Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 131 Hell Road

God Realm, Shura Temple.

God Shura watched Shi Yun and Hu Liena slowly enter the place where their inheritance was tested, with an impatient look in their eyes. When he heard the next words of the King of Slaughter, God Shura showed a look of disdain.

"A mere evil creature, trying to steal the throne of God King." God Shura narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled disdainfully. The words of the King of Slaughter reminded God Shura of many past events, including that sentence of course. Unless the Dragon Clan recovers, The Dragon God reappears, otherwise, in the God Realm, the beast race will not be allowed to become gods.

God Shura shook his head slightly and said to himself, "If this boy goes well, I won't be the one to clean up the mess in the future. I don't know if I can spread my divine status before these bad things happen. Boy , don’t let me down..."

Having said that, God Shura remained silent and just used his spiritual thoughts to observe the test that Shi Yun and Hu Liena began to undergo.

On the other side, the Rakshasa Temple.

A woman in the temple, wearing purple armor and looking rather evil, is looking at the picture that appears in front of her with great interest. If Shi Yun can see this picture, he will definitely recognize it. The character in the picture is exactly Bibi Dong.

"The talent of the little girl is so good. I was even more outstanding back then. I am worthy of being a person who has passed the test of Shura. It seems that I have had an epiphany recently. I have learned to use good thoughts to resist the influence of evil, and thus slowly control the influence of evil. Power." The Rakshasa God sighed, evil and good have always been interdependent, just like the original Bibi Dong, who was kind and beautiful, but after encountering huge changes, more extreme evil will occur.

If you want to truly understand the power of evil, you must also understand the power of good. Only by knowing good can you better control your own evil.

"Huh? That old boy Shura is really lucky. There is a new person in the Killing City entering the inheritance place." Rakshasa looked surprised, waved slightly, and the scene of Shi Yun and Hu Liena appeared in front of him, "Oh, These two little guys still have the protection of me and the angel’s little bitch.”

Rakshasa slowly closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something. Soon after, Rakshasa slowly opened his eyes and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, "One is the daughter, the other is the apprentice, and the other is the son-in-law. Oh, he is also a playboy. Boy, that’s interesting.”

"Rakshasa, use your spiritual thoughts to explore the lower world. What do you want to do?"

Suddenly, the majestic voice of God Shura sounded in Rakshasa's mind.

Rakshasa chuckled, "Lord God King, do you have any questions about exploring the remnants of the Dragon Clan?"

Shura, "..."

God Shura, who was sitting in his seat in the temple, was silent for a while, and couldn't help but twitched his face, "I gave you the girl doll, what else do you want..."

"Okay, I am very satisfied with this heir. I just felt the strange movement in the Killing City, so I took a look. Speaking of which, you are my senior. Isn't it the right thing to take care of my juniors?" Rakshasa said with a lazy look on his face. Still wearing a beautiful smile.

After hearing this, Shura was immediately furious. The City of Killing was a relic left behind when he and Rakshasa transcended this world. His original intention was to let his successors constantly judge sins in it, in order to let those who came after him It is better to take over him, the responsibility of judging the gods, taking charge of the divine world, and the task of maintaining the rules. However, when Rakshasa transcended the city of killing, he left the evil thoughts of Rakshasa in it, turning the city of killing into corruption. The paradise of those who came after him made the murderous intent of those who came after him mixed with Rakshasa evil thoughts, making it more difficult for him to find a qualified heir, so Tang San appeared.

It turns out that Bibi Dong is very suitable to inherit the throne of Shura, because when Bibi Dong killed the fallen, Shura saw in Bibi Dong what he should be like as a judge, but he never thought that Rakshasa would use the evil thoughts he left behind It instantly amplified the darkness in Bibi Dong's heart, causing her to go on a rampage in the city of killing. As a result, she gained a lot of murderous intent, and her evil thoughts continued to amplify.

Seeing Shura's silence, Rakshasa chuckled and said, "Don't be so vindictive. Isn't it better to wait now? Isn't this kid more suitable for the position of the God King than the previous girl doll? This kid even got the title. With some of the Thunder God's abilities, the Shura God will be even more powerful in the future."

After hearing this, Shura also slowly raised the corner of his mouth. Shi Yun's appearance was indeed an unexpected surprise. He was even more powerful than the Tang San he chose. However, in order to prevent Rakshasa, a crazy woman, from going crazy, Shura still gave a faint warning. After a while, "I will keep an eye on you."

Rakshasa lazily leaned on his throne, spread his hands, and said with emotion, "Okay, it's only the last period of time anyway. I'll leave when this little girl comes up."

