Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 295 290 Gattuso Family’s Debt

Chapter 295 290. Gattuso Family’s Debt
The winter nights in Moscow are really bitingly cold, and the long silent streets are deserted. On both sides of the street, you can see the Byzantine buildings from the Catherine era, and you can also see the Khrushchev building that is quite old and lacks repairs. building.

The windows and doors of the Byzantine buildings were dark, and not even a ghost could be seen. On the contrary, the Khrushchev Tower, which became popular at the end of the last century and even took half of China by storm, was brightly lit.

Sandstorm-like snow and hard ice crystals fell diagonally, and the whole world was filled with the roar of the wind and the rustle of snow dust falling on the ground and on the roof of the car.

The old man on crutches wrapped himself in a dark green military cotton coat. Although the biting wind almost blew through the thick clothes, he did not shrink, but appeared tall and straight. Even the crutch doesn't look like a crutch, but more like a weird-shaped sword. It seems that it will be pulled out at any time to shake off the snow on the blade and fight to the death with the enemies chasing in the darkness.

In 2010, the first snow in Moscow this winter came suddenly and fiercely, like a polar bear crawling out of its cave, roaring across its territory.

The old man was leaning against an Aston Martin that looked to be quite old. This classic car turned on all the lights, and the sharp and huge light beams left huge spots of light in the long snow and dust.

Snow and fine ice crystals fell everywhere in this ancient city, and the leather boots of Napoleon's soldiers may have stepped on those stone-paved floors.

His old but stiff shadow stood quietly in the snow, and after a short time his shoulders were covered with snowflakes.

Frost felt more relaxed than ever before. He was rubbing a cigar with his hand in his mouth, there was a bottle of old whiskey in the car, and every mobile phone was turned off. He had never been as free as he was today.

Long years have passed since he was elected as the acting head of the family by the elders at the family elders meeting. For a long time, Frost had to travel back and forth between the United States and Italy every day. Under his management, the Gattuso family's properties spread all over the world, and they jumped from the school board in just a few decades. And rise to become the most powerful wealthy family in the entire mixed race world.

The late night in Moscow is cold and lonely, unlike Tokyo, where the lights are so bright that they can set the sky on fire. The cold current from the north kicks off a cold wind that will soon freeze everything. If you wait just one month, the spire buildings, firs and larches on the other side of the Volga River will be frozen into ice sculptures.

Even though he was temporarily freed from the vortex of power, Frost Gattuso was still worried. The large-scale resurgence of dragons and more and more out-of-control hybrids are appearing all over the world. On the battlefield of dragon slaying, the academy is under increasing pressure. This also means that the Gattuso family who provides help to the academy is enduring more and more pressure. The more pressure.

Obviously a great era is coming, and the doomsday that the Mayans call it is coming with the return of an ancient supreme being.

The rickety figure walked out of the phone booth under the dim light. He didn't bring an umbrella, and he was almost drowned in the snow in an instant.

One day ago, the man who walked out of the phone booth called Frost, who was far away in the London Financial Institution negotiating a deal worth more than two billion US dollars. Frost immediately gave the signing authority to the consultant next to him and rushed over without stopping. Moscow.

But the modified Aston Martin is warm, and of course it will not turn off the engine when the secretary is temporarily driven away. In this way, it can continuously retain the heat flow around the owner, and at the same time, it can also avoid the warning when restarting. thermal process.

In terms of status, Henkel is even higher than Frost, but the heritage of North American mixed-races is far inferior to that of European mixed-races, so the Gattuso family can always be on an equal footing with the powerful Henkel family.

In such an era, how should such a fragile human being survive the torrent? Could it be that he really knelt down as a slave of the dragon after the war?
The light spot at the end of the cigar moved upward inch by inch. Frost exhaled and the hot white steam rose.

Because the person on the other end of the phone was Fidelis.

The snowflakes and ice crystals fell on the black car roof and immediately melted into snow water, and then slowly evaporated. The white water vapor filled the classic car and formed a hazy boundary around Frost.

The attack on Angers by Fujiwara Shinnosuke was not recorded by Norma, so the school board, including Frost, had no way of knowing. But Henkel told Frost about it on the phone and threatened that "a new era is about to begin, and we old guys will become the key to the new era."

