I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 165 The Fallen

Chapter 165 The Fallen

The sealed room was silent.

Therefore, the snickering laughter coming from the devil seemed particularly harsh and weird.

The words of the demon primarch were filled with a certain vicious force, making those around him feel as if they were standing on the edge of an abyss, and would be dragged into it if they were not careful.

Once again being used as a bargaining chip in a transaction, Clone Fulgen felt very hurt.

No one should get used to this kind of thing.

Although he wanted to jump out of the darkness immediately, yell at the demon primarch for his hypocrisy and depravity, and accuse him of the crimes and atrocities he had committed, Fulgrim wanted to see how Wei Mu would react to this, so he forcibly endured it. Come down.

"I think his performance here is pretty good, at least his current behavior is exemplary." Wei Mu replied calmly.

Of course he would not hand over the clone Fulgrim to this twisted pervert, he was just curious about what kind of cruel job this guy planned to give him.

"Oh, really? So could you please describe his excellence in detail?"

The Fallen Primarch was interested in this, as if he was the one about to receive the compliment.

"He appeared on the battlefield in time, thwarting the enemy's counterattack plan and reducing the losses of our troops; he moved between the medical rooms, taking care of the wounded, and personally treated their wounds; he immersed himself in the foundry, repairing and forging weapons and equipment, and the soldiers were very happy because of all these things. Everyone was grateful to him and loved him. They saluted him with the Sky Eagle Salute and offered him blessings. His reputation in the group rose quickly. "

Wei Mu was not shy about boasting about what he had accomplished by cloning the original body, but it was from the perspective that Fulgrim least expected - there were no outstanding achievements, it was all trivial matters.


The demon primarch interrupted him, his tone full of coldness.

However, he quickly regained his relaxed and easy-going attitude and continued, "I already have enough understanding of his innocence and childishness. It seems that he still needs me to guide him back to the right path."

Even Fulgrim had to admit Bair's methods.

The clone's actions made the original demon seem to see his former self.

"Guide him back to the right path? Just like the devil who tempted you to fall?" Wei Mu tried to ask, "I heard that the process was not very harmonious, and it didn't seem like it could be compared with the [Close to Perfect] four. Words are related.”

"It dispelled the lies compiled by my father and revealed the truth of the universe to me. Little guy, the initial resistance is a normal reaction. After all, it is difficult for mortals to understand such power, but once you can get sublimated from it, you will With a new perspective - you will find that what you are fighting for at the moment is actually more insignificant than a grain of dust, and the care bestowed by the dark gods is the real wealth worth relying on and promoting."

Fulgrim described the path of promotion to Wei Mu, as if recommending a delicious dish.

Although he also knew that if he had not stepped into it personally, the person involved would never be able to imagine the beauty of it. Instead, he would feel intimidated by his own insignificance.

However, once that threshold is crossed, everyone will become unable to extricate themselves - so that should be the original attitude of human beings.

Just like after the era of internal combustion engines arrives, no one will think of returning to the steam era.

Such progress, such perfection.

"Are you sure?" Wei Mu narrowed his eyes, "Who in their right mind would think of becoming such a disgusting and twisted thing?"

"You can't help him, little guy. He is my clone and a part of me. When the power of the Prince of Darkness comes to him, he will inevitably follow the same path as me. There is no doubt about this. I I'm just worried that before that day comes, he will die in the hands of others, and that won't be fun." The Demon Primarch said with a smile.

He immediately pronounced the fate of the clone Fulgrim.

To a certain extent, he does have this qualification.

"Of course I can't fully understand your thoughts." Wei Mu touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "But listening to your description carefully, coupled with the information I have read about you - You look more like you experienced a complete failure and fell into a helpless situation where you gave up on yourself. In the end, you were picked up by a [well-intentioned] Chaos Evil God and stuffed with something else by him." "What did you say!" The demon primarch's words were full of darkness and anger.

He shouldn't have lost his composure because of this, if Wei Mu only deliberately made up these lies to stimulate him.

However, he could clearly feel that Wei Mu really viewed him that way.

Lies don't hurt, the truth is the sharp edge.

He, Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Emperor's Children, the perfect purple phoenix, was actually just a desperate loser in the eyes of the boy in front of him.

"Isn't it?" Wei Mu asked back, "Although the original body Fulgrim was born as a worker, he has seen all kinds of things in the world that belong to the lower class people, and how those mortals struggle because of trivial matters. But have you ever thought about it? , your experience so far is actually just an enlarged version of them? For example, someone chooses to work for a black-hearted capitalist in order to gain profits or a chance of survival, or someone chooses to gain inner comfort or unbridled power. Choose to sell yourself to the Chaos Evil God?"

"Of course it's different!" Fulgrim shouted loudly, "I am blessed, I am more perfect!"

"Then what if we throw away the halo of the Primarch?" Wei Mu asked, "If there is such a person, he is also a Primarch, and he wants to reach your current [height], what efforts should he make? ?”

Wei Mu paused for a moment and then continued.

"Of course he doesn't need to make any effort, he just needs to dedicate his soul to the dark gods."

"It is not easy to achieve great things, but if you want to die, everyone can do it."

"Take a closer look at you traitorous Primarchs who have taken refuge with the Four Gods!"

"Angron, the slave of the Butcher's Nail, the unconscious, fully automatic beheading machine, even the anger that drives his actions is false."

"Mortarion was led into Nurgle's trap by Typhons. In order to prevent his legion from suffering all kinds of torture, he chose to surrender."

"There is also Magnus. The reason why he went into hiding was to prevent the Thousand Sons Legion from being wiped out by the Space Wolves. His soul was broken into pieces in the battle with Russ. The Thousand Sons' wizards recollected it. The largest That piece is now the Scarlet King.”

"You so-called Primarchs who have embarked on the path to advancement, no matter how you look at it, it seems that you were forced to sell yourself after encountering failure. I can't see any [enhancement] or [progress] elements in it. "

"On the other hand, our great regent, Lord Guilliman, after seeing the decline and decay of the empire, after the collapse of dreams and rationality, and after realizing that the emperor was only using him, he resolutely did not forget his original intention. He shouldered everything for the entire race and continued to open up a path forward for mankind - this was originally his choice, so his will will not be shaken by changes in external objects."

"Can you do this, Fulgrim?"

"Don't tell me about that guy, I almost killed him." The Daemon Primarch's voice trembled.

"But after 1 years, he came back again, and has already dealt with Mortarion. You should also have heard of what happened in the Garden of Nurgle. He gave the Garden of the Plague God a severe blow. The latter can only hide in the black room and tremble."

"He even brought a brand new type of Space Marine. After his return, everything in the Empire began to improve."

"These sound more like [progress] and [closer to perfection]."

"As for you, Fulgrim, besides hanging out in the Palace of Joy every day during these 1 years, what other great achievements have you accomplished?"

"You can't even convince your own heirs."

"If the data I have is correct, the Emperor's Children should have the largest number of loyalists among the traitor legions."

"They are nobler than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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