I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 130 Law Enforcement Team

Chapter 130 Law Enforcement Team

Wei Mu became a Terran moon queen of the Great Vortex Jiedushi.

Inquisitor Quinn sent Old Mantis to Odkar and brought him more than 300 reserve personnel.

All of these people are good at handling cases, but there is a slight flaw - they failed to outperform other colleagues and stand out from the fierce competition, so they were not promoted to the position of judge.

In fact, these people have used their personal abilities to the extreme. After all, they are all elites who have gone through layers of screening. The reason why they did not succeed in the end is more due to a lack of luck.

Since Wei Mu was so short of people, Quinn simply packed them all and brought them to him.

Wei Mu personally met with these people at the Governor's Mansion and told them that they would be entrusted with important tasks and have the opportunity to participate in an action that could affect the destiny of the empire.

Since they failed to become the inquisitors they dreamed of, these guys have more or less morale problems, and they need to be given some blood.

Of course, we are all adults, and it is useless to just draw a picture like this. We need to be more practical.

"The original body is very much looking forward to the results of this operation, and hopes that you will go all out." Wei Mu encouraged, "If we can successfully achieve our strategic goals, there is no guarantee for anything else. For those of you who are the most outstanding, I can still do such a small thing as getting a face-to-face commendation from the primarch himself."

I believe that now that the original body has been mythical, no one will refuse such a reward.

Sure enough, after hearing Wei Mu's words, the eyes of everyone present suddenly became fanatical, like burning torches.

That was the Primarch, the only descendant of the Emperor who walked among them.

The vast majority of Inquisitors would work to their death without ever having the chance to meet one another, but they would have the opportunity to receive personal condolences from the Primarch - if they outperformed their colleagues around them, the chance is as high as one in [-].

This is no different from a free honor. Guangzong is not a dream.

"From now on, you are members of the Maelstrom Law Enforcement Team. You have powers similar to those of the Inquisitor in the Maelstrom area, but you are subject to supervision by the Inquisition and are responsible to the Palace of Thorns for your work performance." Wei Mu continued.

This is equivalent to a small tribunal established by Wei Mu. It is not only flexible in composition, but also convenient for him to use.

The real tribunal, through its supervisory power, can understand the situation of this organization at any time and give instructions on it.

After all, Wei Mu couldn't just rely on Guilliman's trust and really have nothing to do with the Terran government, hold all the power by himself, and become the emperor of the Maelstrom behind closed doors.

"I need you to clean up the corruption that has grown in various imperial worlds in the Maelstrom area. Tax evasion, oppression of good people, collusion with foreign enemies, and abuse of power for personal gain and other such things must not be taken lightly."

"There are also all kinds of monsters and snake gods lurking in the lower levels of the hive. Those beings called undercurrents - Chaos believers, genestealer sects, mutants, and aliens. All of them are blessed with the mercy of the emperor."

"There will be some Space Marines and Mechanic Priests cooperating with you. If you encounter resistance during law enforcement, you can seek help from them."

"In addition, you can also recruit some personnel on your own to better carry out investigation work. I will give each of you a hundred personnel, and you can decide on the matter of non-staff personnel according to the situation."

"I hope that you will enforce the law impartially and not let go of the empire's worms, let alone the emperor's loyal servants."

"Finally, don't think that I am stingy. Although I have indeed not prepared a welcome party here, I hope that one day I can invite you all to attend the celebration banquet here. The scene will definitely satisfy you."

"As for now, I need you to take action immediately and report to Governor Karl. He has prepared everything for you to let the pests who cause harm to mankind suffer - for the empire, for the Lord of mankind!" "For the empire!" , for the Lord of Mankind!”

The people who had just become members of the law enforcement team shouted loudly, and their enthusiastic voices continued to echo in the Governor's Mansion.

Then, they received the tasks and resources and headed to their respective jurisdictions aggressively.

Until this moment, when the escorted inquisitor removed the handcuffs, the old mantis Hessen Neotra still looked confused.

After the Badab War, he had already been tried - he had been blamed for his warband and thrown into a dungeon to rot.

He accepted the result, gritted his teeth and silently endured the torture that was more painful than death.

Because only in this way can he calm down the guilt and uneasiness in his heart.

He was once deceived by Huron into thinking that he was fighting for the greater interests of the Empire, thus committing the heinous crime of disobedience to the Emperor, and the blood of innocent people was shed as a result.

How could someone like him be saved.

However, he never imagined that one day he would return to Odkar Star again and face a young mortal.

"What is going on?" Neotra asked. "And you mentioned the existence of the Primarch."

Because of being detained in the dark for a long time, the old mantis became physically sluggish and looked very old.

But Wei Mu knew that as long as he needed some time to rest and recuperate, he would become a fierce warrior again.

"You have been imprisoned for so long, and you don't know that it is normal. Robert Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, has emerged from his 1-year slumber and now serves as the Regent of the Empire. He is launching the Indomitus Crusade in an attempt to escape from the Recapture the empire’s lost territory from the enemy’s hands,” Wei Mu introduced.

"A Primarch, walking among us?" The old mantis's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

"That's right, my Great Vortex Jiedushi was personally appointed by him, and in order to completely conquer this area, I need to gather as much power as possible." Wei Mu said with a smile.

"If you summon me for this, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I have committed a heinous crime and I am not worthy of redemption." At this point, Neotra's eyes dimmed again.

"I'm afraid this matter is not up to you, Lord Mantis. He is the original body. He has the power to forgive your mistakes. He has brought changes to the empire, and he hopes that everyone can see it - as long as he is not contaminated by Chaos. Or sell humanity's interests to other forces, we can consider recruiting. After completing the long atonement, the door of the empire will be opened again."

"But." Neotra was still hesitant, unwilling to forgive herself.

"The Mantis Warriors have returned and have been supplemented by the Primaris Space Marines provided by Lord Guilliman. This is a brand-new Space Marine that has expanded three surgeries on the original basis and has more powerful power. and resilience, your mistakes have been forgiven by the Emperor."

"In addition, let yourself, your former Chapter Master, your battle brothers, and those who suffered the disaster on your home planet, that Badab Tyrant, Blackheart Huron have surrendered to Chaos and assembled A group of warbands called the Red Pirates, second only to Abaddon as the greatest traitor, are still wreaking havoc in the Maelstrom."

"Kill him for me, and then you can stay in the cell for as long as you want."

(End of this chapter)

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