Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 125 Killing Capital

This actually made Yue Ling start to get a little confused. It can increase the age of the soul ring. It can also evolve the soul ring. Are you kidding me?
"If Xiaoyun devours less thunder and lightning, he should be fine." Yue Ling murmured softly, but according to her speculation, even if Shi Yun can use this crown to practice, there are certain limitations.

After a while, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the sun shone into the small courtyard. When the girls saw this in the distance, they rushed towards the small courtyard non-stop, for fear that something would happen to Shi Yun and Yue Ling.

Seeing that Yue Ling and Shi Yun were fine, everyone slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened to Sister Yue's scene just now?" Zhu Zhuqing asked softly.

Yue Ling looked strange when he heard this, pointed at Shi Yun who was still refining, and said, "Look at Xiao Yun's soul ring."

The girls all rubbed their eyes in disbelief when they saw the soul rings swirling around Shi Yun. They turned purple, purple, black, black, and red. Once they reached the fourth ring, a class breakthrough occurred.

"Could it be the effect of the fairy medicine Xiaoyun took?" Shui Bing'er guessed.

"Why don't we take the immortal medicine to have this effect?" Huo Wu muttered.

Yue Ling shook her head and said with a smile, "Most of you have taken immortal products, and the effects are basically consistent with the illustrations. It is obviously not the reason for the immortal products."

Everyone was a little confused. Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have remembered something, and with a strange look on his face, he asked tentatively, "Is that the crown? The bloodline of the God of Thunder mentioned in the illustration?"

Yue Ling smiled and nodded, and said helplessly, "Other than this explanation, I don't know what explanation is more reasonable."

The girls looked at Yue Ling and Zhu Zhuqing's riddle, and all turned their attention to Zhu Zhuqing. Then Zhu Zhuqing explained to everyone the acquisition of Shi Yun's fifth soul ring and the introduction of the Thunder Hell Vine in the illustrated book.

Hearing this, the faces of all the women were stunned. If it was related to God, it would be explained clearly. It is obviously very reasonable to do things that ordinary people cannot do in this untouched realm.

Not long after, Shi Yun slowly opened his eyes and stretched as if waking up from a big dream, only to find that all the girls were staring at him.

Shi Yun was a little confused, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this? Have I become more handsome?"

The girls rolled their eyes at Shi Yun. However, although Shi Yun, who had absorbed the immortal product, was not the handsome or stunning kind, he was very good-looking, and his body would exude the fragrance of Qiluo tulips from time to time.

Yue Ling chuckled and explained, "Look at your soul ring. They are all envious of your soul ring."

Shi Yun didn't pay attention when he heard this, and subconsciously replied, "If there is anything to envy about my soul ring, you can do it when your physical strength increases."

"Are you sure?" Yue Ling asked with interest.

"It's better to take a look at your own soul ring." Zhu Zhuqing chuckled.

Shi Yun then slowly lowered his head, looking surprised at the soul ring slowly floating around him, and then Yue Ling explained to Shi Yun everything that had just happened.

Shi Yun had a strange look on his face, "So this is how this crown is used."

"Didn't you create the martial soul forging method before? Why haven't you tried this before?" Yue Ling asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Shi Yun looked embarrassed, "I have indeed thought about doing this, but Thunder and Lightning is no joke. Before I had this crown, in order to gain a future, of course I had to try this method. It’s very effective, but every time I’m covered in bruises and take a long time to practice.”

Speaking of this, Shi Yun paused, looked at the women with gentle expressions and said, "With you, I don't dare to take such risks. If there is a more reliable way to improve, I have shelved this method, even if it is with you." I also made long preparations for the thunder training that Ling'er did not long after we were together. Not long after I absorbed the immortal product, there was still a lot of medicinal power in my body, as well as whale glue. With the blessing of the 10-year-old soul bone, I could barely Did it again.”

Seemingly remembering something, Shi Yun raised his hand and gently stroked Yue Ling's cheek, smiling and saying, "Ling'er cried so much that day, so I don't plan to use it again in the future."

All the girls looked moved when they heard this. Yue Ling also turned red when her embarrassing story was told in front of the little girl.

"You know how to say these nice things, but you still want to go to the killing city even if you know the danger." Yue Ling curled her lips and whispered.

"There is no other way. I don't want to go if I can, but real combat experience cannot be achieved as quickly as swallowing thunder and lightning. I can only experience the battle by myself." Shi Yun said with a helpless smile.

"Anyway, you are right." Yue Ling snorted.

"This can be regarded as an unexpected blessing from absorbing the immortal products. I was negligent. Now that I have this crown, it seems like thunder and lightning cannot cause any harm to me." Shi Yun said with a smile.

"Then wouldn't it be possible to use this crown to practice every day?" Huo Wu said excitedly.

