Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 163 Xiao Baibai

When Shi Yun felt that Xiao Bai had been targeting him, Shi Yun was not angry. Of course he knew why Xiao Bai was targeting him. There was no other reason. First, he was flying at high altitude when he invaded Poseidon Island. Second, he naturally felt that Xiao Bai was targeting him. He has the aura of two hundred thousand year old soul bones.

So Shi Yun simply stopped participating in the sea battle training of the girls, and sat on the shore every day to meditate. Anyway, as long as his kitten's assessment could be completed, his own assessment would be successful accordingly, and Xiaobai did not dare to rush ashore to teach Shi Yun. Yun, after all, if we were on the shore, I really wouldn’t know who would teach whom.

I don’t know how many times Xiaobai drove the girls back to the shore in public.

Shi Yun looked at the shark head in the sea with a smile, and said jokingly, "Little Baibai, be gentle, you can train, don't let me break it."

"Little Baibai, are you allowed to scream like that? Only Lord Poseidon can scream like that!" The huge shark head emerging from the sea said angrily. In an instant, he slapped his tail to stir up waves and pounced towards Shi Yun.

Shi Yun instantly jumped up and stepped into the sky with his sword. The waves could not reach Shi Yun's position. Shi Yun stood high in the sky and said, "Hey, little Baibai, you can't hit me."

"Ah... I'm so angry, you brat, just wait for me!" The huge shark head made an angry voice, and its huge shark eyes stared at Shi Yun humanely, but there was no way to do it, and it didn't take long to get into the water. ,Disappear.

Although the Demon Soul Great White Shark King can transform into a human form, Xiaobai's transformation into a human form will weaken 30% of his combat effectiveness. Even if he is equivalent to a flying Titled Douluo, his strength on land and in the air is far inferior to that of Shi Yun. A quasi-spirit Douluo, not to mention that Shi Yun's abilities also include the lightning ability that most spirit beasts are afraid of.

"You're bullying Sister Xiaobai again." Looking at Shi Yun who was slowly landing, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Obviously it was Xiaobai who bullied me first." Shi Yun said helplessly. Xiaobai taught him a vivid lesson at the beginning when he and the girls tried to fight underwater.

When Shi Yun said these words, Xiaobai's huge shark head suddenly emerged from the sea, "Despicable boy, you took the soul rings and soul bones of our hundred thousand year old soul beasts to teach you a lesson." ?”

"I've never heard that there are land soul beasts among the relatives of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, so it's none of your business?" Shi Yun said bluntly.

"Do you know how hard it is to cultivate a soul beast for a hundred thousand years?" Xiaobai said.

"So, it's none of my business? The soul master who was swallowed by the soul beast didn't practice hard?" Shi Yun said with a smile.

"You..." Xiaobai, who was choked by Shi Yun, didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Okay, Xiaoyun, please stop saying a few words." Zhu Zhuqing said softly and tugged on Shi Yun's sleeve.

"Hmph..." Xiaobai snorted and dived into the water again.

Seeing Xiaobai diving into the water, Shi Yun smiled slightly, looked at the girls and asked, "How are you, how do you feel these days?"

"If we fight in the water, we will definitely fail the test. As for Zhu Qing, I don't know." Shui Bing'er said and looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing shook his head and said, "Although the Poseidon Martial Soul has powerful water-bending power, and Senior Bo Saixi has taught me a lot, without the blessing of the soul ring, it is still too difficult to break through Sister Xiaobai's blockade. ”

Shi Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled, "Just keep making progress. The role of my existence is to help you pass the test. Don't worry, now you can break through 100 meters with your own strength and mutual cooperation." This is a very good achievement, Xiao Baibai is a hundred thousand year soul beast after all, and this is without me participating in the test."

"Don't have any evil thoughts and don't hurt Sister Xiaobai." Zhu Zhuqing said seriously to Shi Yun.

Zhu Zhuqing knew very well that if they really failed to pass the test, Shi Yun would definitely use some drastic methods. Even if the reward was reduced, Shi Yun would definitely put their safety first.

"Don't worry." Shi Yun smiled.

In fact, Shi Yun knew very well that in the sea water, the girls could not be the opponent of Xiaobai's group of soul beasts. Land soul masters were land soul masters after all. Let alone one year, even if they let the girls train for ten years, it would not be enough. It is possible to break through the demon soul Great White Shark Xiaobai in the sea water.

Although everyone has now reached the Soul Saint, they can only use their own soul power to float for a short time. Among the girls, only Shui Bing'er has the ability to fly. The rest of them want to pass through the ring sea, so they can only go into the water. Next, not to mention Xiaobai's speed, even ordinary sea soul beasts can catch them. The strong water pressure is no joke. The girls who can push one hundred meters into the ring sea while protecting themselves in the water are actually already They practiced well, and of course they also understood that this was the result of Xiaobai deliberately letting them practice.

