Marquis Mansion.

As usual, Shi Yun was scattered around the small courtyard with the girls, practicing his own practice. After spending more than a month, Shi Yun was finally able to master the skill of merging man and sword, and Shi Yun also discovered that during the meditation process Among them, releasing his martial soul, Thunder Tribulation can even increase his cultivation speed.

Now Shi Yun is sitting in the courtyard meditating far away from the girls. When he is practicing, his thunder tribulation and he will faintly exude a sharp aura. It has been a long time since he returned from the killing city. I no longer practice with such concentration.

Before going to Poseidon Island, he planned to sort out his abilities and try to continue to improve his strength without increasing his soul power.

Shi Yun thought quietly, and it was obvious that his current ability consisted of two major parts, namely thunder and sword. Shi Yun did not think that thunder and sword should have any priority. Needless to say, thunder and lightning, as natural destructors, One of the most powerful elements, the development potential is naturally full, and as a martial spirit, the sword is also the foundation of a soul master, so it is naturally extremely important.

The realm that Shi Yun wants to pursue now is the realm where I can kill the enemy with one sword despite all the changes. Of course, he still follows the path of cultivating both monsters and monsters, and the path to the same destination is still the same despite all the different paths.

Thinking of the nine stars that appeared above Chen Xin's Seven Kills that day, he suddenly got the idea to melt the soul ring on the martial soul. This was obviously an advanced soul ring control technique similar to ring explosion and ring melting. These techniques seemed to be They have different approaches but similar effects.

The ring-melting skill was understood when Shi Yun mastered distraction control. Its essence is to control multiple soul rings at the same time to output soul power, and then increase the soul skills.

"How do the forged soul rings of Explosive Ring and Chen Xin operate?" Shi Yun thought to himself, looking at the six soul rings around him Weiwei fell into deep thought.

Time passed little by little until a call came from not far away, "Xiaoyun, it's time to eat."

After regaining consciousness, Shi Yun ended his morning practice, got up and walked towards the small table in the middle of the courtyard.

"What are you thinking about? Are you thinking so absorbedly?" Yue Ling said with a smile.

"I'm thinking about that day when I was sparring with Chen Xin. His soul ring turned into nine stars and was embedded in the martial soul. I'm thinking about how he did it." Shi Yun said truthfully.

"Has the soul ring become part of the martial soul? This is an interesting research direction." Hu Liena said.

"Although I don't know how Chen Xin did it, Xiaoyun, the essence of the soul ring is soul power, and it is the outlet for releasing soul power. According to your description, what Chen Xin did was to use his martial soul to The top is equipped with nine output ports for releasing soul power, which greatly enhances the explosive power of the martial spirit. This is somewhat similar to the Haotian Sect's explosive ring, but obviously, it is definitely not as powerful as the explosive ring. But it is better. Stability has no side effects." Yue Ling said.

"Isn't that similar to the Fusion Ring?" Shi Yun asked.

"It can also be said that, but ring fusion is to concentrate the soul power output of all soul rings into one soul ring to increase the power of soul skills. However, Chen Xin's method and ring explosion both use soul rings to amplify martial souls, and The key points of integrating the soul ring into the martial soul and blowing up one's own soul ring are obviously not something that everyone can do," Yue Ling said.

"Don't try it casually. Someone in the palace has tried this ring-exploding trick. Without exception, they basically injured themselves." Hu Liena said.

"Oh? It seems I'm not the only one jealous." Shi Yun smiled.

"When the previous pope was still there, he and the Clear Sky Sect were sworn enemies. You must study your opponent. If you want to study these two moves, it would be better to ask the Great Enshrinement, whether it is the Clear Sky Hammer or the Seven Killing Sword. "The great worshiper should be the one who has the deepest experience," Yue Ling said with a smile.

"Sister Yue, you..." Hu Liena did not expect that Yue Ling would support Shi Yun in studying these dangerous tricks.

"Nana, in the world of soul masters, only strength is the most important. The reason why Xiaoyun is able to get to where he is today is because of his unconventional research and pioneering spirit. Don't forget your original intention and hold back just because you are stronger now. , for a soul master, sometimes faith is more important than hard work. You can understand this as your soul power level increases. To become a titled Douluo, you only need a good talent, but to become a titled Douluo, The most important thing for a strong person is to understand the word Wu. Even though I am already at level ninety-six, which is the same level as the six or seven worshipers, it is really much worse in fighting. These are all souls stacked with soul bones. Power level." Yue Ling explained with a slight smile.

Shi Yun also nodded. He was able to reach this stage not only because of his foresight, but also the insights he brought from his previous life. To develop his abilities, he often only needs these unexpected and wonderful ideas to make great breakthroughs. .