Eternal life sounds like a beautiful word, but in eternity, the loneliness of gods is unimaginable. Most gods will choose to pass on their divine status and then go to other planes to find new meaning in life.


At this time, Shi Yun and Hu Liena were on a circular platform, which was only about five meters in diameter. They both fell to the ground.

Shi Yun held Hu Liena's hand and stood up slowly. Everything around him was a blood-red scene. Beyond the five-meter-diameter circular platform under his feet, there was an abyss. The scene in front of them was much more sinister than they imagined. .

In addition, a slender path less than half a foot wide leads into the unknown darkness. This path can only accommodate two feet standing at the same time.

Shi Yun smiled slightly and said to Hu Liena, "Nana, we are going out soon."

Hu Liena nodded, with a worried look on her face, and said, "Don't be careless. The teacher said that the test on the Hell Road is the most difficult."

Shi Yun took out a bundle of ropes from the soul guide, tied one end of the rope around his waist, and said to Hu Liena, "We can't walk side by side on this road. Nana, you don't have the ability to fly to trap this around your waist. We can save some soul power."

Hu Liena nodded, and after the rope was tied, Shi Yun slowly walked forward, and Hu Liena followed suit. After two years of training in the killing city, the two had a strong sense of understanding, and their walking rhythm was surprisingly consistent. Maintaining this rhythm, Shi Yun and Hu Liena moved forward slowly. After a while, the circular platform at the beginning had disappeared.

Not long after, Shi Yun suddenly stopped, turned to look at Hu Liena, and said, "Nana, come to me."

Not long after, Shi Yun and Hu Liena heard a small sound. Although it was not loud, the frequency was very fast.

Hu Liena did not ask why, but followed Shi Yun's instructions and came to Shi Yun. Shi Yun slowly hugged Hu Liena into his arms and whispered, "Something is coming, I have to speed up."

At this time, Hu Liena had already discovered the huge group of blood-red bats, the number of which was particularly terrifying. Although this kind of thing is not powerful individually, it is better than the huge number, so rushing through this place quickly is obviously the best choice. Of course The amount of physical and soul power consumed in this way is obviously particularly astonishing.

It is impossible for two people without soul skills to kill all these bloody bats in an instant. No matter how many they kill, it is just a waste of their physical and soul power.Shi Yun hugged Hu Liena with his left hand and held a sword in his right hand. Blue thunder and lightning instantly covered the two of them, and blue light wings composed of thunder elements also appeared behind Shi Yun.

"Nana, hold me tight." Shi Yun said softly. After speaking, he kicked his steps suddenly. The powerful impact even caused the place where they had just stood to break. The gravel rolled down into the blood pool below. With the help of the powerful impact, With the force, the stone cloud rose into the sky, like a blue stream of light, heading towards the huge group of bats at great speed.

Looking at the swarm of bats getting closer and closer, Shi Yun held a sword in his right hand and swung the sword horizontally. A blue sword energy instantly split the bat that hit it in half. Shi Yun used the sword energy to open a path and quickly passed by. .

Shi Yun pushed the bat group horizontally like a harvester. Under the influence of the sword energy and light wings, no bat could get close to them. It would either be cut in half by Shi Yun's sword energy, or be quickly incited. The light wing corona fell into the blood pool.

Shi Yun's speed was very fast, and he passed through the huge group of bats in a short time, throwing the group of bats away without a trace. Shi Yun slowly slowed down, Hu Liena in his arms rubbed against Shi Yun's chest, and lowered his head. He said, "I'm sorry, Xiaoyun, I'm really useless and can't be of much help."

Hu Liena, who has no soul skills, can only use her powerful mental power and martial soul abilities to influence her opponents. The bat swarm is huge and the impact is extremely limited. Her only remaining attack methods are all close combat.

Shi Yun smiled slightly and stopped when he saw that the bat did not continue to pursue, "No need to be sorry, protecting you is what I should do. Nana can achieve Yum with her own strength. How can it be useless? Even her powerful ability is useless. At that time, not everyone was an all-around player like me.”

Hu Liena's mood immediately improved a lot after hearing this. She rolled her eyes at Shi Yun and whispered, "Shameless."

"Let's go, don't take it lightly. The group of bats didn't chase us, which means there is a more terrifying existence ahead." Shi Yun said seriously.

This time Shi Yun asked Hu Liena to walk in front. If there was any danger, he could directly protect him, saving the time of looking back. Suddenly Hu Liena stopped, covered her mouth, looked back at Shi Yun and whispered , "We're in trouble."

