Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 180 Surrender

Ning Fengzhi had never heard of the name Qian Renxue, but Ning Fengzhi knew that the pope before Bibi Dong came to power was called Qian Xunji.

"The daughter of the previous pope?" Ning Fengzhi said calmly.

"Teacher is indeed smart." Qian Renxue smiled.

Looking at Qian Renxue's true form in front of him, Ning Fengzhi knew that he couldn't do anything good today, and said in a deep voice, "Qian Renxue, what a big gesture, what do you think?"

"Okay, Xue'er, don't scare Uncle Ning. Uncle Ning, how about we talk about a business deal?" Shi Yun said with a smile.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Shi Yun, and when he heard Shi Yun's name for Qian Renxue, he suddenly understood. No wonder Shi Yun could reject him so firmly.

"Do we have the right to refuse?" Ning Fengzhi said calmly.

"No, but I know very well that Uncle Ning is a smart man and he shouldn't refuse our business. Otherwise, you wouldn't keep hanging on to the Haotian Sect, right?" Shi Yun said with a smile.

After hearing this, Ning Fengzhi glanced at Qian Renxue and then at Shi Yun, and said softly, "If the Qibao Glazed Sect surrenders, what conditions can you offer?"

"The Qibao Glazed Sect is still the upper three sects, the only upper three sects." Qian Renxue said softly.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes remained calm as he said, "I'm still more accustomed to calling you Qinghe, Qinghe. You know, even if I don't surrender to the Qibao Glazed Sect, it's still the number one sect in the mainland. Even if you kill us here today, what you get is It’s just a mess. With the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, you can not only control Tiandou better, but the machine of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can also run longer.”

Hearing this, Qian Renxue clapped her hands and smiled, "As expected of the teacher, I admit that you really impressed me. So what conditions does the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect want?"

Ning Fengzhi looked at Shi Yun next to Qian Renxue. Shi Yun felt something bad in his heart when he felt Ning Fengzhi's gaze.

Ning Fengzhi said softly, "Xiaoyun, can you summon your martial spirit?"

Hearing this, Shi Yun looked puzzled and didn't know what Ning Fengzhi had in mind, but he still summoned his martial spirit.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Shi Yun's martial spirit with fiery eyes. Then Ning Fengzhi raised his finger and pointed at Shi Yun and said with a smile, "If Rongrong can marry Shi Yun, Ning will give everything in the Qibao Glazed Sect with both hands."

Ning Rongrong, who was standing next to Ning Fengzhi, wanted to say something, but was stopped by Chen Xin. Chen Xin said softly, "Rongrong, now is not the time to be willful. You saw it just now. If you choose Oscar, can he protect you?"

"But..." Ning Rongrong's voice gradually trailed off, and then she fell silent.

Qian Renxue immediately said, "This is impossible."

Shi Yun also looked embarrassed and said, "Uncle Ning, why are you staring at me?"

"Xiao Yun, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit Master is born with the ability to identify treasures. I would like to see a lot of treasures in my life, and there are countless rare and rare treasures. Do you know how your martial spirit makes me feel? Even Uncle Jian's Seven Killing Sword pales in comparison to your martial spirit. This has nothing to do with strength, but pure quality. Even the Coiling Dragon Stick in the hands of the two seniors behind you is the same. Now you are just a It's just a Soul Douluo." Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qianjun Jiangmo also looked curiously at the Thunder Tribulation in Shi Yun's hand.

Shi Yun then slowly said, "Uncle Ning, the reason why you chose me is simply because you are worried about the future of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. I have a better candidate and I wonder if you are willing to do so."

"Oh? Tell me." Ning Fengzhi smiled.

"The golden generation of Wuhun Palace, Xie Yue, the brother of Saint Hu Liena of Wuhun Palace, you should know the significance of the saint in Wuhun Palace." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi looked thoughtful, "He is a good young talent, but compared to you, Xiaoyun, I'm afraid he is out of reach."

"Uncle Ning's words are wrong. You also know that I have many wives and daughters. Rongrong and me are not a good thing. Xie Yue is not married yet. In the future, Nana will become the pope. Nana will have to call Rongrong sister-in-law. Qibao Does the Liuli Sect still have to worry about the future? Uncle Ning, you are relieved now, aren't you?" Shi Yun said with a smile.

"She should be the Queen of the Spirit Empire." Qian Renxue added.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up when he heard Shi Yun address Hu Liena, and he smiled and said, "Uncle, I want to ask, you and this saint..."

Shi Yun nodded and said with a smile, "Nana is also my wife. If this can happen, let alone Nana, even I will have to call Rongrong sister-in-law."

