Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 141 Acacia Heartbroken Red

Shi Yun returned to his small courtyard, and the girls were enveloped by Hu Liena's God of Killing Domain and carried out their own cultivation.

Seeing Shi Yun come back, Yue Ling, who was sitting on the rocking chair in the small courtyard, raised her eyebrows, looked wary, and asked, "What does that woman want you for?"

"What else can happen? The Haotian Sect knows about Tang Hao's death. As a qualified spy, she naturally wants to come here to inquire about the news and verify the truth." Shi Yun spread his hands and smiled.

"It seems that the Haotian Sect seems closed but actually maintains a lot of contact with the outside world." Yue Ling sighed.

"The so-called title of a sect is just to accumulate strength. After such a long time, the elders of the Haotian Sect should all be title-level figures." Shi Yun smiled casually.

Yue Ling said indifferently, "It's not just our Haotian Sect that is accumulating strength. If I remember correctly, there were seven elders in the Haotian Sect back then. Excluding the two who were killed by our Wuhun Palace, they were just... There are five titles, including the current sect leader Tang Xiao, there are six. Not to mention the Haotian Sect, even if all the other forces in the world join together, there are not enough titles in the palace. Not only the quantity, but the quality of the titles in the palace is obviously also high. There are many, and the gap between titled Douluo is very obvious. The elders of Haotian Sect may just rely on the higher quality of their martial souls, which are more profitable than ordinary titles. The elders of the enshrinement hall just randomly pick one. He can beat two of them when he comes out, let alone a titled Douluo like Da Zongfeng who has reached the limit of a soul master. That is to say, Da Zongfeng only cares about Tang Chen's face, otherwise the palace will want to wipe out the Haotian Sect by taking advantage of what happened back then. Very simple."

Shi Yun nodded. Now that Tang San is dead, the Shrek Seven Monsters are in shambles, and there are no immortal products. The Spirit Hall has almost stabilized the situation of unifying the entire continent. Now he can feel at ease. Cultivate your mind and enjoy life with peace of mind. As for charging into battle, let Bibi Dong push it herself.

"Okay, next, I have to start my own practice." Seeing that the girls around him were seriously carrying out their own practice, Shi Yun couldn't lag behind.

"By the way, you have been at level [-] for more than half a year, don't you plan to get the soul ring?" Yue Ling asked.

Shi Yun shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I already have an idea. When they reach level [-], we will take you to travel the mainland."

Yue Ling nodded. Since Shi Yun had his own ideas, she didn't ask any more questions. Shi Yun's choices had never let her down.

Shi Yun glanced at the girls who were practicing. As the soul power levels and physical fitness of the girls improved, the soul pressure and gravity training methods given by Yue Ling no longer had much effect. After all, they were just titled Douluo to maintain their souls. The momentum pressure caused by the high-speed operation of the force simulates the oppressive effect brought by the Poseidon's Light, which is not the real Poseidon's Light. The gravity effect brought by the Soul Saint cannot continue to temper the bodies of the girls, so Shi Yun has already begun to think about the time for the trip to Poseidon Island.

As long as they reach Poseidon Island, Shi Yun's seventh ring can be successfully solved without hunting a hundred thousand year soul beast. But I don't know whether Poseidon's test can be superimposed with Shura's divine test.

What makes Shi Yun strange is that so far, he has clearly passed the divine test. Why has God Shura not yet given his second test?
  "Is it because this old boy Tang Chen is not dead?"

Thinking of this, Shi Yun shook his head. Since he had already taken the divine test, he was not the one who was anxious. He knew in his heart that perhaps Shura wanted Shi Yun to inherit his divine throne even more than Shi Yun.

Immediately, Shi Yun slowly summoned his martial spirit, and Lei Jie suddenly appeared in his right hand. Shi Yun casually found an open space in the courtyard, sat down cross-legged, and placed Lei Jie on his thigh.

Sitting on the floor, Shi Yun took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and activated his mental power to look inside his body. As usual, he guided his soul power to follow the body's self-circulation and circulate around the world. Under Shi Yun's stimulation, the soul power gradually flowed through his body. , it started to run faster. After running for several weeks, Shi Yun could clearly feel that his body was heating up and his blood was slightly boiling.

"Let the weapon soul join the soul power cycle in your body."

Shi Yun kept chanting these words in his mind, and then Shi Yun controlled the soul power in his body to slowly slow down. Under the perception of mental power, he could clearly feel the existence of his martial soul.

As the movement of soul power slowed down, the body felt overwhelmed by a sense of coldness, and the body temperature and heartbeat became stable.

After a while, Shi Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked at the thunder calamity in front of him. Sure enough, although it sounds simple, letting his weapon soul join his soul power cycle is particularly difficult to do. The meridians of the human body are all fixed, so the weapon Joining the soul in the soul power cycle is equivalent to changing one's habit of transferring soul power for many years.

