Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 219 218 Family Dinner

Chapter 219 218. Family Dinner (3)

Section 3: Old Friends

In the warm morning light, the Shinkansen train rolled out of the mountains like an iron dragon and roared through the buildings of Tokyo. Lu Mingfei looked up at the city, feeling dazed for a moment.

The wind from Tokyo Bay carried the salty smell of the sea on their faces, making their hair fly wildly. Shibuya was really a prosperous and noisy place. When Lu Mingfei was looking up at the city, Ling was looking up at his side face. The man had clean cheeks and three-dimensional facial features. When combined, he looked like a handsome boy next door.

Go out of Shibuya Station, cross the busiest Shibuya intersection in the world, and then walk uphill for a short distance. You can find this popular coffee shop at the corner of Dogenzaka. The name of the coffee shop is About Life Coffee Brewers. It has a Nordic style decoration and is clean and tidy. The store is so small that there are no seats and only a few standing seats because this store mainly provides coffee takeaway service.

But if you show some signs of "the world inside the door", such as the school emblem of Kassel College, such as the family emblem of the Sheqiba family, of course the better choice is a pair of golden dragon pupils, a beautiful waiter My sister will lead you to the real core business area of ​​this store. Push open the small door on the side and walk through a quiet but comfortable corridor paved with white sandalwood floors, and you can enter a mixed-race gathering place where you can enjoy coffee time in the heart of Shibuya.

Similar gathering points are scattered around the world, some are disguised as bars, some are disguised as cafes, and some are disguised as video game arcades. They are in the hands of philanthropists in the mixed-race world, providing help to mixed-races who encounter danger and persecution in human society, and have also become a trading market for some mixed-race businessmen.

A huge glass curtain wall stood next to the small table where Lu Mingfei and Ling were sitting. It was actually a terrace similar to that of Genji Heavy Industries Xingshen Temple. There were only three or two small tables placed, and the only guests at this time were Both of them.

The sun was falling on her body. Lu Mingfei was holding hot coffee brewed from freshly ground coffee beans, and his body was warm. Although there were pink and green macarons and macarons in front of him that made people feel appetizing at a glance. Baking croissants, but the thoughts in his mind flew to nowhere.

"I was very poor when I was a child. I lived in my uncle's and aunt's house. It was an old apartment building with a big rooftop. I often went up to the rooftop to watch the stars." Lu Mingfei said, "Because I loved it at that time. I play computer games, but I still have a laptop at home that my uncle brought back from work. You should have heard of my cousin, Zero..."

"Well, a little fat guy. There is information about him on the Night Watch forum." Zero said.

"Yes, a little fat guy. He often occupied the computer and chatted with the girls in school. He said that when he was in junior high school, he often played basketball with Chu Zihang, which would attract the admiration and exclamation of the girls. But I think With his size, he should really be qualified to enter the basketball court but just to play basketball." Lu Mingfei smacked his lips, "Anyway, if I want to play on the computer, I have to wait until he finishes chatting, then I will climb up to the rooftop to watch the stars. When I look up at the sky, I wonder what the bustling CBD in the distance looks like... At this moment, I am sitting on the busiest street in Tokyo drinking coffee and thinking about the CBD in a small town, which is nothing more than light tiles. There are bright marble floors and glass curtain walls that can detect light, and between the curtain walls are advertisements of big brands. Compared with this city, it seems to be no different, except that Tokyo is bigger and has more people."

Ling silently drank her cup of British morning tea with milk cubes and sugar. She didn't speak for a long time. Lu Mingfei was a little embarrassed when he didn't get a response after saying such a long list. He touched the back of his head and was about to change the topic. Unexpectedly, Zero suddenly spoke.

"I have lived in Moscow since I was very young. It was a city without much warmth. The Soviet era has ended many years ago, but we can still see its imprint everywhere. Those large castle-like buildings and towering monuments , open squares, and fountains like artillery arrays." Ling wrapped himself in a cyan windbreaker, with his slender and straight thighs crossed, legs crossed, and a pair of white boots under his feet. The Russian girl's skin reflected in the sun It shines with beautiful light, as delicate as the most beautiful white jade in the world.

Lu Mingfei looked at Zero's eyes through the fog rising in the coffee cup. They were a pair of indifferent, clear, and too beautiful white-gold eyes that humans should have. The sunlight reflected in them reflected a sharp cross of light.

