Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 274 Chapter 269 Nono’s 2-week guide

Chapter 274 269. Nono’s second game guide
When Lu Mingfei passed by the withered bones of the dragon-shaped Deadpool at the corner, he picked up the skull that was kicked away by Nono. The eye sockets of the skull were deep and dark like an abyss. If you kept staring, you would feel that the thing was also there. Stare at you.

"The words preached through angels are certain, and those who disobey will receive the punishment they deserve." Lu Mingfei recited this passage in a low voice, and suddenly a biting breeze whistled like a knife across his skin. Then, he shuddered slowly.

For a few moments, Lu Mingfei thought that he had accidentally recited a forbidden spell and awakened a demon that could never be awakened.

The wizard carved the spell on the skull of the enemy and buried the bones deep in the ground of the altar. When a thief broke into the tomb full of gold one day, those bones came to life, and those unwilling evil spirits hid in the bones. , fiercely seeking revenge on this world.

Such stories are not uncommon, and the story of the Curse of the Pyramid is well known to many people.

But in the end, nothing happened. The skeleton that looked like it was made of bronze was still nailed there. Lu Mingfei casually put the skull into a sealed bag, then walked away and fired three times. All three bullets hit the chest of the skeleton. It was originally spliced ​​together, but now it was shattered and scattered.

Nuonuo glanced at Lu Mingfei, who still didn't dare to look at her. There was a cunning light in his crimson eyes. Occasionally, when the corner of the man's eye seemed to glance at her, the cunning light disappeared again. .

"There is a phoenix emblem on the skull and a scripture. I think the two may be connected. After taking it back and letting Norma compare it in big data, there may be some gains." Lu Mingfei explained. . This guy doesn't dare to look at Nono. Of course, it's not because he feels shy when his senior sister said that the three of them are together, but because Boss Lu's thinking is seriously divergent. When Nono said being together, he probably meant living together or something. Lu Mingfei I have already gone through the scene of Jenga in my mind.

Although she was looking forward to it, Nuonuo was a little witch and could see through Lu Mingfei's mind at a glance what weird things were going on in his mind.

Lu Mingfei really didn't dare to let Nono know this kind of shameful and obscene thought.

Lu Mingfei and Caesar both blushed for a moment. They looked at each other and quickly looked away. Except for Chu Zihang, the other two in the trio are actually very attracted to Miss Ying. That is not lustful. In Caesar's words, it is called philanthropy. He does not want to sleep with every beautiful girl he sees. He just wanted to give all the girls a home.

"Xia Mi and I actually talked about this matter before we came to Tokyo." Nono said, she hummed heavily in her nasal voice,
"I knew she wouldn't give up, and she knew I wouldn't give up."

When the three of them were looking at beauties on the streets of Shinjuku together, Lu Mingfei was the most honest, and Miss Sakura, who had been standing behind him for a while, listened to everything.

The senior sister's skin was as delicate as the most flawless jade in the world. Lu Mingfei felt goosebumps all over his body when he touched Lu Mingfei's collarbone along the pectoralis major.

"Senior sister, you know that I have no other merits except my sincerity." Lu Mingfei said with some certainty.
"When we first came to Japan, we squatted on the streets of Shinjuku District and saw beautiful girls on the road. Everyone's eyes were clearly focused and uniform. But Caesar said that Tokyo is indeed Tokyo, but it is bigger than Sicily. Chu Zihang said it was a pity that we came here. It’s not the right time for the cherry blossoms to have faded early. I feel that the girls in Tokyo are too tender but their legs are too thick.”

As for Lu Mingfei, no matter where he is, he is a strong man like a meteor. Everyone has to raise their head and look up, but little did he know that Boss Lu was also sneaking a peek inside when he passed by the girl's bathroom window. To put it bluntly, it's because Lu Mingfei doesn't have any idol baggage. He can do whatever he wants and say what he wants. There are really too many beautiful girls on the streets of Tokyo, and Caesar and Chu Zihang are also very hot-blooded. How could young people not take a second look?

"The look in your eyes just now was really dirty, as if you wanted to eat me." Nuonuo sneered with his eyes narrowed, "Can't you see that you, Lu Mingfei, will be so perverted and bold one day, right? A few minutes ago, you, President Lu, have gone through those debauched and immoral scenes that are inappropriate for children several times in your mind?"

