Soon the group reached the coast.

Shi Yun, who was about to lead everyone to Poseidon Mountain, discovered that a blue suit was coming in an instant.

"Senior Bo Saixi, long time no see." Shi Yun greeted with a smile.

Bo Saixi did not respond to Shi Yun at the first moment, but focused her gaze on the crowd. Finally, her gaze fell on Bibi Dong. She realized that the person who came was not the person in her mind. She frowned slightly and couldn't help but Sighing silently.

"What brings a strange successor to the gods to Poseidon Island?" Bo Saixi looked at Bibi Dong with a dull look on her face and asked.

Before Bibi Dong could speak, Shi Yun said with some embarrassment, "Senior, this is the current Pope of Wuhun Palace, and she is also my wife."

Bibi Dong also called Bo Saixi "senior" very politely.

Hearing this, Bo Saixi showed a look of surprise, "Oh? Qian Daoliu is quite generous. A person like him would actually allow a god heir who controls the power of evil to inherit the position of Pope of Wuhun Palace."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong was about to have a fit, but heard Shi Yun smile slightly and say, "Where there is light, there will be darkness. People who possess the spirit of Seraphim are not necessarily good people, nor are gods who inherit the power of evil. He’s a bad guy.”

Everyone present except Bo Saixi, of course knew who Shi Yun was talking about.

Bo Saixi also nodded slightly and said, "Yes, you must have completed the test when you come back this time?"

Bo Saixi didn't get too entangled in this topic and changed the topic.

"Of course." Shi Yun nodded slightly.

"Okay, then you all will come to Poseidon Mountain tomorrow. Zhuqing's seventh test will also be held at Poseidon Temple on Poseidon Mountain. You also basically know everything about Poseidon Island, so you will lead the Pope to crown him, and Let this strange girl have some fun," Bo Saixi said calmly.

After saying that, Bo Saixi disappeared.

"Humph, what kind of attitude." Yue Ling muttered softly.

After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing said softly to Bibi Dong and Yue Ling, "I'm sorry, Sister Yue, Sister Dong'er, Senior Bo Saixi has always had such a temper. I apologize to you on behalf of Senior, and Sister Dong'er's His arrival may have reminded senior of his old friend."

"Old friend?" Huo Wu suddenly became interested.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the curious expressions on everyone's faces and began to slowly tell the story of Qian Daoliu, Tang Chen, and Bo Saixi. Bo Saixi was very good to her, so she naturally hoped that people would not treat her badly. What does Bo Saixi have to say?

"It turns out that there is such a story about the Great Enshrinement." Yue Ling said with some surprise. In her impression, the people in the Enshrinement Hall should be monks who only know how to practice.

"No wonder I saw disappointment in her eyes. I must have sensed the aura of the gods on me when my spiritual power was exploring us, and I thought that Tang Chen had successfully found the gods and returned." Bibi Dong also said softly with a look of emotion on her face. She said, and she suddenly understood why Bo Saixi's words just now contained a hint of a gun and a stick.

"So sometimes being too strong is not a good thing. Senior Bo Saixi defeated the two of them, but it aroused their competitiveness and self-esteem." Shi Yun sighed.

Hu Liena on the side rolled her eyes at Shi Yun and said, "Do you think everyone is as shameless and shameless as you?"

"In my opinion, the so-called face is nothing compared to yours. If Tang Chen understood this truth, he wouldn't have let Senior Bo Saixi wait for so many years." Shi Yun said with a smile.

Poseidon Temple on the other side.

At this time, Bo Saixi was standing outside the window, looking at the boundless sea in the distance, with a complex expression on her face, and murmured softly, "Yes, if he understands..."


The next day.

Shi Yun and his party also arrived at the foot of Poseidon Mountain.

Not long after Shi Yun and others arrived, Bo Saixi slowly appeared in front of everyone. The moment Bo Saixi appeared.

Poseidon's majestic voice sounded in everyone's minds at the same time.

"Six black-level exams, achievement, title Douluo completed, test completed, all six black-level exams completed, special reward: black-level authority on Poseidon Island, soul power increased by two levels, and a god-given soul ring."

"The top test, the sixth stage, helps the heir of Poseidon to complete the collection of soul bones. After the test is completed, you will be rewarded with a god-given soul ring, and the age of the soul ring will be increased by five thousand years."

