Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 156 Poseidon Island

In the Prince's East Palace.

"Bahhh... bahhhh..." The one-month-old baby can't speak yet, and can only wave his hands and babbling a few times when he's happy.

Yue Ling is playing with the child. These days, Yue Ling recovers quickly under Shi Yun's careful care. Shi Yun also moved Yue Ling's residence from the small courtyard to the Prince's East Palace and Qian Renxue takes care of each other.

Qian Renxue on the side smiled and said, "Now that the blue lightning has been extinguished, according to the plan you discussed with your mother before, during your absence I will start to get Xue Ye to step down, and also start preparations for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. You have to come back soon, otherwise you won’t be able to see this good show.”

Now Qian Renxue can be said to have great power, but Xue Ye never seems to have the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy. This is also a worry for Qian Renxue. If you want to truly succeed in stealing the country, it is necessary to ascend the throne. If you want to completely consolidate the political power, you still need a lot of work. Ascending the throne is just the first step. You also need to conquer the Qibao Glazed Sect, and then vigorously develop the power of Wuhun Palace in the Tiandou Empire, and combine Tiandou and the Qibao Glazed Sect. After these two big stalls are completely digested, the next step is to eradicate the Haotian Sect and suppress the Star Luo Empire. These tasks are not something that can be completed in just a few years.

"Isn't it a little too fast?" Shi Yun said hesitantly. The results of the original work he had read in his previous life were not very good. Although Tang San and Dugu Bo had long since lost their ashes, Shi Yun still felt a little worried. Uneasy.

"I'm still worried about Xue'er. There are me and Brother She here. Xue'er will be fine. You should worry about yourself and your little wives first." Yue Ling paled when Shi Yun heard the two talking. One glance said.

Qian Renxue covered her mouth and chuckled when she heard this, and then took out an envelope from the soul guide.

"Grandpa also knows that you are going to Poseidon Island and asked me to give this to you. You can hand this letter to the great enshrinement of Poseidon Island. For grandpa's sake, you can also take care of it."

Shi Yun smiled when he heard this and looked at the letter in Qian Renxue's hand with a somewhat ambiguous expression.

"What's wrong?" Qian Renxue looked at Shi Yun with some confusion.

Shi Yun suppressed his smile, waved his hand towards Qian Renxue, and said, "It's nothing. Then Xue'er remember to thank grandpa for me."


The next day, the sky dimmed and lighted up. Qian Renxue and Yue Ling lay helplessly on the bedside and watched Shi Yun leave.

"Have a safe journey..." Both of them murmured softly.

Immediately, Shi Yun returned to the door of his Marquis Mansion.

The girls had packed their bags, and Shi Yun and the girls boarded the carriage that had been prepared and slowly left Tiandou City towards Hanhai City.


Many days later, somewhere on the shore outside Hanhai City.

Shi Yun took out the Dragon Abyss Boat that had been prepared from the soul guide, as well as the navigation chart sent by Bibi Dong from Wuhun Palace, which clearly marked various sea areas and the safe route to Poseidon Island.

Shi Yun put the Dragon Abyss Boat into the water. In just a few blinks, the Dragon Abyss Boat expanded in proportion and quickly turned into a beautiful ship, floating on the water and swaying gently with the waves.

Everyone jumped towards the ship with light steps and walked into the cabin together. The interior was not spacious, with two rows of seats on both sides and the driver's cab at the front.

"It's still transparent. You can actually see the outside scenery from inside." Zhu Zhuqing said in surprise.

Shi Yun smiled and nodded, and said, "The effect will be even better after entering the sea. You can see the outside scenery in all directions, and will not be affected by the wind and waves outside. The sailing speed is also faster. The only disadvantage is that there is no defense, but As long as we follow the navigation chart and avoid dangerous sea areas, there will be no problem. If we successfully avoid the Demon Whale Sea area, we should be able to reach Poseidon Island in about ten days."

"Let's go, let's go, I haven't seen what the bottom of the sea is like." Huo Wu urged Shi Yun.

"Then let's take control of the sea." Shi Yun strode to the cab and saw that the girls were already sitting on the seats on both sides. Shi Yun controlled the Longyuan boat to close the hatch and sink into the water. After a while, the hull was submerged into ten Yum deep wave-free area.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful, there are so many fish around.”…

Everyone was amazed at the beauty of the underwater world. For land soul masters, this was an experience they had never experienced before. The sunlight penetrated into the water through the sea surface. The light was slightly distorted with the ripples of the sea water, and then fell on the various creatures in the water. , looks beautiful and extremely gorgeous.

Looking at the plump appearance of the fish around him, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but swallowed secretly.

Shi Yun drove the Longyuan boat and listened quietly to the excited exchanges between the girls without saying a word.

Not long after, as the Longyuan boat sailed, the soul beasts gradually began to appear in everyone's sight.

"Zhuqing, activate the Vast Sea Universe Cover to cover the hull of the ship. It will not be a simple ten-year or century-old soul beast to continue sailing." Shi Yun greeted.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly and immediately activated the Vast Sea Universe Cover to cover the hull.

