Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 40 040 Jian Jia

Chapter 40 040. Jian Jia (2)

"You really liked me before, right, junior brother?" Nono probably couldn't find a topic to talk about. She asked casually, and Lu Mingfei nodded casually.

"Even when you are so desperate, you will come to the island of Malta to ask me for help. At that time, I was thinking that you are really worthless. If you are not the president of the student union, you will still be the same person I fished out of that screening room. You're here, bad boy. You feel that the whole world cannot be trusted, so you come to me again... But how long can I cover you? "

"At that time, you lost Chu Zihang. The whole world didn't remember him, and I didn't remember him either. Even until now, I didn't know that everyone was crazy in that time and space, and you, the mentally ill person, was the only one who was normal. .”

"When you found me, your eyes were like a drowned puppy. You were so pitiful that it made me unable to think of bullying you for the first time."

"At that time, I was thinking, why do I care about you so much? Is it really just because you are my little brother? There may be more, but I dare not say it or think about it, because I am from the Gattuso family. Fiancée..."

Lu Mingfei didn't interrupt Nono because he didn't understand. He thought that he couldn't understand because the time before Nono returned to this time and space was longer. This was indeed the case, but when he heard Chu Zihang's heart still trembled when he was lost.

"So actually I lied to you at that time, junior brother. It's not that I don't have feelings for you, I just think there will be no result between us. You are my little brother, you are the person I want to always protect, and in so many In this accident, I mistook a certain ferocious child for Caesar, and so many misunderstandings made us drift apart."

Lu Mingfei knew who the ferocious child she was talking about was, but he didn't say anything.That is the dusty past, and it is also the future that has not happened yet.Maybe this future will never happen again.

"This world is really wonderful. It gives us all a chance to choose again. Before I died, I saw the person I missed. You were still standing so firmly between me and death. At that time, I was actually thinking about why you Don’t tell me, why are you hiding it from me, why do you want our fate to become like this?”

Speaking of this, Nuonuo's expression was vicious, like a fighting kitten, her facial features were all fierce, but she was still so beautiful, as beautiful as a statue that even Michelangelo couldn't create.

"That's why I chose you so firmly this time, junior brother!"

Half of her body was pressed against Lu Mingfei's body. She stared at the boy with stubborn and fierce eyes, as if she had spent all her courage to say these words. Lu Mingfei could see the sunset from her eyes. Time passed. Seconds passed by, neither of them spoke, the sky became darker and darker, and Nono's eyes became darker and darker.

"Senior sister, do you still remember?" Lu Mingfei responded to Nono's gaze with such a gentle look, "On that White Valentine's Day, you broke off a large piece of Caesar's chocolate and gave it to me. I want to say It’s not that this piece of chocolate comes from Caesar, but I want to say that it was the first Valentine’s Day gift from a girl in my life. It was a wonderful feeling. But that feeling has never happened since. Yes, I later received chocolates from many girls, and Isabella also made me a one-meter-high chocolate cake, but none of them were as sweet as that one, sweet to my heart and soul."

"That's the feeling you get when you really like someone," Lu Mingfei said.

"Junior brother..." Nono's eyes were blurred, her lips were very close to Lu Mingfei's lips, her eyes were filled with the girl's unique mist, and she asked softly, "Then are you still willing to like me now?" Me once?”

Lu Mingfei said nothing until the girl almost kissed him.

He tilted his head.

"Senior sister, actually I want to say that I really liked you at that time, I really liked you at that time." Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. At this time, the sun set and huge darkness enveloped him, leaving only the girl's breath in his ears. He said, "But it's over now, and we are all relieved."

Nono didn't respond for a long time.

Lu Mingfei finally turned his head curiously.

The girl actually took this opportunity to kiss Lu Mingfei hard on the lips.

Nono's lips were warm and soft, with a very faint smell of lilac. The warm fragrance of nephrite and the unstoppable darkness enveloped Lu Mingfei.

It wasn't until the kiss ended that Nono stared at him fiercely.

