Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 189 Discovery


Shi Yun and Yue Ling sat by the bed together, watching their daughter sleep quietly.

"Okay, don't make trouble. Yaoyao will wake up later and go find your little wives." Yue Ling blushed and patted away Shi Yun's little hands that were running around.

Shi Yun held Yue Ling in his arms and said softly, "Aren't you my little wife too? Did you say you would send Xiao Yueyao to Wuhundian Academy in a few days?"

Yue Ling rolled her eyes at Shi Yun when she heard this, "You are such a good father, but Yaoyao is indeed old enough to attend junior soul master academy."

"You can't make friends if you stay with us all the time. There are some things we can't teach Yaoyao." Shi Yun looked at his sleeping daughter with loving eyes.

"It's almost time. When Xiaoxue'er returns to the palace to take part in the test, I can also go back to the palace. Then let Yaoyao go to the academy to save her father like you. He has strong strength, but sometimes he can't even Sometimes the most basic common sense is unclear." Yue Ling said with a smile.

Shi Yun touched his nose when he heard this. He was not from this world. Although he could plan his own training based on his foresight in his previous life, in terms of martial arts knowledge, he was definitely not as good as those who had received the training in the academy. The girls who study systematically, even when they were in school in Notting City, basically didn't take any theoretical knowledge courses. In his opinion, those things were just a waste of time. What kind of excellent theoretical knowledge can a junior college get? , It is really good to practice well. Of course, practicing with your daughter's talent does not require you to compete step by step like you did before. Learning theoretical knowledge will also be of great benefit to the development of your own martial arts.

"Okay, go quickly. When Yaoyao goes to school, you can do whatever you want." Yue Ling urged with a red face. If Shi Yun was allowed to stay any longer, problems would obviously arise.

Shi Yun smiled slightly, took a sip on Yue Ling's face, and patted the round and straight part, causing Yue Ling to roll her eyes.

Looking at Shi Yun's leaving figure, Yue Ling couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.


the other side.

It was late at night, Yue Ling looked at the candlelight in front of her, but her ears were always paying attention to the sounds in the small courtyard.

Until Shi Yun finished the last room, Yue Ling was surprised to find that Shi Yun did not return to his room as usual, but disappeared without a trace.

In order not to be discovered by Shi Yun, Yue Ling did not use her mental power to explore, because she knew very well that Shi Yun's mental power was very high, so she always used her ears to pay attention to the noise in the courtyard.

"There are still people who dare to steal my Yue Ling's home." Yue Ling resisted the urge to smash the table in front of her and walked out of Xiao Yueyao's room quietly.

Thinking that she had planned to sneak away to find Shi Yun tonight, Yue Ling felt instantly aggrieved.

"Little rascal, I won't let you off lightly this time." Yue Ling said secretly in his heart.


Another small courtyard in the Marquis Mansion.

Bibi Dong's room.


Shi Yun leaned against the soft back of the bed, holding Bibi Dong, who was rosy and silent, in his arms.

"Aunt Dong, you were so beautiful just now." Shi Yun whispered in Bibi Dong's ear, and the warm breath made Bibi Dong's face blush even more.

"I'm warning you, don't call me Aunt Dong." After Bibi Dong said that, she turned her face to the other side angrily, not looking at Shi Yun's smiling face.

Just as Shi Yun was about to say something, Bibi Dong turned around and added, "You must shout in front of them."

Hearing this, Shi Yun chuckled and said, "That Dong'er, call me husband and I will promise you."

When Bibi Dong shouted just now, Shi Yun felt a great sense of conquest.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong turned her head away and looked a little embarrassed. Thinking back to how she had cried out in deep love just now, she felt that her pretty face was burning. How could she have the nerve to scream now? She looked at Shi Yun was full of smiles, while Bibi Dong pretended to be angry, hiding her shyness.

"Shi Yun, I think your skin is itchy." Bibi Dong used her powerful soul power to press against Shi Yun and pressed Shi Yun on the bed. Under Bibi Dong's powerful soul power, Shi Yun had no room to resist. .

Seeing Bibi Dong's angry look, Shi Yun quickly said, "Dong'er, you can't bully the small with the big."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong looked at Shi Yun's beautiful eyes and narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "Bullying the small with the big? Do you dislike me for being old?"

"How come, my Dong'er will always be eighteen."

"What do you call me in front of Nana?"

"Aunt Dong, Aunt Dong."

"Do you still want me to call you husband and you agree again?"


"Huh?" Bibi Dong increased her soul power output.

"No, no more."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong nodded with satisfaction, then withdrew his soul power, hugged Shi Yun, laid his head on Shi Yun's chest, and said softly, "Don't mess with me in the future. You just said "Aunt Dong", but you didn't know Your words, Aunt Dong, make me feel so guilty."

