Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 166 Chapter 165 Sister Mai

Chapter 166 165. Sister Mai

The air in the living room of the presidential suite is filled with the faint aroma of cherry blossoms, and a soft breeze blows from the side. The air conditioning and fragrance system in the room have been in working condition after the distinguished guests left.Perhaps the designer of the Peninsula Hotel Tokyo originally wanted to create a spring Tokyo-like comfort and warmth for the guests, but when they came back from the heavy rain, several people felt that the floral fragrance was a bit cold.

The girls wearing slit cheongsam that exposed their fair, jade-like thighs pulled their hair into high buns and swung their waists as they walked back and forth in the room. First, they collected their wet clothes for cleaning and ironing, and then served them to the distinguished guests. They put on the hot water, turned on the heating function on the bed in the bedroom, and adjusted the temperature to the most comfortable knob.

"I'm sorry that we didn't let our distinguished guests have a good time, and that something like this happened. It was our poor reception!" Ying didn't come in, but spoke to Chu Zihang at the door.

Lu Mingfei took a clean towel and wiped his wet hair, threw one to Caesar, and took two more to Chu Zihang and Ying at the door.

"It's actually nothing, but Miss Sakura, you'd better send them to the doctor in time. I was merciful when I started, but some people's sternums are collapsed, and long-term compression of the heart may cause insufficient blood supply or damage to the myocardium." Lu Mingfei was leaning against the door frame. With his drooping eyebrows, he seemed to be a harmless boy again, completely different from the god-like man just now.

"Yes!" Sakura said.

Lu Mingfei stopped talking and lowered his head to check his phone.

Xia Mi: "Senior brother, I heard you are so handsome today!"

Lu Mingfei touched the tip of his nose and looked at Chu Zihang who was still communicating with Ying about the plans for the next few days at the door. He roughly guessed who the traitor beside him was.

"He's so handsome. He probably charmed a hundred and eighty girls."

"Uh huh huh, 'A handsome guy can charm a hundred and eighty chicks, right?' So you're very proud?" Xia Mi sat on the bed with his big teeth bared, and "Little Genius Xie" was playing on his laptop. "Dalton".Lu Mingfei could almost imagine the girl's state at this time, and couldn't help but smile.

"Looking at the tenderness on your face, I can guess who you are chatting with even with the hair on my legs." Caesar poured a glass of champagne for himself and Lu Mingfei each, and took out a few pieces of ice from the ice machine. Throwing it in, the wine glass made a slight clinking sound when shaken.

Lu Mingfei took the glass and took a sip, shrugged at Caesar, and then continued to send the message, "No way, I am very proud to be able to charm you, junior sister. Other girls are not attractive to me at all."

"Hey, senior brother, when did you become so sweet-talking! I said fire prevention, theft prevention, and prevention, senior brother, are really not empty words, right?" Xia Mi said this, but he was still rolling around on the bed happily, picking up Rilakkuma and holding him in his arms In his arms, he buried his face in the little bear's chest, took a deep breath and then looked up at his phone.

"The sun and the moon are proof that the world can be used as a guide!" Lu Mingfei posted an emoticon of a bear with a serious face.

"Mua, senior brother is so nice, so sweet." Xia Mi made a grimace.

Lu Mingfei smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. He curled up on the sofa with a dry towel wrapped around his head and couldn't move.

"Then you said that other girls are not attracted to you, is that the same for the head of the Shangshan family?" Xia Mi suddenly sent a series of messages, which made Lu Mingfei choke.

"Ah haha, the wind is very noisy today."

"Humph, there's no point in changing the subject, but who told Miss Xia Mi to be generous? I'll spare you this time." Xia Mi was actually very angry.

"Junior sister, it's so nice to come back and bring you a gift."

"By the way, senior brother, senior brother said that you had a fight with someone from the Japanese branch. Did you win?" Xia Mi said.

"We won. Senior brother, my martial arts skills are unparalleled and I can knock them all to the ground with one single move." Lu Mingfei was filled with self-satisfaction as he typed, and his face was beaming with joy, but there was not much joy in his eyes, just calmness. A bleak calm.

"Hmph, these little devils dare to bully my lady's men. When I come over, I will launch the thunder of the earth and knock them all to death." Xia Mi said with a groan.