Shi Yun was not discouraged and continued to try. This time he stood up slowly. He found that if he was in a meditative state, he could easily fall into the original path of soul power.

Shi Yun raised the Thunder Tribulation and controlled the soul power to flow to his arm. Shi Yun followed the arm and injected the soul power into the martial spirit. The Thunder Tribulation in Shi Yun's hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light, but how could the soul flow back to him after it was injected? What about your body?

At this time, Yue Ling was sitting on the rocking chair nearby, smiled and said, "Xiaoyun, if you want a friend to play with you, you need to communicate well first. Wuhun is a living being."

Hearing this, a look of surprise appeared on Shi Yun's face. He sat cross-legged and mobilized his mental power to fully cover his martial soul. With the complete coverage of Shi Yun's mental power, all the sounds from the outside world gradually disappeared into Shi Yun's mind. The calamity became more and more clear in Shi Yun's mind. The size, thickness, hilt, sword body, and even every tiny pattern. Shi Yun could clearly feel the faint fluctuations emitted by the thunder calamity, and could even Feeling some inexplicable emotions.

Shi Yun did not rush to start operating his soul power, but used his mental power to cover the thunder tribulation. Suddenly, a sound of swords sounded in Shi Yun's mind, and Shi Yun's soul power could not help but Start running.

The moon spirit in the outside world was closing its eyes to rest, and suddenly opened its eyes to look at Shi Yun. Shi Yun's martial spirit was emitting a dazzling light, making a crisp sound of swords, and a large amount of energy was directed towards Shi Yun's martial spirit. Souls gather.

At this time, Yue Ling suddenly remembered the introduction about Qiluo Tulip in the Fairy Illustrated Book, which can absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and the light of the sun and moon. Yue Ling felt it, and a look of horror appeared on her face. She could feel the thunder. Jie absorbs energy extremely quickly.

"This is the so-called absorbing the essence of the world and the brilliance of the sun and the moon. Xiaoyun, what kind of monster did he turn his martial soul into?" Yue Ling thought secretly in his heart.

Normally speaking, adding a martial spirit to a soul master's soul power cycle can greatly enhance the power of the martial spirit, but it also consumes a lot of energy for the soul master. But now Shi Yun's martial spirit is like a soul that can The energy-absorbing filter, when added to the body's circulation, not only strengthened the power of the martial soul released, but even gave Shi Yun a certain amount of soul power recovery ability.

While Shi Yun used his mental power to cover Lei Jie, he was also constantly observing the movement of his soul power and looking inside his body. Shi Yun was surprised to find that he did not inject soul power into his martial soul, but that Lei Jie had been injecting it with him. It conveys soul power to him.

At this moment, Shi Yun didn't know how to stop. He could feel that the answer he wanted was right in front of him, so he kept compressing the soul power in his body to leave more space to receive Lei Jie's "infusion". ".

As time goes by, Shi Yun's body has begun to feel swollen. Since he has not obtained a soul ring and advanced to the Soul Saint, he has accumulated a large amount of soul power. If the soul power usually moves like a galloping Jianghe, so now under his compression, the soul power is like a swamp, and the flow of soul power has naturally weakened.

"His grandma, I won't explode." Shi Yun thought, and immediately began to prepare to slowly withdraw his mental power. As his mental power was withdrawn a little, Shi Yun suddenly felt an unpleasant emotion, as if His own martial spirit was stopping him.

"You won't let me leave?" Shi Yun was a little confused, and after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth slightly, "Damn it, no matter how hard you try, your martial spirit will never harm me."

Shi Yun suddenly thought of the soul core thing. To put it bluntly, isn't this thing made of highly condensed soul power?
  "Today I will try to condense the soul cores of the Soul Saint. It seems that Huo Gua's first soul core was also obtained at the Soul Saint level."

Thinking of this, Shi Yun immediately mobilized all his soul power and gathered it towards his Dantian. Gradually, Shi Yun's Dantian formed a whirlpool of soul power. Suddenly, the soul power in his whole body changed from the original "swamp" to another. It turned into a rushing force like a river. Shi Yun could clearly feel that when his Dantian formed a cyclone, the speed at which he absorbed the free energy between the surrounding heaven and earth became faster.

Shi Yun's Moon Spirit, who was observing outside, suddenly turned pale with fright. As a titled Douluo, she knew very well what Shi Yun was doing now, but now she had no way to interrupt Shi Yun. If she interrupted Shi Yun at this time, it would cause Dantian damage. The soul power in his body was out of control. If his Dantian was broken due to the random rush of soul power, it would be equivalent to the destruction of Shi Yun's years of cultivation.

"How can this silly boy condense soul cores at the Soul Saint level? Fortunately, Thunder Tribulation has the ability to absorb energy. If it fails..." Yue Ling simply couldn't imagine the consequences.

