Chapter 108
The next two supporting players were also quickly subdued by Shi Yun without any suspense. Only Hu Liena was left in the Wuhundian team.

Bibi Dong watched the two people confronting each other with interest. As a super Douluo, Bibi Dong could clearly see that Hu Liena could not be Shi Yun's opponent. This is what a spiritual master would do if he had spiritual power. Absolutely suppressing the opponent, just like Hu Liena fighting against those level [-] soul sects.He didn't even need to use his soul skills to defeat his opponent.

When Bibi Dong suppressed Shi Yun with soul power that day, she knew that her good disciple was obviously unlikely to be Shi Yun's opponent. If the most powerful mental power could not suppress the opponent, then Hu Liena's various shortcomings would also Exposed.

"Game start!"

As the referee's words fell, the figure disappeared from the field.

Hu Liena turned around, two fox ears appeared on her head, and a big fluffy tail. Her whole body suddenly emitted a strong pink light. The male team members from various colleges in the audience were all looking at the stage like pig brothers. Hu Liena.

Shi Yun looked at Hu Liena's appearance and smiled, revealing the appearance of Brother Pig.

Hu Liena was a little confused. Although she didn't have full power that day, she still used most of her abilities. Shi Yun was not charmed by her.

"Is this bad boy pretending to be stupid again?" Hu Liena bit her silver teeth, recalling that night, a blush flew on her face. The blush on her face made Hu Liena even more charming. If it weren't for such a serious occasion, I'm afraid it's not the little boys in the stands who will shout out their love.

Shi Yun looked at Hu Liena across from him with some doubts in his heart, "This senior sister is blushing for no reason. I was going to let it go, but you should step in."

In such a serious occasion, Shi Yun still didn't plan to give Hu Liena a one-and-done seven. After all, he still wanted to give Hu Liena and Bibi Dong some face.

Helpless, Shi Yun had no choice but to pretend to come to his senses, quickly condensing several thunder swords and shooting towards Hu Liena.

"This bad boy is really just pretending. I won't fall for the same trick." Hu Liena thought to herself.

Thinking of this, the fourth soul ring under Hu Liena's feet lit up, and the pink light radiated from all over her body, "The fourth soul skill, Charming Step." Everyone saw Hu Liena's figure floating under the pink light. He stood up, appearing vaguely, and seemed to be just walking slowly, but in the next moment he moved a long distance.

However, in Shi Yun's eyes, Hu Liena dodged his thunder sword extremely quickly, and rushed towards him in a few steps. Shi Yun secretly commented, "The illusion has explosive acceleration. Suppression may be the same as teleportation in the victim's field of vision."

Shi Yun believes that Hu Liena is actually quite similar to Xiao Wu in some aspects, except that Rabbit focuses more on melee combat abilities, while Hu Liena focuses more on the development of mental abilities.

Seeing that the thunder sword was easily dodged by herself, Hu Liena was a little surprised. Although her martial soul and attached soul bone gave her some agility, her speed was actually not as fast as Zhang Ping, a flying soul master with an agility attack system.

As Hu Liena quickly approached, suddenly, Hu Liena's chuckle sounded. It was clear and sweet, and the silver bell was melodious. It seemed to have infinite charm, making people's hearts sway, and the first soul ring under their feet also lit up, "The first soul skill, Fox sound."

"It was an illusion just now, now it's a phantom sound." Shi Yun smiled slightly, not caring that Hu Liena was still in charge.

Everyone in the audience thought that Shi Yun had fallen deeply into Hu Liena's charm. Even Ning Feng Zhichenxin, without knowing Shi Yun's mental power, thought that Shi Yun had fallen deeply into the charm.

"This kid is still careless." Ning Fengzhi said regretfully. Thinking of the many women around Shi Yun, he thought this was normal.

After seeing how Zhang Ping lost the game before, Hu Liena did not dare to touch Shi Yun rashly. She was still some distance away from Shi Yun, and the third soul ring under her feet also lit up, "The third soul skill, Fox Transformation."

As Hu Liena released her third soul skill, Hu Liena used her last resort, and the fifth soul ring under her feet also lit up, "Fifth soul skill, Fox Charm."

The phantom of the demon fox behind Hu Liena also became more real, emitting a pink light that shrouded the stone clouds like a thick fog.

"Spiritual amplification, illusions, phantom sounds, and weakening of the senses. This fifth soul skill seems to have some mental suppression effects. The only drawback is that it has no attack method. It would be better if it had soul impact like Huo Gua. I can only Relying on the martial soul fusion skills with his brother-in-law, no wonder the original work did not describe Hu Liena's soul skills. Hu Liena is basically a small-scale demon." Shi Yun commented secretly.

Hu Liena slowly approached Shi Yun in the red mist. If she didn't use strong mental power to break through the red mist, the outside world would not know what happened inside. Thinking of the thunder sword that she had easily dodged just now, she looked at Shi Yun's eyes and Hu Liena's face revealed. Cunningly, a fist as big as a sandbag was aimed at Shi Yun's uninjured eye.

