Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 240 Extra: Sister Mai’s final strategy

Chapter 240 Extra: Sister Mai’s final strategy (Thanks again to Mr. Shutoku Mai’s wife for being the leader of the alliance)

Mai Shutoku came from far away, Nara, the hometown of deer, hundreds of kilometers away from Tokyo. Sometimes she was very happy that she left Nara, but Mai Shutoku actually didn't like Tokyo, even though she studied in the Music Department of the University of Tokyo.

Some people say that what a person cannot forget in this life is his hometown, but you will regard the place where you settle as your second hometown. Putting it this way, Mai Shutoku felt that her second hometown was probably something like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, because she never settled down somewhere.

Sometimes she feels like a black Arctic tern. This kind of bird can migrate from the North Pole to the South Pole. It is the longest migratory creature in the world. They fly throughout their life and can even sleep in the wind. .

A young bird must learn how to fly as soon as it is born, and it will die when it falls. The prototype of the Shuofang bird in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is the Arctic tern.

So in private, Mai Shutoku's ID on some social software is Sakuta, and she looks and sounds like a man, but if someone clicks on the shared content of this account, they will find that the owner of the account is actually a beautiful and charming girl. Each of the photos seems to have been carefully edited. Some are of graceful back figures while walking on the beach in bikinis; some are of strapless and backless evening gowns appearing in palace dinners warmed by candlelight; Sometimes she would wear a tight black uniform and lean against a huge rock wall to raise a glass to the sunset on the sea level.

"So you should remember that what I like most is actually the time on the road. It's best to never end it, because at this time I belong to neither Nara nor Tokyo. I don't belong to anyone. I only pursue my own dreams. Yes, only then do I feel that I am free." Mai Shutoku took off the thick blanket wrapped around her body, the tip of her pretty nose was slightly red, and the warm firelight in the snowmobile swayed and illuminated her face. Her face is rosy and pleasant.

"So don't stop, Long Legs. Didn't you still want to push that little brat? Do you really want to go to heaven innocently? You are not afraid of being laughed to death by the devil." Su Enxi came from the headset. Her voice was slightly tired, but it could be heard that she was still trying hard to sound more cheerful.

Mai Shutoku sneezed and used the shark-proof knife she carried to pry open the meat cans that were being heated in the fire. "All the boyfriends I've ever had are enough to get a reinforcement group, okay? Do you think everyone can do that?" She is an old rotten girl like you who never leaves the house." She hummed, her cheeks turned red, and she didn't know whether it was because of the fire or because of embarrassment.

"You have had many boyfriends, including the eldest prince from an Arab wealthy family, a great painter at the Paris Art Exhibition, an earl in London who just inherited a title, and so on, and that so-and-so and that so-and-so, but your relationship with them Isn't it just limited to holding hands and having a meal or something?" Su Enxi poked her heart without mercy.

Mai Shutori rarely argued. She put both hands on the fire to keep warm. The orange flames were like jumping elves, and a warm blush appeared on the girl's fair and transparent skin.

The jet-type suspended snowmobile built when the Soviet government was still the master of this land indeed inherited the consistent style of the Iron and Steel Alliance. It was hard enough and strong enough to be able to operate continuously for more than seventy-two hours in such weather. In the event of an over-temperature failure, a fuel-burning flame heater was installed inside.

The boss has spent a lot of money over the years to build supply stations dotted throughout Northern Siberia, perhaps just for today.

Mai Shutoku, who was still shivering from the cold even though she was wearing cold-proof clothing, shivered violently and looked at the white wasteland through the narrow round glass porthole. The snow has been falling, and the outdoor temperature has reached minus 50 degrees. Wandering around in this hellish place in this climate is tantamount to asking for death. Once the snowmobile breaks down, she will not be able to hold on until the rescue team arrives. Moreover, with their current situation The situation we are facing makes it difficult for even the boss and the potato chip girl to continue sending support.

"Hey, potato chips, do you think we can really catch up?" Mai Shutoku curled up and brought herself closer to the fire.

