Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 185 Mutation

Spirit world.

Rakshasa Temple.

Rakshasa looked at the light screen in front of him as Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang were chatting, and seemed to think of something interesting. He could not help but slowly raised the corners of his mouth, and murmured softly, "My heir, you still can't forget him after all, Gluttony? Me I don’t know if you can bear the evil thoughts of Rakshasa.”

As if he thought of something again, Rakshasa sighed slightly and continued to mutter to himself, "I don't know if the little girl will hate me when she comes up."

As if he didn't want to think about it anymore, Rakshasa waved slightly and another light curtain appeared. Looking at Shi Yun who was secretly observing the two of them, Rakshasa also showed admiration, "Shura is really lucky. It's interesting. I don't know how things will develop. What will it become?"


A week later.

The city of killing.

Shi Yun watched Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang secretly and couldn't help but shook his head slowly. After a week of getting along, Yu Xiaogang seemed to have gradually returned to the same state of getting along with Bibi Dong.

"Yu Xiaogang, this old boy, still knows Bibi Dong well. He can easily defeat Bibi Dong's fans with just a few moves." Shi Yun said secretly.

However, Shi Yun is not in a hurry about this, because Shi Yun knows very well that one day Yu Xiaogang will be unable to bear it and look for Bibi Dong for blood. Looking at Bibi Dong's condition, Shi Yun thinks that Bibi Dong will one day let go of his guard and give him his blood.


the other side.

In Yu Xiaogang's residence.

This week, with Bibi Dong's suggestions, Yu Xiaogang's strength has improved a lot. At least he no longer relies entirely on Luo Sanpao in battles. This improvement has also increased his number of victories. Two games, only twenty games left from a hundred games.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang who had returned injured, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with distress. Bibi Dong couldn't help but hesitate and said, "If it really doesn't work, if you want to leave this killing city, I won't be able to do anything. But in this case, you can There is no way to obtain the Killing God Realm, and the past few years have been wasted."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang flatly refused and said, "No, I have to go through this hell road."

Bibi Dong took out some medicines from the soul guide and looked deeply at Yu Xiaogang, trying to see something in his eyes, but Yu Xiaogang did not show any strange emotion.

"Come here, I'll help you bandage it." Bibi Dong said calmly, her eyes twinkling.

However, Yu Xiaogang seemed to be insulted and said calmly, "Don't bother me, the Pope. They are just minor injuries. I can do it myself."

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's reaction, Bibi Dong nodded slightly, with a trace of disappointment flashing in his eyes, and said, "Elder Yu, just do what you want."

After saying that, Bibi Dong slowly exited Yu Xiaogang's room.

Bibi Dong, who returned to her room, put her hands on her chest and leaned against the wall with a miserable look on her face. She secretly thought, "Am I paranoid? Or is the road to hell related to Xiaogang's divine examination?"

But what Bibi Dong didn't know was that her suspicion was correct, but it was also true that her divine test was related to the road to hell.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but squatted down slowly against the wall, held her head in her hands and shook her head. Now she really couldn't tell whether Yu Xiaogang wanted to threaten her to get her blood by getting hurt, or whether he wanted to talk about the road to hell and It's related to his divine examination, and he has a reason why he must pass the road to hell.

This time Yu Xiaogang was only injured slightly, so she could still refuse. What if it was a serious injury? if……

Bibi Dong did not dare to think any further, if one day Yu Xiaogang died in the killing fields of hell...

Suddenly, a warm hand patted Bibi Dong's shoulder. A glimmer of hope appeared in Bibi Dong's heart. When she looked up, Shi Yun appeared in front of her.

"Aunt Dong, why are you suffering?" Shi Yun couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Bibi Dong, who was deeply entangled in front of him and looked miserable.

Seeing that the person coming was Shi Yun, Bibi Dong felt disappointed and asked softly, "Do you think I should help him?"

"What if you didn't come?" Shi Yun asked, "Or is it because he saw you coming before continuing to participate in the Hell Killing Fields? You know that he has won eighty games, so he should be able to stay in the inner city until he dies. Alright."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong retorted, "You should also feel the aura of the gods on Xiaogang's body, right?"

"So what? Has Aunt Dong told you anything about the Divine Examination in the past seven days? Does he mean to be honest with you? Stop lying to yourself." Shi Yun said helplessly.

"Or maybe he didn't dare to tell me because I killed Lan Dian's family?" Bibi Dong murmured softly.

Shi Yun sighed slightly, looking at Bibi Dong in front of him, he suddenly understood what Bai Yueguang was, and also understood why many people always miss their first love, and what they can't get when they are young will eventually trap them for the rest of their lives.

