Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 357 Extra: Old Dreams with Eri

Eri is always curious about everything new she sees. When she first got off the plane and came to this city, she was impressed by Hefei's vitality and comfort.

In comparison, Tokyo, where she had lived for more than 20 years, was like a precision instrument made of polished steel, with countless gears tightly meshed together, and when it was running, it was like a flying arrow.

The instrument was wrapped in countless steam pipes, and a sharp whistle was emitted from the gaps in each steam pipe. It was the heavy breathing from the lungs of the Japanese people who had worked hard and even sacrificed their lives to build this city.

The reason why Hefei is called Hefei is because the Fei River converges here. The people living here travel along the Fei River and make a living along the Fei River. Everyone seems to be very light, and there are few people on the streets who are in a hurry like the Japanese.

Lu Mingfei bought some Changsha stinky tofu sold on the roadside. It was spicy and salty, but Eri enjoyed it very much.

They walked slowly towards the CBD area that had been expanded nearby in recent years. The long street was shrouded in swirling, falling, withered yellow leaves. Under the dim street lights, it seemed that there were only the shadows of the two of them. The trees on both sides of the road stretched out branches like giant arms, crisscrossing above their heads, and the grand shade of the trees covered everything familiar around them.

"In fact, we don't have many ginkgo trees here. Instead, there are more sycamore trees." Lu Mingfei stuffed the stinky tofu that Eri hadn't finished eating into his mouth, speaking unclearly and looking around with a slightly nostalgic look in his eyes.

There were still a lot of people in the old town, but it was dinner time. Students were going home after class, and office workers were pushing open the door exhausted.

The gray-white buildings behind the high or low walls on both sides of the street were emitting orange lights from one window pane after another.

In some windows, you can see the intertwining shadows of men, women and children, while in other windows you can see old people leaning against each other.

It was like countless scenes of drama were being performed before them.

Eri has always longed for the life of ordinary people. Sometimes she thinks that if she were not a weapon of the Snake Family, she could go to school, make friends, go hiking with Sakura, skip classes and play games. Although not all of her actions are good things, she thinks that this is how life should be spent.

But now they are on the run, and being ordinary and dull is destined to be an unattainable dream that is seen across a chasm.

"Putong tree?" Eiry repeated. She hugged Lu Mingfei's arm and rested her head on the man's shoulder.

She turned around secretly and looked back. There were two lines of shallow footprints in the middle of the long street where the fallen leaves had not been swept away.

The apricot-yellow dead leaves are piled up, and they become concave after being stepped on, and the beautiful colors become dim. The light and shadow effect at night is surprisingly good.

The footprints of two people, one big and one small, snuggled together and entangled, as if stretching to the end of the world.

"The school I studied in before was called Shilan Middle School, which is one of the most aristocratic schools in Hefei. My senior is also my schoolmate... Oh, that Chu Zihang who always likes to look gloomy, and he is also the son of Aunt Su who I just said I was going to visit." Lu Mingfei said nonchalantly, as if he was just out for a walk.

Outside the old residential area, on the approximately one-kilometer-long Ginkgo Street, there began to be more people. Inside the sheds made of rainproof cloth extending from the shops on the street, boys in narrow pants and moccasins were playing American marbles on the rough and uneven tables. In the small shops at the door of the kitchen counter and noodle boxes, tired-looking men were fiddling with their mobile phones while waiting for their wontons or noodles.

As we walked further, the crowds became even more severe. A bus swayed at the platform, honking its horn and opening its doors. Before it even stopped, men with briefcases hurriedly squeezed out and jogged towards the unit door in the alley. A few minutes later, the driver honked his horn hard and started swaying again.

This is the crossroads of the old city. There are old residential areas on both sides nearby. Some are very crowded and some are very quiet. In short, they are all different from the CBD area not far away. Coming here from the CBD is like spending ten minutes crossing twenty years back to Anhui in the last century. It is noisy and bustling, but it makes people feel at peace.

Eri has always been a very good listener. She never interrupts Lu Mingfei when he is talking and always has an expectant look on her face.

This way, Lu Mingfei always felt a sense of accomplishment every time he talked to him.