Before Shi Yun could speak, Yue Ling shook his head and said, "It's impossible. This thunder and lightning may be the evolution of thunder and lightning. Normal thunder and lightning will not have such power. If the skull is used to induce thunder, Regardless of the intensity, it will definitely not be able to accumulate again within a period of time. Even the power of nature will take a certain amount of time to recover."

Shi Yun nodded, "Ling'er is right. If it is used in thunderstorm weather, the effect will obviously be better. If it is used frequently in one place, the thunder element will be thin, and it will obviously be impossible to create powerful thunder and lightning."

"What about Thunder Tribulation? What changes will occur after absorbing the immortal products this time?" Shui Bing'er asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Shi Yun summoned Lei Jie, jumped up, and said to the girls with a smile, "The soul power has reached the quasi-soul saint level. If you want to have a martial soul... go to the training ground and try it."

Shi Yun has been practicing for half a year. The girls don't know what Shi Yun is practicing. In order to concentrate on practicing swordsmanship, Shi Yun usually goes to the back mountain of Tiandou Royal Academy. The girls are also quite curious about Shi Yun's sword skills.

Then the group of people arrived at the training ground. Looking at the familiar training ground, Shi Yun couldn't help but sigh.

Shi Yun held the Thunder Tribulation in his hand and gently performed a sword dance. The girls looked at Shi Yun expectantly. In an instant, the girls saw Shi Yun move. The Thunder Tribulation in his hand quickly started to move, slashed horizontally, and then stopped in one go.

Yue Ling looked at Shi Yun and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "That's it?" Huo Wu asked doubtfully. The girls were also a little confused. With their insight, it was difficult to detect Shi Yun's sword energy.

"Go and take a look at the tree not far from Xiaoyun." Yue Ling said with a smile.

The girls immediately dodged away, and when they got closer, they discovered that there was an undetectable cut in the tree. The big tree had been cut in half by Shi Yun's sword energy, but it still stood where it stood.

Huo Wu gave a slight push with a surprised look on his face, and saw the big tree fall to the ground.

The girls slowly returned to Shi Yun, their faces full of surprise. Yue Ling smiled slightly, "How was it? Just now I could clearly feel that Xiao Yun didn't even use soul power and only relied on physical strength."

"Is this really possible with physical strength?" Shui Bing'er was a little surprised.

Shi Yun nodded and said with a smile, "Of course, not only the martial soul, but the soul master's body is also a huge treasure."

Yue Ling rolled her eyes at Shi Yun, "Essentially, it's still the function of the martial spirit. If you switch to an ordinary iron sword, you will definitely not be able to do this."

Shi Yun nodded, "Of course, as a soul master, the most important thing is the martial soul. After absorbing the immortal product, the strength of the martial soul will indeed be greatly improved. The most intuitive thing is the sharpness. If it is within the normal range of sword energy, It should be smaller than this, but of course it will be different if you use soul power. As for strength, you still have to fight with others to show it." After Shi Yun finished speaking, he slowly hugged Yue Ling's waist and smiled. He said softly, "So are you still worried if I go to the killing city?"

Yue Ling glanced at Shi Yun with a rosy complexion and said nothing, but the current Shi Yun did make her feel a lot more at ease.

Seeing that Shi Yun's swordsmanship was now somewhat successful, the worries in the hearts of the girls also subsided.


After half a month.

She Long took Shi Yun and Hu Liena to a small town. The town didn't look big, but Shi Yun felt a special chill when he first stepped here, and every time he saw people in the small town, , I can clearly feel that the chill has amplified a bit.

She Long snorted coldly, and the snake spear suddenly appeared in his hand. He kicked the snake spear on the ground, and the aura of a titled Douluo was instantly released. The people who were peeping in the dark suddenly scattered in all directions. Shi Yun could clearly feel that, suddenly Those chills disappeared without a trace.

She Long looked at Shi Yun and said with slight hesitation, "Xiaoyun, Your Highness the Saint, it's still too late to regret now. There are many places to practice actual combat. There will be wars in the palace in the next few years. The battlefield is also a very good place to practice actual combat experience." , this ghost place is no joke, a titled Douluo may not be able to come out even if he goes in, there is no need to take risks, right?"

"Uncle She, don't worry. I will definitely come out successfully for the sake of Miss. Help me tell Miss and ask her to wait for me in Tiandou." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Seeing that Shi Yun had made up his mind and Hu Liena had no intention of saying anything, She Long nodded slightly, turned to look at Hu Liena and said, "Your Highness, the Saint, take care of yourself too."

Hu Liena nodded towards She Long, smiled and said, "Thank you, Elder She, for your concern."

A few days ago, after Shi Yun settled the girls, he greeted Qian Renxue and asked She Long to escort the two of them to the Killing City. There was no other reason. If Yue Ling escorted them, Qi Yue Ling would also follow Shi Yun. .

"Well, Xiaoyun, Your Highness the Saint, let's say goodbye. I hope you will be stronger next time we meet." She Long said with a smile.

