Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 129 The Death of Tang 3

At this time, the woman in black veil also slowly walked out of the room.

"This is Xiao Wu's teleportation, how did you get it?" Tang San's eyes were red, he glared at Shi Yun and gritted his teeth. Although the facts were very clear, he still didn't want to believe it. He was lucky and still had something in his heart. That's just in case.

Shi Yun ignored Hu Liena and brought him behind the woman in black veil, and said calmly, "She didn't do anything. The novice protection period is still valid, right?"

The woman in black gauze chuckled lightly, glanced at Tang San, and pointedly said, "This is natural. In this city of killing, everyone must abide by the rules of the King of Killing."

"Answer me!" Tang San, who had lost his mind, roared angrily as he looked at Shi Yun, with blood and tears streaming from his eyes.

Shi Yun slowly turned his head to look at Tang San and chuckled, "Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

"You deserve to die!" Tang San immediately called out the Clear Sky Hammer and roared word by word.

Shi Yun couldn't help but sneered and said, "I deserve to die? Haha, wasn't your father the cause of this result? Didn't your father know that the rabbit was a 10-year-old soul beast? Why did she let her watch the game on that occasion? ? Judging from your appearance, maybe you really love her, but your father just wants to use her to help you get through the difficulties of having twin martial souls."

"You fart!" Tang San immediately rushed towards Shi Yun with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

Powerful and cold murderous aura instantly covered Shi Yun. Seeing the powerful hammer hitting him, Shi Yun made an understatement and jumped back to avoid the blow. A huge roar sounded, and Tang San A big hole was made in the street.

Shi Yun couldn't help but chuckled, "Am I right? If your father takes Xiao Wu away, you will lose a game at most. Wuhun Palace will not do anything to you, but your father will Let your lover see the tragic situation of your injury during the game, why is this?"

Hearing this, Tang San jumped out of the hole, continued to attack Shi Yun with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, and roared, "You are not allowed to insult dad!!!"

Shi Yun looked at Tang San with extremely pity in his eyes, and held the Thunder Tribulation against Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer. Tang San showed a disdainful smile, how could an ordinary dexterous weapon-like soul be able to defeat the power of Clear Sky? The next second Tang San's A look of incomparable horror appeared on his face, and Shi Yun actually blocked his angry blow with a single-handed horizontal sword.

The subtle friction sound of metal collision continued to sound, and at this moment, the strength that the black jade sacred bamboo brought to the thunder calamity was vividly reflected.

While the two were in a stalemate, Shi Yun showed disdain and said meaningfully, "Dad? You really think of yourself as Tang Hao's son. In addition to Luan Cape, who can strike with one move, he has taught you the methods of Haotian Sect. Special skills? In fact, I have always been curious, where did your powerful self-created soul skills come from? Why didn't he teach you hammer training since you were a child? "

Hearing this, the pupils in Tang San's scarlet eyes couldn't help but shrink suddenly. His other hand suddenly tapped his waist, and in an instant, five golden rays of light headed towards Shi Yun's face.

"We can only play with these dirty things. Haotian Sect doesn't know these things." Shi Yun said softly, without even dodging, and the golden light suddenly vibrated. Suddenly, his body seemed to be made of gold and stone, and his golden body was instantly invincible. launch.

Several crisp metal collision sounds were heard, and five small golden particles appeared on the ground, with a slight green light on them.

"Did dad really see it?" Tang San thought to himself, thinking about Shi Yun's words, he felt that he had hidden it very well since he was a child.

It was indeed true. Before Tang San fought against Canghui Academy, Tang Hao had always believed that Tang San's things were self-created and had no doubts.

"How dare you get distracted while fighting with me?"

"Bengshu, loosens and then tightens, comes suddenly." Shi Yun read softly.

Tang San suddenly discovered that Shi Yun Lei Jie withdrew the strength of the Clear Sky Hammer, and Shi Yun instantly leaned forward slightly with the help of Tang San's incomparable strength. When Tang San was confused, Tang San's momentum did not decrease, and with the help of The huge inertia brought by the weight of the Haotian Hammer hit Shi Yun. The next second, Shi Yun turned the edge of the Thunder Tribulation Sword in his hand, mobilized his whole body's strength, and pointed the sword towards Haotian when there was still a few inches away. The hammer's face was pulled away, and in an instant Shi Yun flew Tang San away.

Tang San suddenly felt a frightening force, and the internal organs in his body seemed to have been violently hammered by something. He immediately vomited blood and flew out like a cannonball, punching through two houses in an instant.

