Chapter 135 Outpost
The outpost was built on a planet that was uninhabitable but rich in minerals.

Hundreds of thousands of members of the mining union, protected by nearly [-] outpost defenders, collect the resources of that planet.

They conveyed the profits they gained to the empire through caravans, and also brought needed supplies.

Workers and soldiers, both sides work closely together to help each other in the dangerous environment of the maelstrom.

The environment here is certainly dangerous. Not only is the subspace mysterious and turbulent, but there are also all kinds of monsters and monsters in the physical universe. But as the saying goes, as long as there is 50.00% profit, capital will dare to take risks.

And human life is not precious in this era.

The high lords are looking forward to the benefits of the Maelstrom, and someone must obtain those supplies for the Emperor.

Union members risk their lives, wear thick protective clothing every day, and work underground in harsh mine conditions, just trying to survive.

However, even such a reluctant life is extremely hard-won for the vast majority of residents in this chaotic and dark universe.

For example, today, fate did not smile on them, and a group of pirates fell on them.

The traitors wanted to steal the fruits of their labor and kill them all.

Because these cultists know that the empire will definitely continue to send people here for the sake of subsequent profits.

And when the defense force of the outpost is relaxed again, these despicable traitors will usher in a new harvest.

Or the empire is unable to control the benefits of the Maelstrom, completely abandoning the region, or even falling apart directly. This situation is more beneficial to them.

So sustainability is not a problem.

Six mutinous former Imperial Navy warships poured artillery fire on the stronghold below. A large number of cultists fell from the sky and stormed into the fortress menacingly.

The loyal soldiers resisted desperately and used the defense facilities of the stronghold to fight step by step.

The workers in the mine also picked up their weapons and joined the battle.

These days, if people who go out to hang out don't have full skills in fighting and firearms, they will be considered lucky to survive a Terran year.

The two sides soon fought together, with bullets and bullets tearing apart the fragile flesh and blood.

Countless people were disemboweled, and bright red blood soaked the alloy floor of the outpost.

The Traitors are merely a group of mortals, with no Chaos Space Marines involved.

This is good news. The battle will not be a crushing one.

Although the fortress was reduced to ruins under the bombardment of enemy warships, the huge underground mines provided effective shelter for the loyal soldiers.

Narrow passages and twisting grids allow them to hide in them and cause massive damage to incoming enemies.

If done correctly, they can last a long time.

But without follow-up support, they will eventually die at the hands of their enemies.

Crazy cultists are always keen on this and show no mercy.

The star message for help sent by the soldiers was their only hope.

Although things like astrology are very metaphysical in terms of the time of transmission and accuracy.

"Your Majesty, God Emperor, please protect your loyal servant."

The top commander of the stronghold, Major Shane, kissed the double-headed eagle necklace around his neck and offered his last prayer to the Lord of Mankind.

Before withdrawing into the mining area, he had already had explosives planted in each mine tunnel. Once ignited, the huge landslide would cause a serious blow to the enemy.

This also means that they will most likely be trapped underground, and the consequences of damage to the geological structure will be unpredictable. "The enemy is coming soon, sir!"

A guard at the door said loudly while firing continuously into the passage.

They have been resisting for more than a month, and the troops have broken into pieces and are guerrillas in the mines.

After so much effort, the flames of war are still burning in front of this temporary headquarters.

Cultists like to take the heads of Imperial commanders themselves, as if they can gain the favor of their disgusting masters.

But Shane wasn't going to give them that chance.

"For the Emperor!"

He shouted loudly, intending to die together with the enemy.

The high-pitched sound even overshadowed the fierce gunfire and continued to echo in the cave, making the cultists panic after hearing it.

Because when the puppet emperor's lackeys shout this line, it often means that they are about to launch a fatal blow.

However, at this moment, the communicator of the command headquarters that had been knocked to the ground suddenly rang.

It was a burst of electric microphone squeaking, mixed with someone's sound check session.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?" A young voice came over the empire's exclusive communication channel.

"It's alright, sir." Another voice said, seemingly speaking to the technician in front who was debugging the equipment.

Where is this trouble coming from?

Major Shane, who had already planned to die with the enemy, was suddenly caught off guard.

The process reached the end, but was cut off abruptly.

But since it was their communication channel that sounded, it meant that the person speaking should be a friendly force, right?

Could it be that something special happened to the troops fighting guerrillas elsewhere?
Feeling anxious, he stopped pressing the self-destruct button and continued to listen to the sound on the channel.

"Oh, okay." The voice coughed a few times, and then continued in a high-pitched voice, "Everyone in this area is listening, especially the traitors who are causing trouble."

"You may not know what is about to happen, the changes in this area, but I can reluctantly explain it to you."

"The situation I want to explain is that the Maelstrom is no longer a lawless place, and it is no longer a place that can provide shelter for disgusting criminals, traitors, and cultists like you. This giant scar in the physical universe is about to be destroyed. Eradicated forever, and no one can stop this - just because of my coming."

"Considering that you have been under the harmful radiation of subspace for a long time, your brain may not work well, and you will have objections to my plan to smooth the maelstrom, be unwilling to accept it, and even launch a resistance, so I can also replace it with a new one. I will use more understandable words to help you understand the situation clearly and thoroughly."

"I've found you."

"The result of this is that in the near future, I will break into your domain, destroy your devil's cave, and pull you out one by one from those twisted hiding places."

"And when that day comes, you will run away in panic like cockroaches discovered under a snack box."

"But this doesn't change your destiny."

"Finally, I, Wei Mu, the Governor of the Great Maelstrom who was personally conferred by the Imperial Regent, the smart boy in the eyes of the green-skinned orcs, and the five-star VIP of the Harlequin Troupe, hereby declare my special statement."

"You will be found one by one, caught, and completely crushed to death!"

"For the Empire."

"For the Lord of Mankind!"

(End of this chapter)

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