I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 154 The Weeper

Chapter 154 The Weeper

Under the leadership of Chuck, the remaining Chaos Space Marines, including thousands of surviving mortal cultists, were all gathered together.

They have to make the final charge and forcefully break out of this cage woven by the puppet emperor's lackeys.

"There is no doubt that warriors who believe in Khorne can always use their bravery to defeat the machinations of their enemies."

In the crowded hall, the Chaos Lord stood in front of the army, speaking with a sonorous voice.

“If everyone else can do it, so can we!”

"The dark gods are paying attention to us, and they are looking forward to our performance!"

Chuck glanced at everyone present, as if the powers of destruction were witnessing everything through his eyes.

The cultists became frenzied, chanting loudly in praise of the dark gods.

"If one day we transform and become a strong man that can make the entire galaxy tremble, then today's battle will undoubtedly be the beginning of our destiny taking off."

"Those false emperor's lackeys are no match for us, they are only worthy of being a stepping stone for our promotion!"

"Ravage them, crush them, the road to glory is ahead!"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull seat!"

The traitors shouted loudly the war cry of Khorne, with their weapons raised high and their bodies bathed in blood, like crazy beasts, eager to kill to quell the endless anger in their hearts.

Seeing that the emotions of the troops had been completely aroused, Chuck took the lead and led the remaining blood army to rush out of the fortress in a furious manner.

The warriors of Khorne are like a crimson whirlwind, sweeping through the deep and dark passages of the stronghold.

In the passage, the soldiers of the empire were still groping forward cautiously.

The pirate stronghold was already full of traps and secret passages. Coupled with the endless firepower and defense lines, and Wei Mu's intention of training troops, the soldiers could not advance faster.

Although slow, but methodical.

The enemy's strength is being eroded all the time, and they cannot hold out much longer.

The Empire had also imagined a desperate charge by the enemy. After all, the followers of Khorne could do anything rash.

However, the soldiers did not expect that the enemy's counterattack would come so quickly and fiercely.

They were attacking the area manned by the Lamenters.

The exploration team in front was caught off guard and was almost instantly engulfed by the crazy red wave. Only their screams, a few words in desperation, and the wanton laughter from the enemy came from the communication channel.

Faced with such an unexpected situation, the leader of the group, Malakin Foros, did not dare to make a random decision.

Because the enemy may be attacking in the east and west, using a seemingly fierce feint attack to force the Weeper to ask for help from nearby friendly forces, thus disrupting their overall defense layout and ultimately creating an opportunity for a breakout.

They had to rely on their own strength to withstand the first wave of attacks in order to observe the enemy's subsequent movements.

However, the Warriors of Khorne didn't think that much.

They didn't even bother to analyze the weak points of the encirclement, they just picked up their weapons and rushed forward.

A red wave washed through the passage, and the fierce flames of war were instantly ignited.

The traitors attacked forward regardless of casualties, and soon cleared out all the Imperial troops in the passage.

Then, howling and roaring, they rushed out of the pirate stronghold and ran straight into the defense line deployed by the Weeper.

The Chaos Lord took the lead and broke into the enemy formation. He waved the battle ax in his hand and cut the Imperial soldiers into two like cutting tofu.

Chuck roared loudly, and the pleasure brought by killing made the butcher's nails in his mind buzz, like an activated industrial machine, constantly producing an energy called anger.

It is the most powerful weapon Khorne has ever given his servants.

With every enemy he killed, Chuck felt his anger grow stronger.

Perhaps he had never encountered such a dangerous situation before. At this time, the Chaos Lord felt more powerful than ever before.

He wants to kill the enemy in front of him, and he wants to challenge his own destiny.

Under Chuck's heroic guidance, the Chaos army crossed fire lines and sandbags, ravaging the Weeper's position with overwhelming force.

Loyal and rebellious superhumans fought bloody battles, and the sound of bombs and artillery fire was deafening.Countless brave warriors fell one after another, and the flowing blood dyed the earth red.

On the side of the Lamenters, they realized that the enemy really wanted to kill them. Chapter leader Foros had already conveyed the news to the surrounding friendly forces. All that was left to do was to do his best to hold the opponent back.

He hung his helmet on his waist and calmly commanded the battle situation in front of him. The high platform he stood on allowed all his own soldiers to see him, and it also allowed him to overlook the entire battlefield.

Chuck quickly noticed Flowers.

The Chaos Lord advanced on the Chapter Master with a bloody storm of death.

Khorne seemed to really favor the World Eater, making him invincible and unstoppable for a while.

As seven Space Marines were killed one after another, Foros finally realized that he was probably the only one present who could stop the thug's rampage.

He temporarily transferred the command of the war to the think tank beside him, put on his helmet, held a long sword in his hand, and faced the attacking Chuck head-on.

The two of them collided through the hail of bullets, and the weapons in their hands made a crisp sound.

Chuck's offensive was extremely crazy. The fully activated Butcher's Nail made him forget about fighting skills and only had the most primitive instinct of destruction.

The overbearing brute force hit the Chapter Leader again and again, causing cracks to appear on the ground where Foros stood. One can imagine the impact he endured.

"You should fight back, son of Saint Les. Is this the only level of your fighting ability?"

The Chaos Lord uses the power of the Blood God wantonly, and every attack contains endless destruction.

Foros was suppressed unilaterally, and his body could not hold out for long.

But there is a force inside him that is ready to move.

That power can help him destroy the enemy in front of him, there is no doubt about it.

Death and blood irritate not only the followers of Khorne, but also the Lamenters who are the children of Holy Leth.

"Release it." A voice said to him in the dark, "Let the enemy in front of you see your true power."

"No!" Foros firmly refused.

However, Chuck fired a gravity slash and instantly knocked the Chapter Leader to the ground.

"It will bring you victory!"

The voice continued.

"It brings nothing but destruction."

Foros still answered.

Blood Thirst and Black Rage have been proven dangerous countless times, and the noble Sons of Holy Leth should not rely on such cursed powers.

After all, the Archangel has shown them a better way, and the act of voluntarily succumbing to one's own shortcomings is a serious stain on the holy name of the Gene Father.

Even when death was imminent, the Chapter Leader never relented.

We die with honor for those we hold dear!

This is the war cry of the weeper.

And they have always followed it and never abandoned it.

Chuck came to him with a tomahawk in hand, intending to kill Flowers.

This group of stupid Blood Angels don't know when they will realize that only power is everything in the universe.

They clearly have power, but they resist because of that ridiculous creed and choose to become weak.

The weak will have nothing and can only be ruthlessly eliminated.

This is a law set by the blood god Khorne, and it is as unbreakable as when he is about to take off the head of the idiot in front of him.

However, just when Chuck's battle ax was raised high and about to fall, the surrounding light and shadow suddenly became distorted.

A tall and gorgeous figure appeared in the center of the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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