Douluo: Start with a stone

Chapter 194 Secret Room

Three days later.

The Hall of Judgment Elders.

At this time, Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue stood in front of the huge angel statue.

Qian Daoliu looked at his granddaughter with eyes full of excitement and asked softly, "Xue'er, are you ready to accept the test of your ancestors?"

"Grandpa, don't worry." Qian Renxue nodded and smiled softly.

"Okay, okay, okay." Qian Daoliu was even more excited, but there was no trace of regret in his excitement.

After saying goodbye, Qian Daoliu looked at the huge angel statue in front of him, slowly closed his eyes, and muttered something silently. Seeing this, Qian Renxue also began to pray silently along with his grandfather.

After the two closed their eyes, the huge angel statue began to emit a dazzling light, which became brighter and brighter as time went by. Not long after, the huge angel statue shot a dazzling golden light straight into the sky.

"Boom!" The entire Wuhun City was instantly covered in golden light that filled the sky. At this time, Wuhun City looked like a divine city under the golden light.

At this time, the six worshipers in the worship hall looked enthusiastic when they saw this scene. They slowly closed their eyes, clasped their hands together, and began to recite something silently.

When Bibi Dong saw this vision, she slowly walked to the Pope's Palace with Yue Ling and Shi Yun. Bibi Dong felt this uncomfortable power, and was not disgusted. Instead, her heart was filled with relief.

"Come here, pass on the order. Everything is as usual. There is no need to panic." Bibi Dong said softly.

"Yes." The guard who heard the sound bowed slightly and said.

Immediately, in the shocked eyes of the entire Wuhun City residents, a golden beam of light descended from the sky and instantly poured into the Judgment Elder Hall where Qian Daoliu was located.

The golden light fell straight down, covering Qian Renxue, and the golden light quickly gathered between his eyebrows.

After a while, the golden light slowly faded, and the grandfather and grandson slowly opened their eyes.

"Xue'er, you should have received the test from your ancestors now, can you understand the meaning?" Qian Daoliu asked softly with excitement still in his eyes.

Qian Renxue smiled and nodded when she heard this, and said softly, "Xiaoyun told me that sometimes tests are often more than just tests. The test contains the tester's expectations for the person being tested, and the person being tested must be in the test. During the test, I have to make up for my shortcomings in ability to meet the requirements of the tester. Don’t worry, grandpa, I will fulfill my ancestors’ expectations for me in a short time.”

Qian Daoliu smiled and nodded when he heard this, "Yes, that boy is right. From today on, you will begin to take the test of your ancestors. The first of the nine angel exams is the stress test."


On the other side, the Papal Palace.

Knowing that Qian Renxue had already begun his own test, Shi Yun smiled and leaned close to Bibi Dong, saying softly, "Dong'er, do you remember what you promised me?"

After hearing this, Bibi Dong's face turned red, she rolled her eyes at Shi Yun, and whispered, "Get lost, Ling'er is still here."

Yue Ling looked at the two of them with interest and said with a smile, "Sister Dong'er, don't worry, I don't mind."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong glared at Yue Ling and said angrily, "I think you have learned bad things from this little scoundrel."

Shi Yun hugged Bibi Dong into his arms and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about? I mean, does Dong'er still remember our bet? You still owe me five hundred thousand year soul bones."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong showed a hint of jealousy and punched Chui Shiyun in the chest, saying, "You really worked so hard for your little kitten."

Shi Yun touched his nose and said with a smile, "Actually, it's not just for Zhuqing. An important part of my divine examination is to help Zhuqing complete the divine examination. If Zhuqing's test is completed, I will also We can gain benefits, and Zhuqing is also considered a member of our side, there will be four gods in the Wuhun Palace in the future."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong stretched out his hand towards Shi Yun and said, "What about my immortal products? Ling'er has told me that everyone, including Ling'er, has one, and even Xiao Yueyao has one." .”

Upon hearing this, Shi Yun instantly took out a box from his soul guide, scratched his head and said, "Dong'er, this earth dragon golden melon is suitable for earth attributes and dragon-type martial spirits..."

At this time, Bibi Dong thought of the Killing City, and looked at the box in Shi Yun's hand with some confusion. It was not that she had any expectations for Yu Xiaogang, but the specialness of the immortal product and the timing of its appearance made Bibi Dong's There was a big question mark in Shi Yun's heart.

At this time, Bibi Dong had too many questions in her mind. She could no longer tell whether Shi Yun's affection was true or false, because no matter whether Shi Yun gave this fairy plant to Yu Xiaogang, Shi Yun would still gain huge benefits. The only difference is where she belongs.

"Dong'er, what's wrong? If you're not satisfied, I'll give it to you after the Ice and Fire Eyes have cultivated a new immortal product." Shi Yun reminded Bibi Dong softly, looking a little distracted.

"You should have gotten this fairy Xiaoyun very early, right?" Bibi Dong asked softly.