As time went by, Shi Yun could feel that the whirlpool of soul power in his body was constantly solidifying, but there was almost not much soul power left in his body.

"Thunder Tribulation, we are good brothers. Please don't harm me. Suck a little more. If it doesn't work, it's over." Shi Yun kept praying in his heart.

Not long after, the cyclone in the center of Shi Yun's dantian was dyed blue, and it continued to rotate at an accelerated speed, quickly condensing into substance. In the dantian, Shi Yun could see a little bit of darkness slowly expanding in the blue center.

Fortunately, Shi Yun's soul power control ability is strong enough to slow down the speed at which the cyclone absorbs soul power, allowing Lei Jie to have enough time to replenish it. The huge suction force generated by the core of the vortex made him a little frightened, fearing that he would lose his stability. Stay and suck yourself dry on the spot.

In the spiritual perception, the blackness accelerated and expanded, becoming the size of a longan at a speed visible to the naked eye.The suction force generated is directly multiplied, and the cool swishing feeling can be felt in every inch of the body.

To be honest, Shi Yun's back felt cold.

"Damn, it's not difficult to read the novel." Shi Yun cursed in his heart, constantly using his powerful control to control the suction to gradually slow down, and for a moment, he actually entered a state of selflessness.

Outside, Yue Ling looked at Shi Yun anxiously, but did not dare to show it too obviously. At this time, it was best not to convey fear to others.

"Xiaoyun, you are already controlling your soul core to slow down the absorption speed. It seems that the critical moment has come." Yue Ling said secretly.

Suddenly Yue Ling's expression became serious. She could feel that someone with soul power no less than hers had entered the Marquis Mansion, and she immediately walked slowly to Shi Yun's side and became alert.

Not long after, a figure appeared in the courtyard. Seeing the person, Yue Ling also lowered his guard.

"Pervert, why are you here suddenly?" Yue Ling asked, with an uneasy look on his face.

Upon seeing this, the girls quickly greeted Yueguan, "Senior Ju..."

Suddenly Yue Guan's eyes fell on Shi Yun in the corner of the courtyard, and his face suddenly showed a look of horror. He wanted to scream, but Yue Ling immediately covered his mouth, and Yue Guan's voice sounded in Yue Guan's mind.

"You pervert, don't say it, don't let them worry about Xiaoyun."

Yue Guan, whose mouth was covered, nodded immediately and used his mental power to communicate with Yue Ling, "Yue Ling, this kid is fooling around and you are also fooling around with him? I don't even have a Soul Douluo. Is condensing soul cores a way to seek death?"

"I don't know either. Xiaoyun is practicing, and I suddenly discovered that he has condensed his soul core. What should I do now?"

Yue Guan rolled his eyes at Yue Ling, "You are also a Titled Douluo. What should I do? Now I can only treat a dead horse as a live doctor."

"Do you have a solution?"

Yue Guan did not speak, but took out two boxes from his soul guide, "This boy is lucky, and I happened to find two immature immortal plants at the Ice and Fire Eyes. After my careful cultivation, It’s mature, and I originally wanted to give it to Nana, but it seems Nana can only wait a little longer.”

"Is the immortal product useful?"

"Of course, the immortal product itself contains huge energy. Although these two strains are not compatible with Xiaoyun's attributes, they can still be used as energy devourers."

"Then do you think this is okay?" Yue Ling said as she took out the long-dusted lovesickness red flower from her soul guide.

"Lovesickness Red!" Yue Guan couldn't help exclaiming, and instantly knelt down in front of the Lovesickness Red.

"I never thought that I would be able to meet the legendary Kao Kao in my lifetime."

"You pervert, stop talking nonsense, is this okay?"

Yue Guan looked at the lovesick red flower in Yue Ling's hand with pity, and couldn't help but sigh, "Well, since it recognizes you as its master, it is naturally willing to do so. With this lovesick red flower, it is this The kid can be saved even if he fails, just put the Lovesickness Red on Xiaoyun's body now."

"No need to take it?" Yue Ling was a little confused.

Yue Guan glared at Yue Ling, as if he was dissatisfied with Yue Ling's underestimation of Acacia Heartbroken Red, and gave Yue Ling a popular science guide, "Acacia Heartbroken Red has the same immortality as heaven and earth. As long as it is worn on the body, it can have the spirit of an immortal. Blessing, if Xiaoyun lacks energy, it will supply it on its own. If a person is about to die, he will immediately jump to life after taking it, and it can even increase a huge amount of soul power."

After hearing this, Yue Ling immediately put the Acacia Heartbroken Red tied with a rope on Shi Yun's neck. It seemed that she felt Shi Yun's situation. The Acacia Heartbroken Red emitted a dazzling red light under the sunlight. .

... (end of this chapter)

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