Chapter 106

As time went by, the shops in Wuhun City began to close one after another, and Hu Liena had enough of it.

"Okay, Nana, let's stay here today. Go back and have a good rest. You and Xiaoyun will have a game tomorrow." Bibi Dong said softly to Hu Liena.

Hu Liena smiled and nodded.

"Then Aunt Dong, I'll go back first." Shi Yun said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, Nana is a girl, and you want her to go back alone?" Bibi Dong looked at Shi Yun thoughtfully and smiled.

Shi Yun glanced at Bibi Dong in surprise. He didn't know what Bibi Dong was planning. He knew that he was attracted to Qian Renxue, but he still pushed his apprentice towards him?
"It's true that I have neglected Senior Sister. If Senior Sister is willing, I will naturally be willing to send Senior Sister back to the Saintess Hall." Shi Yun said with a smile.

After hearing Bibi Dong's words, Hu Liena couldn't help but refute her teacher's reputation, so she nodded and said, "I'll trouble you, Xiaoyun."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong nodded with satisfaction and said to Shi Yun, "In this case, Nana will be left to you."

After saying that, Bibi Dong's figure slowly disappeared in front of the two of them.

Shi Yun smiled at Hu Liena and said, "Lead the way, senior sister."

Hu Liena snorted lightly and walked towards the Saintess' Temple where she lived.

Shi Yun chuckled, shook his head, and followed Hu Liena quietly.

Seeing that Shi Yun had no intention of talking to her, how could Hu Liena, who had long been accustomed to being surrounded by dogs like Yan, endure it? Hu Liena had been receiving special charm training since she was very young, and she had full confidence in her own charm. , she asked herself that there might be a girl more beautiful than her, but there could never be a girl more attractive than her.

The two of them were walking quietly like this, and suddenly Hu Liena stopped. Shi Yun looked at Hu Liena with some confusion, but saw that Hu Liena had possessed her martial spirit at some point, and a big furry tail appeared behind her, and she faced Shi Yun with a smile on her face. He walked over, his whole body exuding a strange charm, and his body also exuded a pink light.

"I don't believe it. I can't capture you at such a close distance!" Hu Liena looked at Shi Yun and said to herself.

Unprepared, Shi Yun looked at Hu Liena with a look of admiration on her face, and her whole body stagnated.

Hu Liena raised the corners of her mouth slightly, walked up to Shi Yun, raised her hand and pinched Shi Yun's chin, and mocked, "It seems that you are no different from other men."

Just as Hu Liena was thinking about how to tease Shi Yun, Shi Yun instantly raised his hand to stop Hu Liena's hand that was holding her chin.

"You weren't charmed?" Hu Liena asked in surprise.

Just when Hu Liena thought Shi Yun would stop, Shi Yun instantly hugged Hu Liena into his arms and restrained her hands.

Before Hu Liena could realize what was going on, she heard Shi Yun whispering in her ear.

"Little fox, if you use charm on me, you are looking for the wrong person." After saying this, Shi Yun kissed Hu Liena's earlobe. Shi Yun always welcomed the prey delivered to her door.

Shi Yun's warm breath made Hu Liena feel paralyzed. The next moment, she felt like she was being shocked by electricity. The warm feeling spread from her earlobes like electricity throughout her body. The rapid beating of her heart caused a trace of blood to appear on her face.

"You brat, let me go!" Hu Liena's voice became even more charming and soft at this time.

The body kept struggling in Shi Yun's arms, but how could a mind-controlling soul master escape from Shi Yun's hands?
"If you don't let go, whoever asked you to use charm on me, as a punishment, then give me a hug for a while." Shi Yun said rogue.

"Let go! You bastard!"

"Don't let it go."


Gradually Hu Liena stopped struggling and began to tremble and sob in Shi Yun's arms.

Seeing this, Shi Yun quickly let go of Hu Liena and said quickly, "Hey, don't cry, why can't you afford to play?"

"Who is... playing with you... ah, stinky gangster... I'm going to tell the teacher... that you bullied me." Hu Liena sobbed.

"This...Senior sister, we don't do this. Why are we looking for parents? You were the one who bullied me first." Shi Yun looked helplessly at Hu Liena, who was squatting in front of him with his head down and sobbing.