Shi Yun instantly returned to his normal expression, grabbed Hu Liena's arm, and whispered, "Senior sister, this is too much."

Hu Liena rolled her eyes at Shi Yun, "Bad boy, who asked you to pretend to be tricked? I know these tricks are useless to you, so let me go."

Shi Yun chuckled and said, "Senior sister, you should not be able to see through this red mist."

Hu Liena's face turned red after hearing this, and she had a bad premonition when she looked at Shi Yun's appearance. The next second, Shi Yun hugged Hu Liena into his arms. Her short golden hair carried a unique fragrance, which made Shi Yun addicted to it for a while. .

"Senior sister, you are so beautiful." After saying that, he raised his hand and touched the fox ears on Hu Liena's head. Suddenly Hu Liena collapsed in Shi Yun's arms as if she had been shocked by an electric shock.

Hearing Shi Yun's words, Hu Liena slowly raised her head and asked seriously, "Then tell me who is more beautiful, me or your little wives."

When Shi Yun heard this, he pretended to be thinking and smiled, "Of course they are my little wives."

Hu Liena's complexion changed slightly when she heard this, her eyes were slightly red, and her eyes were about to become misty. She began to struggle in Shi Yun's arms, "Then why are you still holding me, you rogue."

After hearing this, Shi Yun hugged her a little tighter, leaned slightly against Hu Liena's ear, and chuckled, "Sister, aren't you willing to be my little wife?"

Hu Liena hit Shi Yun hard twice, but did not continue to struggle, "Get out of here, who wants to be your little wife, you bad boy."

Seeing that the little fox in his arms was still angry, Shi Yun slowly lowered his head.


Not long after, Shi Yun smiled and said, "Senior sister, if you don't agree to your promise to me, I will kiss you in public when the red mist clears."

Hu Liena's face was rosy, she curled her lips and murmured in a low voice, "I've been eaten up and wiped clean by a bad boy like you, and you still have to ask..."

Shi Yun chuckled and slowly let go of Hu Liena, "Okay, my little fox, let's end this game as soon as possible."

Hu Liena blushed upon hearing this and grabbed Shi Yun's ears, "Call me Senior Sister, no matter how big or small you are."

"Okay, okay, okay, senior sister, we can just pretend to be unconscious at the same time later. This way we can also determine a draw." Shi Yun said quickly.

Hu Liena looked at Shi Yun's face and said angrily, "I said you, a bad boy, the speed of the thunder sword has weakened and you are pretending to be hit. Do you plan to make the teacher look better?"

Shi Yun nodded matter-of-factly and asked, "What if?"

Hu Liena's face turned blood red and she looked at Shi Yun hatefully. She cursed Shi Yun secretly in her heart, and at the same time she scolded herself, "This bad boy is so easy to take advantage of, Hu Liena, Hu Liena, what are you thinking about?" Shi Yun looked at Hu Liena's appearance naturally understood what she was thinking. She hugged Hu Liena into her arms again and said with a smile, "Sister, even without this beautiful misunderstanding, I will never let down every woman I treat like this. The day before yesterday, I have already regarded my senior sister as my wife."

When Hu Liena heard this, she slowly put her hands around Shi Yun's waist, and lay on Shi Yun's chest. She smiled and snorted, "Huh, let me pass this test for you, a bad boy."

"Okay, senior sister, hurry up, people will see something is wrong soon." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Not long after, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the sun slowly shone into the square in front of the Pope's Palace. Bibi Dong looked surprised. Did his apprentice win?It's impossible. That kid's mental strength is already at the level of a high-level soul saint. How could he lose to his disciple?

Bibi Dong stared at the venue. The red mist slowly dissipated, and the field of vision gradually became clearer. Hu Liena and Shi Yun were both lying on the stage in a coma.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong couldn't help but slowly raised her lips, and she also understood Shi Yun's intention.

The referee stepped onto the stage and looked around. It was strange that there were no traces of fighting on both sides. The referee looked up at Bibi Dong who was watching the game on the high platform.

Bibi Dong stood up slowly and announced loudly, "Since both sides are unconscious, this individual competition is a draw. There is only one auxiliary player left in Wuhundian Academy. I declare that the winner of this morning's individual competition is Tiandou Empire Royal Academy. The first team, the Wuhundian Academy team, enters the loser group in the afternoon."

Seeing that Wuhun Palace announced that his team had entered the loser group in the afternoon, Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he still looked at Qian Renxue and smiled, " Congratulations, Qinghe, I didn’t expect that Xiaoyun could turn things around and make the tie even when he was deeply charmed.”

Qian Renxue smiled and nodded, "Yeah, then we'll see Shrek and Wuhun Palace next. It's a pity that we didn't see Xiaoyun wear seven."