The roaring sound suddenly resounded throughout the entire inner city of the Killing City. Shi Yun's attack stirred up smoke, dust and gravel from the mainland. This caused the weaker fallen ones to even run directly to the outer city for refuge. The few powerful ones did not dare to approach. Just observing from a distance.

"How is it possible..." Tang San leaned against the cracked stone wall. With the Xuantian Skill, he could clearly feel that with just one blow from Shi Yun, the meridians in his hands and arms were completely severed and fractured, and the seven orifices were bleeding. The six internal organs have been ruptured, and now the severe pain coming from the meridians can be felt just by the simple flow of soul power.

After the smoke and dust dispersed, Shi Yun slowly walked up to Tang San, looked down at Tang San's blood-covered cheeks calmly, and said softly, "It's over, Tang San."

"Why...why, even are have" Looking down at him Shi Yun, Tang San said intermittently, his face was covered with blood, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell, Shi Yun couldn't tell what his expression was.

Tang San originally thought that he could safely reach a hundred victories in the Killing City and just go out to replenish his spirit ring. However, he didn't expect to meet Shi Yun in the Killing City. He thought he could rely on his Haotian Hammers, Tang Sect skills, and hidden weapons constantly dealt with Shi Yun and even killed him. However, this time Shi Yun just met him face to face. The slightest distraction caused him to be seriously injured and incapacitated.

Hearing this, Shi Yun sighed and said softly, "Hinder? I just want to make myself stronger. In fact, I don't have to kill you, but I will never leave any possibility of future troubles for myself. If you want to blame me, I will blame you." You were in the blacksmith shop back then, and you didn't succeed in stealing the master, but you didn't kill me."

After saying that, Shi Yun slowly raised his Thunder Tribulation.

"Shi... Yun, I curse... you! Dad... Dad, will definitely... help me... take revenge! Haha... haha..." After Tang San said this, he laughed maniacally, and blood continued to flow from his seven orifices.

Shi Yun didn't pay attention, and swung down the sword in his hand at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, Shi Yun's white robe was covered with a bright red color.

He took out the blood-stained sword wiping cloth from the soul guide and slowly wiped away the blood on the Thunder Tribulation. Shi Yun wiped it while saying, "Revenge? I hope you don't want to see your dead ghost father." I’m so surprised, even God can’t save you this time.”

Tang San's vitality was cut off, and a huge streak of red rose from his body, continuously pouring into Shi Yun's body.

"It looks like this kid has killed a lot of people." Shi Yun murmured, feeling the cold, evil breath constantly pouring into his body, and Shi Yun seemed to be able to hear the wails of the dead in his ears.

Shi Yun raised his hands and murmured softly, "What exactly is murderous intent?" Shi Yun didn't like this feeling. In his opinion, although this murderous intent could bring great benefits to his battle, But in the long run, the impact on himself is not small. Recalling that in the original work, after Tang San obtained the God of Killing Domain, he went to Yuexuan to learn the so-called noble etiquette and musical instruments, and the impact was completely eliminated. This is simply a joke.

In Shi Yun's view, murderous intent not only affects behavior, but also affects his thoughts. Can evil thoughts be changed by relying on etiquette and playing the piano?Judging from what Tang San did after he obtained the God of Killing Domain and became a god, it may not be so.

The role of etiquette and musical instruments was only to restrain Tang San's behavior and enhance Tang San's self-control ability, but did not achieve true transformation.

This kind of thing injected into one's body may be murderous, but it is definitely not as healthy as Sword Douluo's vast and powerful murderous aura.

Shi Yun shook his head slightly, obviously it was too early for him.

"Congratulations, I didn't expect that you completed the master's task in less than ten hours after coming in, and successfully let the master see your sincerity." The woman in black gauze and Hu Liena walked over and said with a smile.

Hu Liena looked at Shi Yun and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Shi Yun came back to his senses, looked at Hu Liena, smiled, and shook his head, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about something. Let's go back."

After saying this, Shi Yun took Hu Liena's hand and walked away slowly.

Seeing that Shi Yun and the two paid no attention to her, the woman in black gauze was not angry and just followed Shi Yun and the other two slowly away.


God Realm, Shura Temple.

The man in red couldn't help but slowly raised his lips as he looked at the scene in front of him. In the scene, it was the last moment when Shi Yun held up Thunder Tribulation and waved his sword.

God Shura raised his hand slightly, the screen disappeared, and he chuckled, "I didn't expect that the backup plan I left at that time brought me unexpected joy. I didn't expect that this good young man would actually come to my door. Since he killed the person I chose, Then you can't run away from this position. Fortunately, the God of Thunder is dead, otherwise it would be really difficult to rob someone."

