Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 143 142 Miss Xia Mi’s Final Strategy

Chapter 143 142. Miss Xia Mi’s final strategy (5)

The evil ghosts have been silent in the darkness for too long. In those long years, they have only endless loneliness to accompany them. They have forgotten their hope, their ideals, and even their fear. At this moment, they actually want to kill God.

The immortals looked up to the sky and roared, and the golden dragon eyes burst out with fierce light like ancient lamps.The blood of the Dragon King taken from Norton is such a precious alchemical elixir. In the hundreds of years after the rise of alchemy, hybrids have never obtained the blood of the Dragon King, let alone a supreme-level Dragon King like Norton. The powerful blood pumped out of the body.

Their body surfaces were completely covered with iron-green scales, and a dull luster flowed over these metal-hard monsters. Dozens of pairs of huge wings flapped, slowly lifting them up and taking them away from the ground.Each immortal has his arms folded, like a suspended iron-green cross. His face is rugged and his eyes are blazing. He is both divine and evil, ferocious and beautiful.

The monsters under the ice are not afraid of the poisonous corrosion of the Dragon King's blood. They just scream in pain and are ecstatic because of the power surging in their bodies. They are just like the human form of real pure-blooded dragons. The body was as powerful as a dragon-shaped Deadpool, but deep in his throat he was reciting Gu'ao's words in a hissing voice.

The mouth of the immortal opened and closed in an astonishing way, like the mouthparts of a giant python, which seemed to be able to stuff a calf. Dozens of hoarse chants sounded chaotically, and then the rhythm and rhythm came together in an indescribable way. Under the control of competing wills, they converged, like chatting and laughing believers who suddenly walked into the ancient temple. The monks opened the long-sealed scriptures in front of them, and the old Buddha, who looked like he was about to die, guided them. Let’s recite scriptures from this ancient time together.

Like a violent wave, the power of the word spirit surged towards Xia Mi in waves. Her body was shaking violently, her bones were slender and ferocious, and she was as beautiful as an angel who had fallen into hell.

She could already hear the crackling sound of electricity in the air again, which meant that Odin's Nibelungs were briefly merging with this place. The process of fusion started from the end of the tunnel behind the girl and extended along an iron dragon-like track.

What does that god want to do?
he thinks……

Eat me and Fenrir.

Xia Mi gritted her silver teeth tightly, and the sickle of death swayed with a sharp arc, and the power of Yanling was about to be cut apart.

There were brass bullet casings all over the floor, and some of the bullet casings even had faint flames floating in them, and the cinders looked shadowy in the swaying flames.

The chants of the immortals were not interrupted by Jormungandr's anger, but became sharper, from hoarse to high-pitched, and finally became a bell-like roar!
Every note they spit out is like thunder descending, returning to the world with its majesty from the source of history across time, space and destiny.

The Yanling who once exerted power in the era of dragons was not only able to awaken the dusty dragon blood in the hybrids and allow them to enter spiritual vision. He was also not only able to suppress pure-blooded dragons and make the kings who held the throne high in the sky kneel down.

It can actually stir the elements in the Nibelung roots, making these conceptually dead elements become manic.

The air was shaking violently at this moment, and Xia Mi could feel that there was some kind of cold air current that was as sharp as a blade, sweeping through it, and spinning at high speed like a whirlpool.

The bronze powder dropped by the burned weasels on the ground was blown up by the violent wind, like a sandstorm sweeping through the tunnel.

Xia Mi’s understanding of the Immortals is not complete. She was truly active before the Middle Ages. At that time, the Persian Empire and its Immortal Legion had been destroyed, and the technology of the Immortals had not yet been discovered and rediscovered by the Camarilla. Enable.But now she knew how dangerous this enemy was. Their eyes were filled with fear and fear, exuding the majesty of bronze and fire, which meant that these immortals had absorbed Norton's blood not long ago.

