I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 122 Curse of the Skinner

Chapter 122 Curse of the Skinner

I don’t know how long it took before Wei Mu opened his eyes again.

Because of the turmoil caused by Luo Ning, the main tomb at this time had completely collapsed. The rubble everywhere buried the surrounding area, leaving only a small space for him to survive.

Space Marines should be better able to withstand pressure, right?I hope the others are okay, Wei Mu thought.

Facing the pile of big rocks in front of him, he knew that he would not be able to dig out for a while, and he did not dare to move casually for fear of causing further collapse, so he could only find a way to contact the outside world.

Unfortunately, however, the intercom has no signal here.

And what's even more unfortunate is that he's not stuck here alone.

In this small space, there is another existence.

That is the figure king of the Necrons, Trazyn the Endless.

This is really hell.

Unexpectedly, despite all the precautions and precautions, in the end, he actually landed himself directly on the opponent's face.

What kind of words should I prepare later to make the other party let me go?Wei Mu was a little confused for a while.

However, the strange thing is that Trazin did not show any threat at this moment. Instead, he curled up and hid in the corner and shivered as if he had been severely stimulated. He looked like he could even use the word "poor". to describe.

What is going on?
If the other party wanted to catch him, they could easily do it while he was unconscious just now. What he was doing now left Wei Mu completely confused.

He carefully recalled all the details of the scene just now, and remembered that Sage Ronin seemed to have thrown a group of Skinners into Trazin's face from nowhere.
In this case, the situation becomes a bit delicate.

Landu Gor the Skinner was the only C'tan god to be completely destroyed by the Necron, not even the scum was left. However, because of his death, he brought a terrible curse to the Necrontyr, known as For peeling viruses.

Those infected by the virus have an unquenchable thirst for the warm flesh and blood of living humans.

They will feast on the flesh, feast on it, and wear it on their bodies, although they have lost the ability to absorb these organic substances, ultimately causing only blockages in the wiring pipes.

In addition, the cursed Necron will also actively worship the dead star god, just like Landu Gore's last words - in endless time, you will not forget this love from me one's gift.Make you like me like you kill me.I will project my fear onto you and all your kind.

The curse of the Star God is something that even the Ancient Saints are helpless to deal with. The short life of the Necrontyr stems from this.

Therefore, the Necrons did not dare to continue killing the remaining Star Gods. Instead, they smashed them into pieces and then supervised them.

Although Trazin did not use his own body, and the one infected by the virus was just an insignificant stand-in, he successfully escaped the influence of the curse by transferring his consciousness, but that brief moment still caused very serious damage to his consciousness. .

"You, stop, don't come near me!"

Trazin suddenly stood up, raised the Staff of Empathy and Annihilation in his hand, and shouted a warning to Wei Mu who wanted to come over to check the situation.

"What's wrong with you? Am I that scary?"

Wei Mu tilted his head and looked at the Endless One in front of him with confusion.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Trazin stood far away from him, and his tone did not sound like he was joking at all.

"I have never thought that one day I would be questioned by a Necron about whether he is a human or a ghost." Wei Mu looked surprised.

"There's no telling. Under your harmless appearance, there might be something abominable hidden." Trazin said with a vigilant look.

"I am a living person, a living human being. My genome has 23 pairs of chromosomes. I have not undergone any modification. My hobbies are novels and comics, and I like Coca-Cola burgers." Wei Mu explained seriously, "So what did the Curse of the Skinner make you see? What made you look like this?" "This, me."

Trazin looked at the human in front of him carefully, as if he was confirming something.

It wasn't until tens of seconds later, after repeated deliberation, that he temporarily let down his guard and began to recall the scene just now.

In a brief state of curse, he saw the group of skinners, but they were not covered in flesh and blood and stooped like beggars, but a group of strong, strong, energetic, well-dressed warriors with inlaid inlays on their cloaks. Wearing medals.

He saw those group of space warriors. They were not Emperor's Angels wearing exquisite power armor and possessing the highest level of martial arts. Instead, they were a group of savage, terrifying, cruel and ugly monsters. They were simply enemies of all good things.

As honorable and righteous warriors, they should naturally hunt down these monsters to add merit to themselves.

This is the perspective of the skinners, they are not really crazy.

This error is not just a visual distortion, but stems from the terrible curse of the dead god.

Obviously, Trazin was still immersed in the afterglow of his consciousness being subverted, and could not recover for a long time.

What if he really was changed?
He became one of them, and from then on he could never tell whether the creature in front of him was a beast or an ordinary person, whether his behavior was elegant or crazy.

At this time, Trazin looked at Wei Mu in front of him, and he also looked like a normal human being for a while, and then appeared as a monster.

Although he repeatedly asked the system to detect his visual area, the answer he received was that no abnormalities were found.

This situation left Trazin feeling helpless and quite devastated.

He told Wei Mu about his situation, and the latter's expression gradually became serious.

Well, looking at this, the figure king is probably going crazy.

If a human being is frightened like this, he can almost forget it by lying on the bed and sleeping a few more times. After all, it is not really a curse, it is just a nightmare.

But for the Necron, the situation is completely different.

Many of them had their brains damaged from sleep when they woke up, and the rest were more or less delirious.

Their consciousness is more fragile.

And so far, they haven't found a way to repair this damage
Although the other party has always wanted to capture him as a museum collection, Wei Mu actually quite likes the Figure King.

This guy can be said to be the coolest Necron. He is humorous, has a strong collecting habit, has a lot of good things at home, likes to do things everywhere, and has a positive view of human beings.

If possible, he would like to establish a friendly relationship with Trazin and visit his museum as a visitor rather than an exhibit.

"Let's give it a try, I don't know if it will work." Wei Mu scratched his head.

"What are you trying? What are your intentions?" Trazin was wary of this.

Wei Mu ignored Trazin's warning, but activated the ring on his hand, trying to reproduce the image in the Necrontyr's dream just now.

The thinking entities he used to create with lamp rings were all for people who were still alive, but now he wasn't sure whether they could have the same effect on a Necrontyr who had been dead for tens of millions of years.

Then, with the light of the light ring's energy, a living face of the Necrontyr appeared in front of Trazin.

(End of this chapter)

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