Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 158 157 "I miss you"

Chapter 158 157. "I miss you"

"So our mission is actually divided into three parts. The first part is to cooperate with the academy to blow up the dragon embryo under the Japanese Trench. The second part is to conduct daily study, and the third part is..." Lu Mingfei carried large and small bags. Walking at the back were the shopping bags, followed by Caesar and Chu Zihang who were also carrying large and small bags.
"Suppress the eight Sheqi families?"

"You can't use the title 'we' because you are the only one who has been assigned the last task. Chu Zihang and I are only responsible for cooperating. It is entirely up to you to decide what to do." Caesar said, and the waiters at the Peninsula Hotel were separated from each other. From a distance, I saw the distinguished guest who was obviously making a big purchase outside. He trotted out to welcome him, shouting Smith Marseille, while he bowed repeatedly as if he was really ashamed and took the bags from the three people.

When leaving earlier today, manager Akiko Morigami said that if she needed to shop, she could ask the hotel to arrange for a waiter to help pick up the items. At this time, when the distinguished guest did not do so, the waiters actually thought it was their fault.

"The college arranged for our group to come to Japan. There should be a designated team leader, right?" Lu Mingfei handed the shopping bag to the waiter, stretched his arms, and watched the mottled light spots at dusk shine through the branches and leaves of the ornamental tree. The side of his face was bright and dim, forcing him to stretch out a palm to block the slightly dazzling sunlight.

This is a rare good weather in the rainy season. The dark clouds temporarily dispersed and the sun warmed the city again, but even bigger dark clouds were gathering at the edge of the city and slowly advancing towards Shinjuku District.

Lu Mingfei could vaguely sense that there was some kind of huge conspiracy slowly approaching him and his trip to Japan like dark clouds over the city.

He knew exactly where this strange feeling came from. Lu Mingfei was originally a person who had experienced two periods of time and space. In a sense, he could understand destiny.

If destiny is, as people say, an everlasting river, then from now on this long river has had tributaries without the intervention of Lu Mingfei, the only prophet.

Lu Mingfei clearly remembered that his last trip to Japan took place at the beginning of his junior year of college, so according to the time, it would be the second half of next year. Based on this, the college found that the heartbeats of dragon embryos at the bottom of the Japanese Trench also It should be next year, not this rainy July of 2010.

This feeling is very bad. The development of the situation is beyond Lu Mingfei's control.Although everything that happened this time has changed a lot, most of those changes were related to Lu Mingfei, Nono, and Eryi. , they were originally travelers returning from the end of destiny, so it is not surprising that they can stir up whirlpools in the long river.

But Lu Mingfei could confirm that neither he nor his senior sister had the ability to prompt the college to discover embryos in advance.

Someone is sparing no effort to encourage Lu Mingfei to encounter the resurgence of the White King during his trip to Japan. This makes him involuntarily think of the organization standing behind the boar Neo and Herzog. What they covet is the power of the Black King.

But why do you want to make all this happen?

Lu Mingfei had no clue at all.

When a gust of wind blows, the leaves of those trees sway, turning the mottled light spots into shadows.

Lu Mingfei slowly moved his shoulders and neck.Looking up from here, you can see the black crystal building standing among many gray buildings. There is Genji Heavy Industries. He seemed to be looking at Eriyi from a long distance at this moment.

Lu Mingfei then smiled silently.

This long and bumpy road is coming to an end. Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, he will not be afraid with the sword in his hand.

Desperados who are not even afraid of death, what conspiracy are they afraid of?

Just right.Lu Mingfei thought to himself.No matter what is going on behind the scenes, by now you should be slowly showing up, right?Let me see if I can chop your head off!

Boss Lu has always been a madman. He often hides his eyes so that he can hide his sharpness and fatigue, and he is often as harmless as a little white rabbit.But when he makes up his mind to do something, he must do it. At this time, he will completely tear apart his disguise, as ferocious as a roaring tiger in the forest.

All their thoughts were in a flash. They had not even entered the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo. At this time, Caesar, who was walking in front with Chu Zihang, suddenly turned his head. Young Master Gattuso's face was obviously quite unwilling. with anger.

"The leader of the action team is Chu Zihang." He said, and Lu Mingfei immediately understood where the unwillingness and resentment came from.Before he entered Kassel College, Caesar and Chu Zihang were tit-for-tat competitors, and they would never give in on almost anything. This was the case even when Lu Mingfei entered the school and became a member of the Free Class. Hidashi defeated the Student Council and the Lionheart Club from the front, but there was only a slight relief.