They jointly use the word spirit called the emperor, which means that their brains have not completely degenerated, and they can even use their own word spirits. If such power appeared on the battlefield with dragons in ancient times, it would be very powerful for species below the third generation. For the dragons, it is a crushing destruction and death. Only the prince-level pure-blood dragons can stand firm in front of the blade of the Immortal Legion.

Listening to the ancient and majestic words, Xia Mi seemed to be able to see the throne belonging to a certain black supreme standing on the other side of destiny when he raised his eyes. The unforgettable hatred pierced the girl's heart like a sword.

Xia Mi slowly raised his head, anger burst out from the face that could be said to be a disaster for the country and the people. There was so much hatred and hatred pouring out of the golden pupils, like the tide in a violent storm.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" The girl's scream was as sharp as a sword. She was contending with the "Emperor". With her king's body, Xia Mi's golden eyes became more and more fiery, and her facial bones seemed to be cracking. She made a noise, but in the end she did not transform into a female dragon. It seemed that she did not want to completely transform into a dragon. Until now, she still retained the characteristics of a human girl.

Probably because she didn't want someone not to recognize her when they arrived.

"You despicable people, how dare you usurp the supreme authority!" The girl's voice became increasingly louder and angrier, and the sickle turned into a roaring dragon that wanted to devour everything in sight.

The titles of the four kings are only inferior to those of the Supreme, and if we count all the history of the Dragon Clan, the number of Supremes will not exceed three.When she roared angrily, the shadow of the majestic dragon that penetrated the world appeared behind her, crawling like a giant python that could surround the world.

The majesty of the king cannot be overstepped. When Xia Mi roared, the immortals were immediately counterattacked. The shadow of the snake in the atrium stood tall and roared condescendingly at them from a spiritual level. Those roars seemed to be pressed down from the clouds, overwhelming all The immortal's knees creaked, and only by surrendering and kneeling could the bones be prevented from breaking.

The Yanling hidden in her roar is an extremely high-risk "royal power" among the kings of the earth and mountains.

All people or dragons targeted by this word spirit will have ten times or even dozens of times of their own weight of pressure exerted on their entire bodies. Only by kneeling down, burying their heads in the soil, and facing the releaser of the word spirit in a surrendered posture can the spine be avoided. The result is a broken cervical vertebrae.

What a proud girl Xia Mi is. She and her brothers once joined forces to kill Nidhogg, but now they still want to use "royal power" to fight against the "emperor"!
Today, thousands of years have passed, but the shadow of the Black King is still spreading in the dark side of the world. The sleeping monarchs and the princes who have hidden themselves in human society will still remember that towering figure. It is simply Like a mountain, it suppresses despair above the heads of all lives.

Huge force was exerted on the body, and the ghost suspended in mid-air suddenly stagnated downwards. The bone density and muscle density of the immortals were already extremely high. When they broke free from the ice, they weighed one hundred kilograms. Weight: After being injected with Norton's blood, he violently transformed into a dragon. His single weight exceeded [-] kilograms.

The power of royal power prompted them to bow their heads.

The suspended evil spirits fell to the ground, their spines and cervical vertebrae making a cracking sound, and they all fell to the ground after standing for a few seconds.

This is really weird but solemn, as if hordes of demons are meeting the devil named Satan in hell.The immortals were prostrate among the broken cinders. The cinders collided with the bones as hard as bronze and were crushed into powder. The crackling sound was heard everywhere.

But although the ghosts could hardly lift their heads, they still chanted high-pitched words at the top of their lungs with their almost deformed vocal cords!
They were sinking into the cinders inch by inch, blood and broken bones bursting out. The realm of royal power was still expanding under Xia Mi's control, but suddenly the boundaries of that realm rippled.

Xia Mi's eyes widened.

The oppression of the spirit spirit chanted by the immortals suddenly strengthened on her, the realm of royal power was immediately compressed, and the pressure of gods from the sky on evil spirits was suddenly reduced at this moment.