With their level, if Xiaobai was serious, Xiaobai should be able to make them all fly back when they entered the water.

Therefore, Shi Yun had prepared an alternative plan when the girls were undergoing the test. It was very simple, that was flying, which sea soul beasts were least good at. If Shi Yun broke through the blockade of the ring sea from the air, Xiao Bai would definitely do it. If Shi Yun turns into a human form to block them, then Shi Yun only needs to hold Xiao Bai back, and everyone will naturally be able to pass the test. As for the group of soul beasts in the sea, it is too simple. Shi Yun can still do it by using Shi Yun's thunder and lightning to fry the fish.

However, Shi Yun also understands that the consequence of doing this will naturally be that the rewards will be reduced, because this way the presence of the girls can be said to be greatly reduced. It is naturally impossible for the Sea Soul Beast to recognize Zhu Zhuqing, so for this reason Shi Yun I plan to develop a skill that can make land soul masters feel at home on the sea.

"If you use Tang San's soul power of Controlling Cranes and Capturing Dragons, can you make yourself walk on the water?"

Shi Yun thought about it for a long time. He wanted all the girls to have the ability to fly. Without Oscar, it was basically impossible to achieve. So from another angle, if the girls could be able to walk on the sea as if they were on flat ground, it would be a huge blow from the side. Strengthened the speed of the girls breaking through the ring sea.

This idea also came from the cartoons Shi Yun watched in his previous life. Whether it can be done or not remains to be tested by Shi Yun.

"You guys should rest first, I'll do an experiment." Shi Yun said with a smile.

The girls nodded and looked at Shi Yun slowly walking towards the seaside with doubts on their faces.

When Shi Yun was close to the sea, Xiao Bai's huge shark head began to surface again, looking straight at Shi Yun.

Shi Yun said seriously, "Don't bother me. I won't enter the test for the time being. I will go into the water to do an experiment. If you bother me, I will go find the big worshiper."

After hearing this, Xiaobai snorted and said nothing, but still stared directly at Shi Yun to prevent Shi Yun, this despicable boy, from making any small tricks that would not be exposed to the light.

Immediately, Shi Yun jumped up and jumped into the water. Shi Yun thought silently in his heart, "Control the crane and capture the dragon!"

In the midst of everyone's doubtful eyes, Shi Yun slowly fell into the water with a plop, and stretched out a hand out of the water.

"No, it's still too heavy."

Shi Yun cannot change the fluctuations of the water and the sea. He can only use the control of the crane and the capture of the dragon to release all the strength from his whole body. The first step to walk on the water is to make himself like a feather, floating on the water.

Immediately, under the increasingly doubtful eyes of everyone, Shi Yun kept jumping into the water and swimming ashore, repeating the cycle.

"Xiaoyun, what are you doing?" Huo Wu asked Zhu Zhuqing who was standing aside. Zhu Zhuqing shook his head slowly, and Shui Bing'er said softly, "Although I don't know what Xiaoyun is doing, but have you noticed that as the number of times Xiaoyun enters the water increases, the splashes that Xiaoyun falls into the water gradually become smaller. "

Hearing this, Hu Liena watched Shi Yun jump into the water again, nodded and said, "It's true."

"Forget it, I'll find out when Xiaoyun comes back and ask. Although I don't know what Xiaoyun is doing, I'm sure it has something to do with our assessment." Shui Bing'er said with a smile.

At this time, Xiaobai's huge shark head was also looking at Shi Yun with some confusion as to what Shi Yun was doing. However, being in the ring sea, she could clearly feel the fluctuations of Shi Yun as it entered the water, and the fluctuations became smaller every time it entered the water.

Not long after, when Shi Yun jumped down again, the girls were surprised to find that there was no splash of water on Shi Yun. He was actually lying on the water, flowing with the fluctuation of the sea water.

Xiaobai's huge shark head looked at Shi Yun strangely, and said in a strange tone, "Some people really know how to enjoy it, using the sea as their bed to enjoy sunbathing."

Shi Yun ignored Xiao Bai's words, lying on the water and looking at the sky, thinking quietly, "No, even if I take off all my strength, I won't be able to stand on the water. I can only drift with the current like a feather."

"It is not only necessary to relieve the strength of the whole body, but also to control the crane and capture the dragon to gather the surrounding water molecules together to form a continuous surface. This surface can support the soul master's weight like a solid, allowing the soul master to stand On the water." Shi Yun thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Shi Yun actually stood up with his feet on the water under the doubtful eyes of everyone. Everyone looked at Shi Yun and their eyes changed from confusion to shock.