"The boss said that if he can catch up, he will definitely catch up. He always said that he is not a boring thing like God, but he can do more things than God." Su Enxi yawned, "By the way, forget I told you, Long Legs, you open the lid of the refrigerator next to the cab."

Mai Shutoku was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction of the cab.

There was indeed a refrigerator there, and in those days when young people were still eager to develop Siberia, the political commissars would fill it with Red Star vodka. Even if Shutoku Mai drinks alcohol, she will only drink white wine from the Burgundy wine region of France or gin from Scotland. Vodka, a men's drink, does not suit her style, so she has not opened it since boarding the snowmobile. That cabinet.

"What's inside?" Mai Shutoku asked as she walked over and opened the lid. As expected, the cabinet was filled with Red Star Vodka and several Mitsubishi Army Spurs for self-defense. The top was actually a food box.

"It's your Nara specialty, persimmon leaf sushi. I made it by myself. It's been vacuum-processed, and with the Siberian temperature, it can be preserved for a long time. But I think the end of the world is coming, and we won't survive until then. , so you’d better eat it early." Su Enxi said.

"You're so kind to me."

"I care about you. There is also a red bean daifuku cake made from Nara's red beans in the food box. Unfortunately, it should be as hard as iron now. Remember to put it on the fire to roast before eating, otherwise I may chip some of your teeth. "Su Enxi pretended to be casual and then suddenly changed the subject,

"By the way, what's going on between you and that little brat? When did the affair between you two begin? Why did you hide it from me and Sanwu Niu'er?"

The food box fell to the ground with a clang, and Mai Shutoku was a little panicked. She quickly picked it up, opened it, and put it on the fire to roast.

"No way, you know it's impossible for Lu Ming and I." Mai Shutoku wrapped herself in a thick blanket again and squatted down next to the fire. The dancing firelight reflected in her deep black pupils, faintly The corners of the eyeshadowed eyes were slender and slightly raised, like crimson blades.

The metal food box slowly began to steam on the fire, and a gurgling sound came from inside.

The food box has two layers, separated by a hollow metal plate. There are red bean daifuku and persimmon leaf sushi on the top, and miso soup frozen into ice cubes below.

Persimmon leaf sushi is actually not much different from Osaka sushi. It is nothing more than rice seasoned with vinegar and salmon pressed into cubes on top. The difference is that it is wrapped in persimmon leaves and must be eaten together when eating.

"Remember that time in Tokyo? That time when that little mute's bloodline got out of control." Su Enxi said quietly,

"Lu Mingfei and Ange are not here. Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhisheng are in love and killing each other. None of us can stop her. Then you injected the ancient dragon serum into your carotid artery. Although you stopped the underworld princess from killing the entire The people in Tokyo themselves almost didn't make it. You were in a bad state at the time, which scared me so much that I almost thought I had to execute you myself. Later, I asked you to recite your ex-boyfriend's name to keep your consciousness clear. .”

"I don't have much memory anymore. Whose name did I read?"

"They are all insignificant characters, Raymond Van Esoto, Alfonso Pedro, Alain Baudoin and Issak Kasyan, etc., but the total of them is probably enough It's time to film "300"." Su Enxi's tone became cheerful again,

"Later, as I was thinking about it, you stopped saying other people's names. You just kept calling Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei. Speaking of which, you probably didn't have the chance to hook up with that guy. How could you put him in there? Are they on your ex-boyfriend list?"

Mai Shutoku touched her face, which was as hot as touching a red-hot coal.

Sometimes people are so weird. You can hug someone you don't like calmly, but when facing someone you really love, you are so nervous that you can't even say a word.

Su Enxi didn't rush or rush, she just waited quietly, probably with a glass of wine in her hand. Su Enxi still remembered that she occasionally called Jiude Mai a year ago. The long-legged girl was usually accompanied by a prominent boyfriend.