Hearing this, Shi Yun looked at Bibi Dong's pretty face and said seriously, "Yes, when I used Ling'er's identity to go to Tiandou Royal Academy to study, Ling'er helped me get it. Dong'er, I also know that Yu Xiaogang and You have a lot of connections, but I don’t want to let this fairy go to waste on a stranger, and a person I hate.”

Bibi Dong wanted to say something, but Shi Yun continued, "Later I met Xue'er, and after I learned about your relationship with Xue'er, and Yu Xiaogang's position in your heart, I became even more unwilling to transfer this immortal plant to your heart. I gave it to Yu Xiaogang, because from Xue'er's point of view, if you are reluctant and unwilling to repair the relationship with Xue'er, this fairy plant can become an item that can turn things around."

"What about after Xue'er and I repair our relationship?" Bibi Dong followed Shi Yun's words with a complicated look on his face.

"That would be easier. From Xue'er's perspective, I don't want her to suddenly have a stepfather, and I don't want Yu Xiaogang to become my father-in-law in name only. I even feel a little sick thinking about the consequences." Shi Yun said bluntly.

"What about in the killing city? You obviously have the ability to change everything. If you save him, I will owe you a huge favor. If you don't save him..."

Shi Yun slowly let go of Bibi Dong, his eyes full of disappointment and said, "So Dong'er, in your mind, am I the one who plays with feelings? I don't think as much as you. There is only one reason why I don't want to help him. I just hate it. If he can really pass this level, even if he doesn't have this immortal product, he still has a bright future with your help, and may even achieve the status of a god. In order to maintain the relationship between you and Xue'er, I will still follow our instructions. I made a bet between you and endured my nausea to help you communicate with Xue'er. Unfortunately, I have no obligation to help him. I only protect and help the people I care about."

"Okay, Xiaoyun, stop talking." Yue Ling on the side gently tugged on Shi Yun's sleeve.

Shi Yun looked at Bibi Dong's absent-minded look with a look of disappointment on his face, shook his head, handed the box in his hand to Yue Ling, and then walked away.

Seeing Shi Yun leaving, Yue Ling sighed slightly, put the box in his hand into his soul guide, and just stood quietly beside Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong slowly came back to her senses, but saw that Yue Ling was the only one beside her. Her heart was shocked, and she suddenly came back to her senses. She remembered Shi Yun's last words in her mind. She didn't know where Shi Yun was, and she wanted to explain to Shi Yun. But Yue Ling shook his head at the side.

Shi Yun's silent departure made Bibi Dong immediately think of the worst possible outcome, and then Bibi Dong ran into Yue Ling's arms and sobbed softly.

"Sister Dong'er, you're done." Yue Ling gently patted Bibi Dong's back and comforted her softly. "Ling'er, Xiaoyun, will he not want me anymore?" Bibi Dong asked with red eyes.

"Sister Dong'er, what do you want me to say about you? If Xiaoyun was really that kind of person, he wouldn't have taken out this immortal product at all today. Immortal products are not something that can be given to others at will. At that time, Xiaoyun Yun is just a soul master. If Lan Dian takes up his mind, can Xiaoyun still live? What's more, he is someone Xiaoyun hates. Xiaoyun has no reason to give him, even if Xueer has not established a relationship with Xiaoyun. At that time, Xiaoyun kept it secret from Xueer. It was because of my extra words that Xiaoyun gave the fairy product to Xueer. Xiaoyun was right, he had no obligation to help him. Today you question Xiaoyun, even I doubt Xiaoyun's feelings for you, what do you want Xiaoyun to think?" Yue Ling said, showing a look of hatred for iron.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong became anxious, "I'm sorry, Ling'er, I didn't mean to ask this. I'm just a little unsure whether Xiaoyun really loves me."

Yue Ling also patted Bibi Dong's back gently and said, "Okay, sister Dong'er, I understand how you feel. Xiaoyun has many women. I once doubted whether Xiaoyun really loves me. Is it just to take advantage of me, but Xiaoyun has never let me down."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong nodded repeatedly but didn't know what to say.

"Sister Dong'er, to judge whether a person loves you or not, the answer cannot be obtained by simply inferring the relationship of interests. It depends on what he has done for you. In fact, a hundred thousand year soul beast does not need you, sister Dong'er. To take action, Xiaoyun only needs to ask the great worshiper to take action through Xueer. I believe the great worshipper will not refuse the favor of a god, but Xiaoyun still chooses to make this bet with you, Sister Donger. Maybe Xiaoyun is From the standpoint that you are Xue'er's mother, what do you want to do for Xue'er? Later, Sister Dong'er, you should know better than me how Xiaoyun will protect you. It is precisely because of this that you fall in love with Xiaoyun, right? ?"

After hearing this, Bibi Dong slowly lowered his head and said softly, "I'm sorry, Ling'er..."

Yue Ling held Bibi Dong's cheek with her own hands, gently brushed away the tears on that face, and said with a chuckle, "Okay, sister Dong'er, go find Xiaoyun quickly. Seeing the pear blossoms of sister Dong'er, The look of the rain makes my heart melt, I believe Xiaoyun will feel the same, don’t worry, Xiaoyun will forgive you."