Even a proud person like Caesar has never thought of considering Lu Mingfei as his potential opponent. The strength gap caused by blood level is so big that they can hardly rise enough to compete with Lu Mingfei on the same stage. idea.

But as veteran stars of the academy, Caesar and Chu Zihang still made the same choice when dealing with Lu Mingfei.

Their personal relationship as well as the bilateral relationship between the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union quickly heated up after Lu Mingfei founded the Dragon Blood Society, quite like the posture of Sun Liu fighting against Cao in the Three Kingdoms.

However, these two still disagree with each other, and they rarely distinguish between priorities when performing tasks together.

However, according to the college's practice, in the past, for long-lasting student actions like this, the oldest person in the group would usually be designated as the group leader, and it was rare for a lower grade student to direct the action.This is obviously because senior students have more experience in performing tasks, are more mentally mature, and can better deal with emergencies.

"Because we are a study group in name, and our mission in Japan is to further our studies, so the group leader needs to be the person with the highest GPA and the best grades in the group." Chu Zihang also turned around and said.

Lu Mingfei showed an expression of sudden realization.Caesar was a man of many virtues, he was rich in money, and very generous. He often donated his money at the end of the month to help those junior students who couldn't find the blame to tide over difficulties. He was bold and had a leadership temperament. He had the largest number of fans in the academy, and there were even more under his command. A whole dance troupe of beautiful girls who can dance ballet.

But as mentioned before, in sharp contrast to Caesar's various advantages are the scores of previous student union presidents that are as crumbly as if they had been gnawed by dogs.

This guy's theoretical class scores have always been at the bottom in the academy. Thanks to the fact that he usually gets the highest marks in practical classes, he can barely keep his A-level evaluation.

As for Lu Mingfei, his grades were pretty good, and professors in various subjects were willing to be lenient with him in the exams, so he was barely in the top ten.But compared with humanoid examination machines like Chu Zihang, it is naturally inferior.

"Although he is the team leader, we have a high degree of autonomy and can ignore things like the team leader." Caesar said seriously.

Lu Mingfei held his forehead, feeling a little helpless to complain.

Tatami mats have been set up in the exclusive restaurant. Since the Tokyo Peninsula Hotel is the property of the Sheqihachi family, it is natural to find good guests from the headquarters for the Sheqihachi family, so everything is of the highest standard.

There is a long table in front of the tatami. Originally, according to Miss Sakura's arrangement, tonight's main course was supposed to be a deep-sea bluefin tuna weighing more than 150 kilograms. However, because Lu Mingfei said he didn't like the texture and taste of tuna, he changed it to the one from tuna. The A5 grade Wagyu beef shipped by air from Hokkaido, the whole piece of beef hind leg is placed on the rockery tray and placed on the long table. The ice cubes raise white mist, flowing along the lines of the beef hind leg, leading the chef The chef of the hat used a short-edged wooden handle kitchen knife to cut the beef shank into pieces. The meat was as red as jade and the texture was very attractive.

As for the cooking method of the staple food, Caesar chose charcoal grilling, and the sizzling sound of the oil being heated soon sounded. On the small table in front of everyone were dishes such as teriyaki puffer fish, lobster sashimi, teriyaki octopus and iron Pork bone and meat, and the wine bottle is filled with chilled Kurolong sake.

Obviously, the one who can be appointed by the Sheqi Eight Family to provide services for the commissioners sent by the headquarters must be the executive chef specially provided by the family. He is very good at knife skills and mastering the heat. However, Lu Mingfei didn't taste much difference. Chu Zihang didn't care much about eating, but Caesar nodded frequently.

The young master of the Gattuso family must be top-notch no matter what, but even Caesar, who has enjoyed top-notch service for 20 years, was satisfied with today's dinner.

During this period of time, none of the three of them had been to Japan. Yuan Zhisheng probably knew this, so he did not arrange an itinerary for them on the first day. He only provided them with almost unlimited bank card supplementary cards, and also There is a very attentive service to help carry things.

Lu Mingfei had originally intended to go to Akihabara, but thinking about it, he hadn't done so in many years, and now he really couldn't be more interested in those virtual things, so he was just a long way away. I waited and watched for a while, took a photo with Mikuru Asahina cosplayer who was passing by on the street, and then bought it for my junior sister in an electronics store. SONY released its first interchangeable lens mirrorless camera NEX-5C in May. The jewelry store bought a thin silver bracelet for Nono. It was a very delicate chain made of sterling silver. There was a swaying silver four-leaf clover hanging at the joint. Lu Mingfei saw it at a glance and felt that it was different from the senior sister's pair of four-leaf clovers. The leaf and grass earrings matched well, so I bought them.

