Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 51 051 Xia Mi

Chapter 51 051. Xia Mi
Lu Mingfei had a long, long dream.

In this dream, he seemed to be surrounded by endless darkness. In this long and distant night, he himself was the only source of light, and a faint fluorescent light appeared on his skin like stars.

Lu Mingfei was running away in his dream, surrounded by long and twisted black shadows. The faces of those black shadows were jagged and covered with scales. They were clearly evil and terrifying deadpools one after another. His bare feet were covered with There are sharp stones and lush thorns on both sides of the road.At the end of the long road, a majestic and gigantic god sat on an eight-legged horse.

The face of the god is covered with iron, and the depths of the dim single eye burn like sparks of lava.

It was Odin, he went and came back.

But this time he appeared in Lu Mingfei's dream.

In this nightmare that seemed to last forever, Lu Mingfei saw Odin raising a spear towards him. The holy spear of destiny named Kungunir was pointed at the unarmed boy. The white thread was gradually Taking shape, the breath of death came like a sea breeze, gradually drowning Lu Mingfei.But just when he was really about to die, a thin and furious boy appeared in front of him. It was Lu Mingze. He had never been so angry. His facial features became ferocious. In the palms of his hands, he directly It penetrated the bloody hole, and a large pool of blood flowed out of the hole.

The little devil tightly grasped the thread of fate with his bleeding hands, bit it with his teeth, scratched it with his nails, and actually twisted and tore the thread.

At the end of the dream, Lu Mingfei vaguely saw Lu Mingze giving orders to Odin like an angry monarch.

He is saying, go to hell, you rebellious minister!Go to hell, rebel!

The faint scent of sandalwood drifted into the darkness of consciousness, and Lu Mingfei seemed to be able to hear the sounds around him.It was very quiet, with the sounds of migratory birds and cicadas. It was like an early morning in the small park near my uncle's house in autumn. Everyone was still dreaming, and only birds and cicadas occupied the place.

The sandalwood seemed to come from a girl, and this scene seemed familiar.Where is it?Where is it?Lu Mingfei tried hard to open his eyes.

In a daze, the Illinois autumn sunshine shone on his face through the white gauze curtains. The whole world seemed to be this hazy white light, with orange dusk spread on it, like gold on broken leaves.

He saw a hazy shadow with long burgundy hair hanging slightly, and the ends of the hair fell on his face.

The sandalwood scent seems to come from the tips of the hair, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Who is it?Who is it?So familiar, as if I had held her in my arms, as if I had been so sad for her that I cried bitterly.

Broken memories flooded into his mind over and over again, and countless fragments were pieced together into the appearance of a certain girl.

"Eliyi, Eiliyi..." Lu Mingfei tried hard to call the girl's name, but his vocal cords seemed to be injured. His voice was hoarse and unrecognizable, and it seemed that it was stuck in his throat and could not flow out.

His vision was blurry and he could only realize that his surroundings were pure white.

But it seems that the girl in front of him is not just Eri, there is another one, who is the other one?It seems very familiar.

He reached out his hand and wanted to touch Eri Yi's face.

But Lu Mingfei's whole body was weak, and his outstretched hand dropped weakly, but was immediately held by the red-haired girl.

It's warm and familiar, as if I've held this hand ten thousand times before, and as if I've embraced the owner of this hand ten thousand times.

"I'm sorry, Eriyi." "I miss you so much." Lu Mingfei said softly. He spoke very clearly this time. His throat hurt like a knife, and then the power that came from nowhere unexpectedly The girl in front of me hugged him gently.

"Junior brother, junior brother, you're awake!" Eryi made a surprised voice, but the voice didn't sound like hers. Lu Mingfei's limbs became a little stiff. At this time, another girl said slowly in his ear, " Senior brother, you are so bad, you act like a hooligan as soon as you wake up."

"Xia Mi?" Lu Mingfei was stunned. The smell of sandalwood clearly came from this little junior sister who was standing very close with round eyes like a cat. It was like an oncoming wind, as deep as bone marrow.

Lu Mingfei's consciousness finally returned completely. His eyes were fully opened, and he saw that the girl he was hugging was clearly Nono.

"Senior sister, I'm sorry! Senior sister!" Lu Mingfei let go of his arm in horror, probably because he used too much force, and all the muscles in his body were letting out disturbing soreness in protest.

