Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 112 Shura Now

Chapter 112 Shura Now

Soon Guang Ling led the two of them to a forest and stopped. Guang Ling raised his head and looked in one direction, pointing in that direction.

"They are right in front. They are so scary. Here, I can already feel the warmth of that little girl." Guang Ling said with emotion.

"Senior, can you take us to have a look?" Shi Yun asked anxiously. He was still a little uneasy. Although Tang Hao was basically in a state of residual health, Shi Yun was still a little afraid of Tang Hao's desperate blow. , after all, Tang Hao’s ring explosion in the original work is one of the few famous scenes in the novel.

Guang Ling glanced at Shi Yun and said, "Boy, you should stay here honestly. That little girl's flames are at their peak. If I take you and Xiaoxue there, I still need to worry about your safety. Failure to do so will cause complications. Now That little girl has already made contact with that boy from the Haotian Sect, so just stay here and wait quietly."

"Xiaoyun, don't worry, Aunt Yue will be fine." Qian Renxue said with a smile. Although Yue Ling's strength may be slightly insufficient compared to the veteran level 96 titled Douluo like Guang Ling, but against Tang Hao's The remaining blood is obviously more than enough.

"Then Xiao Xue'er, just stay here while I go over to play." After saying that, Guang Ling spread out his ice wings and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Not far from the other side.

Tang Hao carried Tang San and Xiao Wu on his back and ran with all his strength in the jungle, while Yue Ling stood on top of the fire phoenix and flew high in the sky, looking at the running Tang Hao playfully.

Not long after, hundreds of incandescent fireballs with extremely high temperatures fell from the sky, like fire from heaven, and struck Tang Hao. Tang Hao's pupils shrank and he dodged again and again. The temperature contained in the terrifying fireballs even made him The surrounding space is slightly distorted.

"No, I can't get rid of it." Tang Hao secretly thought in his heart, constantly shuttled among the many fireballs, and finally stopped slowly.

Looking up and seeing Yue Ling's face, Tang Hao looked surprised and said to Yue Ling, "I don't seem to have offended the Tiandou Empire in any way."

After that, Tang Hao lifted up Xiao Wu behind him with one hand and said to Yue Ling, "If you are here for her, I can hand her over to you. Haotian Sect and Tiandou Empire are still fighting against Wuhun." Friend of the palace."

Hearing this, Yue Ling covered her mouth and chuckled, "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I am not from the Tiandou Empire. I came here to kill you. As for the 10-year-old soul beast, the soul ring means nothing to me." It’s not important, what’s important is your and her soul bones.”

Tang Hao looked at Yue Ling solemnly and was secretly shocked. He could feel that the soul power level of Yue Ling in front of him had surpassed his. "Why did her strength suddenly rise to such a level?"

Tang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. He could clearly feel the presence of two people with titles nearby. They used their soul power to protect their bodies and backs of Tang San and Xiao Wu. He looked at Yue Ling and said, "So you are too. The lackey of Wuhun Palace."

On Douluo Continent, only Wuhun Palace can be so bold as to send three titles to hunt him down at once.
"I don't mean to hide it on purpose. It's just that the noble Haotian Douluo often forgets things. You and I participated in the Soul Master Competition together." Yue Ling chuckled.

Tang Hao frowned, and immediately remembered the Wuhun Temple team that competed that year, and said calmly, "It turns out to be you. It seems that you have a great chance. You even awakened the Fire Phoenix bloodline in your Wuhun."

"It seems that you have recognized me. Although you are a little weaker today than you were back then, it is a pity that you are destined to be buried under my flames today." Yue Ling chuckled.

"The seventh soul skill, the true body of the fire phoenix!"

As soon as he finished speaking, as the seventh soul ring at Yue Ling's feet lit up, a high-pitched phoenix cry was heard, and a golden-red fire phoenix appeared in front of Tang Hao, emitting terrifying high temperatures. There, everything dries up and turns into dust.

Tang Hao looked at Yue Ling solemnly. Although Yue Ling was worse than Bibi Dong, his internal injuries were about to explode.

This situation, this situation, reminded Tang Hao of that year. He clenched the war hammer in his hand tightly, raised his hand and pointed the hammer at Yue Ling, "Martial Soul Hall, you are going too far to deceive others!"

"You deserve to die for blocking the road in the palace and attacking Xiaoyun twice!" Yue Ling said disdainfully.

Tang Hao said nothing. Shi Yun's image appeared in his mind, and he said calmly, "I should have slapped that kid to death back then."

After saying that, Tang Hao's black robe automatically moved without wind, and the blood lines engraved on the Clear Sky Hammer lit up, and cold, violent murderous intent swept the entire place.

Feeling the aura that Tang Hao exuded in the desperate situation, Yue Ming was secretly frightened and said softly, "Come together, don't give him a chance."

After hearing this, the secret snake spear and agouti appeared beside Yue Ling in an instant. The two summoned their martial spirits at the same time, and the seventh soul ring under their feet lit up.