"That's all, but I still want to tell you, even if it's for Xue'er, please don't do anything to hurt yourself." Shi Yun patted Bibi Dong's shoulder and said softly.

Bibi Dong looked at the young man in front of her, thinking how great it would be if the person in front of her was not Shi Yun but Yu Xiaogang, and then nodded slightly absentmindedly.

"Alas..." Shi Yun sighed. He really couldn't control Bibi Dong now. If Bibi Dong really wanted to give his blood to Yu Xiaogang, he seemed to have no way to stop her.

Then Shi Yun slowly disappeared in front of Bibi Dong.


Three days passed in a row.

What Shi Yun expected happened.

On this day, Luo Sanpao carried the seriously injured Yu Xiaogang back to his residence. Seeing that Yu Xiaogang was seriously injured, the worry between his eyebrows also appeared.

"Xiao Yun, is he... suspected of being intentionally injured during the battle?" Bibi Dong used her mental power to talk to Shi Yun.

"I don't know, I don't know his true level." Shi Yun's response appeared in Bibi Dong's mind. This Shi Yun told the truth, but according to Shi Yun's estimation, Yu Xiaogang, who was leading a dragon, had no influence on other people. The human threat is not small, and the victory is very high, and he has not broken through the Soul Saint. It is normal to be besieged. Moreover, the damage suffered by Luo Sanpao will be reflected on Yu Xiaogang, and serious injuries are also expected.

"Xiaoyun, do you think I should give him my blood?"

Shi Yun's sighing voice came from Bibi Dong's mind, "You already have the answer in your heart, don't you? With his current level, whether he can reach 100 in the Hell Killing Fields is a question. If he wants to pass the Hell Road, without you It can be said that there is a high probability that he will die with help, will you watch him die?"

Although Bibi Dong's blood could not enable Yu Xiaogang to break through to his current level, Luo Sanpao had devoured countless soul masters over the years. Even without breakthroughs, Luo Sanpao was getting stronger day by day.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang, who still had a trace of consciousness in front of him, and the spider spear appearing behind Bibi Dong, Luo Sanpao suddenly became vigilant.

"Don't worry, I will save him." Bibi Dong said, using her soul power to pick up a bowl filled with bloody aura. The spider spear behind her moved and a cut was made on her wrist. Luo Sanpao's expression changed immediately when he smelled the smell of blood, and a few drops of blood suddenly fell from his wrist.

Shi Yun on the other side felt Bibi Dong's movements and sighed slightly. He couldn't stop Bibi Dong. This kind of thing would require Yu Xiaogang to stab her in the back. Only Bibi Dong could understand it. Even if Shi Yun and Shi Yun were not mentioned, Yu Xiaogang's grudges, for Qian Renxue's sake, Yu Xiaogang is also the target of death in Shi Yun's heart at this time.

The blood slowly dripped into the bowl, and soon less than half of the bowl was filled with blood. Even with Bibi Dong's cultivation level, she couldn't help but feel slightly dizzy.

"Dong'er, don't..." Yu Xiaogang's weak voice sounded in Bibi Dong's ears.

"Shut up!" Bibi Dong shouted softly.

Immediately, Bibi Dong placed the small half bowl of blood in front of Luo Sanpao and said softly, "Eat it."

Luo Sanpao lowered his head and sucked the blood, with a humanized expression of enjoyment on the dragon's head. At the same time, Yu Xiaogang, who was lying not far away, also secretly activated his ability.


Soon Luo Sanpao drank up the small half bowl of blood. As the blood was digested, the wounds on the dragon's body healed visibly, and the same happened on Yu Xiaogang's body.

Bibi Dong guarded one person and one dragon with a complex expression. After a while, Yu Xiaogang returned to his original state.

"Are you feeling better?" Bibi Dong asked with concern on her face.

Yu Xiaogang didn't speak, his eyes turned purple with evil charm, and he made a move that surprised Bibi Dong and Shi Yun.

I saw Yu Xiaogang, stepping forward and hugging Bibi Dong into his arms.

Feeling the warm embrace, Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment. At this moment, she had level 97 soul power, but she showed no sign of resistance.

Bibi Dong leaned in Yu Xiaogang's arms and was about to speak, but she heard a sentence like a bolt from the blue.

"Dong'er, can you give me a little more? Not only your blood, but also your body. Give me everything you have, okay?" After saying this, Yu Xiaogang's hand on his waist was about to climb up.

