just by your words. We must make a careful vote." Dame Elizabeth Laurent lit a lady's cigarette. Smoking was not allowed here, but this time No one cares about this anymore.

No one noticed that Elizabeth's fingers were trembling slightly. She was originally a staunch supporter of the principal on the school board, but the Laurent family's attitude towards this matter was quite firm. Obviously, for her, those who had been hidden by the college were To some extent, the power is even more terrifying and abominable than the awakened Dragon King.

More than a dozen pairs of magnificent golden eyes on the conference table lit up one after another, like torches burning fiercely in the darkness. The golden color even tore through the original lights in the central control room, echoing the silent majesty along the four walls. , for a moment it seemed as if a biting cold current poured into the place, and everyone shuddered.

The ghost in Angers' mouth is one of the biggest secrets of the Camarilla so far. It is the last strength that the leaders of the Camarilla in the past have reserved for future generations to deal with the final battle.

The so-called final battle, of course, refers to the wave of destruction set off by the Black King Nidhogg, the most virtuous and powerful man who sat on the throne at the end of history and controlled everything with his destiny, when he returned from death.

That will be the end of all eras. The old gods will fall and people will die. The Black King will kill all the rebels and then rebuild a new kingdom on the ruins.

The first person to raise his right hand to express approval was Siegfried, who had never spoken before, followed closely by Frost, and the third person was actually the still young Miss Charlotte, who used to occasionally speak at meetings. The butler who was giving advice in a low voice lowered his head and did not dare to exchange eyes with any of the elders. At the banquet between the king and the king, the hound could only wait with his head lowered, and then came the fourth...the fifth...

No one spoke, and no one exchanged glances. Everyone had weighed the pros and cons before making a choice. At this moment, they were just wielding the sword of power in their hands to leave unforgettable sword marks on that battlefield.

Finally, eight hands were raised, each hand wearing a thick bronze ring on the index finger or thumb, with the ancient family crest engraved on the ring.

Except for the night watchman who had been pretending not to participate in the meeting and Elizabeth who was extremely resistant to releasing the ghosts of the old times, all the participants voted in favor.

"I respect your choice." Elizabeth trembled slightly and exhaled a mouthful of white smoke. Her eyes shone with a strong golden light in the smoke. Everyone looked at Elizabeth, but in the dead silence, this person was so bright that she was even far away from the legend. The young woman in the middle of Cleopatra stood up and walked out.

The door suddenly opened in front of her. EVA was in charge of every institution in the academy. She opened the door to leave the central control room for Miss Laurent like the most considerate secretary.

But Elizabeth stopped at the door. "May God forgive our sins, my brothers," she said softly, and then walked away.

The door slowly closed again.

"If there really is a God, then let him put the sin of opening the door to hell on my head." Angers clapped his hands, "One minute ago, the ghosts had already boarded the plane from Chicago International Airport. The war will start in twenty hours, I wish we can still triumph."

 It seems that there are about four to six chapters left to end the plot of Long Er, but it doesn't matter, you can't rush to write a story.

  I don’t want to be personally attacked, so I’m going to spoil the story. If you don’t want to read spoilers, please don’t read the following content. .











  First of all, Xia Mi will not be knifed.Then, the principal did all this for a purpose. Don’t forget that the King of Sky and Wind resides in his body. Angers is equivalent to having a weakened version of the little devil, and he is a weakened version of the little devil who knows Jörmungandr very well. .Then, the previous Knotaton had a question about whether there was a relationship between people and dragons. The principal gave a positive answer. Interested students could read it by themselves.Finally, it is very important. These chapters are a very important turning point for the opening of the harem later. Xiaolu must be able to accept this matter, and Xia Mi and Nuonuo must be able to accept this matter. There must be a growth process.

(End of this chapter)

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