As she said, Mai Shutoku is always on the road. Sometimes she is basking in the sun on a private yacht in the Caribbean, and sometimes she is skiing in the Alps.

Occasionally when they meet in social situations, Mai Shutoku is always escorted by a handsome and upright male companion, who is often a descendant of an aristocrat, a celebrity or a famous designer.

Mai Shutoku can calmly share with Su Enxi the interesting things between herself and her ex-boyfriends that she doesn't cherish so much, but she has no way to boldly tell her who she really is in her heart, even if it is no longer a secret.

The snowmobile is still moving forward slowly. Although the main body is a product of the Soviet era, it is obvious that the boss and the potato chip girl have already dispatched a professional team to carry out all-round modifications to this machine when they decided to use it. The autonomous driving system has been improved to an incredible level.

In the tundra wasteland of Northern Siberia, there is a supply station specially set up by the boss every 200 kilometers. Mai Shutori does not have to worry that this snowmobile, which is older than her, will end up in this inaccessible extreme north due to insufficient fuel. The ground loses momentum.

The snowmobile turned a low slope. Mai Shutoku saw a frozen river through the porthole full of ice crystals. There was actually a deep row of footprints on the river. Those footprints seemed unable to be buried by the ice and snow. From the short slope This end spans the frozen river and extends into the vast desolate frozen soil.

A strange and rhythmic rhythm was beating behind her. Mai Shutoku reached out her hand to hold down the dark box. The seal of the box was the school emblem of Kassel College.

She turned back to look at the river, and in a trance, she saw a girl in a cloud-like white dress holding a man's arm, crossing the long river that had not been frozen. They seemed to be stepping on the water, and their steps were light. , there were cicadas chirping all around, and fireflies were chasing the girl.

Mai Shutoku stretched her neck to take a look, but everything in front of her seemed to be like a mirror, disappearing into the wind and snow in a trance. The girl who took the last look turned back and looked at Mai Shutoku too. Her fingers were playing with the straps of her skirt. When she looked back, she looked as proud as if she was sitting on a cloud in the sky. Those eyes are not very bright, but they are very deep, like ancient mirrors.

"Follow quickly, junior sister."

The voice of the man who had gone far away seemed to be heard across an empty world.

"Oh, come on, come on! Senior brother, wait for me!" Jörmungandr, the King of the Earth and Mountains, jumped up and ran after him.

Mai Shutoku curled up, wrapped herself completely in a blanket, and ate a hot red bean daifuku in small bites.

She stared at the jumping flames with dark eyes, and there was a faint splash of water on the surface of her eyes.

That was the landmark left by Lu Mingfei for her, so it seemed that she had not gone wrong.

Although the boss is sometimes as omniscient as a god, Su Enxi said that when they built the supply depot in Siberia, it was not to deal with today's situation, but to send someone to the destined Iron Throne.

The things they are doing and the path they are taking now are all undetermined by fate. The long river of fate is rolling, and there are many things staring at them on both sides of the long river. Those things want their lives.

The boss personally designed this huge project and built hundreds of gas stations in northern Siberia. If you connect these gas stations, you can connect thousands of different lines. In other words, if Mai Shutoku uses these supply stations as guideposts, there is a high probability that she will not be able to keep up with Lu Mingfei's pace.

"Hey, long-legged girl, you haven't answered my question yet." Su Enxi shouted in a low voice,

"The world is going to end anyway. If you don't share your little secret with us now, no one will tell it in the future."

Mai Jiutoku didn't speak, breathing long and long. Su Enxi listened to her friend's breathing through the headset. It felt like you were looking at each other across a whole world, and one person looked at the other person's shadow so hazy that it seemed like they were trapped in a deep fog. inside.

"Do you remember what I told you before about the life of a real ninja?"

"Well, you said that real ninjas are a bunch of lunatics. Tell me about the history of ninjutsu. I think it's like the special forces of Japan's Warring States Period. You also said that the introductory practice of ninjutsu is with your hands. Hang yourself from the rafters." Su Enxi remembered Men Qing'er,

"When you first started doing this exercise, your teacher put a nail board underneath and left. You said that you hung up for a whole day and you were so tired that you didn't dare to let go until you lost consciousness."