"Of course, in addition to the Soviet bequests, I often see the shadow of the Romanov dynasty in the corners of Moscow, such as the colorful churches and the marble sculpture of St. George slaying the dragon. The Byzantine architecture of the Tsarist era and the eighth century of the last century The Soviet-style buildings of the 1900s are next to each other, making people think that Empress Catherine and Lenin are side by side. Walking near the Red Square will feel like you have traveled through time and space, and the sound of ice-cold steel echoes around you." Zero's voice. It is clear and melodious, like the sound of wind chimes swaying when the wind blows through the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.

"I used to walk in the Red Square from time to time. Some friends in my family liked it very much. They said that standing in the middle of Moscow and looking around can still feel the joy of standing in the center of the world. But when I stood there and looked around, what happened? I can’t see them all, because the west side is Lenin’s Mausoleum and the Kremlin, the south side is St. Basil’s Cathedral, and the north side is the National Historical Museum. Those old buildings from many years ago blocked everything I could see.”

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and actually felt a little disillusioned. He thought to himself that people are more irritating than others. He, the Prince of Cassel, ended up living the hard life of a mountain villager when he was a child. Miss Ling thought of herself as Romano As soon as the identity of the heir of the husband's dynasty is revealed, he can walk in the center of Moscow every day.

Boss Lu was a little discouraged when he thought about it. He recalled that he used to think that the most prosperous place in the world was the CBD. At that time, it had just been built, with skyscrapers with glass curtain walls. However, his uncle's community was still dusty, and the outside was still dusty. The walls are covered with wall-mounted air conditioners, dripping water in the summer. But the old community can also overlook the CBD, where there are beautiful girls wearing short skirts and high heels. The luxury goods from Gucci and Chanel are displayed on the counters inside the glass curtain wall. The marble floor is shiny, and the men all wear suits with straight backs. There are successful people coming and going. Lu Mingfei felt that the place he was looking at was the legendary Rome, but some people were born to regard Rome as a beast. For a noble man like Caesar, the CBD in China was a joke, and so was Ling.

Even now Lu Mingfei has seen a lot of the world. Tokyo, Chicago, New York, Moscow, and even Oslo have left traces of passing bosses. Looking at the land that he dreamed about in the past, it is really shallow and stupid.

"Many years later, I can accompany you around Moscow." Zero said.

Lu Mingfei leaned back tactically, while Ling remained calm. He was a little confused for a moment. He didn't know what Miss Ling was like. Could it be that I, Lu Mingfei, was struck by lightning and Tianling Gaizhen opened her eyes and became more charming?

When I was thinking wildly, there was a figure in the distance walking over with long legs and twisted waist.

Lu Mingfei stared, and when he saw Ling's calm and calm expression, he suddenly had some concerns in his mind.

This morning, Lu Mingfei was wearing big pants and was brushing his teeth while talking on the phone with his junior sister. The junior sister's voice was soft and confused with sleepy eyes. It looked like she hadn't gotten up yet. Zero suddenly opened the door and appeared behind him, choking. Boss Lu almost swallowed a mouthful of toothpaste foam.

At that time, there was a lot of excitement in the room. When Lu Mingfei got dressed and ran out with a red face, he saw Caesar squatting at the door of the room not far away and whispering in a posture that was somewhere between an old farmer in northern Shaanxi and an old lady from the village. Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang saw the rather gossipy eyes of these two women at the same time. Lu Mingfei was about to ask them why they didn't stop Ling. The latter had already walked out of his room, carrying a new suit in his hand. Bought a suit.

By the time Lu Mingfei took over the suit, Caesar and Chu Zihang were already looking in different directions and blowing whistles. The tune played by Caesar was "Song of Mameli" and the tune played by Chu Zihang was "Song of Mameli". "Love is Deep and Rainy", do you think that there is actually a very naughty Aunt Qiong Yao living in the heart of Senior Brother Eighth Po?

"We have a friend in Tokyo who is having a gathering today and won't be back. The two senior brothers don't need to call us." Only when Zero looked at Lu Mingfei did his eyes become less cold. At this time, he looked at Caesar The look in Chu Zihang's eyes was like that of a routine robot.

A set of procedures went smoothly. Caesar and Chu Zihang originally watched with the intention of watching the excitement. Before they could react, Zero grabbed Lu Mingfei's wrist and left the presidential suite.

After the two of them were far away, Chu Zihang looked at Caesar, and Caesar also looked at Chu Zihang.