Not far away is October Square. There are obviously troops stationed on the other side of the square. The top of a Khrushchev Building is set up by sentries and engineers with bright xenon headlights. It turns slowly like a searchlight. Circle, illuminating this silent city in the sky full of ice and snow, and also illuminating the distant cars on the roadside that looked like dead animals. Frost lit the cigar, and the smoke curled up and was blown away by the wind and snow.

At the same time, more and more evidence seems to be pointing to the Gattuso family. Frost knows that there is a big fish stirring up the storm hidden next to him, but he doesn't know who that fish is.

Frost's heart trembled slightly, and his hand holding the cane became harder.

A faint, dim light suddenly lit up on the opposite side of the long street. Amid the curtain-like snow and dust, one could see that the light was actually a glass phone booth. The rickety shadow was just behind the glass. The temperature difference between the inside and outside caused the inner wall of the phone booth to be obscured. There is a thick layer of moisture on it.

There are too many truths hidden behind the confusing fog. Frost sometimes feels like a clueless puppet, but the fact is that he holds more than half of the family's armed forces in his hands. If this old man wants to launch an attack, This is an armed coup to overthrow the head of the Pompeii family, and the high probability of final victory will be Frost.

He enjoyed this feeling, this feeling of having power and power.

But sometimes Frost still wanted to spend a whole day doing nothing, go back to his house in the country, say hello to his neighbors, read an old book under the violet vines, drink a cup of black tea he brewed, and eat a piece of baked goods. Burnt bread or steak.

In the mixed-race world, he also has a more famous name, Western Watch, Fidelis Henkel.

Who instigated Fujiwara Shinnosuke’s attack on the principal...?
Why did that person have to make an appointment to meet in a place like this? It seemed like he couldn't trust the other members of the Gattuso family.

Sure enough it was him.

So here comes Frost.

Henkel stood across the long street. Although he still retained the prestige of the Western Watch, he was after all a 130-year-old man with severe calcium loss. Standing under the violent and turbulent snow dust, he looked like a man in the ocean. A lone boat seems to be about to collapse in an instant.

He glanced at the lonely streetlight at the end of the street. The light was like a small, weak halo in the increasingly heavy snowstorm. Facing the deserted October Square, he pulled up his sheepskin hunting jacket. The collar seems to be trying to block the wind and cold.

In the distance, on the October Square covered by the biting cold wind, stands the bronze statue of Lenin. Only a black silhouette of the huge dark sculpture can be seen in the rain, which seems to be printed in the sky.

Henkel pressed the brim of his hat on his head toward the bronze statue, as if to salute and to block the wind and snow.

Just when Henkel was doing this, Frost was already coming towards him. The two old men looked at each other in silence in the snow, and then shook hands with each other. Their hands were as hot as red-hot coals. "Why did you choose to meet in Moscow?"

"The eyes of the academy do not have the ability to completely penetrate this country. Only in the poorest countries and Russia in the world can our conversations not be monitored by Norma," Henkel said.

They walked back to the Aston Martin together. Frost opened the passenger door for Fidelis Henkel. Henkel got in and found the whiskey inserted in the card slot with two hands. He poured himself and Frost a glass each from a wide-mouthed glass.

Frost spit out the cigarette butt into the dust-like snow that was flying all over the sky. He squinted slightly and looked at Henkel. Norma and EVA are essentially the same thing. As the holder of the black card, Frost is both the protector and the monitored person of this artificial intelligence.

Although they don’t really like such a... ghostly girl who is always around them, many people have already become accustomed to getting a response from Norma anytime and anywhere by just saying a word. This huge intelligent system is like guarding the college and the society. The Holy Spirit on duty of the school directors never has a vacation and does not need to rest.

In those areas where the Internet is developed and open, Norma's eyes are always on the school director. No one knows who she will ultimately answer to, maybe Angers, or maybe something else.

But Henkel was right. Moscow is very good. Although the network here is developed, it is not open. The Great Wall in the winter not only blocked the steel torrent of Heinz Wilhelm Guderian, but also prevented the use of geosynchronous orbit data. Norma, which uses thousands of satellites as eyes in the sky to monitor the entire world, cannot move forward.

