I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 124 Take Your Time

Chapter 124 Take Your Time

Wei Mu's words succeeded in making Trazin hesitate.

The consciousness grid composed of countless precise circuits allows him to analyze problems at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people.

And the final result of this analysis is that he really can't take things too far.

The Necrons have spent a long time without knowing either life or death, and have lost their sense of proportion in many things.

In addition, the human heart is the most difficult thing to predict in the world.

If his various experiments make this kid's mentality explode, then everything will really be irreversible.

Putting all the hope for the rejuvenation of an entire race on one person's mind is something that can easily lead to collapse. Only a collection of world-saving wishes like the Emperor can withstand it.

"In addition, this ability of mine is still in the process of growth and development, and will definitely become more perfect in the future. I am also planning to use it to save the galaxy, so please be patient."

Upon seeing this, Wei Mu quickly drew a cake for Trazin, so that he would completely give up the idea of ​​capturing him.

"Look at what you said. As an old man who has been in the galaxy for tens of millions of years, I just want to care more about you young people, and I won't do anything bad."

Trazin said without blushing or out of breath.

Now Wei Mu should still make good friends first.

"Then if I want to ask the old man for a favor, you won't mind, right?"

Wei Mu didn't care about Tarasina's uncommitted psychological crime, but tried to ask.

For some things, he still had to rely on the power of these ribs, and now he was qualified to make conditions.

"That depends on what help you need from me."

It's easy to handle when there is a need. Trazin's eyes suddenly became as cunning as a fox.

"For example, use your black stone technology to shut down the Maelstrom?"

Wei Mu suggested.

In the past, the empire did not have enough technological hard power to deal with those giant subspace rifts.

The Chaos lackey felt something was wrong, so he burrowed directly in there.

And because of the existence of corruption and demons, the imperial fleet did not dare to pursue them in depth. There was no good way to deal with them. They could only arrange a large number of troops to station nearby for defense.

It became a refuge for the lackeys of Chaos.

Now if they can get the full help of the Necron, they will have a way to completely eliminate these traitors.

After all, the Eye of Terror was created by the Ancient Saint in the first place. Later, the Necrons sewed it up and the Eldar pierced it. These people have all the relevant experience and abilities.

"I thought your target was the Eye of Terror."

Trazin was a little surprised.

"You have to take your time step by step. The Eye of Terror is too big, and Wang Huron is easier to deal with than Abaddon."

Talking about the Red Pirate Lord Blackheart Huron, Wei Mu's most intuitive feeling is that the wild child has no one to teach him, so he has to learn by himself according to the template of his predecessors.

First, he imitated his father Guilliman in setting up the Third Reich, but later he failed. He imitated Horus and launched the second largest Space Marine rebellion in the history of the Empire. After being overthrown, he fled into the maelstrom known as the Little Eye of Terror. , and now he is the talker of the Chaos War Gang, which is second only to the Black Legion in size - all the major elements have been gathered, but all are streamlined configurations.

Before working with Abaddon, Wang Huulun was simply a perfect touchstone, as if he was specifically used to defeat monsters and upgrade.

The rest of the game against the Red Pirates is okay, just a bunch of bad cans, unlike Abaddon, who is blessed by the four gods, has artifacts all over his body, and has a bunch of divine choices next to him.

It's just that the black stone fortress in their hands is a bit difficult to hold up.

Wei Mu has never understood why Abaddon was so kind to his brothers. He could even give away things like Blackstone Fortress, and it wasn't Wang Huron who asked him for it, but Abaddon himself who rushed to give it away. .There must be the will of the Chaos Gods behind this. For example, if Abaddon had an accident, he would use King Huron as a backup, Wei Mu thought.

"You know, our first priority is to contain the lost Star God fragments. Your Sage Ronin obviously has one in his hands. If not stopped, he may cause some huge disasters." Tara. Xin reminded.

The undead themselves are the creations of the Star God, and their clan is well aware of how terrifying the power of those guys is.

"I don't need your help right away. There are still many enemies in the maelstrom that need to be cleaned up. They will definitely not sit back and watch us seal the subspace rift. When we take care of those Chaos lackeys, you can send more Just come and build the black stone obelisk." Wei Mu said.

"It's not impossible to build a black stone obelisk. It depends on what kind of reward you are willing to give." Trazin stared at Wei Mu with a smile.

Of course he noticed Wei Mu's little thought - if you build something in front of others, there is a risk that the skills will be learned by others.

If humans could really do this, Trazin wouldn't mind. Transcendent efforts and wisdom should be rewarded.

Of course, if Wei Mu directly talks about Blackstone technology transfer, it will be a completely different price tag.

"Uh, well, I still have to discuss this with our regent. After all, if we want to solve the problem of the Maelstrom, we must mobilize all the guardians of the Maelstrom around us."

At this time, Wei Mu just mentioned it to Trazin. What to do next requires further planning.

"What are you talking about? Act quickly!"

Maybe it’s because he just replenished his soul metabolites, or maybe he finally saw hope.

At this time, Trazin felt extremely excited, and there was an uncontrollable throbbing in her heart.

At this moment, there was movement from the surrounding rocks.

A stone was removed, Jawa poked his head inside, and then got in with his small body.

"Here we found him!"

A Primaris Space Marine shouted upon seeing this.

After the main tomb collapsed, the sharks had been digging manually, trying to retrieve their buried compatriots.

"Wei Mu, what's going on with you? Are you okay?" Moore's voice came next.

"I'm fine. Just dig slowly. Don't be in a hurry." Wei Mu responded.

Soon, the rocks blocking them were removed.

Seeing Wei Mu who was still alive and kicking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they noticed the Necron beside him, who greeted them warmly like an old friend, the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly became weird again.

"What kind of ecstasy did you pour into that alien with ribs? You were obviously going to set a trap to capture you as a collection, but after a while, you turned into the good-hearted two brothers you are now?"

Moore put his head close to Wei Mu's ear and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What is Ecstasy? It's a personality charm that even the dead can't resist. Do you understand?" Wei Mu raised his head confidently.

"Yes, yes, you have a strong personality. However, we suffered a lot in this operation. Seven Space Marines and more than 100 attendants completed their mission of loyalty to the Emperor. The remaining members of the Mechanicus were killed. , just defecting with Luo Ning."

Having said this, Moore let out a long sigh.

Another shameful betrayal.

Excellent people failed to give full play to their talents, but died inexplicably from backstabbing from their compatriots, which makes people feel sad.

However, they had little time to mourn.

They still have many questions to deal with regarding the aftermath of this incident.

(End of this chapter)

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