Hu Liena didn't respond. She just squatted in front of Shi Yun and kept sobbing. She kept scolding Shi Yun in her heart, thinking that she hadn't even touched anyone's hands for so many years, but today she took advantage of Shi Yun. It was just a word of comfort. Shi Yun, that brat, was still arguing with himself about who was right and who was wrong, but he felt more and more aggrieved in his heart.

At this time, Shi Yun also came back to his senses. He squatted down slowly in front of Hu Liena and showed a flattering smile, "Senior sister, don't be angry. Junior brother is joking with you. As long as you don't get angry and don't tell Aunt Dong, junior brother will do whatever you want. How do you handle it?"

After hearing this, Hu Liena immediately stopped sobbing as if the medicine had cured her illness. She raised her head slightly and glanced at Shi Yun. Without saying a word, she immediately threw Shi Yun to the ground and kept hitting Shi Yun with her small fists. go.

"You stinking scoundrel, I told you to be frivolous towards me..."

Gradually, Hu Liena seemed to feel that her fist hit Shi Yun. Shi Yun didn't seem to feel anything. It seemed that he was not enough to relieve his anger, so he started to greet him above.

"Hey...hey...Senior sister, don't hit someone in the face!"

Shi Yun quickly raised his hand to protect his face. As Hu Liena continued to move, as if she was tired of beating, Hu Liena's little fist became slower and slower, and Shi Yun gradually lowered his arm, but Unexpectedly, the moment he put his arm down, a sandbag-sized fist would come towards Shi Yun's eyes.


Shi Yun, who had panda eyes, pointed at his eye sockets and said to Hu Liena, "Are you satisfied?"

Seeing that Shi Yun seemed a little angry, Hu Liena reflected on her mistake. She was indeed the one who made the first move, and her confidence was a bit lacking. She whispered, "Who told you to be frivolous with me..."

"Hey..." Shi Yun was about to retort, but stopped. Women have always been like this. When you reason with her, she will use her emotions to deal with you. When you talk about feelings with him, she will turn around and talk to you. Got the truth.

Thinking of this, Shi Yun no longer thought of sending Hu Liena back, and slowly turned around, about to leave.

"Hey...where are you going?" Hu Liena asked from behind.

"I'm going back to the hotel, wherever I'm going." Shi Yun replied neatly.

"Didn't you agree to send me back?" Hu Liena muttered in a low voice, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Senior sister, if I don't deal with this, how can I compete tomorrow?" Shi Yun pointed at his eyes and found a random reason.

Looking at Shi Yun's appearance, Hu Liena couldn't help but laugh out loud, her face turned red, "The Holy Lady's Hall... is not far from... here. Go to the Holy Lady's Hall, and I'll help you deal with it."

After that, he ignored Shi Yun and continued moving in the original direction.

Shi Yun looked at the back and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

Not long after, Shi Yun followed Hu Liena to the Holy Lady Hall.

Shi Yun sat on the sofa, ready to enjoy Hu Liena's medicine service.

Hu Liena took out a bottle of ointment and said to Shi Yun, "Close your eyes. After I apply it on you, concentrate your soul power on your face and you will be fine soon."

Shi Yun nodded, closed his eyes, and allowed Hu Liena to do whatever she wanted.

There was no one in the hall, and the empty hall seemed unusually quiet. As Hu Liena approached, the sound of breathing could be heard clearly. The next moment, Shi Yun felt it. His soft fingertips carried cool ointment and rubbed it around Shi Yun's eyes. stand up.

Shi Yun was not idle, just like Hu Liena said, running his soul power. He didn't want to compete with panda eyes tomorrow.

As Shi Yun's soul power circulated, the ointment around his eyes slowly changed from cool to slightly warm.

Hu Liena helped Shi Yun massage his eyes, felt Shi Yun's breathing, and couldn't help but recall the warm feeling of kissing his earlobe. A blush appeared on her face, and she couldn't help but think about what her teacher said, but When I thought about the bad boy in front of me and several women, I hesitated in my heart.

Not long after, when Shi Yun absorbed the ointment around his eyes, the warmth slowly disappeared. Shi Yun slowly opened his eyes, only to see Hu Liena sitting in front of him with a rosy face, as if she was struggling with something.