"So our infiltration plan has to be postponed for another day..." Chu Zihang said expressionlessly. Caesar’s eyes twitched and he nodded.

With a sound, Chu Zihang pulled out Murasame and said, "I'll go get Lu Mingfei back."

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down!" Caesar quickly went to grab the knife.

In short, Lu Mingfei was inexplicably taken away from the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo by Zero and came to such a cafe. At this time, he was still thinking about what kind of friend he and Zero met at the same time. It turned out that the person who came was Jiude. Mai.

Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched and he looked at Mai Jiude and then at Zero, then at Zero and then at Mai Jiude.

"Do you know each other?" His vocal cords seemed to have been strangled, turning into a male duck's voice. Mai Shutoku was wearing a black leather windbreaker and very slim jeans, and high heels that were at least six centimeters high. Her already extremely long legs looked even longer. As she walked towards them, she tied up her hair with a hair tie, revealing a A charming and charming face.

"We haven't seen each other for a few days. Little White Rabbit, have you missed your sister?" Jiude Mai sat down on the chair next to Lu Mingfei, leaning forward on the small table, one elbow supporting the table to support the side of her face, and the other A slender white hand reached over and hooked Lu Mingfei's chin with hooked fingers. His lips were like cinnabar, his eyes were bright, and his breath was like orchid, while a cold floral fragrance hit his face. Lu Mingfei was suddenly overwhelmed by this girl's amazing aura and forgot to resist.

"We all serve the boss. In fact, my number is also stored in that Apple phone, but you have never dialed it." Zero calmly pulled Lu Mingfei towards him, so that he finally broke away. The claws of Mai Shutoku.

Lu Mingfei shrank back and took his hand out of the girl's.

"The little devil said he has three very capable subordinates. Sister Mai, you are the one with long legs, and there is also a very profitable housekeeper, so you are the little cotton-padded jacket?" Lu Mingfei looked at Ling suspiciously.

He thought to himself that this little cotton-padded jacket looked quite breathable.

"In a sense, almost..." Zero was silent, obviously she was quite resistant to the term "Little Cotton Jacket". "

"I want to know why you asked me out." Lu Mingfei suddenly calmed down at this time. Thinking about it, since Mai Shutoku and Ling are both from the Little Devil, in a sense, they are the same as Lu Mingfei. Mingfei people are the same as each other and will never make things difficult for each other.

"It's nothing. Didn't you ask me to monitor that Tachibana Masamune? There is also the audio video that I gave to experts for analysis. There are results." Mai Shutoku picked up a pink macaron from the table with two fingers and ate it. After that, he stretched out his pink and tender tongue to lick his lips as bright as cinnabar.

Zero slapped away Mai Shutoku's hand that was reaching for Lu Mingfei's cup of coffee, and pushed his English morning tea in front of the long-legged girl.

"Yo yo yo, you haven't even passed the door yet, Your Highness is so protective." Mai Shutoku pursed her lips and teased, Zero gave her a cold look with an expressionless face: "If you don't drink, give it back to me."

"Drink, why don't you drink? Our little cotton-padded jacket will never let me touch her personal belongings." This last sentence was obviously meant for Lu Mingfei. Boss Lu blushed and said to himself that he was not the same. The bad guy who couldn't walk around when he saw a beautiful woman many years ago is no longer able to seduce me with your little tricks like this.

"Except for often waking up at night, there is almost nothing unusual about Masamune Tachibana. If it weren't for the fact that we knew that he was the head of the eight Sheqi families, we would have even suspected that he was actually an office worker." Mai Shutoku shrugged. She sat back in her chair, and the originally teasing expression on her face suddenly turned serious. As a result, her aura became stronger. Lu Mingfei also sat up straight, and Ling cut a small piece of croissant. Take small bites.

"I found evidence that the Sheqi Eighth Family is raising Deadpool." Mai Jiudoku said coldly. Zero was stunned, but Lu Mingfei frowned.

"Feng Jian Liuli from the Fierce Ghosts has handed over the evidence to us..."

"But do you know the purpose of raising those things?" Jiude Mai and Lu Mingfei had never been so serious when talking. Lu Mingfei took a deep breath: "What is it?"

"Refining the serum to suppress the bloodline rampage of the Uesugi clan leader."


The hot coffee burst out, and Lu Mingfei held the pieces of the porcelain cup between his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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