"Seventh soul skill, Snake Lance Avatar!"

"The seventh soul skill, the true body of the dolphin!"

"Those three titles really look up to Tang." Tang Hao said solemnly.

Tang Hao also knew that he couldn't be kind today. He raised one hand and instantly threw Tang San and Xiao Wu behind him away. He kicked off with one foot, and the soul ring under his feet expanded instantly. Black light surged from his right hand. Move, the deep black is mixed with a dark red full of fierce aura.A huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared out of thin air in Tang Hao's right hand.

"Ah Yin, I'm sorry. I didn't fulfill your request. Even Xiao San's body was occupied by an unknown soul. Anyway, it would be good to die here with Xiao San's body."

Thinking of this, Tang Hao quickly took a step forward and stomped his left foot heavily on the ground. An invisible air wave exploded instantly. Taking the place where he stepped as the origin, the ground within a diameter of 30 meters exploded. Amidst the loud noise, countless pieces of smoke and plants sank completely down ten meters.It can be seen how terrifying the power of Tang Hao's step was.

"Let's die together, Wuhun Palace! Xumi Lingtian!" With Tang Hao's last step, the blood-red 10-year-old soul ring shattered, and the blood-red light merged into the Clear Sky Hammer, terrifying The power of Tang Hao made Tang Hao jump into the air with just his body strength. Under the infusion of blood-red light, the Clear Sky Hammer carried huge power and rose in the wind. The body of the hammer instantly stretched to a hundred meters away, and the huge hammer head was like a A hill.

"Ha!" Tang Hao shouted, and began to slowly swing the huge Clear Sky Hammer. His body continued to collapse under the terrifying power, and flesh and blood spattered everywhere.

"Two eldest brothers, I will resist, you use all your strength against Tang Hao." Yue Ling looked at the huge Clear Sky Hammer and was secretly frightened, and said to the snake spear and the agouti.

The snake spear and the agouti looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

After saying this, a high-pitched phoenix cry sounded, fiery red energy fluctuations spread out, and the moon spirit merged into the fire phoenix. With the huge fire phoenix as the center, the phoenix true fire continued to spread, "Phoenix Domain!"

Then the fire phoenix rushed towards the huge hammer.

Snake Spear and Agatha were naturally not idle either. They both headed towards Tang Hao's already somewhat shattered body, the ninth soul rings under their feet shining brightly.

"The ninth soul skill, the thunder snake kills with all its might!"

"The ninth soul skill, the Thorn of Ten Thousand Bloods!"

The two people's ninth soul skills came in an instant and bombarded Tang Hao's body. Tang Hao didn't even have a chance to scream. His whole body could no longer withstand the power of the explosive ring. His whole body exploded like a watermelon. The mountain-like Clear Sky Hammer also disappeared instantly.


Powerful energy suddenly exploded in mid-air, and with a loud noise that was like a divine punishment, the snake spear and the agouti were instantly thrown away, and Tang Hao's soul bones also fell to the ground piece by piece. Ling's slightly embarrassed figure also slowly appeared in the Phoenix True Fire.As Yue Ling slowly landed on the ground, he raised his hand slightly and used his soul power to roll up all the soul bones on Tang Hao's body, and said to the two of them, "Brothers, are you okay?"

The two of them helped each other to their feet in embarrassment and wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths. She Long said slowly, "It's okay, just slightly injured."

Yue Ling nodded, "Then I'll go find those two children."

Suddenly, a young boy's voice came to the ears of the three of them, "No need to look for it, it's here."

The three of them looked towards the source of the sound, only to see Guang Ling and Tang San and Xiao Wu slowly appear.

When the three of them saw Guang Ling, they bowed slowly and said, "Five offerings."

Guang Ling, who looked like a young man, waved his hand, "Okay, okay, I'll leave these two to you. It's really boring. Let's go. Xiaoxue'er and that kid are already coming in this direction."

Seeing the power of Tang Hao's desperate blow, Guang Ling thought he could move his meridian bones, but he didn't expect that Tang Hao would blow himself up and kill himself.

After saying that, Guang Ling disappeared in front of the three people in an instant. Not long after, Shi Yun also brought Qian Renxue to the place of battle.

The two of them looked around, centered on Yue Ling and the other three, and saw nothing but bare, scorched black patches.

Shi Yun quickly ran towards Yue Ling, checked up and down his hands, "Ling'er, how are you? Are you okay? Where is Tang Hao?"

Yue Ling's face turned red, and she poked Shi Yun's forehead with a smile, and said, "I am a level 96 titled Douluo. What can happen to me? As for Tang Hao, he blew himself up until there was no hair left."

Then Yue Ling pointed to the pool of dried blood on the ground not far away, as well as a few fragments of human bones.

Qian Renxue walked over slowly with a smile on her face and said to Shi Yun, "Let me tell you, Aunt Yue will be fine."