"What's wrong? Senior sister." Shi Yun asked with some confusion.

Hu Liena came back to her senses and quickly sat back a little, "'s nothing."

Shi Yun didn't pay attention. He took out a mirror from the soul guide, looked at it and nodded, "Thank you, senior sister. The effect is really good." Hu Liena looked at Shi Yun with a rosy face and whispered, " Okay, I’ve got it done for you, go back quickly.”

Shi Yun nodded and said with a smile, "It's getting late. Senior sister, please rest early, so I won't disturb you."

After saying that, Shi Yun turned around and left slowly.

Hu Liena looked at Shi Yun's back, feeling a little disappointed in her heart. Thinking of Shi Yun's other women, Hu Liena couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook her head. Even she, Hu Liena, had to admit that Shi Yun's several little wives, whether they were She was no worse than her in talent or appearance. The charm that she was so proud of obviously didn't work on Shi Yun.


Not long after, Shi Yun quickly returned to the hotel.

Thinking that his little kitten was occupied by his sister-in-law and Huo Wu had already been there, Shi Yun came to the floor where Tian Shui was.

Shi Yun stood in front of Shui Bing'er's door and was about to knock on the door. The next second, the sound of the machine's spring sounded, but Shui Bing'er opened the door by herself.

"What? My little Phoenix guessed that I'm coming?" Shi Yun smiled, walked into the room, closed the door with his feet, and put Shui Bing'er into his arms.

Shui Bing'er's face turned red and she glanced at Shi Yun, "Sister Yue is in seclusion. Today Xingluo lost. Sister Zhuqing is taking care of my sister-in-law now. Sister Huowu comes to look for me. Just look at my appearance. Can you still survive tonight?" Where to go?"

Shi Yun chuckled, "We Bing'er are still smarter."

"Then should you explain, where did the two strange fragrances on your body come from? Where did you go after dinner?" Shui Bing'er looked at Shi Yun like the incarnation of Sherlock Holmes.

"I went out for a walk in the evening and met His Majesty the Pope and her disciples." Shi Yun said truthfully with a smile.

"Then those eyes will also be punched by that saintly lady." Shui Bing'er said with a smile.

Shi Yun nodded helplessly when he remembered just now. There was no need to guess, after all, it couldn't have been Bibi Dong who was the one who hit him.

Shi Yun hugged Shui Bing'er, took a sip, and chuckled, "I can't hide anything from you, Bing'er."

"I don't think you have any intention of hiding it. You are using all your sincerity on this." Shui Bing'er rolled her eyes at Shi Yun.

This topic was too dangerous. Shi Yun chuckled and did not continue. Looking at Shui Bing'er's increasingly rosy cheeks in his arms, Shi Yun could no longer bear it...

Silent all night.


The next day.

In the fourth round, also under Bibi Dong's arrangement, Shi Yun drew Blazing Fire. In order to save trouble, under Shi Yun's arrangement, Huo Wu reluctantly called out to admit defeat.

This even caused some opinions from other colleges. After all, Shi Yun had a bye from the beginning until he made a move in the second round to send Kamikaze home. As for Tian Shui and Chi Huo, they all chose If you admit defeat, some people will naturally think that this is a shady story.

According to normal people's thinking, even if they are defeated, they will go up and fight. It's like a divine wind. This time, the top three will be directly walked. The jealous people will naturally express their opinions, but Shi Yun doesn't care what these people say. In the finals Showing their strength, these talkers will naturally shut their mouths.


Another day later, the morning light was slightly drunk, and a touch of orange flew up in the distant east.

At the foot of the mountain in front of the Pope's Palace, Shi Yun led his teammates up the steps slowly.On both sides, there are knights standing upright, all wearing bright silver armor and wearing thick knight swords on their waists. They line up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, looking extremely solemn and majestic.

Slowly ascending the steps, not long after, three teams stood neatly in the square in front of the Pope's Palace, with no one around.

The four of Shi Yun and the other two teams stood together, looking slightly thin.

According to regulations, the eliminated teams are not eligible to watch the top three finals in front of the Pope's Palace.Even the team teachers from the three major colleges are not qualified to stand in the square, so they can only wait on the outside until Bibi Dong arrives to give a speech in person before they can go to the viewing platform to sit down.