This sentence suddenly exploded in Bibi Dong's mind. Bibi Dong instantly raised his hand and slapped Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang's body tilted suddenly after being beaten, and then he slowly raised his head and covered his cheek with his right hand. There was violence, madness, and evil in his eyes, and he asked in his dark voice, "You hit me?" I?"

Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang in disbelief. Looking at the purple meaning in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, she seemed to understand something. She instantly held Yu Xiaogang's shoulders and shook her head, "Xiao Gang, you Wake up quickly and use your own mental power to resist."

Then Yu Xiaogang suddenly waved away Bibi Dong's hand and said, "Resist? Resistance for what? I'm sober now! Don't you love me, Dong'er? Why don't you want to give it to me?"

"Dong'er, don't you like me the most? Don't you think so after all these years? When I become a god, can we live a good life together?"

Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang's crazy appearance and her delicate body trembled slightly. She seemed to have forgotten that she had ninety-seventh level soul power.

"No, no, why is it like this, Xiaogang, I just want to save you." Bibi Dong leaned against the wall and shook her head in annoyance. She ignored that her Rakshasa Ninth Examination had reached the seventh level. , part of her body's soul power has been transformed into Rakshasa divine power. As an evil soul master, Yu Xiaogang has low mental strength and weak will. How can he resist the invasion of Rakshasa's evil thoughts now.

"No, you are not wrong. I feel very good now. I have never swallowed such wonderful blood. Dong'er, I feel it in your blood. You are also the heir of the gods. Can you please give it to me and wait until we get out? If you are married, we will go to the church and get married, and we will become gods together." Yu Xiaogang said crazily.

With that said, Yu Xiaogang rushed towards Bibi Dong.

"No, Xiaogang, wake up!" Bibi Dong supported Yu Xiaogang with both hands.

As a ninety-seventh-level Titled Douluo, Bibi Dong's physical fitness is naturally very good. Yu Xiaogang has been pushed away by Bibi Dong's struggles.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang seemed to be irritated and said crazily, "Why? Why don't you agree to me! Don't you like me the most? Have you fallen in love with that sanctimonious villain Qian Xunji?"

Suddenly Yu Xiaogang thought of something, nodded repeatedly, and continued, "Yes, yes, you and Qian Xunji have a bastard. You are all the same, you all think I am a waste! I will definitely prove it to you, my Yu Xiaogang It’s just not trash!”

After saying that, she continued to pounce on Bibi Dong. Looking at the crazy man in front of her, Bibi Dong's heart was filled with fear. The scenes at this moment lingered in her mind like a nightmare.

"No, no, no teacher, no..."

At this time, Bibi Dong seemed to have returned to that night that year, her whole body trembling slightly, waiting for the horror to come.

Bibi Dong closed her eyes tightly, and the horror she imagined did not come. With a crisp sound, Bibi Dong felt a moist and warm feeling dripping from her body.

"You said Xue'er is a bastard? I think you're tired of living." Shi Yun slowly walked into the room.

Bibi Dong opened her eyes in confusion only to see that the tip of Lei Jie's sword had already passed through Yu Xiaogang's heart.

Yu Xiaogang slowly lowered his head in a daze, looking at the tip of the sword passing through his heart with disbelief on his face.

The bloody dragon on the side also let out a huge wail at this time.

Shi Yun protected his ears and said, "It's so noisy." In an instant, a thunder sword flashed past and chopped off the huge dragon head.

Shi Yun slowly pulled out his own Thunder Tribulation from Yu Xiaogang and said softly, "Killing you will dirty my sword."

Then he kicked the dying Yu Xiaogang aside.

Looking at Bibi Dong, who was all messy and with a dull face, Shi Yun sighed slightly with a look of pity on his face. He raised his hand to help Bibi Dong tidy up his messy hair, but found that Bibi Dong was shaking violently all over. I don’t know why the dull face was crying continuously at this time.

"Aunt Dong, don't cry." Shi Yun looked at Bibi Dong like this and didn't know what to do for a moment. But Bibi Dong's dull eyes kept shedding tears. This feeling even made Shi Yun feel a little bit creepy. , as if the body and mind have been greatly damaged...

Shi Yun glanced at Yu Xiaogang, who had expired, and then glanced at Bibi Dong in front of him. Shi Yun murmured, "I will kill this old boy if he triggers his memories."

Seeing Bibi Dong like this all the time, with a sluggish face without any reaction, but the tears did not stop, and he did not respond to what Shi Yun said. Shi Yun gritted his teeth slightly, hugged Bibi Dong into his arms, and patted her gently as if coaxing a child. its back.

"It's okay, Aunt Dong, I took care of him."

"It's fine."

"It's fine."

...(End of chapter)

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