"The sixth test of the Ninth Poseidon Test, after completing the collection of soul bones with the help of your partner, you will be rewarded with a god-given soul ring. The Poseidon affinity will increase by 15%, and the total affinity will be 70%. "

In just a moment, five rays of light shot into the eyebrows of the five people.

Seeing this, Bo Saixi smiled slightly, flipped one hand, and five golden beads appeared in front of everyone, and then slowly floated towards the people who had completed the assessment.

"Okay, this must be what you need most now. After the absorption is completed, except for Shi Yun and Zhu Qing, congratulations, your assessment is also over." Bo Saixi said with a smile.

"Thank you, senior." Everyone said in unison.

"What is this?" Yue Ling asked softly, standing next to Shi Yun.

"God-given soul rings, you can absorb them to get the soul ring that suits you best, whether it's skill or year." Shi Yun chuckled.

"Is there such a thing?" Yue Ling and Bibi Dong looked horrified. At this time, Bibi Dong fell into doubt. Could it be that she was inheriting a fake god? My soul rings and soul bones were all worked hard by me and the elders of Wuhun Palace.

Bo Saixi instantly saw what Bibi Dong was thinking and said softly, "Don't be surprised. It is normal for the rewards of the divine test to be different. The gods giving rewards to the lower world require the power of faith. This is related to the power of faith harvested by the gods. You Few people know about the gods that Shi Yun inherited, and the power of faith is even more out of the question. This has nothing to do with whether the gods are powerful or not. However, Lord Poseidon unified the faith of Douluo Continent and the sea a long time ago. Whether it is a sea soul master They are still sea soul beasts, most of them believe in the Poseidon, and the people believe in the Poseidon, and the Poseidon will give back to his people."

Shi Yun also nodded and said helplessly, "The biggest reward in my divine examination so far is the realm of the God of Death."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and quickly absorb this god-given soul ring." Yue Ling urged Shi Yun, as if she was afraid that the golden beads in front of Shi Yun would dissipate.

Shi Yun smiled slightly and nodded, sitting cross-legged, and the other four people did the same as Shi Yun.

With a flash of golden light, the golden bead slowly came to the top of Shi Yun's head. Bo Saixi flicked his finger, and with a soft sound of waves, the bead shattered on top of Shi Yun's head. Suddenly, a rich golden The mist poured straight down and enveloped Shi Yun's body.

Both Bibi Dong and Yue Ling looked at this scene with curiosity.

Absorbing the god-given soul ring Shishiyun was naturally full of firepower. At this time, Thunder Tribulation also appeared in his hands, and the soul rings slowly appeared around him. At this time, the original configuration of five black and three red soul rings also became Four black and four red appeared, and a circle of red halo was released from Shi Yun at the same time. It was the realm of the God of Death. At this time, the soul power in Shi Yun's body was flowing crazily at an extremely fast speed. Even the soul core in his body was It also rotated quickly.

At the same time, Shi Yun's crown and two hundred-thousand-year-old soul bones also appeared at the same time. The golden light surrounding Shi Yun suddenly became more intense and expanded instantly, covering all the areas he released. In that golden In the mist, you can vaguely see traces of golden threads starting to squeeze around Shi Yun's body.

The golden mist surrounding his body has completely changed. Before, only one-tenth of the golden light turned into threads. But this time, the fog disappeared, and all the golden light turned into circles of golden threads, like It was like weaving, constantly shuttling around Shi Yun's body. With the shuttle of these golden threads, subtle fluctuations began to appear on Shi Yun's face when he felt the pressure, and the soul power in his body was released without reservation.

At this time, the golden energy around Shi Yun's body changed again. The golden threads began to condense together and turned into circles of golden halo. There were nine haloes. They first appeared around Shi Yun's body. It expanded, then contracted again, hitting Shi Yun hard. Every time the golden halo hit Shi Yun's body, it would cause Shi Yun's body to tremble, and there would be more sweat on his forehead.

"Xiao Yun will be fine." Yue Ling saw Shi Yun's expression of worry.

"Don't worry, this is a good thing. The more difficult it is to absorb a soul ring, obviously the higher the year of the soul ring Xiaoyun will finally obtain. How long he can persist depends on Xiaoyun's strength. If he had known this, he should have let Xiaoyun put it on himself. The soul bones must be replenished and then absorbed, so that the final year may be much higher." Bibi Dong said softly.