Chu Zihang bought a Kansai iron teapot like last time, and went into the jewelry store with Lu Mingfei to help Su Qian choose a gift. Unfortunately, neither Lu Mingfei nor Caesar could see what it was. Chu Zihang Zihang also carried it with him all the time so as not to give these two guys a chance to peek.

Caesar's words... Young Master Gattuso has always been known for his generosity. He bought porcelain for everyone in the student union, almost as much as a whole van, and planned to send it back directly by air. As for himself, he bought a The newly released game console is probably just for collection, which means that he has already been here.

"According to the itinerary given to us by the Japanese branch, we will visit their headquarters in Tokyo tomorrow morning, Genji Heavy Industries, and in the afternoon we will meet with the branch and the powerful leaders of the Snakesaki Eight Families. We will probably be polite and then everyone will go their separate ways. After the party, we will visit the family shrine and the Rockflow Research Institute later in the evening, and finally have dinner with several heads of the Snakezaki Eight Family." The three people put the small tables together, and the three heads were also pressed together to steal. Whisper.

As the team leader, Chu Zihang has naturally received the itinerary sent by Kaguya. If he receives it, it means that Caesar and Lu Mingfei have received it.

"It seems that the schedule is very full. Doesn't the Japanese branch hope that we can spare time to do other things?" Caesar judged others by himself and immediately made a bad association.

"Perhaps you are judging a gentleman with a villain's heart." Chu Zihang did not forget to quarrel with Caesar.

"Even if I guess wrong, I will judge the villain with a gentleman's heart." Caesar was not to be outdone.

Chu Zihang was speechless and could only continue to look down silently.

In short, the next week will be very busy. Even the Snakesaki Hachi family actually arranged a learning task for this study group, mainly the research and development and application of ancient Japanese alchemy gear technology, and the research specialists dispatched by the Yanliu Research Institute. They do special tutoring.

"We will go to Genji Heavy Industries tomorrow and we will work together to find out if there are any dangerous secrets hidden in that building that cannot be told to the academy." Lu Mingfei said.

He knew that Chu Zihang and Caesar were also thinking about this matter. He thought that the principal must have met with them alone before coming to Japan and talked about the ferocity and ambition of the Snakesaki family. The tasks assigned may also include In order to explore such an important base as Genji Heavy Industries.

Although Neo the Boar did not provide much useful intelligence after being captured, Cassel Academy is definitely the most rigorous secret service organization in the world. Through clues and the recovery of destroyed evidence, they found out a lot of things step by step, including even It may include where the mixed-race Americans who were trafficked to Japan probably went.

Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other, then looked at Lu Mingfei and nodded at the same time. "It's a bit difficult. Someone will definitely accompany you all the way tomorrow. We can first take a look around to see if there are some hidden secret doors in that building that are not easy to detect. We can then investigate after the Japanese branch relaxes its vigilance against us." Chu Zihang said .

"What he said makes sense. After all, the Snakesaki Hachi family is an organization that has governed the shadow world on this land for hundreds and thousands of years. It is huge and controls a large number of gangs and hybrids at the same time. What nonsense? Maybe he'll be caught and deported or something," Caesar said.

"I was shocked. I thought I was going to need chemical castration. Damn it." Lu Mingfei patted his chest.

"But it is true that this matter can be postponed for a few days. This proposal is very constructive."

Lu Mingfei said that the reason why he wanted to investigate Genji Heavy Industries was that he knew that there was a Deadpool breeding tank just below this building. If nothing else, there should be a large number of snake-like Deadpools in there at this time. , Eri's bloodline is not stable, and she is often at risk of losing control. Masamune Tachibana used the serum of Deadpool's fetus to suppress her loss of control.

If he could get conclusive evidence of the existence of this deadpool breeding pond, Lu Mingfei would be confident that he would be able to gain the full support of the academy after completely breaking up with Masamune Tachibana.

Of course he is a strong individual, but he is still a little weak in front of an extremely large organization like the Snakezaki Hachi Family. Even if Principal Angers, who once forced the entire Japanese branch to surrender, came in person, it would be difficult to rely on the power of the past. brought them to their knees again.

At this time, the roasted beef was placed on plates and carefully delivered to the small tables of the distinguished guests by girls wearing high-slit cheongsams. The three of them immediately sat upright, as if they had never been together and whispered.
Genji Heavy Industries indeed hides many secrets of the Snakesaki Hachi family and Herzog, such as Kaguya's host, the underground Deadpool breeding pond that does not exist on the architectural drawings, and a certain floor that is not numbered.