Soon, crisp footsteps sounded, and a group of people came out in an orderly manner from the side door of the Pope's Palace, a total of twelve cardinals.

They were divided into two teams and lined up in front of the goal, with six people on each side.

Shi Yun couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this scene. Twelve red-clothed people, were there so many unknown dragon master Douluo in Wuhun Palace?
"His Majesty the Pope is here!" After standing still, the leading cardinal shouted.

"Long live, long live, long live!" Deafening shouts suddenly came from all directions, and you can recognize it just by listening to the sound. This is not only the voice of the neatly lined up knights around the palace, but also the many spirit halls left in the spirit city soul master.

As the door of the Pope's Palace slowly opened, Bibi Dong was wearing a golden dress, a purple gold crown with nine curves on her head, and a scepter in her hand. Against the background of the sun, she looked radiant and moving, but compared to Shi Yun a few days ago What I saw was Bibi Dong, who was a little more noble and majestic, and a little less approachable.

Under this solemn and solemn scene, Shi Yun yawned slightly.

"See Your Majesty the Pope!" All the members of the Wuhun Palace knelt down on one knee, facing Bibi Dong, and looked at Bibi Dong with reverence in their eyes.

Although they still had to do work on the surface of their own territory, Shi Yun's team belonged to the same Heavenly Dou as Shrek and did not kneel down.

Seeing that the two teams refused to kneel, the soul masters from Wuhun City immediately glared angrily.

Bibi Dong didn't pay attention, her eyes stayed on Tang San, who was standing at the head of the team with Shrek. Shi Yun also cast his eyes over, but did not find Xiao Wu in the team. Obviously, the rabbit should be with Tang Hao now.

Tang San seemed to feel the pressure from Bibi Dong, his whole body trembled, and his eyes glowed with purple light.

"Bold, how dare you disrespect His Excellency the Pope." An angry rebuke suddenly sounded in the air, and it was the cardinal who had shouted before.

Bibi Dong's eyes were calm and she raised her hand slightly. The cardinal slowly backed away and said nothing.

"Are you Tang San, the son of Haotian Douluo?" Bibi Dong asked slowly.

"Exactly!" Tang San said, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Your father is a wanted criminal in my Wuhun Palace. You came here to compete to tell me that the Haotian Sect is about to be born?" Bibi Dong asked calmly.

"My father is not a member of the Haotian Sect. What decision the Haotian Sect makes has nothing to do with my father." Tang San raised his head and bowed slightly towards Bibi Dong.

"Tell my words to Tang Hao. If the Haotian Sect is born, I will be the first to operate on the Haotian Sect. You do meet the conditions to participate in the competition. I will not embarrass you, a junior, but you have to learn first Respect the strong.”

As she finished speaking, Bibi Dong kicked her scepter towards the ground, and an invisible pressure directly pushed Tang San to the ground.

Shi Yun stood aside and watched this scene with a smile, "Yu Xiaogang, you left, but your apprentice took the blame for you."

After that day, Bibi Dong obviously had no intention of giving Yu Xiaogang any more face. When it came to the people Bibi Dong hated the most, Liu Erlong was definitely on the list.

In this scene, Bibi Dong had no intention of wasting any time on Tang San, and didn't care about Tang San's hateful eyes. She waved the scepter in her hand slightly, "Get down."

A smile appeared on Bibi Dong's face. She glanced at the three teams and said, "From you, I see the hope of the future soul master world. However, in front of the Pope's Palace, I hope to see your outstanding performance in the future." .”

"The final winner will receive the richest reward."

As he spoke, he lightly waved the scepter in his hand, and three radiant soul bones appeared immediately, floating in the air.

"Is this the skull dad was talking about?" Tang San looked at the skull, a trace of longing flashing in his eyes.

"The match in the morning is an individual knockout match, with seven players from each team. In the end, the remaining team will take the lead and enter tomorrow's championship match."

"The two losing teams will decide the final spot in the team competition this afternoon."

"Now, you can arrange for the No. 1 player to play." After saying that, Bibi Dong turned around and walked to the big gilded chair behind him to sit down.


(End of this chapter)

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