"It's a good thing that Xiaoyun didn't wear seven. Qinghe, it's better to leave room for anything. It's best not to force Bibi Dong to flip the table." Ning Fengzhi said with deep meaning.

Qian Renxue nodded slightly towards Ning Fengzhi and stopped talking.

Tang San in the spectators' seat smiled slightly. The picture of both sides being harmed that he wanted to see finally appeared. He finally had a chance to defeat Shi Yun.

"Shi Yun, Shi Yun, I admit that you are very strong, but you must also pay the price for your arrogance. Watch the fire from the other side. The ancients have never deceived me." Tang San said secretly in his heart, already thinking of Hu Liena as a candidate for the afternoon competition. A breakthrough.

While the audience was talking, Xie Yue and Zhu Zhuqing slowly came onto the stage. They slowly picked up their captain. Xie Yue, who was holding Hu Liena, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was holding Shi Yun, looked at each other. They both saw that Noticing what was wrong with the two of them, they looked at each other and nodded.

As the game ended in the morning, Zhu Zhuqing also took Shi Yun back to the hotel. Countless soul masters were attracted to watch along the way. Many soul masters from Wuhun Palace showed frustration on their faces. After all, they had lost the game. , and was almost defeated by Shi Yun, but fortunately there is still a chance.

Zhu Zhuqing carried Shi Yun back to the room. Zhu Zhuyun was a little surprised and asked Zhu Zhuqing, "Is there anyone else who can beat him?"

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Zhu Zhuyun, said nothing, put his hand on Shi Yun's waist and pinched it gently.

Shi Yun opened his eyes slightly, and saw Zhu Zhuqing's tall and straight bulging. He subconsciously hugged Zhu Zhuqing into his arms, "I'm sleeping soundly, don't make trouble, little kitten."

Zhu Zhuqing turned red, patted Shi Yun's face, and said softly, "Get up quickly, Zhu Zhuyun is still here."

Shi Yun was a little dazed in his sleep and murmured, "My sister-in-law is here too, that would be even better."

Zhu Zhuyun sat aside and his face turned red when he heard this.

Zhu Zhuqing narrowed his eyes slightly, put his hand on Shi Yun's waist and pinched it fiercely.

"Hiss... Zhu Qing, be gentle..." Shi Yun immediately let go of Zhu Zhuqing and covered his waist.

Zhu Zhuqing squinted his eyes and asked, "Do you still want your sister-in-law?"

Shi Yun glanced at Zhu Zhuyun who was standing aside guiltily, and with a smile, he took a sip of collagen and said, "I don't want to, I don't want to."

Zhu Zhuqing blushed and rolled her eyes at Shi Yun, "Tell me what happened when you two pretended to be fainted on stage."

Shi Yun spread his hands helplessly and explained, "I'm just pretending to be dizzy to give the Pope some face. It doesn't look good wearing more than seven."

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard this, and then rolled his eyes at Shi Yun and said, "That cheap senior sister has also been taken into your pocket."

Shi Yun chuckled and scratched the back of his head, "This... I can't help it, I can't help it."

"Good sister, you have another competitor. Do you really don't need my sister to help you?" Zhu Zhuyun said softly.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Zhu Zhuyun, "You'd better take care of yourself."

Then Zhu Zhuqing patted Shi Yun and said, "Go and get some lunch. Sister Huowu and Sister Bing'er should be here soon."

Shi Yun nodded and slowly exited the room.

"Zhuqing, are you really not worried at all? It has only been a while since there was another person." Zhu Zhuyun asked Zhu Zhuqing.

The two sisters stayed together for the past two days, thinking that Shi Yun said that the two of them got along well. Zhu Zhuqing glanced at his sister, and knew that Zhu Zhuyun was doing it for her own good, and explained, "I used to worry about it, but then I stopped worrying." .”

"How can you not be worried? My silly sister, that boy is surrounded by all the beauties of heaven. They must be talented and beautiful. You are like a little transparent person next to them. Do you know?" Zhu Zhuyun looked at Zhu Zhuqing with worry.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression did not change when he heard this, and he said softly, "Sister, give up your old ways. These things are not applicable to Xiaoyun."

"I really don't know what kind of ecstasy soup this boy poured into you. I admit, that boy may be very good to you now. He even loved the house and the bird and took his sister out of that cage. But have you considered his purpose? ? Maybe he just wants to play with the sisters. Men are all virtuous. You heard what he said just now. He was clearly testing your bottom line." Zhu Zhuyun said.

"Maybe Xiaoyun has this idea, but even if I don't agree, Xiaoyun will not have any objection to me because of this, let alone abandon me." Zhu Zhuqing said calmly.

"Sister, I didn't expect you to be so naive after so many years away from home. Just watch, time will tell everything." Zhu Zhuyun said helplessly. In her opinion, her sister was completely brainwashed by Shi Yun.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and chuckled, "Time will tell everything."


(End of this chapter)

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