The eyes of the immortals who were pressed into the cinders were bright, and the backflow of blood made those golden pupils filled with sudden bloodshot eyes. They roared excitedly and twisted violently. The flesh and blood of each immortal was injured, revealing those that showed a dark golden color. skeleton.

It was really horrifying, so horrifying that it reminded people of groups of dead bones pushing open coffins and digging out of the soil of the cemetery. The smell of blood and decay was blown by the wind and hit your face.

The monsters' bones creaked and they slowly stood up in a horrified posture. Their spines and necks twisted in weird ways, and then the muscles on their backs bulged high like towering mountains, with broken wing bones. They grew again, and the original wing bones were broken and removed by their hands, and some were even used as swords.

Then, the membrane on the wing bones quickly regenerated, and dozens of pairs of wings started to flap again. The hurricane was set off. Those wings flapped faster and with greater power. The bronze dust was swept away by waves of strong winds. Xia Mi Suddenly he realized that his power was being suppressed by the emperor, and had been suppressed to the limit.

She was not known for her powerful power among the kings, and now she was suppressed by Emperor Yan Ling. In addition, Xia Mi at this moment was not even a larva of Jörmungandr, and was at most half-awakened. The body, the control over the elements was suppressed to the bottom, and the royal power could not even completely suppress the fighting spirit of the immortals.

Xia Mi's actions not only did not interrupt the emperor, but also made the evil spirits who woke up from the darkness surprisingly realize how weak the gods in front of them were.

Unrepressible low roars erupted from their throats, and the flames in the golden dragon eyes almost turned into substance and spewed out. Hundreds of immortals chanted high-pitched words while flapping their membrane wings from front to back, left to right, and even The top of his head completely surrounded Xia Mi.

This is the place of death for the Dragon King, and the dragnet has been set.

For a moment, Xia Mi felt that she had no retreat. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was still afraid of Nidhogg in her bones. Even the word spirit called the Emperor could exert extreme suppression on her.The iron-colored sickle was still waving, but the arc light was getting fainter.

The ghosts knew very well what they were hunting. It was the ultimate predator, the being standing at the top of the food chain pyramid. If it weren't for the supreme spirit of words being recited at this moment, they would even be angry. In this state, the royal power used by Xia Mi was crushed into powder.

So the distorted monsters just roared and revolved around Xia Mi, their eyes stretched out long and narrow tails of light in the air full of bronze dust, and the high-pitched words and spirits being recited in their mouths were staring at a certain Xia Mi. Go away from the node that you will be afraid of.

The membrane wings of the immortal flapped like a flock of vultures, waiting for the dying tigress.

The whistle and the sound of gas leakage suddenly became more harsh, and the silver mist formed by mercury vapor filled the space again, and Xia Mi's face became ugly.

In this state, it is difficult for her to resist the erosion of mercury. If she does not find a way to leave immediately or return to Fenrir, Xia Mi will not be killed by these despicable immortals, but she will definitely be killed by others. Things as prey.

She has felt that the two powerful beings have completely arrived here, and this Nibelung root is no longer safe. Only she and Fenrir can deal with multiple gods.

The blood in the girl's body seemed to be boiling, and the surface of her body was covered with dense scales, but these scales failed to tear the dress into pieces.

The scythe suddenly extended, and the weapon seemed to come to life, sweeping across the demon in the sky.

But when it touched something, it shattered and turned into metallic light spots all over the sky. Xia Mi's pupils shrank, and she realized what it was. The weapon regrouped in an instant, and then slashed down again.

The sound of breaking glass sounded. This time she successfully cut off an immortal. He was cut crosswise from the waist, and the thick black blood was like spilled oil.

But that's all. Bo's full blow could only cause this kind of damage.

The golden air wall gradually appeared outside the area originally supported by Xia Mi. Violent ripples appeared where the sickle struck, but they were healed instantly.