After saying that, Bibi Dong sighed quietly in Shi Yun's arms, and continued, "Nana and Xue'er don't know yet, and I don't know how to behave in front of Ling'er."

Hearing this, Shi Yun felt filled with guilt. Shi Yun did not expect that a simple tease would make Bibi Dong feel so uncomfortable. He hugged Bibi Dong tightly and said, "Dong'er, I'm sorry, I didn't consider you. Feelings, I will definitely find a way to make them accept you, I will be with you openly, and then marry you."

Bibi Dong felt moved when she heard Shi Yun's firm words and the last two words. Although she had been very happy these past few days, she still had some worries in her heart.

She and Shi Yun were progressing too fast, so fast that it felt unreal. Bibi Dong even once doubted whether Shi Yun was just a part of her test, but her test was over. Getting along also made Bibi Dong understand why Shi Yun was so dull at the beginning. After the relationship between the two changed, Shi Yun's attitude towards him also changed drastically. His every move and some small thoughts, Shi Yun Everyone could notice it, and she could also feel the warm feeling from Shi Yun. Bibi Dong understood that that feeling was love.

Bibi Dong, who was lying on Shi Yun's chest, nodded slightly and said softly, "We have a long time, don't worry, as long as I can stay by your side, that's enough."

Hearing this, Shi Yun gently kissed Bibi Dong's side face and said with a smile, "Can Dong'er call me husband now? It's like feeling it in advance."

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes at Shi Yun. After spending so many days together, she still didn't know what was in Shi Yun's head. She snorted softly and said, "Then you can't shout now, when will you marry me?" Then he shouted every day."

"Okay." Shi Yun said helplessly, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Seeing a slightly disappointed look on Shi Yun's face, Bibi Dong raised the corners of her lips slightly and said softly, "Then you have to work hard and try to marry me as soon as possible, my husband..."

When Shi Yun heard Bibi Dong calling her husband, a great feeling of conquest surged into his heart. This feeling caused Shi Yun's brain to shut down.

"Are you satisfied, little rascal?" Bibi Dong said shyly.

Seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, and recalling Bibi Dong's words of husband in his head, Shi Yun couldn't hold back any longer, and immediately pressed Bibi Dong under him. …

early morning.

Bibi Dong hugged Shi Yun and looked at the sunlight outside the window. She felt reluctance in her heart and urged softly, "Xiao Yun, go back quickly. If you are discovered, see how I deal with you."

Hearing this, Shi Yun nodded and immediately started to arrange his clothes. Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw that Shi Yun didn't show any reluctance at all. She sat alone by the bed and watched Shi Yun get dressed.

Looking at Bibi Dong's expressionless expression, Shi Yun was very familiar with this kind of scene. Basically, every time Shi Yun left the girls' virginity, as long as he left hastily without expressing his reluctance or kissing goodbye, he would have this kind of scene. The scene appears.

Shi Yun walked to Bibi Dong and sat down, kissed Bibi Dong's side face and chuckled, "Okay, you can even hang an oil bottle on your mouth, why don't you try to talk to Ling'er first?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong immediately changed his expression, showing hesitation, nodded, and said softly, "You can talk to Ling'er when I return to the palace."

When Shi Yun heard this, he raised the corners of his lips, hugged Bibi Dong into his arms, and chuckled, "Dong'er, you just walked away. Aren't you afraid that your Ling'er will kill your husband?"

"Who told you to provoke me? I don't care. You can find a way on your own. Besides, Ling'er is still willing to touch this precious little thing like you?" Bibi Dong snorted and scolded.

After saying that, Bibi Dong continued with a worried look on her face, "Xiaoyun, do you think Ling'er will hate me?"

Hearing this, Shi Yun smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid that instead of hating you, I'll hate me, a good sister whose father bullied her."

"That's right, Ling'er has grown up with me since childhood." Bibi Dong smiled after hearing this, and her worries about Yue Ling were soothed by Shi Yun.

"Ling'er is fine. Maybe Ling'er will hope that you, a good sister, will find a suitable partner. It's hard to tell between Nana and Xue'er. Hey... let's take a step and see." Shi Yun said helplessly.

Bibi Dong also had a look of worry on his face. Seeing this, Shi Yun slowly took Bibi Dong's hand and said softly, "Don't worry, I will handle it all. Trust me, give me some time."

Bibi Dong nodded, kissed Shi Yun's forehead gently, and said softly, "Let's go."

"Yes." Shi Yun gently brushed the slightly scattered hair on the pretty face and responded softly.

Bibi Dong seemed to have thought of something and her face turned red. She quickly arranged her clothes and slowly disappeared into the room.


Not long after, Shi Yun returned to his small courtyard with breakfast.

