I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 152 Persuasion

Chapter 152 Persuasion
"You can stay with me until this war is over, and then I will take you to see the regent and let him decide your final fate." Wei Mu said.

He had no intention of hiding this from Guilliman. The Lord of the Ultramarines had the right to know about the existence of his clone brother.

What's more, the one who was cloned was the brother who almost sent him away with a sword.

"So your arrangement for me is to hand me over to Guilliman. This is actually not bad." Fulgrim said with a self-deprecating smile, "At least he can vent the pent-up anger in his heart to me."

Seeing the poor posture of the clone Fulgrim, Wei Mu was a little worried about whether Guilliman would really kill him with a sword when he met him.

"I do not recommend that you make this decision, Lord Jiedushi. It is too dangerous." The think tank leader of the Mantis Warriors warned.

Although the clone in front of him does seem to be loyal and non-hostile, no one can tell when Fulgrim will become violent and hurt others. If he suddenly attacks while the soldiers are fighting the enemy, they will not be able to stop him at all.

"Does he have any traces of being corrupted by Chaos, Chief of the Think Tank?" Wei Mu asked rhetorically.

"No, sir." Redes shook his head.

"Then has he ever done anything to betray the empire?" Wei Mu asked again.

"We have no way of knowing." Redes answered truthfully.

"In this case, we cannot convict him arbitrarily." Wei Mu said, "In addition, if you think that because his creator is a traitor, we cannot tolerate it, in fact, there are quite a few examples of the empire using the enemies' creations. You don’t need me to list them all, right?”

The attitude shown by the head of the think tank does not only represent him, but I believe there are many people who have the same idea as him. If Wei Mu wants to take the cloned Fulgen with him, he must give these people a reasonable explanation. .

"But his true form, that demon, once did such terrible things, and the empire suffered heavy losses as a result." Redes said worriedly, "Fulgrim is indeed the emperor's son, but he failed and eventually fell into the trap of Into the embrace of Chaos, I don’t think this clone can succeed.”

Although Clone Fulgrim had planned to destroy it, the words of the head of the think tank were still like sharp knives, piercing his heart.

Bayer had the same attitude towards him, which is why he was abandoned by his creator.

Sometimes the emergence of hope does not mean that you will be saved, but it may also mean that you will fall even worse.

"So you mean he will eventually fall?" Wei Mu tried to ask.

The head of the think tank glanced at Clone Fulgen and said nothing, which was equivalent to giving a silent answer.

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone gets a second chance when they make mistakes.

"The Emperor once made a weapon against Chaos called Angel Zero. I wonder if any of you have heard of this."

Wei Mu suddenly changed the subject.

Everyone in the bridge looked at each other, obviously knowing nothing about that name.

"Angel Zero is very powerful, even stronger than the Primarch, but he is not a leader or a guardian, but a pure weapon of destruction."

Wei Mu continued to speak slowly.

"However, as the nemesis of Chaos, the Emperor seemed to have failed to grasp the right balance when designing him. As a result, the thing has an extremely serious affinity for Chaos. As long as it comes into contact with anything from Chaos, he will immediately deal with it mercilessly. To destroy."

"This makes that thing come to the conclusion when seeing the large-scale depravity of human beings that human beings will inevitably fall to Chaos, and all human beings are potential minions of Chaos."

"And in order to prevent the power of chaos from expanding in the real universe, that thing finally made a decision - to kill all humans."

"Fortunately, the Emperor sealed Angel Zero in time before he went on a killing spree, so that his hands were not stained with the blood of our people." "Later, the Inquisition released him and tortured him once, and after seeing After the horror of Angel Zero, they found a way to stuff him back into the sarcophagus. It is said that the sealed sarcophagus is still in the hands of the Inquisition."

"After listening to this story, I don't think you will continue to worry about the issue of cloning Fulgrim and falling sooner or later, right?"

Wei Mu glanced at the soldiers present, who all bowed their heads and remained silent.

According to their understanding of this Lord Jiedushi, Wei Mu does know a lot of secret things, and it is not enough to make up a story to fool them. Angel Zero's attitude towards humans is obviously wrong, just like how they treat the clone Fulgen. Same attitude.

"In that case, if you insist, we will comply with your wishes." The think tank director finally said relenting.

Because the incident happened suddenly, they could not make the decision without authorization. In addition, they did not hide the matter, but reported it to their superiors as soon as possible, which made perfect sense in terms of process.

As for whether this cloned Fulgrim will be violent and hurt others, it depends on the methods of Master Jiedushi.

"You shouldn't help me like this." Fulgrim sighed, "Even my creator has no hope in me."

"I'm not helping you." Wei Mu waved his hand, "Didn't I say before that your fate will be decided by the regent, and whether you want to kill or beheaded depends entirely on his will. As for now, I hope you can Come to our aid - we are seeking to use Necron blackstone technology to shut down the Maelstrom and put an end to the chaos in this region for the Imperium."

"Blackstone technology, Necron?" Fulgan once again turned his attention to the various aliens in the ship, "Has the empire become so open and tolerant now?"

"That's not the case, it's just that the situation around him is a bit special." Moll on the side explained.

"Special? What's so special?" Fulgen asked doubtfully.

"On this point, you can listen to their respective opinions." Wei Mu waved his hand.

"He is our smart boy, he can lead us in big battles!" Golden Beard, an orc, was the first to speak.

Fulgrim had heard of that title. It was the legendary creator of the orcs. It was speculated that he should be an ancient saint. However, the Wei Mu in front of him was obviously a human being. There must be some misunderstanding.

"He is a guest of the Black Library and a partner of my lord Sirengo." Sarkozy, the pied clown, said.

The name of the Harlequin Troupe's Black Library resounds throughout the galaxy. Many legendary figures are eager to enter it to gain endless power and knowledge, but they are unable to find a way. However, this young man is actually a guest there, and he is also related to the Laughing God. relation.

"This kid's ability is of great use to us Necrons, but the dark gods have arranged a dangerous fate for him. I came here specifically to prevent him from becoming a plaything of the subspace evil." Orikan said calmly. , "As for your own fate, because you spent some time in Trazin's damn prism corridor, I can't predict it very well."

Although Fulgrim didn't expect to believe the alien's prophecy.

However, after such a simple description, he clearly realized the extraordinary nature of the person in front of him - Wei Mu was able to unite these aliens.

Guilliman did have his own unique considerations in choosing this young man to take charge of the Maelstrom.

If Fulgrim's clone is destined to be unable to be the hope of saving others, he can actually choose to place his hope on others.

Could this person be Wei Mu?

Fulgrim didn't know.

But now that the situation has developed like this, he doesn't mind giving it a try.

"Okay, until you hand me over to Guilliman, I will obey your orders." Clone Fulgrim said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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