That is the realm of words and spirits.The emperor's domain!
Xia Mi felt like a demon being held under a huge copper bell at this moment, surrounded by towering monks with ferocious faces, while chanting mantras to suppress demons loudly!
The Dragon King Jörmungandr has no way to escape!
She was fighting alone in a desperate situation with no one to help her. The fate of abandoning her family was so sad, she lived alone and died alone.

The immortals roared collectively. The domain built by hundreds of immortals was indestructible. Even the real Dragon King could not break through the emperor's pressure. They were even more excited, that great god, that great god!She is going to be killed by them!

The roaring voices of countless dragons began to resonate ferociously, and the elements in the entire Nibelung root were being stirred up into a frenzy, like an unstoppable tide. All the immortals began to chant their own words at this moment, so There have only been a handful of times in history where a dense group of high-level hybrids used the Word Spirit at the same time. Each time, they tried to turn the tide and thwart the recovery of the prince or even the monarch. Today they are going to create new history.

The last batch of Immortals will bring this weapon to a perfect end.

"Your technology has become so advanced now that you have even invaded the king's domain and made so many deployments here." Xia Mi sighed softly, "The age of dragons has passed. My brothers don't know In this matter, some of them are still trying to regain their former glory, but the glory of the abandoned clan is nothing more than a deserted throne in the wilderness."

She held the huge scythe upside down and stood quietly in the center of the light and fire. The shadow of the scythe and the girl's shadow fell on the cinder-covered ground, swaying like tulips in the wind.

The girl's skin was fair and beautiful. She tied her long hair back into a high ponytail with one hand. The strap was just a black rubber band wrapped around her wrist. For a moment, she looked like a kendo character in Japanese anime. The girl stands gracefully, graceful and graceful.

I don’t know when the pair of slippers were thrown away. Xia Mi was now standing barefoot on the hot cinders. His crystal toes and slender white ankles were actually stained with bright red blood. The cinders were still hot. Xia Mi’s feet were unknown. It was burned, with dark cinders as the base, and the intertwined colors of red and white were as soft as fabric, so gorgeous that it almost pierced the eyes of the immortals.

Her stunning dragon eyes were still burning brightly, reflecting the firelight in the cage-like realm, like a layer of faint clouds flying across the shadow of her pupils.

Xia Mi lifted her bangs from her forehead and suddenly made a very strange move. She touched the small bag that was still hanging on her left arm, with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

The sadness in those eyes was too strong, like the throne of mountains and rivers.

"Principal? Or school directors? There must be some secret party leaders watching here, right?" Xia Mi asked softly. She looked around silently, and the sickle dropped bright droplets, which were high-heat metal. The liquid droplets fell on the cinders, immediately igniting the coal that had not yet cooled down, and burning a small flame.

"Where is your real winner? If you want to challenge the majesty of the king just by relying on such half-human and half-dragon things, that is a foolish act." Although she was in desperate situation, she still held her head up proudly, the emperor's The power of the Dragon King in the realm is also rapidly passing away, but Xia Mi is trying to resist this realm. She and her brothers are very good at doing this kind of thing. They were originally rebellious people who had rebelled and even killed the emperor.

But it would take some time, and it would take some time for her to temporarily stop the effect of this speaking spirit from taking effect on herself.

Unfortunately, what she lacks most now is time.

Xia Mi could already feel the slowly approaching murderous intent behind him. It was a malicious intent that was as turbulent as a sandstorm. It was not concealed or hidden at all. It was just walking on the track like an iron dragon in a majestic manner. The god and his horse were approaching. Behind him were thousands of troops.

The war between the Dragon King and the Dragon King is like this. They invade the other side's Nibelung roots, kill them all, destroy all the life in the Nibelung roots, and completely swallow up the power of the other king.