Caesar and Chu Zihang are two extremes. Young Master Gattuso prides himself on having a handsome face and carries the air of a nobleman wherever he goes. He rarely peeks at a girl's legs, and usually Caesar only needs to show a little bit. There will be a clue that there will be a large number of girls who will do anything for him. But Caesar is similar to Lu Mingfei in one way. He has a lustful heart but no courage. It can be said that his heart is as high as the sky and his life is as thin as paper. In another world, he and Nono have been good for many years, but in the end, they only kiss each other and hold hands. did not do. This man would usually not hide it if he really looked at beautiful girls on the street, but when Chu Zihang was around, Caesar always thought about not being looked down upon by the president of the Lion Heart Society.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei was still quite indignant when he said this.

Nuonuo was stunned for a moment by Lu Mingfei. When she reacted, she immediately put her cold little hand into Lu Mingfei's collar and touched around. She gritted her teeth and hummed, "Lu Mingfei, you can dress up, sister, I don’t know you yet? Even if you stick your butt out, I know what kind of fart you are going to do,"

Chu Zihang is a sultry man who likes to hold back no matter what happens. Other friends walking on the street with their arms around each other and seeing beautiful girls with slim waists, long legs and miniskirts would wait for their good friends to go back and admire them after they passed by, but Chu Zihang didn't, he quietly looked at them with the corner of his eyes. , maybe this guy is discussing Goldbach's conjecture with you at this moment, but in the next second he has already gone through the girl's measurements in his mind.

The situation at that time was still fresh in my mind. The three of them left the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo and went to Genji Heavy Industries. Before they had gone far, Genji's assistant Sakura Yabuki called and said that there were new course arrangements for that day and asked them to stay where they were and not move around. She comes to pick it up.

The trio has distinct personality traits, and the academy has really put a lot of thought into putting them together.

In fact, it's not like he didn't have a chance in another world, it's just that he didn't muster up the courage, or maybe he thought that people like Nono should be with Caesar, and only by being with Caesar would she be happy.

"Hey, junior brother, stop pretending." Nono held Lu Mingfei's arm and waved it back and forth. Her pink little tongue came out and gently licked the corners of her lips. Lu Mingfei just took one look and felt My mouth was dry, my tongue was dry, and there was a fire rising in my heart.

Lu Mingfei was shocked, thinking that he still couldn't hide it from his senior sister.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. He remembered everything he had with his senior sister in the college, the heartfelt confessions he had made on the Kuimen Moniyah in the Three Gorges, and the fact that the two of them were actually shaped by fate in the final analysis. People who go upstream and do it all over again on the other side.

Sakura said that in fact, the typical Yamato Nadeshiko was originally a buck-toothed girl with short legs. The guest used to think that most of us Japanese girls have thin waists and long legs, which was due to preconceived ideas.

Later, the senior sister knew a lot of things and identified a bad boy like him. How could he be identified by a witch because he was so ungrateful and virtuous?

"Senior sister, I..." Lu Mingfei's mouth was dry, and he held the naughty palm of the senior sister that had explored the gully of the pectoralis major muscle through the thin lining.

Nuonuo lifted her hair to reveal her smooth and smooth forehead. She stood on tiptoes and stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes: "Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei, do you know how much love debt you owe?" Nono regretted saying this. She blinked her eyes, revealing a hint of clear stupidity. But fortunately, Lu Mingfei's eyes were also so clear, scary, and shockingly stupid. Nono wanted to rely on him. This damn place in Tokyo really has a feng shui problem. It seems like my personality has completely collapsed since I came here. Can I say such nonsense as "how much debt I owe"? Isn’t that really what the second female lead in a certain period romance drama said to the first male lead?
Thinking of this, she quickly told herself to stop it, stop it! Chen Motong, your character cannot be compromised. Lu Mingfei is obviously a typical M. The nicer you are to him, the more uncomfortable he will be. The more you ignore him, the more itchy he will be. Besides, girls chase boys. You have to take it fucking step by step, is it in vain that you, Chen Motong, have had thirty-six boyfriends in twenty years and you don’t even understand this?
Nuonuo was thinking wildly when the big hand around her waist suddenly tightened. She was just a girl. How could she resist Lu Mingfei's arm strength, which was almost the same as a hydraulic press? Plus, she was standing on tiptoes. At this moment, he was directly pressed into Lu Mingfei's arms, with both hands supporting the man's chest. For a moment, he felt a strong breath of male hormones rushing towards his face, as if a heat wave was pouring on him.