"Actually, becoming a ninja means overcoming your own fears and walking into a huge scam woven by the entire world." Mai Shutoku shook her shoulders and leaned against the wall. After eating, she felt that her body had become warmer. Well, the taste of Kakiha sushi is not much different from the one I had in Nara. It seems that the potato chip girl doesn’t know anything about cooking.

"Ninjas and samurai are different. In times of war, samurai were the aristocratic class, while ninjas were the attempts and struggles of poor people to keep their children alive. The so-called great ninjutsu tradition was originally a scam. Every time it succeeded, Infiltration and assassination are actually based on the lives of companions, and only the ninja who survives in the end will leave his name in history."

"In that case, you are actually a group of assassins. Do you know Jing Ke?" Su Enxi said,

"He was an assassin during the Warring States Period in China. In order to assassinate King Jingke of Qin, many people around him paid a huge price. A man named Tian Guang recommended him, but he committed suicide in order to prevent the incident from being exposed; there was a general named Fan Yuqi Wanted by the Qin State, Fan Yuqi committed suicide and sacrificed his head in order to successfully deliver Jing Ke to the palace of the King of Qin. You ninjas are the assassins of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. You will pay any price for righteousness or to complete the master's mission. .”

"I don't know why I feel a little ashamed when you talk about master's mission..."

"But what does this have to do with the question I asked you?" Su Enxi said reluctantly.

Mai Shutoku opened a bottle of vodka that was so cold that it stung her throat with a clang. She took two swigs of vodka, then held the bottle and thought for a long time. Finally she seemed to have made a great decision, "I actually I must have found my heartbeat in him four years ago."

There was a popping sound from the other side of the headset, and then there was the sound of jingling and hurriedly cleaning up. It must have been Su Enxi who spit out the wine worth thousands of dollars in her mouth just after she drank it.

"No, long legs, so you like this style? A big horse and a small cart? You must have been sixteen years old when you walked on the road? Is he fully grown? Can he have sex with you? You secretly promised to have a private life with him? Damn it!" Potato Chip Girl yelled, and her reaction was huge.

But this is indeed the case. Judging from Mai Shutoku's usual behavior, it is completely impossible to tell that she is a woman with this kind of sexual fetish.

Mai Jiude was also a little embarrassed, knowing that Su Enxi had misunderstood, "Of course I didn't mean it like that, potato chip girl, don't think so much," she paused and took another sip of vodka, "You should have met the boss before. There are many forms of him, right? Do you think... when he was sixteen, Lu Mingfei actually looked very similar to a certain form of his boss? "

Su Enxi's heart trembled slightly. She had actually realized this a long time ago, but this kind of thing that cannot be revealed should be the boss's taboo and secret that cannot be touched, right? Anyone who touches it will die, even them.

"You want to say that you... are the boss?" Su Enxi asked tentatively, but she felt that it was unbelievable and impossible.

"It was like this at first, or I think it was like this... You should know that my sister and I were born in a mixed-race family in Nara that is not under the jurisdiction of the Jakiki Hachi family, right?" Mai Shutoku stared at the fire, recalling It's like traveling through the long river of time and wandering back into the long gone history.

Of course, all the native mixed-bloods in Japan are descendants of the White King, but the Snakekihachi family did not exist at the beginning. They were nobles loyal to the emperor, shogunate and daimyo at first, but later the most powerful families united to rule. The dark side society of the entire country.

Other families that are not strong enough are still thriving, but they are getting weaker and weaker. They will not be able to produce an emperor for hundreds of years, just like the other five families of the Sheqi Eight Family, even in the ancient times when there were many strong men, they only appeared so. Just a few emperors.

Mai Shutoku and her sister Aki Shutoku come from such a family.