"This is indeed a good candidate." Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded.

"Dad..." Ning Rongrong shouted softly and tugged on Ning Fengzhi's sleeve behind her, looking reluctant.

Ning Fengzhi looked back at his daughter and sighed slightly, "Rongrong, the sect is in danger now, and dad won't force you to fall in love with anyone, but at least you go and get in touch. If it doesn't work, dad will continue with them." talk."

"Rongrong, Feng Zhi is right. Grandpas can protect you for a while, but you still have to find someone who can really protect you in the future." Gu Rong comforted her softly from the side.

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong nodded reluctantly.

Shi Yun laughed at the side and said, "It doesn't matter if Rongrong really doesn't want to. After all, Rongrong is also my former teammate and classmate. I can accept Rongrong as my sister. I will consider it if Rongrong is interested in it." .”

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong glared at Shi Yun, "Who wants to be your sister?"

Shi Yun smiled and said, "So you want to be my sister-in-law?"

Ning Rongrong snorted lightly and turned away from talking to Shi Yun.

"So you agree to cooperate with our Wuhun Palace?" Qian Renxue said with a smile.

Ning Fengzhi sighed after hearing this and said, "Does Ning have any other choice? It's not just you tonight, the entire Haotian Sect is moving in to kidnap Rongrong. If I hadn't been on guard, the Haotian Sect would have been worried about the sky." Dou and Wuhun Palace, I'm afraid there will be a big battle between Qibao Glazed Sect at this moment."

Shi Yun and Qian Renxue looked surprised after hearing this.

Jiangmo on the side snorted coldly, "Kidnapping a little girl, these guys from the Haotian Sect are really getting better and better."

"It seems that without Tang Chen, the Haotian Sect will only have a few rats left." Qian Jun also said lightly.

"If Rongrong needs strength to protect him, he can let Uncle She and Uncle Ci go to protect him. After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect is now a close ally of my Spirit Hall." Qian Renxue said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi showed hesitation. The only high-end combat power available to him now was Chenxin Gurong. It would be inconvenient to put them all next to Ning Rongrong. He looked at the five men standing behind Qian Renxue. Titled, a look of envy flashed in his eyes.

After a slight hesitation, Ning Fengzhi nodded slowly and said, "In that case, I'll trouble you two seniors."

"Fengzhi..." Chen Xin couldn't let go when she saw that her favorite granddaughter wanted to be protected by an outsider. She was about to say something but was stopped by Gu Rong.

"Now is a critical moment for the sect. If the two of us are by Rongrong's side, no one will be able to do what Feng Zhi wants to do. Let Wuhun Palace protect Rongrong and let them rest assured. Wuhun Palace will not be willing to lose As our allies, these two are no less powerful than us." Gu Rong's voice rang in Chen Xin's ears.

Hearing this, the heart that Chen Xin raised was slowly put down. "Uncle She, Uncle Ci, please protect sister Rongrong during this period." Qian Renxue ordered softly.

"Yes!" "Yes!" She Long bowed in unison.

"Ling'er, you can live with Xue'er during this period." Shi Yun said softly.

Yue Ling also nodded slowly.

"It's boring, Xiaoxue'er. It seems like there won't be much to do tonight without us two old guys." Jiang Mo said with a lack of interest.

"It's thanks to the presence of Grandpa Seven and Grandpa Six, otherwise how could things have gone so smoothly?" Qian Renxue said with a smile.

The two nodded slowly, and Qianjun said to Jiang Mo, "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

Jiangmo shook his head, looked at Shi Yun and said, "Boy, the boy from the Ning family just said that your martial spirit is of high quality. Are you interested in playing with it?"

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone present fell on Shi Yun. Shi Yun smiled and nodded, "Since Grandpa Seventh wants to play, I will accompany you. I hope Grandpa Seventh will be merciful."

"It's easy to say." While the two were talking, the dragon-coiling stick in Subduing Demon's hand gradually grew in size, dancing like a stick flower, and a configuration of two yellow, two purple and five black soul rings appeared all over the body and began to rhythm slowly.

Shi Yun also deliberately showed off his strength to Ning Fengzhi, showing off the configuration of five black and three red soul rings.

Except for Qian Renxue, everyone looked at Shi Yun's soul ring with horror on their faces.

"It's actually stronger than the soul ring configuration of the great worshipper. It seems that this kid is too..." Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

Immediately, under the astonished gazes of everyone, the soul ring around Shi Yun slowly shrank to the martial soul, and turned into eight gems and was embedded on the martial soul.

"This belongs to a damn bitch..." Gu Rong looked at Chen Xin with a strange look on his face.

