Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 299 Chapter 294 Snowy Double Swords

Chapter 299 294. Snowy Double Swords
It was raining heavily. After using the principal to scare Odin away, Lu Mingfei returned to the observation tower. He stood behind the huge glass curtain wall with his back to the high-speed elevator and watched the rain.

Worthy of being the most powerful king that even Lu Mingze admired, the king of sky and wind, Vidfornir, might have reached a certain pinnacle in his time, overlooking the dynasties and bowing to the west. The roar of the Supreme was like an electromagnetic wave. The same stratosphere swept across the entire earth. All standing things trembled and knelt down, but he still kept his spine straight.

Even though he has died, there is not much power left, but Angers is still as insurmountable as a mountain.

Perhaps only the true Odin himself can kill Angers on the battlefield, but he will undoubtedly pay a heavy price for doing so. He is not the only one who covets the throne in the dark world, there are more hunters circling around the supreme crown like hyenas.

They did not rush to fight for it, not only because of the majesty of the secret party, not only because they were afraid of Angers, but more likely because there was an ultimate predator watching nearby.

But if the predator becomes weak, those guys will swarm in like sharks smelling blood.

The kings of the dark side of the world don't mind tearing Odin and all he is to pieces and swallowing them before sharing the power of the ancient supreme being.

The long black windbreaker on Lu Mingfei's body hung down. In the distant sky, the lightning and fire grew wantonly like a lush sacred tree. The shadows on the hem and hem were like the wings of a dragon hanging down. He opened his clothes to reveal a white shirt with a lining of Mottled and bright Ukiyo-e.

This is the uniform of the Japanese Executive Bureau. The higher your status in this organization, the more prosperous and complex your lining will be. Lu Mingfei’s lining is even higher than the current Director of the Executive Bureau, Yuan Zhi. born.

Logically speaking, this is impossible. The director of the Japan Branch Executive Bureau is already the nominal supreme leader of this law enforcement agency. This position is also very powerful within the Sheqiba family. Even if Yuan Zhisheng is not the head of the Yuan family, he can still sit on an equal footing with other family heads in the internal meetings of the Sheqiba family.

In addition to Norma, the email was signed by all the members of the school board of directors. Although the gentlemen had some understanding of the current situation in Japan, their knowledge only existed a few days ago.

There are glass walls all around, and the rain hits the windows. In the glass, there is not only the night view of Tokyo city, but also the shadows of Lu Mingfei and Xiao Xiao.

Lu Mingfei was almost certain that after handing over the power of the head of the family from Tachibana Masamune, the little turtle of Minamoto had definitely held a meeting on how to deal with the academy's accountability or armed invasion, and formulated a series of plans. plan.

——Even though she was wearing a thick windbreaker, the slender and slim girl was still shivering from the cold, and her two rows of neat, white teeth clicked loudly.

Considering that the cadres of the Executive Directorate are all nominally members of the college, including the Kanto Branch, the Kansai Branch and other subordinate organizations that have a subordinate relationship with the Executive Directorate, this name is still somewhat useful to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei's meeting with Miyamoto Xiaosheng today was legal and compliant, and even a bilateral action was reported to the Executive Bureau. Even if Minamoto Xiaosheng was crazy, he would not be able to lead people to siege the Tokyo Tower under great pressure. .

This is definitely the first time that the so-called special committee chairperson in various administrative systems within the secret party has appeared in a formal document. Lu Mingfei was shocked and felt that he had returned to the precarious Shanghai beach, with hundreds of skills in his hands. He is a special agent who has been working hard and is constantly fighting against his old buddies from the underground party.

But there are always exceptions to everything. To this day, Kassel College has still not officially issued a war ultimatum to the Sheqiba family. The Sheqiba family has also tried its best to refrain from any behavior that violates the leadership status of the college. In other words, the Japanese branch is still a subordinate institution of Kassel College, and the college and the executive department still retain the wartime command and schedule delegation rights over the executive bureau affiliated with the Japanese branch.

Ten hours ago, Lu Mingfei was soaking in the hot springs in front of Tamamo and talking on the phone with his junior sister when he received an appointment email from Norma. The content of the email was that he hoped that he could serve as the special chairman of the Japan Branch Executive Board while he was in Tokyo. .

He is a traditional Japanese, and righteousness and justice are the unshakable rocks in his heart. What would others think if he, Yuan Zhisheng, really attacked Lu Mingfei today?
The cadres of the Executive Bureau will feel that Yuan Zhisheng is unwilling to give up the power in his hands and wants to kill the imperial envoy from the college. This is a stain on Yuan Zhisheng.