Usually, the branches of Kassel Academy in various countries will use the territory and population of that country as the criterion for judging whether they are strong, because the vast land can provide land for the growth of hybrids, and the large population will become the breeding ground for outstanding hybrids. Cornerstone.

For example, the academic branches of Western European countries are extremely powerful institutions, and if taken individually, they are behemoths that can make rules in their respective countries.

Another example is the Brazilian branch. Even though it has been affected by the siphon effect of the North American branch for a long time, it still has a power that cannot be underestimated and can even affect the operation of the central government to a certain extent.

But the Russian branch is undoubtedly an exception among exceptions. Due to historical factors, the huge mixed-race ethnic group active in the most extensive country in the world is extremely exclusive. They especially distrust the European hybrids headed by the Camarilla. Even though the Kassel Academy successfully expanded its power to Moscow during World War II, what they could do was minimal.

Relying solely on the strength of the Russian branch of the Kassel Academy, Norma is unable to move forward in this country where oligarchs are rampant.

"Many years ago, he proposed to build a country where everything is distributed according to need, everyone is equal, there is no oppression or bullying." Henkel breathed a sigh of relief on the car window glass, and then used his cuffs to remove it. The fog there was wiped clean, he frowned and picked up the whiskey, staring at the metal statue from a distance,
"What a great miracle. An ordinary person who is not even a mixed race, an ant who is not even a slave in the era of kings, can make millions of people listen to him in that era just with the cry of his soul. Following his orders, they once established the largest country in the world, and they went further and further on the road to the Utopia..."

"But that country couldn't even last a hundred years. When the Iron Alliance collapsed, the comrades who were once brothers and sisters became enemies of each other, and their eyes were full of distrust." Frost also looked over, and he began to prepare for himself second cigar,
"Dear Mr. Henkel found me and made an appointment to meet in Moscow, bypassing the academy's eyes. Is it just to test my politics and philosophy?"

Henkel drank hard liquor. For an old man like him, the function of his liver should have deteriorated long ago, but at this time he still showed the heroic attitude of a young man.

"There are people starting a new era," Henkel said. "Just like him."

He tapped the glass of the car window with his fingers.

"Haven't we been doing this all the time?" Frost smiled, and the light on the cigar clenched between his teeth flickered. He leaned back on his chair and sighed, "The dragons of the past are dead, and the new dragons will stand. Get up, we, you, are all new-born dragons.”

"Don't say this to Angers, he can cut off your fingers with that folding knife." Henkel shook his head.

"That is to say, the purpose of the distinguished Mr. Henkel finding me was not to achieve... closer cooperation between the Gattuso family and the Americans." Frost considered his words, tapping his fingers lightly. On the steering wheel, his eyelids were lowered.

"I just want to know how much you can pay for your promise." Henkel chuckled, and he looked at Frost,
"You and I both know that Tokyo has become a hunt, right? The one who gets the prey will get everything, and the one who fails will even have his name erased from history."

Frost turned his head suddenly, and the majestic majesty swept back and forth in this small space like a tide, and the ghost-like golden pupils lit up in the politician's eyes.

From this point of view, he is indeed a dangerous warrior, but Frost has not wielded a sword for many years, and it is not known whether he can still hold the hilt of the sword and step onto the battlefield.

"What do you want to say?"

"I have been entrusted by someone to ask you to redeem the debt you owe." Henkel still smiled, but Frost did not dare to despise this old man who looked harmless. Henkel stood firm and motionless in his field, as if High mountains rising into the sky from the tide.

"What debt?"

"You owe a favor to someone... The Gattuso family used despicable means to take away the honor of killing Dragon King Norton from that person." Henkel sighed, "This favor is really too big. You and What should your family use to repay it?"

Frost's domain slowly shrank, and he sat there upright, his eyes deep, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, an envelope was handed to him by Henkel.

"In addition, there are some things that will make you angry and even doubt your life after seeing them. They are related to Fujiwara Shinnosuke and those old people in your family." Henkel's voice was faint.

"This is the reason why we really want to avoid Norma. It is the biggest secret in the world, a secret that is enough to overturn the world."

The old man's eyes also lit up with brilliant gold. He no longer looked at Frost, but looked ahead.

"Read it, destroy it, and then decide whose side you're on," Henkel said.

"Your body, and your soul, you may go your separate ways."

(End of this chapter)

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