Right in front of their narrow road, there was a huge guy hanging upside down, with a dark golden light shining all over his body. Now Shi Yun knew why the bats started screaming after they couldn't catch up with him. It turned out that he was calling. His own boss.

The huge dark-gold bat hung upside down and slightly stretched its wings a few times. It looked like a person who was about to start eating a big meal. The dark-gold bat slowly spread its wings. Horrifyingly, the wingspan was as wide as ten Mi, slowly flew up under the instigation of its huge wings. Its body was dark gold, and the most surprising thing was that it had three heads.

The three heads of the dark gold three-headed bat screamed at the same time, and suddenly swooped towards Shi Yun and Hu Liena.

"This kind of momentum and speed is definitely no less than that of a 3-year-old soul beast. Nana, I will fight it in the air to prevent it from destroying our path. You wait for the opportunity to prepare for soul impact." Shi Yun said to Hu Liena.

Hu Liena nodded, and then Shi Yun stepped lightly, and the light wings behind him moved towards the huge dark gold three-headed bat.

If they can use soul skills, the soul beast Shi Yun of this level can be easily dealt with, and the firepower coverage will be good, but they cannot use soul skills yet. Facing such a huge and flying guy, the terrain like a single-plank bridge like Hell Road , is obviously extremely disadvantageous.

The dark gold three-headed bat screamed towards Shi Yun's feet, and a circle of dark red energy ripples spurted out from its head and was launched towards Shi Yun's feet. The target was Hu Liena.

"Beast, your intelligence is not low, and you can also use Sun Tzu's Art of War. It's a pity that Nana can dodge your attack." Shi Yun murmured.

Shi Yun did not blindly support him. After getting along with him for a long time, Shi Yun knew very well how many brushes Hu Liena had. Hu Liena, whose martial spirit was a demon fox, was not slow. Hu Liena could completely avoid attacks at this speed. Obviously, this spirit beast's The goal is to destroy the road.

The dark red energy wave hit Hu Liena. Hu Liena dodged the attack with just a few jumps. The place where she was originally standing was shattered by the dark red energy, and countless gravel fell towards the abyss.

At the same time, Shi Yun's sword edge also arrived, streaking across the neck of the dark gold three-headed bat like a stream of blue light. A head flew up instantly. Shi Yun said disdainfully, "Beasts are still beasts. You don't care about the strength of your body." Very confident.”

The current Thunder Tribulation can be said to be only as sharp as Chen Xin's Seven Kills. So far, Shi Yun has only Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer that makes Shi Yun feel unable to cut. That's why Shi Yun used Beng Jin to injure Tang San. Dark Jin San The head bat let out a mournful cry and flapped its wings in an attempt to distance itself.

Shi Yun would not let it go. It would not be good if it threatened Hu Liena. Under Shi Yun's tracking, the dark gold three-headed bat was too big and could not dodge Shi Yun's attack at such a close distance. It could only barely avoid its vital points. , the long-range energy wave Shi Yun will not give it a chance to be released again. If it is released towards the road far behind Hu Liena, Hu Liena will not be able to escape this time.

The power of Shi Yun's sword did not decrease, and he suddenly slashed from top to bottom in mid-air, "Cut from top to bottom, all the way through his body."

Just as the dark gold three-headed bat was trying to dodge this fatal blow, suddenly a blue light suddenly appeared behind Shi Yun and an invisible wave hit the dark gold three-headed bat instantly. The dark gold three-headed bat let out a huge scream, and his body shape When it stopped, Shi Yun swung his sword down and split it in half instantly.

No matter how powerful the regeneration ability is, an injury like being split in half cannot be regenerated successfully in a short time. Shi Yun was like this in mid-air, watching the body that was divided into two halves, falling at a very fast speed. It struggled in mid-air, trying to recover, but it didn't have much time left.

When the stone cloud slowly fell in front of Hu Liena, the two of them could hear a huge crashing sound.

"Nana, you did a great job." Shi Yun smiled slightly and touched Hu Liena's slightly raised head.

"Is there water underneath this sound?" Hu Liena asked doubtfully.

"We should know it when we get to the end. I found that this road is not straight, but continues to go down with small gaps." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Hu Liena nodded, "No wonder we couldn't see the platform we just landed on after taking a few steps."

"Okay, let's take a rest. This big guy is gone. We should still have to walk for a while before we can continue to meet the new big guy." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Then the two sat down on the narrow road, quietly recovering their strength.

... (end of this chapter)

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