I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 127 Emerald Throne

Chapter 127 Emerald Throne
"A throne?" After hearing the news, Wei Mu suddenly felt a little pain in his head, "What throne? Fungal throne, emerald throne?"

"Concerning the issue of the name of the throne, the sages have not yet reached academic unity." Guilliman said.

Because the situation on the orc side is too subtle, no matter how the oil guys name it, it seems like they are making some kind of treacherous insinuation.

"I think the Emerald Throne's statement is very good." Trazin suggested from the side.

"Do you know about this?" Wei Mu glanced at the Endless One, "Did you try to steal Tiepi's body?"

"What is stealing? Is it called providing technical services? Compared to the green skins, our technology can obviously maintain the body better... but the Bonecrusher doesn't appreciate it very much." Trazin said regretfully. .

Look, even the orcs wouldn't believe this kind of nonsense.

The Endless One must have been severely beaten at that time.

Although there is an ancient orc in the Trazin family's museum, and he is well-equipped, but it is just an ordinary ancient orc, and there are still some gaps compared to the Destiny's Chosen Ironhide.

"Besides preventing complete death, what effect does the Emerald Throne have?" Wei Mu tried to ask.

If you want to pause the time of something, you can do it with the stasis stance. The greenskins have worked hard to create a throne, so they must have other purposes.

There's no broken webway below Armageddon, and they don't use star torches to navigate.
Sure enough, when encountering this kind of thing, one's mind would involuntarily turn to the Emperor, which was really treasonous and detrimental to merit.

"On that note, the sages discovered that the throne exudes a unique waaagh! energy that can make the greenskins more... sane? They are not launching crazy attacks on the world around them, and they are more talkative than before." Sicarius tried.

"Understood, Ironhide's discipline." Wei Mu nodded.

He had noticed this problem before, and now it seemed that the situation was exactly what he had guessed.

Being left unattended for a long time caused the orcs, a biological weapon, to gradually deteriorate, but the emergence of Ironhide gave them a tendency to rise again.

"But then again, didn't the Empire take coercive measures against the Emerald Throne? After Commissar Yarek resigned, did the Armageddon Corps become so good-tempered?" Wei Mu asked.

"They did take action. The Corps sent elite troops to try to destroy the Emerald Throne and the giant orcs on it by beheading them. However, according to what they reported later, the group of orcs guarding the throne were a bit ridiculously strong." Sikariu Si paused for a moment, then continued, "They heard that special group of orcs call themselves the Thousand Husbands."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Mu's head felt painful again: "What is the origin of that group of thousands of men?"

Sicarius explained: "The biggest feature of the Thousand Orcs is that they all have ancient Terra Cathay writings written on them."

Gan, it turned out to be those guys.

In order to fight the bugs, Wei Mu had marked many orcs with more than [-] super-heavy armored bosses. Unexpectedly, only nearly a thousand of them survived now.

"I told you to tell those greenskins everything you need, now you're done!" Moore on the side waved his hand.

"You can't blame me. I was so depressed when I was fighting bugs. It's not like I didn't know. There were no entertainment activities at that time. I only had nothing to do with bragging and chatting with the boys to relax. How could I have known they would take me I listened to everything I said." Wei Mu scratched his head in embarrassment.

Those greenskins are almost taking your words as an edict. Do you think they dare to believe it?
When it comes to the history of the empire, Moore estimates that the so-called "thousand-legged group" of orcs know more than most imperial scholars.

The ready-made templates were installed in their minds, given to them by their favorite smart boy, so of course they followed suit.

"So what should we do now?" Wei Mu asked helplessly.

As a result, everyone present gave him strange looks.

In the entire galaxy, except for their god Gomao Erge, you are the only one who can control those orcs. You actually asked us what to do?
Wei Mu also realized that no one else could help with this matter, so he stroked his sore eyebrow and slowly gathered his thoughts. "First of all, there is the issue of the current situation. What is the overall situation of the greenskins?" Wei Mu asked.

"Thanks to your previous operations, the green-skinned army has focused its main attack targets on Chaos and Insects, and the number of intrusions on the empire has declined exponentially. Their actions have greatly slowed down the expansion of the Black Legion, providing us with A lot of time was gained." Sicarius reported.

Wei Mu's previous series of operations against the greenskins were fruitful in the end.

Now even if he is not watching, the greenskins can spontaneously look for the other two natural disasters.

At least for now.

"The second issue is about the iron sheet. Is there any way to make it better? If there is no way, is it more beneficial to keep the throne alive or to destroy it?" Wei Mu continued to ask.

The previous question is actually a bit obvious.

If it were so easy to save a dying person, Guilliman wouldn't have to lie in stasis for a full 1 years before getting up.

"If we want to recreate the scene, we have to build another set of Armor of Destiny and use the power of Death. As for the question of whether to stay or leave the Emerald Throne, a group of orcs with room for communication is definitely better than a group of war weapons that only know how to fight. More," Trazin interjected.

It was as if he was also an imperial adviser.

"That's right, even if you want to solve the problem of the orcs being too powerful, you have to defeat Chaos first." Guilliman added.

Therefore, the Emerald Throne will be retained for the time being, and the subsequent effects remain to be seen.

"Then last point, if I raise my arms and summon all the orc army to my side, the Maelstrom will definitely be taken down, but will the black army, which has lost the suppression of the orcs, take the opportunity to expand crazily and increase its strength? We will therefore How many worlds have been lost, how many lives have been lost? Is this a cost-effective decision?" Wei Mu said with his head lowered.

In fact, he has another option - to attack the Eye of Terror directly.

But that would mean a decisive battle with Chaos, and the time now is obviously not mature enough.

"So what do you mean?" Guilliman asked.

"I will only recruit the orc troops in the Maelstrom area, and let the orcs in other places continue to put pressure on the Black Crusade." Wei Mu replied.

One day he would go to Armageddon to gather the so-called Thousand Men, but it would certainly not be now.

"The Imperial defenders of the Maelstrom and the green-skinned forces in the area have a chance of winning against the Red Pirates, but they are also extremely dangerous." Guilliman sighed longly, "Although I don't want you to face such risks."

"The same goes for you, Lord Regent." Wei Mu said with a smile.

For the Empire, this "last loyal heir of the Emperor of Terra" is even more unstoppable.

However, the harsh situation forced Guilliman to go to the front line again and again.

The primarch took a deep breath.

He looked forward to Wei Mu being able to reproduce the miracle he had done in the battle against the Hive Mind.

Although he also knew that his expectation was almost delusional.

"In that case, I will appoint you as the Governor of the Great Whirlpool, with full authority to take charge of all affairs there."

(End of this chapter)

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