On the detailed map of Genji Heavy Industries, which only exists in the hands of a few people, this floor is numbered "ξ".

That's a Greek letter, pronounced "Xi", usually used in the same way as XYZ, which means unknown.

For a girl like Eriki, who has never seen the world and never really gone to school, a place where she can sleep and eat is probably home.

There are many preventive measures on the ξ floor, including a 20-meter-long controlled air pressure corridor. At the end of the corridor is Eri's room. It is not a room that a girl should live in. The walls are plain white, and there were originally hanging ceilings. The portraits of Teru, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo were torn down by Eri one night while setting up a table, and he re-hung a photo of cherry blossoms blooming outside Sensoji Temple. It was very clear that Eri was wearing a deer. Leather boots standing in the splashing cherry rain.There was no furniture except for the stove table in the center of the hut, and there were no flower arrangements. Instead, there were many identical miko uniforms hung neatly in the closet.

The room further inside is a bed on the floor. It doesn't look very comfortable, but it seems a bit ascetic. However, there is a huge LCD TV hanging on the wall, connected to a PS3, which is rare. In this era, TVs that can play games online are available.

There were no windows in the room, but it was rich in oxygen, and the air was filled with a touch of white sandalwood and the faint fragrance of a girl.

The girl was sitting on the bed wearing a velvet pajama with Rilakkuma painted on it, with her hands clasped in her arms, her silky hair hanging on her shoulders, staring motionlessly at the wall, her crimson eyes covered by the shadows cast by her long eyelashes. , her face was so indifferent that she didn't look like a flesh-and-blood girl, but rather like a porcelain doll made by a famous Russian craftsman.

"Miss Eriri has been in this posture all day long. Although she still eats on time, she doesn't play games or anything." At the stove table outside, Sakura lowered her voice and said to Gen Zhisheng. They were all sitting on their knees. In this posture, Yuan Zhisheng put his elbows on the table and his forehead on his palms, and glanced helplessly at the motionless figure on the bed.That back figure looks like a stubborn child. If a child wants a certain toy that she likes, she will cry if you don't buy it for her.Eriki doesn't cry and rarely even plays tricks, but Minamoto knows that she is as stubborn as a child.

"Did you buy her a mobile phone?" Yuan Zhisheng asked in a low voice.

"Well, I bought it. It's an iPhone 4 that was only released in June. I haven't given it to the lady yet," Sakura said.

Minamoto and Sakura had been paying attention to Eriki. At this time, they clearly saw the girl's shoulders shaking, as if her emotions were not well controlled.

"Give it to her later, and tell Eri not to stay up late playing with her mobile phone, and to do things in moderation." Yuan Zhisheng sighed, thinking that girls have to learn to play with new things when they grow up. If Eri Yi is an ordinary girl, she must be very fashionable and popular with boys now.

"Yes." Sakura agreed, but immediately the expression on her face changed and she lowered her voice even lower.
"Well, young master, do you want to connect this phone to the Internet?"

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, "How about..." "I think Miss Eriyi originally wanted this phone to make it easier to contact Lu Jun. If she can't connect to the Internet, wouldn't it lose its original meaning? "Sakura blinked. She was a girl with a very keen mind and could see through Eri, who was also a girl. After all, the head of the Uesugi family was a person who found it difficult to hide secrets.

"Okay, okay, connect her to the Internet. Connect her to the Internet." Yuan Zhisheng waved his hands a little tiredly, "But let's make it clear that I will never let Eri go out casually in the short term. This matter There is no negotiation, if she wants to go out, she will have to wait until at least the next surgery."

Where they didn't see it, Eriyi's eyes flickered, and then a thin smile appeared on her face, cold and fragile, adding some blush-like warmth to the cold and indifferent face like a porcelain doll. meaning.
After dinner in the restaurant, the three of them got together to play cards. Lu Mingfei originally thought he had some gambling luck, but he lost completely at the hands of Chu Zihang. His face was covered with white notes. Like a mummy, Caesar was not much better. He chose to drink a small glass of champagne after losing the card. Now he was smelling of alcohol, but this was nothing to an A+ level hybrid.

The cadres of the Executive Directorate had earlier sent over the family’s collection of fine wines. Of course, there was an unlimited supply of champagne, all of which were Moët & Chandon produced in 1998. These golden-yellow liquids were packaged in glass bottles with oak stoppers. It is also a rare good product for champagne collectors. In addition, there are Lafite, also produced in the Bordeaux wine region of France in 1998, vodka produced in Moscow in 1991, and Feitian Moutai of China.