"It seems that the boy himself has understood the key to forging a soul ring onto a martial soul." Chen Xin said with some excitement, looking at Shi Yun with a fiery look in his eyes.

When Ning Fengzhi saw Shi Yun's soul ring, the last trace of concern about Wuhun Palace disappeared in her heart, and she secretly said in her heart, "It seems that my ability to see people has not deteriorated."

"It's interesting." Qianjun said calmly.

Jiangmo looked at Shi Yun with a serious look on his face at this time. With Contra with this kind of soul ring configuration, he might really fall over.

Shi Yun immediately kicked off one foot, breaking through the stone slabs on the palace floor, and charged towards Jiang Mo with his sword in hand.

As a metal roar sounded, the two men's powerful momentum immediately shattered all the stone slabs on the ground several meters around them.

"This boy, indeed, as the Ning family boy said, his martial spirit is of terrifyingly high quality. The martial spirit is not only sharp but also so strong. Sharp weapons can actually collide with blunt weapons like the Coiling Dragon Stick. If it were the Chen family, that boy would probably He will choose to attack with his own sword energy." Jiang Mo said secretly.

Immediately, the two collided quickly in the field. The two of them, who were not very big, did not use any powerful soul skills. They were just competing with each other using their most basic weapon soul skills.

However, the gap is also very obvious. Without the use of fields or soul skills, Jiang Mo suppressed Shi Yun simply by relying on his stick skills. There was no other way. This is the so-called combat experience. , Shi Yun is just a young man in his twenties, and he is still far behind Jiang Mo who is over a hundred years old in this regard. Shi Yun can only rely on his strong basic attributes to constantly deal with Jiang Mo.

As time passed, Jiang Mo soon found Shi Yun's flaw, and the Coiling Dragon Stick stayed on Shi Yun's chest.

"Boy, you are very good, but I have taken advantage of you. Your soul ring skills and soul bone skills are still useless." Jiangmo looked at Shi Yun and said seriously.

"If you lose, you lose. Senior didn't use his soul ring skills and soul bone skills." Shi Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go, the great priest is still waiting for us to return and return." Qianjun said and looked at Shi Yun with an appreciative look.

Jiang Mo nodded, looked at Qian Renxue and said, "Xiao Xue'er, now that the matter is done, we will go back and resume our duties with the great worshipper."

"Grandpas, walk slowly." Qian Renxue said with a smile, and then the two figures disappeared into the palace.

"In this case, let's go back first, Qinghe. If we have time, we can let the kid recommended by Xiaoyun come to Tiandou and get in touch with him first. As for success or failure, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is the closest ally of Wuhun Palace." Ning Fengzhi looked at Qian Renxue and smiled.

Qian Renxue nodded and said with a smile, "I will send a message to the palace right now. Thank you teacher for your support."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi showed a wry smile, shook his head slightly, and led Ning Rongrong and Jiangu slowly away, followed by She Long and Agatha.

After a few people left, Shi Yun instantly hugged Qian Renxue and Yue Ling into his arms. The two looked at each other in Shi Yun's arms and their faces turned red.

Qian Renxue's little hand hidden in the dark pinched Shi Yun silently, and Shi Yun's face couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"It seems that the martial soul and soul ring were not revealed in vain. Ning Fengzhi should be completely on our side now." Shi Yunqiang smiled.

"Xue'er, we also need to be careful of the Haotian Sect. Those old guys couldn't sit still anymore. They actually lowered their body and attacked the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect at night. Fortunately, they returned without success. If they really let Ning Rongrong be kidnapped, It's hard to say whose side Ning Fengzhi is on now." Yue Ling looked at Qian Renxue and said seriously.

Qian Renxue also nodded and said, "I will tell my mother about this..."

Before Qian Renxue could finish speaking, Shi Yun picked them up and said with a chuckle, "Okay, I've been busy all night. If there's anything else, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Let's go back to bed first."


The next day.

Shi Yun and Yue Ling accompanied Qian Renxue to take care of Xue Ye's funeral.

"Brother Qinghe." came a familiar female voice.

Shi Yun saw Xue Ke running towards Qian Renxue, threw himself into Qian Renxue's arms, and said in a tearful tone, "Brother Qinghe, my father is really..."

Looking at Xue Ke's appearance, Qian Renxue felt a little guilty. After all, she was the one who sent her father away with her own hands. She held Xue Ke in her arms, stroked Xue Ke's little head, and gently comforted, "Xue Ke, it's okay. , don’t be too sad, birth, old age, illness and death are natural laws, and my father has been tortured by illness for a long time and is now relieved."

"Father..." Xue Ke cried in Qian Renxue's arms.

...(End of chapter)

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