"Xiao Bai, don't stop me." Shi Yun murmured with a smile.

Shi Yun's voice was not loud, but it was still caught by Xiao Bai. Seeing the white silk threads flashing around Shi Yun, Xiao Bai secretly thought, "Not good."

Immediately, Shi Yun stood on the sea and stepped with one foot. His whole body was shot out like a sharp arrow, and a burst of water appeared wherever he stepped.

"Zhuqing, pinch me quickly, am I right? Xiaoyun is actually running on the sea." Zhu Zhuyun said in disbelief.

Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly and said nothing.

"It seems that we have hope after passing the test." Shui Bing'er smiled. Although she still didn't know how Shi Yun did it, this skill was obviously what everyone needed. Not in the water, without the water pressure, their The speed can be greatly accelerated.

"The teacher is indeed right, Xiaoyun has extremely high talent in creating his own soul skills." Hu Liena sighed.

Xiaobai also shot towards Shi Yun at an extremely fast speed, flicking his huge tail towards Shi Yun. The terrifying momentum was like a mountain collapsing and the earth cracking.

"In the sea, you are the King of Demonic Great White Sharks. On the water and in the air, you are Xiao Baibai." Shi Yun smiled and jumped up, dodging Xiao Bai's tail flick.

Seeing that Shi Yun had broken through to 100, the white figure not far from the other shore magnified in everyone's eyes. As they watched in surprise, the huge demonic soul Great White Shark King actually jumped out of the sea and jumped into the air. Among them, a dazzling gray-blue light bloomed on its perfect streamlined body. Strangely, its body shrank rapidly in this light. Under the surprised gaze of everyone, she soon transformed into a tall girl and appeared on the sea in the distance.

"Hey, little Baibai, are you willing to give it up?" Shi Yun looked at the tall girl in front of him and smiled, saying that the thunder calamity slowly appeared in his hand.

Hearing Shi Yun's name, Xiao Bai couldn't help but see anger in his eyes. He dragged a string of illusory gray-blue figures behind him, and arrived in front of Shi Yun almost in the blink of an eye. Xiao Bai's whole body suddenly glowed with gray-blue light, and his body With a swing, his right leg was thrown towards Shi Yun's face like a whip. In an instant, a gray-blue light blade with water-like ripples burst out.

"Xiao Baibai, you don't hit people in the face." Shi Yun's footsteps were illusory, and his fourth soul ring lit up, and he avoided the light blade of Xiao Bai's whip leg with a strange posture.

One hit failed, and several sonic booms sounded in succession. Shi Yun's body was like a feather, and he kept dodging. Such intensive close attacks did not even touch the corners of Shi Yun's clothes.

"Xiao Baibai, you can't hit me." Shi Yun's slightly teasing words sounded again.

"Hmph... the teeth of the demon shark!" Xiaobai roared angrily, pressing her hands into the void beneath her body, and a thunderous explosion erupted in the air, pushing her body up into the air again. At the same time, rays of gray-blue light condensed and formed around her body, like dozens of tooth-shaped rays of gray-blue light, shooting directly towards the stone clouds in layers.

"I won't play with you." Shi Yun said with a smile. As soon as the four soul rings were reached, they lit up instantly, and dozens of thunder swords condensed around him, shooting towards the gray-blue tooth-shaped energy.

Immediately, white threads flashed all over his body, and he flew towards the other side with thunder and lightning.

"Don't even think about it!" Xiao Bai flew up to Shi Yun at an extremely fast speed and swung out his fist, but nothing hit him. Only the pink light was left in front of him, and Shi Yun's mean voice said, "Goodbye , Xiao Baibai.”

Pink light flickered in the air, and with just one breath, the stone clouds had already landed on the beach on the other side.

"Xiao Baibai, I'm here." Shi Yun on the opposite beach waved to Xiao Bai in the air.

"Ah!...Despicable boy!" Xiaobai roared angrily, and then the gray-blue figure shot into the sea and disappeared.

Shi Yun then flew back to Zhu Zhuqing and the others with a smile on his face, riding on the lightning tribulation.

"How's it going? Did you pass the test?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Shi Yun and smiled.

"What test?" Shi Yun asked doubtfully.

Everyone looked at Shi Yun in confusion, "The second test."

"All my tests are to help Zhuqing pass the test successfully. It's useless for me to pass it alone." Shi Yun spread his hands and said.

"Then you looked so serious just now..." Huo Wu said helplessly.

"It's fun to tease Xiao Bai Bai," Shi Yun said with a smile.

"You, Sister Xiaobai is almost mad at you." Zhu Zhuqing poked Shi Yun's forehead and said coquettishly.

...(End of chapter)

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