Seeing the worried expressions of Hu Liena and the girls, Shi Yun smiled and said, "It's okay, I have a chance to experiment, and I also have a Lovesickness Broken Heart Red. If it can be successfully developed, I can exchange the Lovesickness Broken Heart Red for a inherited stunt." worth."

"Now you can try to melt your soul ring into the martial soul. This is much safer than exploding the ring. We can also take a look and give you some advice." Yue Ling said.

Shi Yun nodded, he still understood the truth that the authorities were obsessed with the onlookers, and if the girls watched it together, Shi Yun would be able to discover more problems.

Immediately, Shi Yun summoned Thunder Tribulation, and the six soul rings around him also appeared. Under Shi Yun's strong control, the first purple soul ring slowly floated towards the martial soul, and was set on the martial soul. Then the The purple soul ring slowly shrank like Sun Wukong's tightening spell, but not long after, the shrinking state reached the critical point, and there was no sign of fusion.

Yue Ling shook her head and said, "It can't be that simple, Xiaoyun, although your control ability is very strong, there are people like you who can control the soul ring. Huo Wu should also be able to do it. "

Huo Wu smiled and said, "With this level of control, anyone who knows how to merge rings should be able to do it."

Shi Yun smiled awkwardly, "Just give it a try. There won't be any problems anyway. Failure is success after all."

Shui Bing'er took out a pen and paper from the soul guide, and drew two circles on the paper, one large and one small. Within the big circle, he drew nine small circles, and the nine small circles were connected to the larger one. circle.

Shi Yun looked at the picture drawn by Shui Bing'er thoughtfully, feeling that he was missing something, but that glimmer of aura was the most crucial.

"Interesting." Hu Liena said thoughtfully while looking at the picture drawn by Shui Binger, "The big circle represents Xiaoyun, and the nine circles represent the soul ring. The soul ring is absorbed by the soul master, so this one is only smaller than Xiaoyun. Does the circle represent martial arts?"

Shui Bing'er nodded, "If we want to achieve what Xiaoyun understands about the soul ring being integrated into the martial spirit, can it be understood that we only need to include this small circle into this big circle and wrap the other nine small circles? Woolen cloth?"

Shi Yun and Yueling looked at each other with a flash in their eyes, and said in unison, "Circulation in the body."

The girls were a little confused when they heard this. They didn't know what Shi Yun and Yue Ling were talking about. The girls still didn't know when Shi Yun condensed his soul core when he was practicing internal circulation last time.

The pink light flashed, and Shi Yun instantly appeared next to Shui Bing'er, picked up Shui Bing'er, took a sip, and said excitedly, "Bing'er, you are so smart."

"But isn't the martial spirit always in his body? Why does Binger paint it outside?" Zhu Zhuqing asked doubtfully.

Yue Ling chuckled and said, "Xiao Zhuqing, the beast soul master is different from the weapon soul master. When the weapon soul master summons the weapon, isn't it equivalent to turning it into the outside of the body? And when using the martial spirit, it is often injected with as much soul power as possible. How much, so that you can save your soul power to the greatest extent, but when you reach a high level of cultivation, every weapon soul master must learn how to let his martial soul join the soul power cycle in his body, so that he can exert his maximum power."

"So, if Xiaoyun wants to master this skill of integrating the soul ring into the martial soul, the first thing to do is to integrate the martial soul into the soul power cycle." Hu Liena suddenly said.

Just when Shi Yun couldn't help but want to try it, the maid from the Marquis Mansion delivered meals to everyone on time.

"Okay, don't get excited. Even if you have completed the first step, it is obviously not a simple matter to bring those nine small circles together and incorporate them into the martial arts." Yue Ling couldn't help but laugh.

Shui Bing'er's face was rosy and she said softly, "Okay, okay, let's eat. Let's try again after eating." Shi Yun nodded.

During the meal, Shi Yun, as usual, helped Yue Ling on the side pick up some of Yue Ling's favorite dishes with chopsticks. Shi Yun watched Yue Ling eat it with a smile on her face. Yue Ling, who had not yet swallowed, suddenly felt a burst of food. He retched and spit out the bite he had just eaten.

Shi Yun quickly patted Yue Ling's back and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yue Ling did not speak, but fell to the ground and sluggishly sluggish, as if she felt something. Zhu Zhuyun on the side saw this scene and asked cautiously, "Sister Yue, it won't happen."

When Shi Yun heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Yue Ling slowly raised his body, but his blushing face could not help but be filled with joy, and he nodded slightly in embarrassment.

The girls' eyes immediately fell on Yue Ling's belly, their expressions were pleasantly surprised and there was a trace of envy hidden in their eyes.

Yue Ling looked at Shi Yun's dull look, patted Shi Yun's shoulder, and said angrily, "What's your expression? Are you unhappy?"