With the national characteristics of Japanese thieves, there is no reason to understand the simple fact that things are kept secret. Even if several heads of the Snake Qiba family had been prepared to betray the academy, it was impossible to be informed of such a thing. to lower-level departments.

After Miyamoto Xiaoyou and Lu Mingfei said hello, she put her wet long hair on top of her head, revealing her beautiful long swan-like neck, slender collarbones, extremely narrow shoulders, two slender hands clasped in front of her, and her feet Wearing a pair of red-soled shoes with stiletto heels, she looks tall and plain, with a hint of sharpness in her charm.

In other words, in the eyes of most ordinary executive board members, although they are very reluctant, Lu Mingfei's current status is not inferior to Yuan Zhisheng. This also made it difficult for the power of the Sheqiba family to openly oppose him before the academy and the Sheqiba family completely broke up.

Only then did she finally have time to look inside the observatory in front of her, which was once known as the holy place for couples to commit suicide in Tokyo.

If he really walks into Genji Heavy Industries now with the title of academy commissioner, maybe soon the mixed-race world will know who is better between S-class and Emperor.

There is nothing you can do to deal with the villain Lu Mingfei, but there are many ways to deal with the gentleman Lu Mingfei.

Regardless of whether it is Herzog or Friedrich who is standing behind the Jakiki Hachi family and using the identity of Masamune Tachibana to control the Japanese underworld supreme at this moment, he cannot let all the armed forces of the family participate in the fight against Lu Mingfei in the war.

This is a romantic and sentimental place, but it was indeed the highest man-made point in the city of Tokyo. Looking out from here is like an ancient emperor looking down at the whole world. The city extends from the edge of the sea to the inside of the mountain. It is really spectacular and heroic, making people want to conquer.

There was a high table on the left side of the exit of the high-speed elevator, and two cups of hot black tea were placed on the table. Xiao Xiao stretched her eyebrows, picked up a cup of hot tea and took a slow sip, with her lips dyed a light red. After a moment, he let out a long sigh of admiration.

In short, this is a position created by the Night Watchmen. The name is not important, but the function is. The email stated that Lu Mingfei has the power to exercise any rights that Principal Angers can exercise, and implicitly expressed the hope that he can be transferred from the Sheqiba Family Take control of the Executive Directorate from your hands.

Everything is intertwined, reminiscent of the reflection of icebergs on the sea, like several worlds overlapping each other. In those worlds, the same person is silently gazing at another world through this mirror that seems to be the connection between the worlds.

Lu Mingfei was looking at Tokyo in the night rain, so Xiaoxiao also looked at Tokyo in the night rain. Those gray-white and titanium black buildings stood in the black rain curtain, and the dim lights seemed to have a thin halo around them. A layer of light mist.

The light fog merged with the light fog like a flowing river. All the lights of Tokyo were reflected in the raindrops that fell all over the place. It was so beautiful that it seemed unreal. Xiaoyou walked along the edge of the glass wall and came to Lu Mingfei's back. There was a small table and two chairs in the middle of the observation deck. On the table was a large salad in a glass bowl and a bottle of Bordeaux red wine. The decanter was tilted, and the red liquid inside was shaking with the steel tower in the strong wind. The surface that should have been calm was slightly rippled.

Lightning roared out of the clouds, and the crimson wine reflected the appearance of the lightning.

"Are you identical twins? You look really alike." Lu Mingfei turned around with a smile, but the first words he said made Xiao Xiao choke a little.
"I heard that for identical twins, the younger sister left the mother's body first, and the older sister lags behind. Therefore, the older sister is the younger sister, and the younger sister is the older sister."

In the distance behind him, a bell tower could be seen piercing the sky. The huge xenon lamp sprinkled the original light spot on the sea surface that was being stirred up by the violent storm, and the fragments of light and fire diffused in fine pieces.

"Maybe, people often say that we look alike... Usually only identical twins are so similar in appearance." Xiao You walked to Lu Mingfei's side.

"I really don't know why you trust me, and I don't know what truth you want to reveal to me, let alone what you want to get from me, but I want to say that I know a lot of twins, and there are many twins like you. It's really the first couple." Lu Mingfei shrugged, and the recording had already started when he and Xiao You started talking. Sometimes even when meeting someone alone, you are not sure whether you are being monitored. This kind of monitoring can be fatal to a spy or agent who is about to betray a terrible organization.