"…At that time, there was also a long street outside the gate of Shilan Middle School. Both sides of the street were planted with large trees with the scientific name of 'Planeia'. At that time, we called them 'French plane trees'. In autumn, the leaves were also yellow, and looked very similar to ginkgo leaves from a distance."

"When I was a child, I rarely saw paulownia trees, so my brother always took me to the cherry blossom garden." Eri shook her head.

"The cherry blossoms are beautiful too." Lu Mingfei touched Eri's hair.

"But I also want to see other flowers besides cherry blossoms." Eri stared intently at the middle-aged man who was selling spring rainbow rings in the crowd.

The rainbow ring, which Lu Mingfei thought had no other use except for tying knots, was played around in that guy's hands. All kinds of Lingbo Weibu, Yuenu Swordsmanship, and Dugu Nine Swords, completely different yet smooth ways of playing were brought out as the middle-aged man shouted, and the crowd watching around burst into cheers.

Lu Mingfei turned his head to look at Eri's profile. Under the brim of her large baseball cap, the girl was still so beautiful that it made people want to forget the world at a glance. Her gorgeous deep red eyes reflected the bustling crowd.

She probably had few opportunities to come into contact with such lively scenes in her life.

"Things that never change always make people reluctant to stay for long, just like the long road lined with plane trees that I walked for many years. Even now, there are clearly many memorable things that happened there, but I only remember that the big trees covered the entire street with their outstretched branches, like a long green shed, with huge palm-shaped leaves providing shade and shelter from the rain. When the leaves fell, the huge leaves floated down from the sky like a heavy yellow snowfall, giving a feeling of the sky breaking apart." Lu Mingfei said, "At that time, someone asked me to stay here to study in college, but I thought, do I have to walk on the same road for another four years or even longer? It would be so sad to have to be accompanied by plane trees all my life, like a phoenix that can't fly. I want to see more things."

"No." Eri suddenly said solemnly.

Lu Mingfei was stunned, somewhat confused.

"That's not the case." Eri's expression was serious. She pulled Lu Mingfei out of the crowd and walked past the dazzling array of luxury stores. Her nose twitched slightly as if she smelled the aroma of roasted chestnuts in front of her.

“Some things are best left unchanged.”

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that the little girl actually wanted to have a debate with him about this matter, so he cleared his throat and prepared to show off his eloquence.

At this time, they were about to reach a very famous snack street nearby, and the pedestrians on the road had changed from middle-aged men and women to more boys and girls.

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, but felt his arm being pulled to the other side by Eiry. Before he knew it, the girl had already stood on tiptoe and leaned close to his ear.

A faint and cool fragrance enveloped him, and the warm vapor he felt in his ears gradually permeated Lu Mingfei's soul.

Eri put her arms around his neck and leaned against him unscrupulously. "I hope you will never leave me. There are more flowers in the world than cherry blossoms, and more trees than phoenix trees, but there is only you, Lu Mingfei." She said in a whisper.

Now Eri feels shy when she says these words and starts to act like a real girl.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed silently.

So this is what she wanted to say, what a...cute girl.

At this moment, Eri's pupils, as clear as an ancient mirror, were filled with a thin mist, and her voice sounded like a dream that would never end.

"I won't leave you. We'll be together through life and death, life and death..." Lu Mingfei couldn't say any more because Eri suddenly pressed her warm lips heavily against his.

The autumn wind on the long street passed through everyone's shadow and lifted the girl's deep red hair. Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, reflecting the brilliant lights of the CBD in the distance. He wanted to say, hey girl, this is the street, do you want to be photographed and posted online so that those stalkers from the college can find you?
And have you seen the murderous looks from those single guys around you? Is it really okay for a man to do that?

But in the end he didn't say that or do anything else. He just reached out and held the girl who was kissing him in his arms, resting his forehead against hers, in silence.

Both of them had disordered breathing and heartbeats.

Their souls seemed to embrace each other at this moment.

"I want to see the river." Eri said softly.

"Okay." Lu Mingfei didn't ask why. If she wanted to see it, then she could go and see it. Aunt Su could visit her anytime.

——He remembered that in the last battle in Tokyo, Caesar wielded a hunting knife to fight his way out of the siege of immortals. He coughed up blood while swinging the knife because a claw pierced into his lungs.