"Who is Eri?" Xia Mi's eyes narrowed slightly. That was a very dangerous signal, and Jörmungandar became very jealous.

Lu Mingfei gasped for air after letting go of Nono, as if the drowning man was finally rescued. He did not answer Xia Mi's question because a huge amount of memories were piercing into his brain like needles, giving him a splitting headache.

He finally remembered what he had done and what had happened to him.

On the Monyach, Lu Mingfei, who used the third degree of violent blood and keel state, fought life and death with Odin. He was still no match for God. In the end, he relied on the help of the little devil Lu Mingze to defeat the man named Odin. of gods.According to Lu Mingze, even though Odin was so powerful, it still seemed that he was not his true form, but just a fake.

The third degree of violent blood was so powerful that Lu Mingfei could compete with the next generation species in a short period of time, but violent blood was a taboo technology. Before humans entered the industrial age, the ancestors of the hybrid species relied on flesh and blood and sharp swords to claim the same title. Fighting for the dragon of God, releasing the violent blood of the lion's heart is the last resort of the dragon-slaying heroes. They burn the dragon blood in their bodies, suppress their human will, release the logic of the dragon, and turn themselves into people who only know killing and eternity. A monster in a rage.

Most of the time, there are only two results for hybrids who overuse the violent blood technique.One result is that the will of dragons completely overwhelms the will of humans, and the dragon-slaying hero finally turns into an evil dragon. He will degenerate into the dangerous Deadpool, an irrational monster whose soul is filled with the desire to kill.Another result is that the blood in the body is burned up, and the dragon's blood is pumped out by the heart and boils in the blood vessels. Finally, the hybrid who uses violent blood will completely burn out his own blood, leaving not a drop left.

Lu Mingfei's situation is roughly similar to the latter one. One degree of bloodshed is already the limit for most mixed-race species, and three times of bloodshed is close to the limit of the road to becoming a god. In that state, Lu Mingfei's every A huge amount of dragon blood was consumed every minute and every second. It was a miracle that he could survive the shock caused by this blood loss.

"I thought you were going to die, junior brother." Nono said, she was really scared, because she was afraid of losing something very important.

Her eyes were covered by her forehead hair, and her expression and gaze could not be seen clearly.

She was in such a low mood that she hugged Lu Mingfei again, who had let go of her arms.

"You really scared me." Nono said.The scene at that time was probably quite scary and terrifying. Lu Mingfei who pushed in the door had actually released his dragon bone state, and the dragon body and strength brought by the violent blood were also fading. At that time, he It was as skinny as a mummy.His cheeks were sunken and his eye sockets were dark, as if he was dying soon.

"I'm fine, senior sister, I'm fine." Lu Mingfei was a little incoherent. His current condition was quite good. Although his muscles were still extremely sore, the powerful hematopoietic stem cells had rebuilt almost all the blood in his body.Now he looks white, fat, and even healthier than before he went to implement the Kuimen plan.

The junior sister hummed and glared at Nuonuo. When she saw Lu Mingfei's gaze, she made an interesting face.

But anyone could see that she was unhappy.

Nono finally let go.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment, then used his hands to support himself and sit up against the bedside. He opened his arms towards Xia Mi.

Xia Mi was stunned for a moment, her shoulders were shaking, and there was a thin mist in her eyes. The dusk light fell on the girl's eyes, like beautiful cat's-eye gems.

Ever since Lu Mingfei went to Kuimen, Xia Mi often woke up from a distant and desolate dream. In that dream, she was holding a boat to meet the boy. There was fog on the Rhine River, and there was a long bridge in the fog, and the boy was standing on it. On the bridge, but the bridge was so close yet so far away, Lu Mingfei was always looking into the distance, as if she couldn't see or hear her. She just rowed with all her strength and called Lu Mingfei's name as hard as she could. , but he still looked at it, the sadness in his eyes overflowed, and he was as gray as dead.

But how could you die? Lu Mingfei, you said you would always stand with me.

You said your promise would last until the end of the world.

You are obviously mine, but I didn't allow you to die. Why should you die?
The sandalwood-scented wind blew past Nono, and she was shocked to see the slender girl throwing herself on the hospital bed like a cat.