Miyamoto Xiaoyu and Miyamoto Luoye both studied at Cassel Academy and also received one-year professional skills training at the Army Academy. They must be very good at transmitting encrypted intelligence. Lu Mingfei is trying to induce the girl to say what she wants to say in an encrypted way through small talk. The recording of this conversation will then be handed over to the college intelligence department to use it to protect the monsters of Cassel College. With their abilities, they should be able to quickly decipher the real information she wants to convey.

"What are the other twins like?" Xiao You was stunned for a moment.

"There are two fat guys among my high school classmates who are mean and keen on talking nonsense... From these two points, they and I should be the same type of people." Lu Mingfei is fairly objective about his positioning, he shrugged He shrugged, "Besides, you should have heard of my girlfriend, Xia Mi. She also has a brother, but it's a pity that she's not very smart."

It was written in Xia Mi's file that she did have an identical twin mentally retarded brother. This fact was verified by the principal personally, so Lu Mingfei was not worried that anything extraordinary would be exposed, such as the weird cuteness. The fact is that the department girl Natsumi-san is actually transformed into the super monster Jörmungandr who can sink the entire academy into magma in the earth's crust with a roar.

Xiao You also looked out the window, but she was looking in the direction of the sea, her eyes shining.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with being stupid. The less you are exposed to the truth, the happier you will be." She said softly.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and said, "Then what truth are you going to tell me?"

"You are different, you can help more people like me get out of the quagmire." Xiaoyou said, she shrugged, "That idiot Akechi Asuya thinks he can challenge you, but I already knew it. , The real opponents for people like you should be those extremely evil ghosts and the aloof emperor, little people like us don’t even have the qualifications to let you take a second look, right?”

"You may not believe it, but in fact I used to be a nobody." Lu Mingfei smiled, "You can't investigate my background because my authority is S-level and everything about me is hidden. In the academy The status of S-class is equivalent to the status of Amaterasu in your family... Are you willing to listen to my story about my past?"


"When I was in high school, my parents went abroad, so I lived with my uncle and aunt. They transferred all the money to my aunt's bank card. But my aunt also had children, so she spent a large part of the money to support mine. Cousin, this way I have very little pocket money... At that time, the classmates in the gang liked to play StarCraft in the Internet cafe, and I also liked it. I just watched from the side. When anyone got up and left the Internet cafe, I would go and continue with him. Playing, at that time we called this behavior picking up opportunities.”

"Why don't you kill them?"


"Your uncle, aunt, and your cousin, they took away things that originally belonged to you from you, didn't they?" Xiao You said seriously, "I don't covet other people's things, but who wants to take them from me?" Whatever he takes away, I will fight him to the death.”

There was a fierceness in her words when she said this. Lu Mingfei scratched his hair and felt as if he had seen himself when he was angry.

"But they are still my uncle, aunt, and brother. If I kill them, where will they live? Who will cook and wash my clothes? Who will sign my exam papers?" Lu Mingfei shrugged, "A lot of times violence Most problems can be solved, but there are some problems that violence can never solve.”

Xiaoyou was silent for a moment: "Then, you like to surf the Internet, what next?"

"It's nothing. It's just that one time the city sent people to check the Internet usage of minors. I escaped because I picked up someone else's phone. Those brothers who had money to open temporary cards were invited to ask their parents." Lu Ming Fei Xiaoxiao said, "I just want to say that there is nothing wrong with being a small person. You don't have to be exposed to those magnificent scenery, and naturally you don't have to bear the responsibilities of those mountains and rivers."

None of them continued talking. After a few minutes, Xiaoyou pointed in the direction of the sea. "I bought a ticket to Hong Kong. I'm leaving this country. I think I have been living in a conspiracy my whole life. Maybe it's time to make a plan for myself." Live for once," she said.

"Before this, I want to tell you some secrets. That is my sister's wish." Xiao You raised her head and looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes. "We really hope that you can avenge us, and only you can avenge us." ”

She stood on tiptoes, leaned close to Lu Mingfei's ear, and whispered something softly.

The girl's breath tickled Lu Mingfei's earlobes like a warm cloud. His pupils slowly contracted, and after a few minutes, the blazing golden pupils were ignited in this empty watchtower.

Lightning tore through the sky, like Odin roaring in rage.

(End of this chapter)

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