"I know Xia Mi has kissed you, junior brother!" She made a stern expression, "How about, only the junior sister is allowed to chase you and the senior sister is not allowed to chase you!"

In the darkness, Nono's face could not be seen clearly, but Lu Mingfei could see her lips as bright as cinnabar.

He didn't answer, he just felt that the waves coming from the other side of the sea were surging, and the inexplicable sadness overwhelmed him like this wave.
Thirteen time differences away, Kassel College.

The mission report has been sent directly to the principal's office through Norma. In addition to Professor Mance's written statement, there is also a video material with a memory of 13 gigabytes.

It contains first-hand information about how Lu Mingfei killed the next generation.

The white bone china cup contained tea with a golden halo, and the bone china dish next to it contained waffles sprinkled with rose water.

This is Hilbert Jean Angers' favorite afternoon tea. Although he is a great leader, a resolute and brave dragon slayer, he is also a multi-year-old playboy who spends more than [-] yuan on afternoon tea every year. Over one hundred thousand dollars.

In the principal's office, across the large desk, Principal Angers wore one-sided gold-rimmed glasses, reading mission reports and drinking afternoon tea leisurely.

At this time there was a knock on the door from outside.

"Please come in." Angers had a smile on his face. Although he was very old, his back was straight.

The girl who walked into this office was wearing a bohemian dress, slender and soft, like a beautiful cloud.

"Why do you want me, Grandpa Principal?" Xia Mi bared his fangs and sat down opposite Angers. "I'm preparing for the first-level alchemy experiment course in the evening." Xia Mi pouted, looking a little unhappy.

"Being invited to have afternoon tea by the principal is a more coveted honor in this school than a scholarship, right?" The principal was stunned, "Has the principal's power been eclipsed during my absence?"

"No, it's Senior Brother Lu. Before he went on his mission, he asked me to make up lessons for him when he comes back." Xia Mi stuck out his tongue.

"Oh, afternoon tea is a good thing. It is a good British tradition passed down from the Victorian era." The principal pushed the bone china cup to Xia Mi, "Try the Darjeeling No. [-] black tea, it is great."

Xia Mi picked up the bone china cup and took a sip, looking around. "Is there any ice cream? I want vanilla ice cream," she said.

The principal was amused, "No, just Haagen-Dazs?" he said.

"Yes." Xia Mi nodded vigorously, "With tea, ice cream and small cakes, it would be like afternoon tea."

The principal brought the Haagen-Dazs to Xia Mi, with a smile in his eyes as he watched the girl eat it with relish.At this time, the soft sunshine of Illinois shines on the huge patio, and two red squirrels are playing in the gaps of the sunshine. These little guys who are active throughout the United States like this place very much. Principal Angers will never drive them away, even They will also be fed food from time to time.

The old man and the young man were silent until Xia Mi finished the Haagen-Dazs in front of him and ordered two more biscuits sprinkled with rose water. Then he raised his eyes and looked at Principal Angers sitting opposite him.

The old guy was still smiling, but the girl's eyes were full of vigilance, and her dark eyes reflected the warm sunshine.

To be honest, Xia Mi is still a little nervous. Although she is the Dragon King Jörmungandr, after all, she is in a human form that has not hatched a dragon body. In this form, even the Dragon King can only exert one percent of its power. .

Sitting in front of him was Hilbert Jean Angers, an epic dragon slayer in the true sense.For hundreds of years, no hybrid species in the world was stronger than Angers.Even though he is so old, he is still active on the front line of dragon slaying, and his hands are stained with the blood of pure-blooded dragons.

If this old guy suddenly gets angry, Xia Mi can't guarantee whether he will be able to leave here unharmed.

But until Ange restrained his smile, his eyes still did not change from the kindness of a grandfather.

The old guy seemed to really just want to randomly select one person from the students to participate in his afternoon tea, and this person happened to be Xia Mi, whose real body is Jormungandr.

This is just a coincidence.