"I have shown amazing ninja talent since I was very young, and Aki is a traditional Yamato Nadeshiko with short legs. She is clumsy in everything she does, so we each got very different things." Shutoku Mai said calmly,

"Of course I have been trained intensively by the family. Meizhuo is simply a word spirit born for ninjas. When my bloodline awakened, the old people in the family cheered and said that I was a treasure given by God. And Shude Aki went up National High School, received the admission notice from Cassel College, and went across the ocean to study in college in Chicago.”

She fell silent at this point.

Su Enxi sighed: "That's not your fault. Everyone has their own choices. In the end, we are all running towards our own tombstones, but the scenery along the way is different."

"No, I don't feel sad for her. When she died, she could watch our little brat tear up the guy who killed Ye Sheng. In fact, she should be happy in her heart. So much perseverance and so much She has gone through all the ordeals, and nothing in this world should stop her." Mai Shutoku said,

"We came from hell, and we shall certainly go to hell."

"Cool, you Japanese all have the potential to be poets." Su Enxi praised.

"Well, actually what I want to say is that being trained by the family is not as wonderful as imagined." Mai Jiude shrugged, as if Su Enxi was standing in front of her,

"The elders at home have found many very good teachers for me, some of them are old men who have been famous in the ninja world for a long time. I also had a two-month training with the current head of the Fuma family. I learned a lot from these people. , such as why ninjas have to go through so much hardship."

"That's great, great teachers make great disciples. But look at your long-legged girl, driving a Lamborghini, wearing Christian Louboutin high heels and a size 2 Prada dress, and sitting on a business jet spending the money I earned to pick up handsome guys all over the world, you definitely don't If you can inherit the hard work and simplicity of Fuma Kotaro, your teachers will not be able to help but want to clean up the family if they know that you are so depraved now." Su Enxi couldn't help but complain.

Mai Shutoku was also a little embarrassed and took another sip of wine: "Are you still listening?"

"Okay, okay, tell me, if I don't interrupt, I will sew my mouth shut right now." Su Enxi said.

"It's not necessary to sew, but what I want to say is, actually, from the age of eleven to nineteen, I had a really hard time in these eight years. At that time, I had no parents, so I could only rely on my family and be old-fashioned. The old man used the harshest dogma to restrict me."

At the beginning, Mai Shutoku was hesitant to talk about these things that she had never told anyone before, but once the silent person opened his mouth, the words would flow out like a torrent that broke a dam. Mai Shutoku was not a talkative person. The real talkative person was Su Enxi, but she talked a lot today.

When everything was about to come to an end, Mai Shutoku's seemingly heroic but lonely soul finally could no longer endure the pain of migrating from north to south alone. She drank wine and warmed herself up by the fire, and said those words in a plain tone. The pain and nightmares I have experienced.

After talking about the difficulties and hesitation when learning ninjutsu for the first time, Su Enxi said why don't you give up if it's so painful, and Mai Shutoku said it's because every night I dream of a sixteen-year-old boy, with his back to the hazy skylight and caressing my breasts. Above her head, she said in a gentle voice, Mai Shutoku, do you really want to give up? Do you really want to give up what you really care about?

She didn't say what really concerned her, she just talked about what happened after that.

Later, Mai Shutoku's abilities became more and more outstanding, and many excellent ninjas were no longer able to teach her. At that time, she was nineteen years old. She liked to wear long braids, tall and slender. Some people said that she stood like a sword. A sword waiting for someone to draw it.

Su Enxi's heart moved, and she guessed that maybe the person who pulled out the sword was the boss.

When all the ninjas in Japan could no longer teach Mai Shutoku, she felt that she was about to graduate and she was finally free, but the elders in her family asked her to kill people for them.

They said, Mai Shutoku, you must remember that we trained you and we gave you everything you have today. Your life, your freedom, and everything you have belongs to the family. The senior who was looking for a ninja teacher for her took her and sat in a shrine in the mountains. Next to her was the shrine of her ancestors, and there were screens depicting Shuten-doji erected around her.

