Chapter 116 Graves
The target discovered by the Adeptus Mechanicus of Cologne this time is located on a dead world.

There is no life on the planet, the atmosphere is full of toxicity, and the surface is barren. However, the temperature is still moderate, and it should have been a place where survival could be possible.

But since the Necrontyrs were transformed into Necrons, air, water, organic matter and other things that were necessary for the original creatures suddenly became dispensable.

Therefore, Wei Mu needs to wear a set of life support equipment before he can go down to the ground.

The oil guys are conducting various surveys on the surface of the planet, trying to confirm the location of the core area of ​​​​the Necron Dynasty.

Because the tomb world is very large, and the most precious burial objects are often located next to the tomb owner, they have no time to waste their energy elsewhere.

Locking down the core is not an easy task.

However, the oil guys are still very experienced, and after a lot of hard work, they successfully delineated a rough range-there are three places where the main tomb may be located.

As for further confirmation of the results, we have to wait until we officially enter the tomb world.

On the other hand, Wei Mu is also making suggestions for the survey work.

But what he used was not advanced detection equipment, but Feng Shui, the stuff of detecting dragons and hunting for treasures.

Any civilization worships mountains.

The uneven surfaces of those planets are the most primitive and huge things standing in front of intelligent creatures.

They will be amazed by its size and praise its power.

"When you are looking for a dragon, you must always look at the mountain. One layer of wrapping is one layer of gates. If the door is closed with a thousand layers of locks, there must be princes living here."

Wei Mu conducted some research on the three points designated by the oil guys, and finally determined what he thought was the result - a majestic palace located in the lingering mountains.

The oil guys will definitely not believe in Wei Mu's stuff. They have their own method, so they still decided to advance in three ways.

"Then let's get off from here?"

Walking on the harsh surface of the death world, Maul asked.

"Of course, trust my skills." Wei Mu nodded proudly, and then asked to the left and right, "Where is my Kunkun?"

The attendant on the side replied: "I would like to remind you, my lord, your chicken... Kunkun may not be able to leave the cage. The harsh environment outside will kill it in an instant."

For the safety of Weimu, Tiberos arranged fifty space warriors, hundreds of attendants, and a group of oilmen around him. Anyway, there is no shortage of manpower now.

"It doesn't matter, I don't need it to run around, I just need it to bark."

Wei Mu also specially equipped the chicken with a set of center-parted hair, suspenders, and a basketball, hoping that it would be extraordinary.

Then, after explaining to the attendants the key points of the gold-touching bucket, the group began the work of going down to the tomb.

The Necrontyr are a race of very weak flesh, so all aspects of death are permeated in their culture.

The huge tomb is the best proof of this.

The oil guys used a molecular cutting machine to cut open the door to the tomb world, and an ancient civilization that had been sealed in dust for 500 million years appeared in front of them.

The tall hall is made of incredible materials, and the wide corridor is like an endless road.

When people stepped into it, the braziers on both sides immediately lit up with green light.

"What's going on outside?" Wei Mu immediately asked through the intercom upon seeing this. "Your Kunkun is very quiet, and the oil lamp is still burning normally." The attendant who stayed on the surface replied.

"That's good, continue to monitor. If something goes wrong, notify us immediately." Wei Mu said, and then waved to the people around him, "Let's move on."

As the tomb world is lit up by burning flames, people can get a closer look at its entirety.

Huge guards stood on both sides of the corridor, as majestic and powerful as the Titans of the Empire.

Even if they stay there motionless, people can feel the extremely destructive power contained within.

It was a civilization that belonged to the Necrontyr, the former overlords of the galaxy. Although their bodies were frail, their wills that they had developed were extremely strong.

Only immortals and gods can stop them.

"If these things attack us, we will be crushed into pieces in an instant." Moore reminded.

After all, for the Necron, the tomb is the world they live in, and everyone's tomb robbing behavior is no different from directly stabbing someone else's hometown.

"So I lit an oil lamp outside. If the owner of the tomb allows us to visit, it will keep the oil lamp on, otherwise it will blow it out. This is called a ghost blowing out a lamp." Wei Mu explained.

"But you also know that the Necrons don't have ghosts, they already..."

"Don't speak ill of the owner of the tomb in the tomb, Maul." Wei Mu reminded, "In addition, the underworld scarabs on the ground that are no longer working also show that this tomb world has slept to death, and there may be some left that can function. ribs, but as long as we don’t touch them, they should be safe.”

Due to Abaddon's No. 13 Black Crusade, an out-of-control rift ran through most of the galaxy, dividing the human empire into two halves.

The side where Terra is located is called the Holy Land of the Empire. The situation is relatively good, mainly because the navigator can still see the stable star torch.

The other side is being harmed by a large group of monsters and monsters, and it is difficult for the various worlds to take care of each other. It is called the dark side of the empire.

If you want to regain the dark side of the empire, you must prevent the further spread of the Great Rift, and the Necrons hold black stone technology specifically for subspace, which deserves everyone's high hopes.

This is also the main purpose of Wei Mu's trip.

Not only that, with enough black stone creations, he will be much more secure when conducting various experiments related to subspace, without having to worry about those monsters and monsters coming to interfere.

The oil guys are eager to figure out the secret of the undead shell and explore the path of mechanical ascension given by the Star God.

Everyone continued to march in the corridor of the tomb. It was eerily quiet inside, and even the slightest sound would cause a huge reverberation.

After all, this is where the dead live.

Walking through the entrance hall of the world, you can see rows of coffins placed on both sides of the crowd.

Each coffin contains a current resident of the Tomb World, numbering in the millions.

Seeing this, the oil guys were all so excited that they were breathing rapidly, and the electronic sounds were messy. They wanted to take them home immediately and dissect them - the mechanical creations that had lasted for 500 million years but were still intact were worth spending any price to figure out what was inside. secret.

But putting aside the appearance and talking about the inside, the so-called immortality of these Necrons is actually no different from a piece of stone.

If Wei Mu has learned anything from the Necrontyr, it is that you should never seek answers about life from a group of beings who do not know death.

He restrained the impulses of the oil guys, and the leader kept going deep until they reached the door of death.

 There’s been a lot going on lately, so I can only say that I’ll try my best to keep it updated.
(End of this chapter)

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