"To be honest, even an old guy like me often hangs out on the forum. Principal, I have also heard about the matter between you and our S-class Lu Mingfei." The old guy spoke first to break the silence in the office.

Xia Mi pouted, her big eyes flickering, staring curiously at Angers' iron-gray eyes. "Principal, are you using this method to pry into students' private lives?" she asked in a rather curious tone.

"I don't have any quirks like that. I peek into students' private lives. You should be suspicious of our vice-principal." Angers shrugged, took a sip of black tea, and said, "What I want to say is that many people do Since you and Mingfei are in a relationship, I'm actually a little curious about this matter."

"No way, we are not lovers!" Xia Mi was stubborn. She objected strongly, and then said, "It's Senior Brother Lu who has been pursuing me. I'm still considering whether to agree to be his girlfriend."

Principal Angers laughed heartily and put down the bone china cup in his hand. "It's great to be young. When I was young, I got my doctorate in Cambridge and my undergraduate degree there. I still go back to Cambridge often..." "So did you know Xu Zhimo when you were studying?" Xia Mi raised her hand to ask, she was really super curious about this question.

Angers was stunned for a moment. "Please, principal, Xu Zhimo, he's the old scumbag who wrote Farewell Cambridge!" Xia Mi was filled with indignation, obviously looking down on this giant in the history of modern Chinese literature. "He later died on a plane. "

"Oh, I don't know him. It was probably around 1920 when he came to Cambridge. At that time, I was in my 40s and active in the political battles within the Camarilla." Angers said lightly.

"Speaking of which, I originally wanted to go to Cambridge University. I heard that there are British aristocratic boys wearing silk scarves who play bass and cello on the Bridge of Sighs every day. I used to like boys who played cello." Xia Mi said.

"Now my teachers are dead, my classmates are also dead, and all the people I know and know about me who are related to Cambridge are dead. They are all ordinary people and cannot live as long as me. It's like an evil ghost remaining in the world." Angers stared into Xia Mi's eyes, "At that time, my friends and I all liked the same girl. That girl always wore a long white silk skirt and an Oxford-style white bottom. Walking past Trinity College chapel wearing high heels and holding a Bible in my arms.”

Xia Mi was very interested in Ange's past, and she looked attentive.But Principal Angers was unwilling to continue talking.

"Then what? What happened then? Did she choose you, principal?" Xia Mi asked like a curious baby.

"No, no. Later she fell in love with my friend Meineke Cassel, but on the night this girl made her choice, we faced something that was terrifying even in the long history of dragon slaying. Things happened, we were attacked, everyone died, and only I survived. The girl who liked to wear a long white silk skirt was chased on the Cam River for three days and three nights. Her white skirt was cut by thorns, and her fair skin was damaged. She was scratched, but in the end she was unable to find Meineke." Angers spoke of such a sad past in such a calm tone, truly worthy of an old man who has lived for 140 years.

"Dead...?" Xia Mi looked at the principal blankly, which made her look a little natural.

"A first-generation species attacked our manor, and I was the only one left in the Lionheart Society of that generation. Meineke used the spirit of speech, Rhine, to die together with the first-generation species." Angers' iron-gray pupils unique to the Aryans A faint golden light flickered in the room, and all the muscles in his body were tense at this moment. The alchemy matrix that originally covered the entire Kassel and was able to spread the effects of the Word Spirit and Commandments now appeared in this office. Loophole, the power of the Word returned to the bodies of two people.

"The first generation...is the Dragon King?" Xia Mi was nervous, and the girl clenched her fists in anger, "He really deserves to die!"

The principal stared hard into her eyes. After a long time, the ice suddenly dispersed, and the grandfatherly smile returned to his face, "Well, his name is Li Wuyue. We suspect that he is the King of Sky and Wind, but I didn’t see Li Wuyue’s dragon bone cross afterwards.”

"The time for small talk is over, it's time to get down to business." The principal said, pushing the document in front of Xia Mi, "Your boyfriend killed two offspring in the Three Gorges. This is a good thing, but We're probably going to be in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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