Lu Mingfei burst into laughter. He knew Xia Mi was joking, but he still felt the girl's overflowing love.

"I sent them all to the hospital, and they probably won't be able to come out in a few months." He replied, reaching out to take a sip of champagne from the table.Caesar was also typing away on his laptop, probably communicating with the Russian girl.

"Chu Zihang and Caesar are really unloyal and don't even try to help." Xia Mi said that he was unfair.

Caesar sneezed, then raised his head and looked around in confusion, "What's going on? We can catch a cold too?" he murmured.

"The principal asked me to teach the Sheqiba family a lesson. I have to show my strength in front of those old guys. After I saw it, many people didn't believe that I could defeat them." Lu Mingfei told the truth.

"If it's me, just throw the Poké Ball, shout out Fenrir, and summon the King of Earth and Mountains to ride on Mount Fuji." Xia Mi started to fire.

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth curled up, "Why can't you summon Jörmungandr? Senior brother, I still really want to be a Xu Xian."

"Okay, Lu Mingfei, your driving skills are very good. Do you have the courage to give you the chance to be a Xu Xian?" Xia Mi laughed angrily, but there was no hint of fakery in his words.

Lu Mingfei laughed, not embarrassed to continue.

"When are you going to go back to the academy?" he asked, changing the subject but also being really curious.

"Senior sister said she would take me out to play in Disneyland and the Aquarium. We would go ride roller coasters and Ferris wheels together, go to haunted houses, and see sea turtles," Xia Mi said.

"What's the point of your dragon king going to the haunted house? There are such things as horror stories in the civilization of dragons?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Hmph, have you heard the story of Wei Yi slaying the dragon?" Xia Mi asked.

"I heard."

"That's a horror story for us. Besides, ghosts can be found everywhere, okay? I think even the Black King is afraid of ghosts." Xia Mi said, quite confidently.

Lu Mingfei sent a string of ellipses.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to take a bath and change my clothes. Xiaoluzi, please leave if you have nothing to do."

"Okay, I'll leave now." Lu Mingfei closed the chat box with Xia Mi.

He is actually chatting with several people at the same time. Xia Mi is of course the most frequent. Nono is also chatting about daily life. In addition, there are Qilan and Fengel. The former mainly talks about the Dragon Blood Society. Regarding the recruitment plan for the new semester, Qi Lan means that since he has decided to take the elite route, he will only recruit freshmen whose pedigree can still reach B level after passing the 3E exam. Lu Mingfei waved his hand and said that you are fully responsible for this matter. .

Fingel’s words…

The main thing was to borrow money. Brother Baigou was probably at the point of desperation. He vowed to make a video call and patted his chest and said, Junior Brother, you just need to lend me money to help me get through this difficult month. Senior Brother, I will act like a bull and a horse for you.Lu Mingfei said okay, your Chinese is very good, Brother Niu Ma, but he still lent it to him.

Strangely enough, it seemed that it would clear up after the rain. The latest news from the weather station was being broadcast on TV, saying that the rain clouds were receding.

Lu Mingfei looked out the window. Every corner of Tokyo was bright. The clouds in the sky had become very high and appeared in the shape of dense scales. Those celestial bodies that had existed since ancient times were still radiating their own light. The stars were shining through the gaps between the clouds. exposed.

It was not too late, but Lu Mingfei felt a little uneasy. The girl who was knocked down just now was not afraid of pain, and her eyes were as stubborn and angry as a bitten female leopard, but she leaned into his ear and said Said something.

She said, "It's Mr. Masamune. That gentleman is going to attack Mr. Masamune today."

Lu Mingfei's thoughts were very confused. The Tachibana Masamune in this time and space did give him some incompatible feelings from the last time he saw him. Although there seemed to be no difference when they came into contact, Lu Mingfei only felt that he knew him well. This person does not seem to be Herzog.

But some time ago, the Space-Time Academy later conducted a detailed investigation into Tachibana Masamune. His identity, appearance and even his past were all fake. Tachibana Masamune did not really exist in the world. The so-called Tachibana Masamune was just Herzog. puppet.