At that time, Eri was so scared, trembling with fear, as if the whole world wanted to kill her, and only Lu Mingfei was still protecting her, but Lu Mingfei had been injured by her and could not move...

Now Caesar has arrived, but he is already at the end of his strength...

The Nibelung Project did not allow an A-level hybrid to become a real dragon. Caesar became weaker and weaker under the siege of the immortals, and his wounds became more and more numerous and deeper. He shouted to Eri, "Go away, go away, you fucking idiot, take your man and get out of here." Eri was frightened and actually vibrated her huge broken dragon wings and slowly rose from the bridge on the Tama River.

Lu Mingfei remembered that during the battle with him, the clothes on her back were completely torn apart, revealing her skin as transparent as jade, and white scales extending up and down along her spine like a hard snake.

The extremely ferocious and extremely beautiful wingtips raised up, turned diagonally, and flew away in a huge arc towards the distance with its back to Tokyo.

The scene at that time was still vivid in his mind. Lu Mingfei seemed to still recall that feeling. His feet were hanging in the air, and a feeling of weakness surged over his body like a tide. He could only hold Eri's slender waist tightly.

At that time, he felt like a ghost that had been snatched back from the hands of death, and everything around him seemed unreal and illusory.

In fact, this was not the first time he looked down at the earth like that, but he completely forgot the pain and was left with only surprise.

Deep in the eyes, dark blue mountains stretched into the distance. White waves were distant and clear under the clear sky. They were tributaries of the Tama River. The earth turned into a huge map in their eyes.

"Eri, are you back?" Lu Mingfei looked up and said softly.

"It's me." Eri also responded softly.

The sound of the wind filled their cochleas, but the dragon blood in both men's bodies had not yet cooled down. At this moment, they still sounded more like dragons than humans. It was too easy for a dragon to distinguish the other's voice from the sound of the wind.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that Sakura suffered so much." Eri said. Lu Mingfei could feel something liquid falling on his face. He looked up and saw scattered tears on that beautiful, breathtaking face.

"Don't cry, I'm fine."

"I'm not crying, it's just the rain."

"There's not even a dark cloud..."

"It's just rain!"

"Okay, okay, where are we going?"

"I don't know. I'll run to wherever I can. Sister Xia Mi said that we should never look back, because the academy's falcons are waiting for us to turn back."

"I want to go to the Red Well, can I?"

Huili nodded, looking at Lu Mingfei's tired and sad eyes that had finally regained some spirit, she smiled with her teeth showing, "Sister also said that she is still here, we can still see her, and told us not to be sad, and she also said that you know how to find her."...

——Lu Mingfei shook his head and felt a dizzying pain in his chest.

How can I find her? I have been looking for her for so long, and all I know is to go to hell and snatch her back from the hands of death.

grim Reaper……

That's Odin, right?
But Eri didn't ask him what he was doing at Hongjing that day, and he wouldn't ask Eri what she wanted to do at the river.

After reaching the river bank, Lu Mingfei discovered that the river lanterns were floating and the sandbank was full of boys and girls who came out to collect folk songs at night.

They leaned against the carved railing, Eri murmured low admiration beside him.

There are actually some river lanterns in Tokyo, but Eri has never seen one before.

She probably found out from the Internet that there would be such activities on this river at night, so she asked Lu Mingfei to come here.

There was a merchant selling those small boats by the river, and Lu Mingfei saw that Eri seemed to want one very much, so he went to buy one.

Eri excitedly lit the candle and gently pushed the small wooden boat into the undulating river surface, and the breeze carried it to the other side.

Lu Mingfei raised his eyes and looked, only to see that although wave after wave of waves were pushed over and all the boats were overturned, Huili's river lantern was still shining.

At this time, the thin singing voice suddenly rose up in the blowing wind, turning gently several times and flying into the sky along with the wind.

Lu Mingfei looked down and saw Eri standing on the sandbank, looking at the river lanterns and softly singing a Japanese song that he could not quite understand.

The wind blew up her skirt and hair. She stood on tiptoe with her hands behind her back, as if she would fly away with the wind at any time.

Lu Mingfei never knew that Eri could sing, and she could sing so beautifully, like the wind blowing through the pipes of a pan flute, melodious and light. (End of this chapter)

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