Entering the small courtyard, he saw Yue Ling sitting on a stone bench in the middle of the small courtyard with an aggrieved look on his face.

Shi Yun took out the food box from the soul guide, looked at the aggrieved Yue Ling, and asked with a chuckle, "What's wrong? You can even have an oil bottle hanging from your mouth so early in the morning."

Seeing Shi Yun take out the food box from the soul guide, Yue Ling's expression softened and she asked calmly, "You came out of Zhuyun's room last night, where did you go after that?"

Shi Yun touched his nose and wanted to find a chance to talk to Yue Ling, but Yue Ling discovered it himself, and then Shi Yun came to Yue Ling's side and smiled with her.

Just as he was about to speak, Shi Yun saw Yue Ling approaching him, his nose slightly raised, sniffing something.

Yue Ling did not smell anything unfamiliar, but instead smelled a familiar smell. Then the grievances in her heart gradually dissipated, and she returned to her former gentleness. She asked softly, "Why did you go to Sister Dong'er's place so late yesterday? What was it? Something?"

Yue Ling didn't think about the relationship between men and women. In his mind, there was no such possibility between Shi Yun and Bibi Dong.

Shi Yun looked embarrassed, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak, so he said, "Can you smell this?"

Yue Ling smiled and nodded, "Of course, so you better not do bad things in the future, little villain. The senses of beast soul masters are basically different from ordinary people, not only me, Nana, Bing'er, Zhuqing and the others You should be able to smell it. Okay, don't change the subject. What did you do at Sister Dong'er's place so late last night? You weren't planning to do something dangerous and wanted to hide it from us."

Shi Yun scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say. He was frantically organizing words in his mind, but found that it was really difficult to say this.

Seeing Shi Yun's silent expression, Yue Ling's face gradually became serious, and there was a hint of anxiety in his tone, "Have you really guessed me? Let me tell you, you will take me with you no matter what you say this time."

Looking at the anxious Yue Ling, Shi Yun felt guilty, hugged Yue Ling into his arms, and said softly, "It's not what you think, it's just that I don't know what to say to you about my relationship with Dong'er."

Hearing Shi Yun's address to Bibi Dong, Yue Ling was shocked and looked at Shi Yun with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Let's go, let's go to another yard to talk." Shi Yun said softly.

Yue Ling, who came back to her senses, also nodded. Her good sister's big melons cannot be eaten by others casually.

Not long after, Shi Yun brought Yue Ling to the small courtyard where Bibi Dong lived yesterday.

Immediately after Shi Yun returned from Poseidon Island and took Hu Liena back to the palace, he began to narrate, and then went on to his private bet with Bibi Dong, and then to the days when he returned to the Killing City, and his relationship with Yu Xiaogang. The encounter, the sudden change, and finally the content of the divine test that Bibi Dong told him, everything was told to Yue Ling in detail.

"So it's Sister Dong'er who has taken a liking to you?" Yue Ling asked in disbelief.

"Maybe... right..." Shi Yun said sarcastically.

Yue Ling looked Shi Yun up and down and said suspiciously, "Did you really just protect and care about Sister Dong'er during this process? You didn't do anything small, right?"

Hearing this, Shi Yun smiled bitterly and said, "What little move can I make? I still don't know how to tell Nana and Xue'er. Will I come back in such big trouble?"

Yue Ling rolled her eyes at Shi Yun and said, "You're so good at what you get."

Seeing that Yue Ling showed no signs of anger, Shi Yun walked to Yue Ling's side with a smile and asked, "Ling'er, aren't you angry with me?"

After hearing this, Yue Ling sighed softly. After hearing the ups and downs of Bibi Dong, her sister, Yue Ling felt there was no room for anger in her heart, and she was filled with pity.

Then Yue Ling whispered softly, "Is there any use in being angry? Now that the matter is over, since you have saved Sister Dong'er by chance, of course I have no objection to being able to be with her. I can accept Sister Dong'er, but you still want to Let’s deal with Xue’er and Nana how we want to.”

"This is also a headache for me." Shi Yun's face was full of confusion.

"I saw that you were so happy when you came back from Sister Dong'er's place just now. Now you have a headache? You must solve this matter for me. If you are not careful, I am afraid that it will be difficult for you to help Sister Dong'er and Xue'er. The relationship we have maintained may be affected." Yue Ling said seriously.

Shi Yun nodded, looked at Yue Ling and smiled, then hugged her into his arms and said, "You, the younger sister, also have to play a role, help the child's father."

Yue Ling rolled her eyes at Shi Yun and said resentfully, "You still have the nerve to talk about the child's father. The child's mother waited for you for so long last night, but you went to find another woman."

Hearing this, Shi Yun raised the corners of his mouth and instantly hugged Yue Ling.

"Hey... don't make trouble... what are you doing..."

"Do..." (End of Chapter)

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