Shi Yun said nothing, he just recalled Tang Hao in the original work, and was afraid that something unexpected would happen to Yue Ling.

"What are you going to do with these two?" Yue Ling smiled and pointed at Tang San and Xiao Wu who were standing aside.

"To cut the grass, we must get rid of the roots." Shi Yun said expressionlessly. Yue Ling took the snake spear to kill Tang Hao. Naturally, Shi Yun would not let Tang San, an unstable factor, go out. It was also a threat to himself. It is also a threat to Yue Ling.

After saying that, thunder calamity slowly appeared in Shi Yun's hand, and he walked towards Tang San step by step, feeling a little excited in his heart. By killing Tang San, Shi Yun's biggest worry in Douluo Continent would be gone.

"Tang San, I hope that in your next life, where you go, there will be no other time travellers." Shi Yun murmured in his heart, mentioning Thunder Tribulation, he stabbed Tang San in the heart.

As Shi Yun's thunder calamity fell, the sword edge was about to touch Tang San's clothes. Suddenly, Tang San's body turned blood red, and he instantly resisted Shi Yun's sword edge.

The next second, blood-red light instantly enveloped Tang San and formed a ball, floating into the distance. Seeing this, Yue Ling quickly raised her hand and fired an incandescent fireball towards Tang San.

Everyone saw Yue Ling's fireball composed of the Moon Spirit Phoenix's real fire. When it met the blood-red light, it disappeared instantly. Everyone looked at this scene in surprise.

"Xiaoyun, do you want to chase him?" Yue Ling asked Shi Yun.

Shi Yun shook his head slightly, but he already knew in his heart who was playing tricks, "No wonder Tang San came to Douluo Continent, there are obviously gods involved."

Looking at Tang San going away, Shi Yun was certain that the red light was definitely the backhand left by God Shura on Tang San. Fortunately, Shi Yun was not without gains. With this rabbit, Tang San could be destroyed. Hao, as for God Shura, Shi Yun will go to the city of killing sooner or later.

According to the original work, Poseidon and Shura couldn't wait for Tang San to inherit the throne. Since Tang San can inherit the throne, why can't he? If Shura God wants to go against him, even if he is a god, Shi Yun will have to cut off his inheritance. Bloody Swan Kiss In Shi Yun's hands, it was not used up.

Even if God Shura still lets Tang San inherit the throne in the end, if Shi Yun can't find another god to guarantee the throne and there is a Poseidon, then Shi Yun will still have three gods against Tang San alone, and it will be necessary before Tang San can ascend to the divine world. Behead him.

"Ling'er, where are the soul bones on Tang Hao's body?" Shi Yun said with a smile.

After hearing this, Yue Ling slowly raised his hand and six soul bones appeared in his hand. The eyes of the snake spear and the agouti suddenly showed a fiery look.

"Thanks to the two seniors for their help, these soul bones will be separated from the two seniors." Shi Yun said with a smile.

The eyes of Snake Spear and Agatha suddenly showed ecstasy.

"You don't want to keep any of it. You can exchange these for suitable ones in the palace. There are so many sisters." Yue Ling looked at the little prodigal in front of him with some distress.

"The two seniors have been guarding the young lady for many years. They have worked hard and have done a great job. They are all our own people, so just give it to them. As for Zhuqing and the others, we will find a better one for them in the future. But for this rabbit, the two seniors have to help me keep it secret." Shi Yun Xiaohe pointed at Xiao Wudao who was still unconscious.

After speaking, Shi Yun blinked at Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue rolled her eyes at Shi Yun, but there was a warmth in her heart. She felt a little embarrassed when Shi Yun said this. In these years, she has been busy with the intrigues and trivial political affairs of the Heavenly Dou, Snake Spear and The two agouti have been with her for many years, but they didn't get a few soul bones in her hands.

The two nodded quickly, "This is natural."

Yue Ling reluctantly rolled the six soul bones towards the two of them with soul power, and said to them, "Two eldest brothers, distribute it among yourself."

The snake spear and the agoutan took it and smiled at Yue Ling, "Thank you Miss Yue for your generosity."

After saying that, he looked at Shi Yun and continued with some distress, "I didn't expect that I would still have time to give away six pieces of soul bones that are over 5 years old."

Hearing this, both Shi Yun and Qian Renxue smiled slightly. Shi Yun lifted the rabbit and handed it to Yue Ling, "Well, you still have the task of raising a 10-year-old soul beast in captivity. This is also a good experience. "

Yue Ling curiously held Xiao Wu in her arms, kneaded her and said with a smile, "It's really a bit magical. I can feel the aura of its spirit beast, but it looks like it's just like a human being when pinched."

Shi Yun also sighed with a face, "Everyone is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a treasure. Even if he is no different from other people and carries a heavy treasure, he is the target of public criticism. Let's go. Zhuqing and the others are still worried about us. Go back early."

Everyone also nodded and headed towards Wuhun City together.

(End of this chapter)

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