He was an upright-looking old man, with a square face and a straight back, but his usually gentle and loving eyes were so disgusting that day that an unbearable possessiveness almost burst out from them.

In fact, the senior has never been a good person. Mai Shutoku has never seen the world, so she feels that he is the only one in this family who treats her well.

But he was so scary that day.

"The old man drugged the tea I drank. He said he wanted to teach me the last lesson as a ninja, but in fact he just wanted to possess me." Mai Shutoku was already a little tipsy, Su Enxi was silent, she didn't I thought that the girl with long legs had such a past.

Mai Shutoku said that he failed because a kid who looked like 13 or 14 years old fell from the sky and smashed his dog's head with a pressure cooker.

The corner of Su Enxi's mouth twitched, which indeed sounded like the boss's style.

"That day, I thought for the first time I saw clearly who the child with his back to the dim light in my dream for many years was. I always thought it was the boss because they looked so similar." Mai Shutoku said, her The eyes are almost overflowing with tender water,

"But do you still remember that year when I helped the little kid fish for the Seven Deadly Sins in the Three Gorges? I was responsible for accompanying him on the dive. At that time, we had some accidents that caused oxygen leakage. He carried me up and hugged me when I woke up. Just tell me that it’s okay as long as you’re okay.”

Su Enxi remembered this. She also teased Jiude Mai and said, "Long-legged girl, you are really an old cow eating young grass. Long-legged didn't refute, just stared."

"When I was nineteen years old, I drank medicated tea at a shrine and fell into a coma. When I woke up, the thirteen-year-old child held me in the same arms and said, just be okay, just be okay." Mai Shutoku looked at her. As her breath turned into ice crystals, she didn't realize what was happening, but continued,

"I think the boss is a man harder than steel. Why would he make such a dejected look on my face and say such words as if he was joyful about regaining something."

The black box with the Kassel College emblem behind him trembled slightly, only slightly.

"You mean it wasn't the boss who brought you in, but Lu Mingfei?" Su Enxi raised an eyebrow, "But when we first met, he didn't look like he knew you."

"Some people can even change history, let alone one's memory?" Mai Shutoku frowned. She looked back and saw that the boss was very concerned about the box and asked that it must be delivered to Lu Mingfei. There was no movement.

In fact, Mai Shutoku still had some words left unsaid. A few months ago in that small town, Lu Mingfei's hometown, she had already opened her heart to Lu Mingfei during the fateful reunions.

He has such a great soul, and he shouldn't be able to hold only a few people. She should also have a place in it.

In the silence, there was only the sound of Su Enxi eating potato chips, and Jiude Mai opened her mouth and said nothing. She suddenly felt some intense light illuminating the side of her face from the porthole.

Almost at the same time, the snowmobile suddenly stalled, and Mai Shutoku realized that she had made a fatal mistake.

Because she kept the fire burning, she didn't realize that the temperature in the car was dropping. No wonder her breath turned into ice crystals.

Mai Shutoku took off her headset and rushed to the cab. The dashboard was completely frozen, and it was now an iron lump parked in northern Siberia.

"I broke down close to my destination. It should be difficult to complete the task with the current outdoor temperature. Potato chip girl, please send a message to the boss now and ask Lu Mingfei to pick it up..." Mai Shutoku hurriedly rushed again I came back and found the headset, but I couldn't continue speaking in the middle of the conversation.

Because the call has been interrupted.

It was not interrupted unilaterally by Su Enxi, but something cut off the signal between them.

Only then did she finally look out the window, her face gradually darkening.



That long frozen river, the wind blew up at some point, and all the snow was swept away. The ice surface was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the white sky.

But at this moment, the smooth ice surface was filled with surging thunder and flames. The thunder was white-purple, and the flames were white-gold. It seemed to match the temperature of Northern Siberia at the moment, and even the gods' weapons were frozen.

The ice surface undulates fiercely like mountains, and the golden light extends into it like a long step to the sky, lighting up this everlasting river.