Bibi Dong felt a little embarrassed and gently patted Yue Ling's hand away, scolding, "Begging for a beating."

Before Yue Ling could respond, Bibi Dong instantly disappeared into the huge papal hall.

Seeing Bibi Dong leaving in a hurry, Yue Ling couldn't help but smile and slowly walked down the mountain.


the other side.

Shi Yun walked slowly on the streets of Wuhun City, looking a little lost.

"Shi Yun, Shi Yun, when did you become so arrogant that you actually had the idea that you can change everything? There are some things that even gods cannot change."

Thinking of this, Shi Yun couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. Looking at the bustling scene around him, Shi Yun shook his head slightly and wanted to find a quiet place. After thinking for a while, he headed towards Hu Liena's Saintess Temple. go.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Shi Yun's sleeve. Shi Yun looked sideways and saw Bibi Dong grabbing his sleeve with a dull expression.

"His Majesty the Pope." Shi Yun gently brushed his sleeves and bowed slightly.

Seeing Shi Yun's cold expression, Bibi Dong felt sad. She resisted the urge to cry and used her mental power to send messages to Shi Yun.

"Xiaoyun, I'm sorry, can you go back with me? I didn't mean to ask those questions. Can you listen to my explanation?" Bibi Dong's voice rang in Shi Yun's mind.

Thinking of Bibi Dong questioning him for Yu Xiaogang just now, Shi Yun couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart. Then Shi Yun said calmly to Bibi Dong as if he hadn't heard anything, "If there is nothing else, Your Majesty, I will take my leave." .”

Bibi Dong endured the sadness in her heart and tried hard to maintain her calm expression. As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, she could not vent her emotions wantonly on the street like an ordinary woman.

Seeing that Shi Yun was about to leave, Bibi Dong couldn't help it anymore. She summoned her martial spirit in an instant, and ducked in front of Shi Yun. The eight spider spears behind her instantly grabbed Shi Yun into her arms, and then disappeared in the street. superior.

Not long after, the two returned to the Pope's Palace.

"Bibi Dong, what are you going to do!" Shi Yun asked, feeling irritated for no reason.

At this time, the two of them had returned to the Pope's Palace. Hearing Shi Yun's unceremonious address to her, Bibi Dong could no longer hold back the sadness in her heart. She lay on Shi Yun's chest and cried, her hands constantly moving. He beat Shi Yun's chest and sobbed aggrievedly, "Are you planning to be irresponsible?"

Shi Yun lowered his head and saw Bibi Dong in his arms with tears in his eyes. His face was complicated, and his heart ached. He could no longer express the hurtful secrets in his stomach, but there was still some resentment in his heart. He said helplessly, "I never I never thought of being irresponsible, but His Majesty the Pope never believed me."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong sobbed and said, "You promised me not to call me His Majesty the Pope in private."

Seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, Shi Yun couldn't bear to be angry with her anymore. He patted Bibi Dong's back and comforted her softly, "Okay, stop screaming, Dong'er, don't cry. How could I fail you?" Where’s the responsibility?”

Hearing this, Bibi Dong cried even more violently. She punched Chui Shiyun on the chest in grievance and sobbed, "You little bastard, I just followed your words and asked you a few inappropriate questions. I ran away... Although I was wrong to doubt you, what did you make me think about the special nature of this immortal product and the timing of its appearance?... I thought you didn't want me anymore... You are not allowed to call me His Majesty the Pope again in the future. …”

Shi Yun felt the love in Bibi Dong's words. Shi Yun also raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling even more distressed when he looked at Bibi Dong's appearance.

"You're still laughing!" Bibi Dong sobbed loudly.

Hearing this, Shi Yun stopped smiling.

"How could I not want Dong'er? I still want to marry Dong'er."

"Stop shouting, and I will never shout again."

Shi Yun promised again and again in his softest voice. While assuring, he gently patted Bibi Dong's back. After a while, Bibi Dong stopped crying.

The two hugged each other quietly.

After calming down, Bibi Dong also lay on Shi Yun's chest, sighed slightly and said, "I'm sorry, Xiaoyun, I didn't consider your feelings. In fact, I didn't blame you for not saving him, I was just a little unsure. Whether you really love me or not, the specialness of that immortal plant and the timing of its appearance made me doubt you, so I asked those questions just as you said without thinking."

After hearing this, Shi Yun gently wiped away the tears in front of Bibi Dong with his hands and said softly, "It's okay. It's all over. I have a problem too."

Seeing Shi Yun change back to his former appearance, Bibi Dong raised the corners of her lips slightly and asked pretending to be angry, "Then tell me what's wrong with you."

"My problem is that I should have just..." As he said this, Shi Yun's hand on his waist slowly went down and slapped hard on the round and round figure.

Seeing Bibi Dong's charming white eyes, Shi Yun instantly picked up Bibi Dong and headed towards the secret room in the Pope's Palace.

...(End of chapter)

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