When Xia Mi hugged Lu Mingfei, her body was shaking. She whispered in Lu Mingfei's ear, she said, senior brother, you promised me that you would always stand with me, you promised me.

When Odin arrived on the Monyach, the school had already received the news. Norma transmitted the sound and video back to the school through the probes hidden in every corner of the ship. When the god penetrated Mance with a spear. When Rundstedt's heart broke, the president and all the tenured professors stood up at that moment, put their hands on their chests and lowered their heads.

That sad and tragic scene reminded the old guys of the past that had died deep in their souls. On the battlefield of dragon slaying, death was like a bell being tolled.

But when Lu Mingfei returned and showed amazing fighting skills to fight against the gods, he made the elders fear him.

Only Xia Mi wrung her hands together while watching the video, feeling uneasy in her heart. Of course she knew the price of a mixed race taking the road to becoming a god, and that price was inevitable death.

She was more fearful than anyone else at that time, but she was not afraid of how powerful the boy who wielded the knife at God was. She was only afraid that the boy would say goodbye to her forever.The feeling of farewell is not good, and the fate of the abandoned family seems to be always filled with farewell.

But this time, Xia Mi really didn't want to lose anything important anymore.

She remembered her first meeting with Lu Mingfei.

The first time we met was on the basketball court of Shilan Middle School. It was the second day of school for first-year high school students and Xia Mi’s first day of reporting to school as a ninth grader.There were noisy people there, but Xia Mi was lonely. It was the loneliness of abandoning his family, like a silverback chimpanzee mixed in with the golden monkeys.

Boys and girls were playing and playing around, and Xia Mi opened her eyes wide. She once again saw the human cub who had been paying attention to her for a long time and escaped from Odin's domain. He was also lonely, just like her.

Xia Mi was leaning outside the guardrail of the basketball court. She tried her best to open her eyes wide and try to memorize all the characteristics of the cub. She also thought in her mind whether the seduction she learned from other human boys could be used against the boy named Chu Zihang. The guy takes effect.It is said that it is seduction, but in fact it is just a young girl's desire to refuse and welcome.In fact, there is no need for her to seduce her. As long as she smiles, there will be many men willing to sacrifice their hearts for Jörmungandr.

Xia Mi's blood had not yet fully awakened. The hot September sun fell on her head, and sweat dripped from her fair and smooth forehead.

At this time, a boy who looked equally lonely sat down opposite Xia Mi with a bottle of frozen mineral water. Xia Mi just looked at him curiously and thought to himself that this person was really interesting. There was silence between the two of them. Until the boy raised his head, "Are you watching your senior brother play? Do you like him?"

"Well, I like Chu Zihang. Senior brother, are you his friend? Can you help me?" Xia Mi quickly realized that the guy was talking about Chu Zihang, and his mind was spinning very quickly.

"Let me help you." The boy said. He looked at the botanical garden next to Shilan Middle School. There were many plants they didn't know. It was midsummer, and those beautiful plants clustered together showed countless varieties. Green, the plain green is lined with charming flowers, like an abstract masterpiece. The boy and the girl sit opposite each other, like travelers attracted by the same painting.

"Here, one bottle for you and one for my senior brother." The boy handed the mineral water in his hand to Xia Mi.

Lu Mingfei really tried his best to help Xia Mi get to know Chu Zihang and get closer to Chu Zihang. But the more he did this, the more Xia Mi felt some strange emotions brewing in her heart. She often thought that it was What, but she didn’t know, because she was the king, Jormungandr.

Later, that guy was like a domineering knight. He came to Xia Mi over and over again on those stormy nights or lonely dusk. He came at the right time. The girl was about to be overwhelmed by the huge loneliness. Warm light shone from the boy's body and eyes.He actually said that he would always stand by Xia Mi's side.

He is so stupid. Doesn’t he know that girls will misunderstand him like this?

Xia Mi was still trembling, but she hugged Lu Mingfei tighter, as if she was afraid that he would really leave.

——Lu Mingfei was slightly stunned. He slowly raised his right hand and gently stroked Xia Mi's hair.

He and Jormungandr embraced each other, like a reunion between kings.

But in fact, Lu Mingfei was just thinking about how soft the junior sister's body was, as if she was hugging a cloud.

At this time, Nono was just sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked at the two people hugging each other and felt something sour rising from her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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