It was clearly the Nibelungen door. Behind the door was the divine way to the sky, and at the end stood the burly God of Death.

The armor on his body is mottled, and behind him is a broken bloody battle robe. On his face is a deadwood-like mask, with white-gold light emitting from the mask's eye holes and mouth holes. Under the seat is the eight-legged horse Sleipney. you.

"Odin..." Mai Shutoku stood blankly in the snowmobile. The flames were completely extinguished at this moment, and the bone-chilling chill almost froze her heart to pieces.

She should have thought of it, she should have thought of it.

Lu Mingfei used his own footprints as a guide to guide her forward, and Odin could also use his footprints to find her, because that crucial thing was right next to her!

They all ignored one thing, Odin... was the only king who had been active in the world of the living for a long time.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang killed the two "Holy Sons" who were given the crown of the Sky and the Wind respectively, but where is the real Odin and the real priest?

He took back the authority of the ocean and water, and also took full control of the power of the sky and wind. He also obtained Norton's dragon bone cross from the college, and took away Fenrir's dragon bones from the Nibelungs of the King of Earth and Mountains. The throne, and even the bones of the White King, are now something beyond the Supreme, right?

Why couldn't he find Mai Shutoku through these signposts?

Odin raised the spear of destiny, and Mai Shutoku remembered that the spear was called Kungunir, and that it once pierced the heart of the almost omnipotent boss under the arctic aurora.

At this moment, God is riding his horse out of the ice, so the undulations on the ice are even more turbulent. At this moment, it doesn't look like mountains, but more like wild waves on the ocean!

The thunderbolts ejected from the Eight-legged Pegasus' nostrils have filled the glacier, and white-gold flames are rising from every inch of the ice, but the ice has not melted. Mai Shutoku knew that these ice surfaces that were so smooth that they could even be used as mirrors had formed the concept of "door" in alchemy at this moment.

Now that door is open, Odin's kingdom is connected to Siberia, and he is coming to take away that vital weapon.

Mai Shutoku coldly filled the pistol she carried with her, seven bullets in total, and the core of each bullet was a red crystal.

She found the evolution medicine she had prepared long ago from the cracks, and plunged it into her carotid artery, and the white scales tore through her skin and emerged from her body.

She raised her gun and fired six shots at Odin who was crossing the ice.

But even bullets ground from the Philosopher's Stone cannot hurt Odin. He is surrounded by an invisible realm, and every bullet that falls on it shatters into tiny crystals invisible to the naked eye.

The god threw the weapon named Kungunir, and the spear of destiny pointed directly at death immediately protruded from the ice, breaking free from the shackles of the Nibelungs and coming to reality.

Mai Shutoku finally felt the deathly silence that her sister Aki Shutoku had felt, about to be ended by fate. Death was coming, and even the Philosopher's Stone refined from the bones of Norton, the great Lord of Bronze and Fire, could not do anything. She forges an impenetrable barrier.

Kungunil had already seen its signpost when she came to reality. The gun of fate began to buzz and tremble, and then it was like the long river of fate bursting towards Mai Shutoku. She felt unstoppable. death.

But the last thing she had to do was to open the black box and put the Philosopher's Stone bullet containing the element of fire into it.

But the moment she raised the gun, time suddenly stopped, and the white-gold flames seemed to be crushed by a torrent, and were pushed back into the Nibelungs.

Something hit Kungunir's spearhead head-on. The holy spear, which was set to be sure to hit as long as it was thrown, was knocked back and was held by Odin again.

The huge backlash force actually made God's arms tremble.

A guy in a black trench coat fell from the sky and shattered the undulating ice with his kick. The majesty of the god was actually torn to pieces.

Seeing the back of the man who was not tall but made her feel a sense of security, Mai Shutoku breathed a sigh of relief. She leaned on the wall and bit her lower lip, "Lu Mingfei, you killed my sister." Then his body fell limply.