It was obvious that the Sheqi Ba family had really put in the effort and knew that everyone in this group was a good wine taster, so they didn't just use some second-rate stuff to get by.

They were drinking, playing cards and chatting. When talking about the Nibelungen plan, Lu Mingfei asked the two senior brothers if their skills were great now. Caesar said with a gloomy face that the effect was not as good as expected and certainly not as good as yours. Chu Zihang didn't say anything. He probably thought the effect was average, but as long as it could solve the hidden dangers of his bloodline, it was enough for him.

As they talked, the topic turned to Nono again. Caesar got a little drunk after drinking, so he patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder and said, Junior Brother, Chen Motong, this girl is really hard to deal with. I’ve given up. Come on, Lu Mingfei’s eyes slightly twitched. He brightened up and thought that Master Gattuso was frustrated in love and wanted to escape into Buddhism. Then Caesar took out his cell phone and said, "Brother, look at my new girlfriend, is she no worse than Chen Mo Tong?"
Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang looked at each other. The former tore up the note covering his eyes and the latter took a swig of vodka and leaned over. It turned out that there was a Russian girl on the phone.

She's quite pretty, maybe even prettier than Nono, and only someone like Xia Mi can keep her head down.

Lu Mingfei recognized it as the Russian beauty Kristina who sat near him during the 3E exam and who later joined the student union.

Chu Zihang asked angrily where the girl named Isabella was. Caesar said she and we broke up peacefully. Lu Mingfei asked why, and Caesar said it was inappropriate. I can understand her and treat her well. I'm not a gentleman by any stretch of the imagination.

Then Caesar asked Chu Zihang how you and Susie were doing. Chu Zihang's face turned slightly red and he picked up a glass of vodka and drank it all in one gulp. He said he was drinking. He didn't know that the redness on his face was due to the alcohol. Still shy.

Then they talked about Xia Mi again. Caesar beat Lu Mingfei’s chest and said you are a good boy. Chu Zihang filled Lu Mingfei’s glass of wine and said, Lu Mingfei, if you dare to let down your junior sister, huh, that’s right. Quite arrogant.Lu Mingfei picked up the glass of wine and poured it all into his mouth and said, "How can you do that? Senior brother, don't you know me?"Chu Zihang said angrily again that I don’t feel at ease just because I know you...

Later, everyone was a little drunk. The waitresses who wore high buns, tight cheongsams with high slits and swaying their waists came in and made hot tea for them, ready to wipe their bodies with hot water. Wet towels were taken away, and the clothes they needed to change were taken away for cleaning and ironing, and then they twisted their waists and left slowly.

Chu Zihang and Caesar each drank a glass of Maotai, and finally couldn't help but help each other back to their respective rooms. Lu Mingfei also entered his bedroom, which was very homely, and washed himself in the bathroom and jumped in. bed.

He picked up his phone and discovered that someone had sent him a message on QQ more than an hour ago.In addition to the unshakable daily greetings from Xia Mi, Nono, and Su Xiaoqiang, there was actually a friend request.

It is painted pear clothing.

Lu Mingfei could recognize it because she directly used "Eriyi" as her ID, and her avatar was a cute and cute frontal photo. In the photo, Eriyi was wearing Rilakkuma clothing. Wearing velvet pajamas, her little face is pale, and her eyebrows are actually curved, and she is smiling.

With a thought in his mind, he approved the friend application.

"Are you still asleep?" He entered these words in the chat box, hesitated and then deleted them.It was twelve o'clock in the evening, and she had probably fallen asleep for a long time. Sending a message at this time would disturb her sleep.So he exited the chat box with Eriki and started to click on the chat with Xia Mi.

But that cute and cute avatar flickered.

Lu Mingfei clicked in again.

"I learned to send messages."

It was indeed Eli Yi's tone. Lu Mingfei turned over and said, "Eri Yi is so amazing. Who taught you this? Why don't you go to bed so late?"

He then waited quietly for the girl's reply, with only the screen light of his mobile phone illuminating the man's face in the dark quilt.

He waited for a long time, 2 minutes, maybe 5 minutes.

Finally, the message alert sounded. Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyes, wrapped himself tightly in the quilt and looked over. Then he froze.

--"I miss you."

The man kept staring at the three short words following the girl's cute avatar on the screen until the phone automatically turned off the screen.

After a long time, Lu Mingfei slowly closed the phone screen and placed it on his chest. Then he slowly sat up and pulled up the comfortable and soft velvet quilt until it could cover his waist. cover.

He raised his head and stared at the ceiling in the darkness, his face expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, it was raining outside the window, and the patter seemed to have no beginning and no end.

(End of this chapter)

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