Not long after, the sight of centuries-old sea soul beasts mingling in groups opened the eyes of the girls, but everyone's hearts also slowly rose. The unknown fish soul beasts formed a huge school of fish, which was beyond compare. There is no grass growing anywhere, and the seafloor that was originally covered with a large amount of seaweed became bare in an instant just because of the passing fish.

The Dragon Abyss Boat swam past the huge school of fish, but the fish did not react, which made the girls sigh in relief.

"It seems that this sea soul beast is far more terrifying than the land soul beast." Zhu Zhuyun said with lingering fear.

"The sea is their home ground. Even century-old spirit beasts can exert astonishing power in the sea, so this Vast Sea Universe Cover is also one of the necessary items to safely reach Poseidon Island. If there is no Vast Sea Universe Cover, if they encounter Ten thousand year soul beast, we all have to feed the fish in the sea." Shi Yun said with a smile.

After a while, everyone began to suffer from aesthetic fatigue. They lost interest in the novel scenery in the sea and began to sit and meditate.

Time passed day by day, and the Longyuan boat swam quietly under the sea, always within the reach of the sun, but able to avoid the sudden changes in weather on the sea surface.

Come up for air from time to time, or speed up on the sea when the wind is nice and the sun is shining, and confirm your heading.

However, the days of sailing were a bit boring. With the sailing route map, there was no danger along the way and it went smoothly.


Two weeks later, the sea was still sunny and sunny, with blue waves rippling.

A small black spot appeared on the horizon in the distance, and Shi Yun understood that it was his destination, Poseidon Island. Since Shi Yun was not familiar with the route, it took two days longer to reach Poseidon Island than originally expected.

"Okay, we will fly over when we get here." Shi Yun said with a smile. According to the markings on the sea chart given by Bibi Dong, the sea area around Poseidon Island is guarded by the demonic great white shark. Once the ship enters, it will immediately protect it. The great white shark, the island's mythical beast, is focused on attacking.

Suddenly a cold and familiar voice appeared in Shi Yun's mind, "Asura's ninth test, the eighth test, passed the Poseidon's test, the time limit is determined by the Poseidon's test."

A look of surprise appeared on Shi Yun's face, and he thought to himself, "I don't think I have passed the previous tests. Is this old boy Shura unwilling to give me a reward? Or is it because Tang Chen, this old man, is not dead yet?"

"Why don't you leave?" Zhu Zhuqing said softly.

Shi Yun came back to his senses and summoned his thunder tribulation, Shui Bing'er also summoned his martial spirit. Shi Yun hugged the two sisters Zhu Zhuqing, while Shui Bing'er hugged Huo Wu and Hu Liena, and several figures appeared. Cutting through the air, heading straight towards Poseidon Island.

"Who is it? You dare to be disrespectful to Lord Poseidon and trespass on Poseidon Island." The two of them just flew out for a short while when a female voice shouted angrily from the sea below.

Shi Yun raised his lips in the air. If the sea is the home ground of every sea soul master and sea soul beast, then the sky is an area that is difficult for sea soul beasts to touch. Even the demon soul Great White Shark Xiaobai, who can take the form of a human, cannot Having the ability to fly.

Shi Yun and Shui Bing'er looked down at the shark heads on the sea below them, chasing after them.

"Damn it, let's see how long you can fly!" Xiaobai was very angry. Trespassing on Poseidon Island has not happened in many years, and it is also disrespectful to Lord Poseidon.

Xiaobai chased Shi Yun and was surprised to find that Shi Yun's destination was actually Poseidon Island.

"Damn intruder, just wait to bear the wrath of Lord Poseidon." Xiao Bai thought secretly in his heart. The guardians of several sacred pillars also quickly discovered that the black spots approaching from high altitude were Shi Yun and Shui Bing'er, and they took off one after another.

"Who is trespassing on Poseidon Island!?"

Shi Yun slowly stepped forward in mid-air and said loudly, "Senior, under the guidance of Lord Poseidon, we came to Poseidon Island to participate in Lord Poseidon's test."

Hearing this, the guardians of the sacred pillars looked at Shi Yun with surprised expressions, and for a moment they didn't know whether what Shi Yun said was true or false.

All the women looked at Shi Yun with doubts on their faces, but did not say anything.

Shi Yun looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Zhuqing, illuminate your vast universe."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, raised his hand and poured soul power into the Vast Sea Universe Barrier. The brilliant blue light bloomed instantly, and the Vast Sea Universe Barrier floated slowly on its own in an instant, until it floated in front of Zhu Zhuqing's eyes and slowly rotated.

"This is……"

The guardians of the sacred pillar paused in mid-air, looking at each other in shock and uncertainty.

"Ouya, take a few distinguished guests to your holy pillar to participate in the test." A leisurely and beautiful female voice came from the direction of Poseidon Temple.

"Yes." Several guardians of the sacred pillar bowed slightly in the direction of Poseidon Temple, and then turned around.

"A few distinguished guests, please." Seahorse Douluo, known as Eurasia, turned sideways and said politely.

Shi Yun smiled and nodded, then flew with the girls to follow several sacred pillar guardians, flying straight towards the Seahorse Holy Pillar.