Until now, Xia Mi still hasn't given up. As long as she can get to Fenrir's side, even Odin can't do anything to her. Unless the real Supreme comes, probably only the first born among the eight kings can do it. In terms of power, it suppresses Fenrir, a giant first-generation species that does not even have a human form.

However, there is still only a high-pitched hissing chant echoing in the air. The elements are being disturbed. The entire Nibelung seems to be trembling. It even has to draw matter from the real world to maintain the balance of existence. The cirrus clouds outside are low and thick. The dark clouds are like devil's horns reaching from the sky to the ground, with purple and white thunder and lightning roaring fiercely in them.

Every immortal was a high-level hybrid species with extremely pure bloodline during their lifetime. Their speaking spirits were dangerous even on the dragon-slaying battlefield, and some even destroyed the lives of ancient dragons from the front.

Now these words and spirits will undoubtedly be used on Jormungandr.

But no one from all directions responded to Xia Mi's question. She sighed heavily, and then slowly bowed her waist. Her whole body was filled with a glow like fireflies, and her heartbeat was ten times stronger than before. It was like a raging war drum. Ming, the girl's body grew visibly to the naked eye. She became taller and more beautiful, with a slender waist and long legs, and her breasts were also much larger. Her beautiful body contained the power to break rocks.

Then the girl looked up again. The fine white scales started from the tip of her nose and the corners of her eyes and grew like inflorescences all over her body.There was a roar in her body, and she almost obtained a complete dragon body when her bones bit together.

The immortals in front of them didn't even see what happened, and the sickle was waved again. This time the wave of the sickle was reminiscent of the arrival of a meteorite. The power of annihilation would completely destroy them from the material level!

The fact is indeed the case. Xia Mi released his Dragon King's heart, completely released it. The power of Jörmungandr surged in her body. Although the emperor's word spirit was still suppressing her, even so, a king killed the reptile. It doesn't take much time.

More than ten immortals were annihilated in one attack, and their flesh and bones disappeared from the world.

"You don't understand the power of the king at all." Xia Mi's voice was clear and clear, and the majesty in his eyes spread uncontrollably. The riot of elements stopped for a moment, and the realm shaped by the emperor's spirit also dimmed a little at this moment.

She raised the sickle again, but a huge shock appeared on that charming and solemn face.

The girl turned around fiercely, her white skirt was torn to pieces by scales, her body was slender but full of strength, her muscles were tense at this moment, and the shadow of the earthly python reappeared behind her.

The slow, heavy sound of horse hooves sounded at the end of the dark tunnel. It was so clear that it seemed to be ringing directly in the ears. Every step the horse took was shaking the foundation of the Nibelung's existence. Fenrir's voice was finally heard in another place. An angry roar came from the end of the tunnel.

All the immortals fell slowly. They restrained their rude eyes and knelt down on one knee in the hot cinders, as if they were meeting some great monarch.

The raised bronze dust was blown away by the sudden strong wind. In the darkness, there was actually a mirror huge enough to fill the entire tunnel section. There was a faint sound of thunder from inside, and the strong wind brought drizzle out, drop by drop. It fell on the cinders everywhere, making the sound of water vapor evaporating.The rain in the mirror became heavier and heavier, and finally the rain curtain cut diagonally into the subway.

The place was suddenly lit up with a brilliant light, as if a god was coming!Faintly visible in the rain curtain is a long road that seems to reach the sky!
There are ancient candles on the roadside. The candles are lit one after another, swaying in the strong wind, like the ancient road leading the dead. At the end of the ancient road, there is a knight standing quietly, seemingly upright, standing in the heavy rain. , but the bright light on his body is enough to illuminate two worlds!
"Odin..." Xia Mi's eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, a large group of black shadows stood up slowly beside Odin, and the rotten atmosphere hit his face with the violent storm. They were the heroic spirits that Odin summoned for Ragnarok. Each one of them held a rusty weapon and held a weapon. His hands were dry and pale, with sharp claws. Pairs of emotionless and violent golden eyes lit up in the darkness, and the pupils were like flickering flames.