But what does Luo Ye mean when he says someone wants to take action against Tachibana Masamune?
In this period of time and space, does Tachibana Masamune really exist?
No, it's not possible.

That is no longer changing destiny, that is changing everything, cause and effect, time, history, destiny, everything is changed.

Perhaps Tachibana Masamune should be under full and round-the-clock surveillance.But that was difficult. He was the head of the Snake Qihachi family and the most powerful person in Japan. The number of protectors gathered around Tachibana Masamune was frightening, and many of them were ninjas who were good at anti-surveillance and anti-reconnaissance techniques.I'm afraid there are very few people in the secret party who can lurk next to this person without anyone noticing, and even if there are such people, it's not something Lu Mingfei can mobilize.

As for the Kanto branch, the lunatics headed by Akechi Asuya probably know very little inside information, and they may be able to use them as a breakthrough point.Chu Zihang said goodbye to Ying and walked into the room. Caesar pushed the champagne bottle towards him, signaling for him to pour the wine.

"The Snake Qihachi family will give us a satisfactory answer to what happened tonight. According to Sakura, the head of the Inuyama family was so angry that he almost drew his sword and killed Akechi Asaya." Chu Zihang said.

Caesar clapped his hands. "Bravo!" he said.

"The heads of the Snake Qihachi family have seen today that we are not weak people who can be manipulated at will, and their attitude will become more and more respectful. Inuyama Ga does not really want to kill Akechi Asaya, he is just expressing his stance to us, to We bow our heads," said Caesar.

This three-person team is strong enough, and the Sheqiba family becomes more and more afraid of them. This is not a bad thing, it just wants them to surrender and prevent them from resisting.

"Tomorrow, the junior students will pick us up to go to the Rock Flow Research Institute. The underwater robot has basically been completed. It is said to be a product jointly developed by the college's equipment department and the Rock Flow Research Institute." Chu Zihang said.

Lu Mingfei laughed out loud, "Do Director Akadulla and Deputy Minister Karl admit this matter?"

Chu Zihang hesitated for a moment, "I probably won't admit it."

The Equipment Department has always looked down on the Rock Flow Research Institute. They believe that the way to truly stimulate the potential of geniuses is to work three hours a day, spend three hours playing games, three hours playing art, three hours watching old movies, and the rest of the time All sleep, and unlimited burgers, cola, and fries.

Instead of working more than 84 hours a week like the Japanese at Iwaryu Research Institute, burning all their hair, and working hard to produce a paper.

"I hope the equipment department will be more reliable this time. I don't want the so-called underwater robot to be a concentrated alchemical sulfur bomb." Caesar said.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang looked at each other and thought that it was probably not impossible based on the urinary nature of those crazy people in Watt Alheim.

Chu Zihang put on his hesitant expression again, and Lu Mingfei covered his face, "Senior brother, what do you want to say?"

"Miss Ying said that after visiting the Yanliu Research Institute tomorrow, Lu Mingfei, you can pick up the head of the Shangshan family and go shopping in Tokyo." Chu Zihang said with a strange expression, as if he was constipated.

Caesar whistled.

"Master Shangshan is growing very well, junior brother, come on." Young Master Gattuso patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder.

Lu Mingfei blushed, "We are developing a normal bilateral relationship and it is a political extension."

"I understand, I understand everything." Caesar said, "It's just like the political relationship between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra in the past." He winked as he said it.

Lu Mingfei sighed helplessly and raised his hands in surrender.

"Two eldest brothers, if you win, don't tell Xia Mi and Senior Sister, I will promise you everything." He said in a nonchalant manner.

"You should be the young master of the Gattuso family if you are not a romantic man." Caesar sighed with emotion. Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows and asked what kind of trouble you were making with your envy and jealous expression.

Chu Zihang patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder and said nothing. He just looked at him and shook his head, then returned to the house.
"Brother said I can go out to play tomorrow. Will Lu Mingfei come to pick me up?" Hui Liyi sent a message to Lu Mingfei, with neat words and clean vocabulary.

Lu Mingfei had just walked into his room. He and Caesar had two drinks. At this time, the wind blown by the air conditioner actually made him a little drowsy.The door closed behind him, and the wind chimes on the door clanged against each other and made a pleasant tinkling sound.