Lu Mingfei originally wanted to visit the nurse when she was off work, but it backfired. When he tiptoed outside the independent ward, he happened to bump into the nurse coming out of it. The nurse sister pursed her lips and chuckled, pointing to the ward and saying Xiaolu, your little wife is fine.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head in embarrassment and said to himself that luckily Xiamin Norei and Eri Yi were not here at the moment. Qiao Weini said that after the war she wanted to get together with her daughters-in-law, so of course Lu Mingfei couldn't object, so this They stayed in Mom's apartment for a few days.

Sister Mai has been in a coma for a week, and she missed the final battle, but luckily she brought the box, otherwise the end would really come.

Lu Mingfei gently opened the door and walked in. He saw a slim and slim body lying quietly on her side in the afterglow of the setting sun. She was covered with a thin white sheet, which actually perfectly fit Sister Mai's curves.

His Adam's apple moved, hiding the sound of his footsteps, he came to the bedside and sat down, staring at Mai Shutoku's little face, which was actually very rosy at the moment.

Her lips were as red as cinnabar, her long eyebrows were neat, her eyes were tightly closed, her long eyelashes hung down like dark crow feathers, but they were trembling slightly, and her small face was as gorgeous as a blush painted by a painter. .

Lu Mingfei smiled silently and touched Jiude Mai's shoulder. The girl trembled slightly. Her figure was exquisite and bulging under the sheets, and her long legs were twisted together like a beautiful snake.

"Sister Mai, thank you." Lu Mingfei leaned down and nuzzled Jiude Mai's ears. Jiude Mai blushed, and the blush immediately extended to her earlobes.

By some strange coincidence, Lu Mingfei stuck out his tongue and gently licked the girl's ripe cherry-like earlobe. Mai Shutoku immediately jumped up as if she was electrocuted and curled up hiding in the corner of the bed, like a frightened little animal. He looked at Lu Mingfei timidly.

Lu Mingfei chuckled and said, Sister Mai, are you going to stop pretending? Stop pretending and move inside. It just so happens that my wives have gone to my mother's place. I'll stay and chat with you tonight?

Shuutoku Mai's voice was as loud as a mosquito's fly. Although she complained that this was not her character, she still nodded and moved inside like a shy little girl.

Lu Mingfei really lay down, and Jiude Mai also lay down. Their breathing could be heard clearly, and the sun went down little by little.

They said they were chatting, but no one spoke. They just listened to each other's heartbeat getting faster and faster, and their breathing getting heavier and heavier.

Suddenly the person next to him sat up, and Jiude Mai kissed Lu Mingfei hard on the lips. Lu Mingfei was not surprised, they were lovers in the first place.

But this kiss was longer than before, as if the lonely girl put everything into it.

After parting their lips, the two people looked at each other. Mai Shutoku's eyes were filled with ripples in the creek and deep pools at the spring equinox. She touched Lu Mingfei's face,

"Brother, please take a sister."

Lu Mingfei's breathing suddenly became heavy and rough.

His nostrils opened slightly, and the faint fragrance of Shutoku Mai seemed to wrap around his whole body.

Lu Mingfei slowly approached the opening of the girl's skirt. Both of them were nervous and uneasy.

Her fair and delicate skin was like the most beautiful white jade, and she had a slender waist. The man's eyes finally settled on the long and tight legs under the sheets.

Seemingly noticing Lu Mingfei's gaze, Jiude Mai squeaked angrily.

"Does it look good?" The girl leaned over Lu Mingfei's shoulder and asked softly into the man's ear.

Lu Mingfei swallowed and nodded.

"Touch it?" Jiude Mai lifted Lu Mingfei's chin with her fingers and kissed his cheek. Lu Mingfei was defeated, and after a few seconds of reserve, he responded eagerly.

Night fell at this moment, and everything was silent.

 The next chapter is the return to normal chapter. I am thinking whether to let Xiaoji-san push down the lovely Miss Xia Mi, or let Xia Mi push down our lovely Xiaoji-san?



(End of this chapter)

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