His Shura divine test has always been fair. Anyone who has obtained the realm of the God of Killing in the City of Killing is actually considered a person who has a chance to inherit his divine throne. However, for the sake of disgusting that crazy woman Rakshasa, he even did not hesitate to break the rules and kill. He left behind his own evil thoughts in the capital, which affected Tang Chen, who was closest to the divine position, and caused him to fail the divine test. The murderous intent accumulated by the latecomer in the killing city was mixed with Rakshasa evil thoughts, even if he wanted to Even if you take the divine test, there is a high probability that you will still fail. The evil thoughts of Rakshasa are hidden in the murderous aura, constantly affecting the owner's mind.

He Shura, as the first Shura god in the Douluo God Realm, is the god of killing. He is in charge of killing, trial, and laws. He has the responsibility of judging the gods. The divine test naturally focuses on this aspect, and his mind is affected by the evil thoughts of Rakshasa. It is obviously difficult for people to pass the divine test set by him.

"I hope this boy who is protected by angels and Rakshasa can pass the test. The angels can also give him some help. I also hope that the crazy woman Rakshasa can give him some face." God Shura murmured.


half year later.

In the past six months, except for the King of Slaughter and his envoys, Shi Yun and Hu Liena have become untouchable characters in the entire Slaughter City. To be precise, Shi Yun is untouchable. If anyone attacks Hu Liena in the inner city, it may even lead to injuries. , affected Hu Liena's competition, and without exception, they would be chased to death by Shi Yun. Of course, Shi Yun's move also made the two of them suffer from a large number of fallen people for a long time, but they were unsuccessful. Now No one dared to keep an eye on Shi Yun and Hu Liena anymore, let alone surround them.

In the Hell Killing Fields, a total of ten people entered slowly. Shi Yun became the target of public criticism the moment he entered. For no other reason than today was Shi Yun's No. 70 six games. Shi Yun's victory was among the ten people. The highest and the strongest.

After entering the competition with such high efficiency as alternating guardians, it only took the two of them half a year to achieve such results. They had already surpassed Tang Hao and Bibi Dong by a long way. Of course, this was also the premise that the two had been alternating guardians. Understand, if they were here alone, Shi Yun and Hu Liena would not be able to achieve this result within half a year.

Compared with when they first came here, Shi Yun and Hu Liena had a colder look on their faces, and even their bodies exuded a faint scent of blood. They were cold, bloodthirsty, and cruel. They had already become the two of them. synonymous with "," which made Shi Yun increasingly feel that there was a big problem with the murderous intent here. Even during the days when Hu Liena was fine, Shi Yun would still have the urge to go on a killing spree.

For this reason, Shi Yun meditates every day, not for cultivation, but to constantly calm down the murderous intentions and evil thoughts in his heart. However, today is the day when Shi Yun goes on a killing spree.

The nine people immediately surrounded Shi Yun when they entered. All nine people were trembling. They knew clearly in their hearts that if they could not kill Anping, their lives would have come to an end.

Shi Yun's plain eyes revealed coldness, bloodthirsty, and cruelty. The cold murderous aura instantly swept across the entire venue. He had begun to enjoy the trembling feeling of the degenerates around him.

In the past six months, Shi Yun did not practice soul power. He just kept fighting and learned how to control his murderous intent. I don't know if Shi Yun's soul power level, which has already reached the soul saint level, has improved, but Shi Yun is here. In constant actual combat, he will continue to integrate those thirteen methods of exerting force into his own battles, and even carve them into his own bones.

Then one of the nine people roared to embolden him, and the rest followed suit. The nine roared and rushed towards Shi Yun together, as if they were going to tear Shi Yun into pieces in an instant.

Hu Liena was looking at Shi Yun in the spectator seats on the high platform. A powerful murderous aura instantly swept through the entire spectator seats. Although she knew very well that with Shi Yun's strength, these nine people would not be the slightest threat to Shi Yun, but Shi Yun He is the most important person in her life. Every time she sees this kind of scene, for some reason her murderous intent will appear involuntarily. Her heart has long been tied to Shi Yun.

While Hu Liena was worried about Shi Yun, Shi Yun held Lei Jie and stroked the blade of the sword. Lei Jie suddenly made a clear sword cry and stood there, not caring that the other nine people were already rushing towards him.

"The cutting technique is the most transversal, it divides everything and traverses all directions!"

Suddenly, eight directions with Shi Yun as the center suddenly appeared, eight terrifying thunder and lightning sword energy, the impact of several people stopped suddenly, and the sound of flesh falling to the ground suddenly sounded in the field.

Seeing that the battle was over, Hu Liena's murderous intent slowly subsided.

... (end of this chapter)

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