Sure enough, God came to Xia Mi with thousands of troops.

The eight-legged horse Sleipnir carried Odin on a long road. Everywhere he passed, a candle was extinguished until the world in the mirror finally turned dark.

There was a sound of something breaking the glass, and the brilliant gold finally tore the barrier between the two worlds. Odin and his army stepped firmly on the railroad tracks not far in front of Xia Mi.

Something was thrown out by the god, and it landed in front of the girl. Xia Mi's pupils shrank slightly.

It’s actually... Angers!
That iron-blooded dragon slayer, that most powerful dragon-slaying hero, all the bones in his body were broken, but his eyes were still bright, with the flames of hatred jumping in them!

"It's you! It's you! You too!" The old man's voice was hoarse, and he was still coughing up blood as he spoke.

But Xia Mi slapped the old guy in the face, spat lightly, and the golden dragon blood was spat on Ange's chest, "So what if it's me? Aren't we grasshoppers on the same rope now?" Really? Besides, old guy, are the things in your academy reliable? Those monsters are worshiping Odin!" Xia Mi scolded condescendingly.

Angers couldn't say anything, but seemed to still be immersed in the horror of discovering the secret that Xia Mi was actually Jormungandr.

But Xia Mi's expression became even more ugly in the next second.

Obviously the opponent was well prepared. Odin was also quite powerful in the human world, and he actually quietly controlled the Immortal Legion, which the Camarilla considered as their secret weapon!
Now she is being attacked from both sides. The opponent's lineup is Odin who was almost in his prime, countless Deadpools, and dozens of immortals. But on her side...

Xia Mi glanced down at Hilbert Jean-Ange, who was lying on the ground unable to move due to broken bones all over his body. He put his forehead on his hands and sighed helplessly. It was already annoying for her to break out of the encirclement alone, but now she had to bring someone with her. Drag the oil bottle.

She looked at Odin in front of her like a vigilant lioness, as if she wanted to say something else, but the god was silent, and the murderous intention was quietly approaching.

In the dark tunnel, golden fireworks exploded behind Odin. The fireworks were so gorgeous and dazzling that even Xia Mi was distracted for a moment.The fireworks then turned into a stream of golden light, like countless shooting stars, and in each golden light was a twisted branch-like spear.

The sickle buzzed and trembled. Those spears were not the holy spears of destiny, but they were also dangerous ancient alchemical weapons, creations of the king.The huge realm of words and spirits reopened in front of Xia Mi, but it was not for offense, but for defense. Odin was a powerful first-generation species. Today, Xia Mi was no match for him, so he could only make this choice.

But the air wall shattered like paper. The sickle only blocked those weird spears for a second and then completely collapsed. But all the spears disappeared when they came to the girl. The most core one is left!
There was a trace of despair on Xia Mi's face.

The spirit of death was approaching, and the spear was about to penetrate the girl's heart, but a thunderous explosion sounded from the depths of the tunnel!

It was a gunshot!
The speed of the bullet was far faster than the speed of sound, so when they heard the gunshot, the bullet was already close to them. A mercury core alchemy armor-piercing bullet accurately hit the tip of the spear, although it was not enough to destroy it or completely He knocked it away, but it missed its target and was violently thrown into the cinders on the side. The handle of the gun remained only a few dozen centimeters on the ground, trembling and buzzing fiercely.

 First of all, listen to my quibble. I have indeed finished writing this stage of content today, but if it were published in full, it would be about [-] words. It would be too long, and I couldn’t read it myself, so I divided it into two chapters. There is another chapter to be posted tomorrow.

  Then there is the third line of the dragon. I am planning to write a person to death, but I haven’t decided who that person is yet. The death of this person will make Lu Mingfei grow a lot.

  Finally, today’s orders are all 762, and the distance is 238.

(End of this chapter)

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