Nuonuo raised her head and widened her eyes. At this moment, the door of the Nibelung was in front of them. Hazy white light came from outside. Those lights fell in her eyes like stars twinkling in the red ocean. , the surface of the ocean reflected Lu Mingfei’s shadow so clearly.

Nuonuo felt like the world was spinning, and even her thoughts were dizzy. The mental activity that she had just reminded herself to maintain her personality was completely forgotten.

She looked at Lu Mingfei, who was so close, and felt that she had known that her junior brother was good-looking before, but she never thought that he was so good-looking.

Her eyes were wide open, with a shimmering light in her pupils, like a kitten being held in her arms, or like a puppy being held in the arms of its mother bear, with curiosity and lingering dependence in her eyes.

Lu Mingfei didn't say anything. He felt the tenderness of the person in his arms, and his mood calmed down little by little. The breeze stirred his long forehead, and the pair of majestic red-gold pupils stared at him for a moment. With Nono.

Being stared at by such a naked and fiery gaze, Nono's ears turned red visibly. She suddenly turned her eyes away, and then she probably realized that she was not the one who was submissive at this time, so she was shy and annoyed and pushed with both hands. However, Lu Mingfei couldn't exert any strength on his chest. After trying a few times, he gave up and glared at Lu Mingfei fiercely, but it was not vicious, but rather like a cat acting coquettishly.

Nuonuo's voice trembled: "Junior brother, what do you want to do? This is Genji Heavy Industries..."

In the past, when it came to kissing or making out, it was mostly Nono who took the initiative, and she was used to that kind of relationship. At this time, Lu Mingfei suddenly became more proactive, and her legs felt a little weak and she couldn't resist.

Besides, Lu Mingfei is so bold that he dares to have sex with the first-generation species. What if his bestiality comes out here...

Nuonuo's eyes were covered with light mist, her face was very hot, and her two tight and slender thighs were twisted together like a beautiful snake. Profiling could originally increase her imagination, but at this moment her thoughts started to wander and she couldn't stop. Those 18 postures that she only occasionally joked about when she and Susie had secret conversations in the boudoir were all in her imagination. and Lu Mingfei did it all.

Lu Mingfei blinked. He didn't know why the senior sister's whole body seemed to soften for a moment, her pulse also became extremely fast, and her whole body temperature increased a lot.

But at this time, the senior sister was like a tulip in bud, and she couldn't help but want to pick it.

"Senior sister, aren't you curious about how I bullied Xia Mi?" Lu Mingfei had a mean smile on his face, and Nono turned her face away, not daring to look at this guy's face at this time.

"We will study it slowly when we get back..."

When Lu Mingfei said this, he leaned close to Nono's ear. The man's breathing was heavy and hot, like a ball of fire, and Nono's breathing also became heavier.

She was thinking about when her junior brother learned to be bad, and then suddenly the look in her pupils froze, and the man's shadow became clearer and clearer. Almost in an instant, Lu Mingfei pressed his lips hard against the girl's lips. between.

Lu Mingfei's lips were thin and hard, with a cold smoke smell. Nono's hand that had been retracted into Lu Mingfei's inner lining was pulled out at some point, and she stroked along Lu Mingfei's face. Stroke all the way to his Adam's apple.

The hot breath was like the southern wind in the middle of summer in July. They were driving along the city highway in a red Ferrari toward the brightly lit CBD. The black helicopter rotors in the night sky were chasing them with the sound of turbulent wind.

It turned out that it had been so long since she first met that shabby kid. It seemed like it was a lifetime ago.

Nuonuo looked at the guy who was close at hand without blinking. She catered to the passionate love he expressed, and she felt as if she had really fallen.

Nono laughed out loud when the kiss ended.

Lu Mingfei still held his senior sister in his arms. He tilted his head, not knowing what the senior sister was laughing at.

Nono said nothing, but the light outside the Nibelung became more intense, as if someone suddenly opened the door on the sunny side of a cold room, and the sunlight fell in through the crack in the door. , the ray of light was first a slit, and then gradually expanded into a fan that was enough to cover both people. The two people's eyes met in the dazzling light pillar.

Lu Mingfei also laughed, and Nono stepped on his feet hard.

"How about I go back and call Xia Mi and then Eri Yi, so that you can study it thoroughly?" Nuonuo wiped his lips with his fingers, his tone was still vicious, but in Lu Mingfei's eyes, it was quite cute. suspicion.

He chuckled and rubbed his hands: "Is that true?"

(End of this chapter)

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