He yawned, held the phone with one hand, rubbed his eyes with the other hand, and replied to Eri Yi,

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow. Where do you want to go?"

"I want to eat sukiyaki hotpot, and I also want to eat five-eye fried rice and yakiniku stew at night. Let's go to Disneyland and Sensoji Temple." Eriki typed very slowly, and her writing style was still the same as before.

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something. He remembered that he had accompanied Eriki to Disneyland and Sensoji Temple last time.

"There are so many more places I want to go."

"Sky Tree."

"Meiji Shrine."

"Moreover, I also want to go to Umezu Temple Town with Lu Jun. Let's eat grilled pomfret together."

Eriyi's typing speed seemed to suddenly become much faster. She was probably really happy, but the little monster had never been out. He didn't know where to go for fun, or what euphemisms were, so he just casually mentioned the past and Lu Ming. I’ve told you all the places I’ve been to.

Probably those are the places that left the deepest impression on her. Eriki doesn't actually long for the world, she just longs for a certain person, the Sakura in her life.

Lu Mingfei was speechless for a moment and felt his heart beating rapidly. He touched the screen of his phone and wiped it again and again, as if he wanted to wipe away the non-existent layer of dust on it.

There is a lush green spider plant on the window sill, which seems to be growing wildly at this time. The scaly clouds are suddenly blown away by the wind, and the leisurely crescent moon falls with gentle light.

Time seemed to go back between his fingers, hundreds of times, thousands of times, and he hugged the cat-like girl crawling towards him again on that evening in Umezu Temple Town. The gaze before hugging was an eternity that he still mourns to this day.

He sent a text message to Eri: "Okay, I will accompany you tomorrow." When the text message was sent, the wind blew in through the open window, and the crescent-white curtains were lifted, like the rising and falling train of a girl's skirt.

Lu Mingfei put down the towel in his hand and looked at the crescent moon that finally showed his face, wondering if you were also looking at the scenery I was seeing.

There were tiny waves on the quiet lake in the distance, and Lu Mingfei's eyes suddenly flickered, because the moment he turned around, there was a figure sitting on his bed.

She was a very beautiful girl. It might not be appropriate to say she was a girl because she was already past that age.

"Long time no see, Sister Mai." Lu Mingfei subconsciously clenched the phone tightly while pressing his right hand on his waist.

Although I knew that the other party most likely had no ill intentions, it was still a bit too scary to appear like this.

Mai Shutoku was tying her long black hair into a ponytail behind her head with both hands, exposing her fair and slender nape. In this way, she actually looked a bit like Sakura, but she was more beautiful and colder than Sakura.

The corners of the eyes are long and slender, and they are lightly shadowed. They are shaped like crimson blades, but they are not abrupt or too bright, but just right. Just one look at them will make people's hearts flutter.

Lu Mingfei worked with Jiude Mai many years ago, and they also collaborated with a girl named Su Enxi. It was his first time diving into the Three Gorges Bronze City, and it was also during that time that Lu Mingfei got the Seven Deadly Sins and Constantine cocoon.

However, he was not able to see Su Enxi at that time and only spoke via satellite phone.

"The little white rabbit has grown so big. He is so handsome. Come and sit next to sister." Mai Jiude turned sideways and pressed one thigh against the other. Her calves were even and slender, and the curve made Lu Mingfei's heart tremble.

He laughed dryly and said, "Haha, sister Mai, you are not as handsome as your pianist boyfriend."

The girl deliberately grew long sideburns, which were about two feet long and as black as lacquer, like an ancient Japanese woman in Ukiyoe paintings. The combination of these two long sideburns and her high ponytail sports girl outfit made the contrast of beauty hit her face. Come.

Jiude Mai rolled her eyes, Tingting stood up, stretched out her hands to pinch Lu Mingfei's cheeks,

"I was originally traveling in Norway, but my boss gave me a job. He said that you encountered a difficult situation and probably needed a ninja who was good at lurking, so I took a private plane to Tokyo." She said.

Lu Mingfei was pinched so hard that he shook his head, but his eyes were clear.

Mai Shutoku's voice spirit is Meiteru, and there is probably no one in the world who is more suitable than her to monitor Tachibana Masamune.

(End of this chapter)

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