Hearing this, Bo Saixi shook his head and said, "His choice is correct. His physical strength has already reached a certain level. Even with a few more soul bones that are over 50,000 years old, even if he can There is a certain improvement, but it is quite limited, but the difference between a 50,000-year-old soul bone and a 100,000-year-old soul bone is not on the same level."

Just as they were talking, the three of them saw that under the huge pressure brought by the god-given soul ring, Shi Yun's body began to appear damaged, but only for an instant. Blue light flashed in his right leg. The self-healing ability of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone was activated, and in an instant, it was damaged. Already intact as before.

Not long after, the nine golden halos on Shi Yun's body, the next moment, they had completely turned red, and all nine of them were unified, turning into a huge blood-colored halo floating around Shi Yun's body.

"It's already been a hundred thousand years, and Xiaoyun is about to achieve the title." Yue Ling looked at Shi Yun, who was sitting cross-legged not far away, with emotion on his face. The boy who saved him back then is now about to achieve the title. .

Bibi Dong also saw Yue Ling's thoughts and chuckled, "Now that Xiaoyun has achieved the title, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat Xiaoyun in the future, and you will become Xiaoyun's little wife."

Zhu Zhuyun, who had not absorbed the soul ring, also covered his mouth and chuckled.

Upon hearing this, Yue Ling's face turned red and she snorted, "How dare he fight back?"

"Xiaoyun is afraid that he will reach the lowest level ninety-three this time." Zhu Zhuyun chuckled.

"How is that possible?" Yue Ling looked surprised.

"Sister Yue, Xiaoyun's eighth soul ring has already reached the level of 200,000 years. This ninth ring will obviously be even higher. With the richness of the rewards from Lord Poseidon's test, maybe Xiaoyun can help Zhuqing complete it again. After a test, Xiaoyun's soul power level will be the same as yours." Zhu Zhuyun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yue Ling received a severe blow. Her ninety-sixth level soul power was still stacked on soul bones, and Shi Yun only needed to help his little wife complete the test...

Looking at Yue Ling's deeply shocked look, Bibi Dong also chuckled and comforted, "Okay, isn't it a good thing that Xiaoyun is growing up quickly? Besides, the test of the gods is not so easy to complete. Think about it. The test of collecting soul bones makes me want to search all over the mainland where there are soul beasts before digging out these few. That is to say, Xiaoyun has our help and lets him hunt by himself. Let alone three years, give him ten It may not be completed in a year.”

As she spoke, Bibi Dong suddenly felt Bo Saixi's gaze not far away. Bibi Dong looked at Bo Saixi's gaze with confusion, as if there was a trace of resentment in her plain gaze.

As time passed, another huge bloody halo appeared outside of the huge bloody halo surrounding Shi Yun.

Looking at the two huge bloody halos, not only Yue Ling was deeply hit, but Bibi Dong also felt the blow.

"If you are right, these two should represent two hundred thousand years. Xiaoyun's soul ring, just looking at the year, can be worth my two hundred thousand years. It will definitely be more than that in actual use." Bibi Dong said She showed a wry smile. She originally expected that she would be the most successful twin martial soul in history, not to mention that there would be no successors. But now Shi Yun has told her what is the essence of concentrated essence.

When the third huge bloody halo appeared, Yue Ling and Bibi Dong were already a little numb. They just smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

Shi Yun's body, shrouded by the god-given soul ring, began to glow with a faint golden color. Then, the golden color became more and more obvious, and the light spread outward. In the golden light, Shi Yun sat upright. The figure on the ground slowly stood up and stretched out his arms forcefully to both sides of his body. He heard a sonorous bone crackling sound coming from his body. Yes, it was sonorous. It seemed that his whole body was stretching outwards. .

Thunder Tribulation floated in front of him, and the nine soul rings around him were slowly rhythmic, exuding an extremely powerful aura. At this time, Yue Ling and Bibi Dong actually felt a sense of oppression from Shi Yun's Thunder Tribulation.

The two of them looked at each other with horror in their eyes. This sense of oppression did not come from Shi Yun, but from the floating thunder tribulation.

Bo Saixi couldn't help feeling the aura emanating from Shi Yun's martial spirit, and blurted out, "Sacred weapon?"

Like Qian Daoliu, she can also borrow the artifacts left by the gods, so she understands that Shi Yun's martial spirit is no longer like a mortal thing.

Just when several people were immersed in the emotion of horror, the sky suddenly became dark.

Bo Saixi shouted softly, "No!"

...(End of chapter)

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