When Shi Yun heard this, he patted his face and even thought he was in a dream. When he came back to his senses, Shi Yun immediately picked up Yue Ling and spun him around in the air several times.

"Okay, put me down quickly, the sisters are watching." Yue Ling said with a rosy face, and lightly patted Shi Yun's shoulder.

Shi Yun put Yue Ling down carefully and slowly, still looking excited. As a potential father, Shi Yun didn't know what to say for a moment. Even in his previous life, he had never experienced such a moment.

Feeling Shi Yun's caution, Yue Ling said angrily, "How long has it been? Don't be so careful. I am a titled Douluo."

Shi Yun, who heard this, smiled and said, "What happened to Title Douluo? Title Douluo, you are also my woman."

Zhu Zhuqing said at this time, "Would you like to ask Sister Lingling to come and take a look?" Hearing this, Zhu Zhuyun chuckled and said, "Zhuqing, it's not yet time to become a second mother. It's still early."

The other girls also chuckled when they heard this, and Zhu Zhuqing turned red and stopped talking.

"Okay, Zhuqing is the youngest among you. It's normal to not understand. Don't laugh at her." Shi Yun said with a smile.

"It's not easy for Sister Yue to be pregnant with such strength." Hu Liena sighed.

Hearing this, Shi Yun was a little confused and asked, "Does this have anything to do with strength?"

Shui Bing'er on the side laughed and said, "You also said that Zhuqing is young and doesn't understand. You and Zhuqing don't understand anything. The stronger a woman is, the more likely she is to become pregnant under the influence of soul power." The lower the level, some sects even go so far as to seal away their soul power for a few days just to prevent a woman from getting pregnant."

Shi Yun suddenly had a look of surprise on his face and his old face turned red. How could he, a time traveler, know this?

"Sister Yue can go to Elder Xunju in the next few days. He is unique in the inner palace in maintaining this area. The children of many people in the palace grew up taking his medicinal baths." Hu Liena said with a smile.

Yue Ling nodded and said with a smile, "Indeed, the pervert is really good at raising children and maintaining the body."

"Can the child be cultivated while still in the belly?" Shi Yun asked.

"Children grow up in the mother's belly, and the mother's food and drink are of course important. If the child is trained strictly according to Elder Ju's training plan, the innate soul power will not be lower than level five when he awakens his soul power." Hu Liena said with a smile.

Hearing this, Shi Yun looked surprised and said, "The price must not be small, right?"

Hu Liena nodded and said, "Of course, everything from the food, drink, and medicinal bath for the mother during pregnancy to the food, drink, and medicinal bath for the child after birth are all good. Only the titled elders in the palace have the honor to invite Elder Ju."

Shi Yun immediately thought of the Acacia Heartbroken Red that day, and said to Yue Ling, "Otherwise, Ling'er, you took the Acacia Heartbroken Red?"

Yue Lin rolled his eyes at Shi Yun, "That's a good thing that can save people's lives. If you want to eat it, you might as well wait until the child is born before you give it to him."

"You said that the child will not inherit my martial spirit in the future." Shi Yun said with a strange look on his face.

Yue Ling smiled and said, "You mean the state before evolution? Ore?"

"Xiaoyun, when the mainland is unified, you can go to the library of Wuhun Palace to study if you have nothing to do." Hu Liena chuckled.

"Generally speaking, to inherit a martial spirit, the relatively stronger parent is chosen to inherit it. That is to say, there are generally two possibilities, one is to inherit Sister Yue's Fire Phoenix Spirit, and the other is to inherit your Thunder Tribulation. , Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of martial soul mutation, and the possibility of this mutation is not small. Originally, Xiaoyun's martial soul was mutated." Shui Bing'er explained.

"There is a fourth situation in the records of our Wuhun Palace. When the quality of the parents' Wuhun is almost the same, twin Wuhuns will also be born." Hu Liena added.

After hearing this, Shi Yun vaguely recalled that the original work seemed to have such a statement, but he didn't quite remember such an unimportant part.

Shi Yun blushed. It was okay to ask him to ponder the theory of cultivation. This kind of daily basic theory was really not as good as that of Hu Liena, Huo Wu, and Shui Bing'er who came from formal academies. He quickly changed the subject and said, "Then I will talk to him this afternoon. Ling'er, let's go to Elder Ju's place together."

Yue Ling nodded, chuckled and said, "You should go to the pervert to learn what to eat and what medicine to use. You still have so many little wives."

Upon hearing this, all the girls' faces turned red, but their expressions showed a hint of anticipation.

"Aren't you going to try soul ring fusion with martial soul this afternoon?" Shui Bing'er said with a smile.

Shi Yun shook his head and chuckled, "Big things are not as important as the child and the child. After just a moment, today can be regarded as a double happiness."

Yue Ling looked at Shi Yun with tenderness in her eyes.

... (end of this chapter)

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