When Shi Yun and others approached, they looked around and saw that Bo Saixi was already standing quietly in front of the Seahorse Holy Pillar on the other side of the sea.

After a few people left, Shi Yun took out the letter prepared by Qian Daoliu from the soul guide, walked slowly to Bo Saixi, and said with a smile, "I have met Mr. Bo Saixi. We are from the Mainland Spirit Hall. This is our Please give me the letter you asked me to bring you."

When Shi Yun said the words Wuhun Palace and the guardians of the sacred pillars, their expressions were bad, but with Bo Saixi present, they just waited in silence.

Bo Saixi looked surprised when he heard this, nodded slightly, waved slightly, and rolled up the letter in Shi Yun's hand with a burst of soul power, then slowly opened it and gave it a slight glance.

Bo Saixi looked at the letter in her hand with a look of sigh on her face, and secretly said in her heart, "Qian Daoliu, I didn't expect that we would all end up on the same path."

His eyes flickered, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Bo Saixi put the letter into her soul guide, walked slowly to Zhu Zhuqing, and said softly, "You are the child chosen by Master Poseidon."

Bo Saixi looked calm and had a pleasant voice. He looked at Zhu Zhuqing and nodded slowly.

"If old friends come to visit Poseidon Island, they will naturally treat each other with courtesy, but since you are here to participate in Lord Poseidon's test, then it depends on you. If you want to get the test given by Lord Poseidon, you must pass it with your own strength. Hai Zhong Hai arrived at the Seahorse Holy Pillar on the opposite side." Bo Saixi looked at the people in front of him seriously and said.

Shi Yun smiled and nodded, and the girls also nodded in confusion. They had too many questions in their minds, but now was not the time to ask questions.

Shi Yun led the girls to the sea within a sea. It was said to be a sea within a sea, but it was actually similar to an inland lake, with a diameter of about two hundred meters. The water surface was choppy, as if something was stirring under the water.

Shui Bing'er looked at Hai Zhonghai in front of her and smiled, then said to everyone, "Come with me."

As the phoenix chirped, the terrifying cold air swept towards the seaside. The seaside quickly froze and spread at an extremely fast speed.

"The first soul skill, freezing!"

"What a powerful ice-attribute martial spirit." All the guardians of the holy pillar were surprised. With their cultivation level, they actually felt the cold.

Bo Saixi's eyes flashed as she thought of Zhu Zhuqing just now. She actually felt that Shui Bing'er was more suitable to inherit the position of Master Poseidon.

Immediately, everyone saw that the ice on the sea spread to the opposite shore at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming a road of solid ice.

"Let's go." Shui Bing'er smiled and jumped onto the ice, followed by Shi Yun and others.

Several people swaggered to the other side.

"Ouya, go ahead." Bo Saixi's face remained calm.

"Yes." Seahorse Douluo nodded, flew across the sea within the sea, and landed in front of the holy pillar and in front of Shi Yun and the six others.

"One person comes forward." In the distance, Haiba has turned to face the holy pillar with a pious expression.

"Zhuqing, you go first." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Zhu Zhuqing looked puzzled, but still stepped forward slowly.

Hearing the sound, Seahorse Douluo slowly raised his hands and moved them slightly together to his chest.

The next moment, faint blue light began to gather in the center between the two palms, and became brighter as time went by, until the light turned into azure blue and suddenly bloomed. The Seahorse Sacred Pillar in front was instantly illuminated, and the bottom of the light flashed. A blue light suddenly rushed upward along the lines, from blue to white to yellow, purple, black and red, without any pause, and climbed to the top in the blink of an eye with a gradual change, and then It turned into a red light and shot straight into the sky.

"Boom!" The sea within the sea boiled, setting off huge waves, and the whole sky trembled.

Immediately, in the shocked eyes of the entire Poseidon Island residents, six more red lights rose into the sky. In the next second, the blood color faded, and a golden glow appeared at the intersection.

A ray of golden light burst out from it, falling straight down, covering Zhu Zhuqing, and the golden light gathered rapidly between his eyebrows.

The guardians of "these" sacred pillars were stunned on the spot. This was the first time they had seen such a scene.

Within sight, golden light gathered, and soon left a golden mark in the shape of a trident between Zhu Zhuqing's eyebrows.

Seahorse Douluo looked at the mark between Zhu Zhuqing's eyebrows in confusion, a little confused about the situation.

The next second, Bo Saixi appeared beside her, looking at Zhu Zhuqing who was also confused, and said softly: "Can you tell me your name?"

Only then did Zhu Zhuqing come back to his senses and said politely: "Senior Bo Saixi, junior Zhu Zhuqing, martial spirit ghost spirit cat."

Hearing the ghost civet, Bo Saixi frowned slightly, but relaxed after only a moment.

"Lord Poseidon, please forgive me for questioning you." Bo Saixi secretly said in her heart.

"Zhuqing, congratulations on passing the Ninth Poseidon Examination. As Lord Poseidon's designated heir, you must remember that from now on, no one on Poseidon Island is qualified to accept your courtesy, including me."

Zhu Zhuqing was at a loss when he heard this and looked at Shi Yun blankly.

...(End of chapter)

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