"Thank you for your good advice." Shi Yun said with a smile.

After saying that, She Long fled towards the distance. After She Long walked for a while, the chill appeared again. Hu Liena wanted to do something, but was stopped by Shi Yun. She smiled and said, "Let's go, wait." It’s not too late for them to take action.”

"Then Huang Mao should leave, right? Take action?"

"Wait a minute... let's see. That Huang Mao is a Titled Douluo. He can safely leave these two little ones without any loss of strength."

"The girl next to that boy is so pretty. I can't even imagine how fragrant she is."

The moment Shi Yun and Hu Liena entered the town, Shi Yun could feel that there were no fewer than ten pairs of eyes staring at them, and each pair of eyes looked at Hu Liena with an extremely evil and aggressive look.

"No, I can't bear it anymore!"

Shi Yun and Hu Liena were walking arm in arm on the street of the town. Suddenly, several people sprang out from the darkness, summoning their respective martial spirits to attack Shi Yun and Hu Liena.

Shi Yun stood still slightly, one to four soul rings lit up instantly, and blue lightning climbed up the two people's bodies, wrapping them tightly.

"Thunder Tribulation, go." Shi Yun said softly. In an instant, Thunder Tribulation flew around Shi Yun at an extremely fast speed, slitting the throats of several people in an instant.

Seeing the blood splashing out from their necks, Shi Yun and Hu Liena couldn't help frowning. A burst of stomach acid surged up, and they suppressed it forcefully.

"It turns out there are still two chicks, brothers together..."

Before the man finished speaking, Shi Yun's sixth soul ring appeared, and an immense power swept over the entire place in an instant.

"10 years!" The people who were secretly observing suddenly looked at Shi Yun with endless greed in their eyes. However, compared to profits, these desperadoes cared more about their own lives. When Shi Yun revealed the 10-year soul ring, he secretly peeped The few pairs of eyes hesitated slightly, and then the birds and beasts scattered. The person who could obtain the 10-year soul ring in the sixth ring was obviously not something they could defeat.

"Is Nana okay?" Shi Yun asked softly.

Hu Liena nodded, puffed her mouth towards Shi Yun, pointed at the thunder and lightning surrounding her body, and muttered, "How can I practice with you like this?"

"Isn't this because I'm afraid that you are not used to seeing blood? When you get used to it, I won't do this anymore." Shi Yun said with a smile.

"Let's go." Shi Yun chuckled and led Hu Liena past the corpses and towards the tavern in the center of the town. When Shi Yun and Hu Liena left, someone appeared in an instant to rob the corpses. Here, the value of the corpse is not low.

Not long after, Shi Yun and Hu Liena came to the tavern in the middle of the town.

The two people who had just entered the tavern instantly became the focus of the entire tavern. Their dress and temperament were really not suitable for appearing in such a place. They looked like two holy lotuses appearing in a place full of mud and filth.

The air in the tavern was very turbid, and some people sitting in the tavern seemed to be waiting for something. The eyes of these people looking at Shi Yun and Hu Liena were full of evil thoughts.

Shi Yun led Hu Liena and slowly sat down at the bar. A waiter in black asked indifferently, "What do you want to order?"

Shi Yun slightly raised the corners of his mouth, summoning the thunder calamity, reaching the service staff's throat, and chuckled, "I don't have time to play tricks with you on drinking human blood. Open the mechanism and let us in."

The service staff didn't seem to care about his own life or death, frowning slightly, "Guest, you have broken the rules. Even if I let you go down, you will not escape the punishment of breaking the rules."

"Two little brats, they can't even bear a cup of Bloody Mary..." When a middle-aged man was halfway through speaking, Shi Yun waved Lei Jie slightly. The middle-aged man wanted to continue talking, but he felt a heat on his neck. The main artery was torn apart by Shi Yun's invisible sword energy, and blood spattered everywhere, immediately staining the wooden floor of the tavern red. Everyone's bodies tensed up slightly when they saw this scene, and they no longer dared to underestimate Shi Yun.

"Take me down. I don't want to say it again. Killing these trash is just a waste of time." Shi Yun said lightly.

The waiter immediately wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, took a deep look at Shi Yun, and opened a mechanism at the bar. A large hole instantly appeared on the ground, and a cold wind blew up from the hole.

Shi Yun looked at the big hole and sighed in his heart, "Tang San, we will meet again soon. Can you escape this time?"

"Nana, let's go." Shi Yun chuckled, took Hu Liena's hand, and slowly jumped in.

The two of them entered the darkness and only fell a few meters. They were already on solid ground. Shi Yun silently activated his fourth soul skill. He could clearly sense that this was a long corridor. Then Shi Yun led Hu Liena towards the inside. Go.

The two walked for a while, and a cold voice came from all directions, "Welcome to the city of killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want at the price of Your life."

... (end of this chapter)

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