I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 171 Dark Temple

Chapter 171 Dark Temple
For most normal creatures, exploring a world completely swallowed up by the Warp is a thrilling and terrifying experience.

Garmyk is a vast, twisted thing, evil, terrifying, and abominable.

Magnificent black temples are spread across the planet's surface, demonstrating the Word Bearers' infinite devotion to the power of destruction.

The blasphemous barriers and totems condensed the terrifying power of chaos, and the corruption was deeply penetrated into the foundation of the planet.

The towering chimneys emitted toxic industrial gases wantonly, and the machinery roared in the foundry day and night, accompanied by countless painful wails.

Those sounds were made by slaves.

Like all Chaos warbands, the Word Bearers increase their population by plundering surrounding areas. After all, places affected by Chaos are not suitable for survival.

Among them, the young, strong and talented individuals will be incorporated into the Word Bearers' servant army, and may even have the opportunity to be used as the legion's recruit reserve, while the vast majority of innocent people can only be reduced to slaves, ruthlessly drained of every value until life is exhausted.

The slaves were filed into the terrible forge.

Their deformed and twisted bodies were torn apart, and their dim and painful souls were extracted, blended into steel, fire, and some unlucky subspace creature guided here by the evil magic of the Chaos Sorcerer, coupled with psychic evil magic and industrial technology, and a machine This is how the Demon Engine was produced.

Just its birth would consume the lives of thousands of innocent people. The evil of this thing is simply unspeakable.

And when it is thrown into battle, the killing it causes will be a hundred times greater.

The war in the galaxy is never-ending, so such war equipment full of destructive power is always in short supply, and it is a hot commodity no matter which warband it goes to.

Especially now after the Great Rift has opened.

Inside the temple, Dark Apostle O'Sullivan walked alone in the dim corridor, with an expression on his face full of worries.

The situation facing Galmyk is very bad. The originally stable situation of the Maelstrom has been disturbed by the appearance of someone.

Many of their access to resources have been destroyed, and the Word Bearers' power in the region is weakening.

What's even more troublesome is that the blessing of Blackstone technology gives the Empire the ability to suppress the power of subspace, which they rely on most, and even completely seal the giant subspace rift.

At that time, they will become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others.

It was under such circumstances that their commander was still obsessed with a certain dark ritual. While consuming a lot of resources, he also recruited many people...

Such a serious problem must be solved.

So he came here, the center of the dark sacrificial field.

O'Sullivan had deep doubts about whether he could successfully persuade the lord. His brothers always put their devotion to the dark gods first.

Although believers can offer everything to the gods and take it as a matter of course, on the other hand, the gods rarely take care of the believers' eating, drinking and eating.

The trivial matters of mortals are too insignificant to those great beings.

The bad part is that they need things like firewood, rice, oil and salt.

No matter how noble and precious spiritual satisfaction is, it cannot solve the actual material needs.

O'Sullivan took a deep breath and slowly opened the heavy door in front of him.

Behind the gate, a hundred Word Bearers wizards were making various preparations for the upcoming ceremony.

Tens of thousands of candles made of human fat were scattered around, lighting up the vast hall.The walls and floors were covered with magic circles carved with blood, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell.

The devil's whispers continued to echo in the hall, and countless resentments swirled and condensed, then quickly dissipated.

This is an ancient and evil secret method, only used to achieve the darkest intentions.

The apostle passed those things and went straight to the deepest part of the hall.

The person he was looking for was sitting quietly in front of the Chaos Totem with his eyes closed and meditating, replenishing his energy for the smooth conduct of the ceremony.

"You should return to your post, O'Sullivan. The dark gods have assigned you tasks and assigned me responsibilities. Crossing the line at will is not a pious act."

The man did not turn around or open his eyes. He remained in a meditative state, but he sensed the arrival of the Dark Apostle.

"I know this, Lord Erebus, but a huge crisis is coming." O'Sullivan said with difficulty, "In order to support the Warmaster's actions, we have invested a lot of manpower and equipment in No. 13 During the Black Crusade, the defense force left behind in Galmyk was not sufficient. I am not sure whether we can effectively resist the enemy's invasion, especially..."

"Especially after I took away a lot of resources because of this ritual?" The man tried to ask, his voice emotionless.

O'Sullivan did not answer, but admitted this in a silent way.

"I know that you are troubled by the tasks given to you by the dark gods, and you have always been very conscientious, but as I said before, satisfying their wishes is our primary responsibility, and now, he We are extremely eager to get that young man...or make him disappear completely."

The man named Erebus opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

He looked back at the Dark Apostle, with a smile on his face covered with scriptures.

"But sir, if the enemy destroys us, we will not be able to continue to serve the gods." O'Sullivan tried to persuade, "I think the work of ensuring the continuation of the legion should not be ignored."

"Of course this should not be ignored, but don't forget, O'Sullivan, it is precisely because of many bloody sacrifices that we succeeded in turning the arrogant false emperor into the rotten corpse on the golden throne."

Erebus said.

"In the distant era of the Great Crusade, I once performed many glorious deeds for the dark gods. However, those deeds were too long ago. Some people thought that I had declined and only indulged in the glory of the past. Some people think that my great achievements are false and contain many exaggerated and untrue elements."

"But look, the dark gods still favor me and the Word Bearers, just like before. They entrust the most important tasks to me, and I absolutely cannot let them down. This is better than Over everything, can you understand?”

Erebas is like a respected life mentor, using his past experiences to enlighten the confused people in front of him.

But his words did not bring much relief to O'Sullivan.

Because the Dark Apostle knows that the gods will only give a general direction when assigning tasks to mortals, and many of the rest must be operated by the parties themselves.

Sometimes even the true intentions of the gods require mortals to figure out and guess.

They will not be idle enough to do something like "a psychic signal is sent over, asking the person involved to move the machine gun five centimeters to the right."

In order to please the dark gods, Erebus sacrificed too many interests of the Word Bearers as a whole.

This is not what O'Sullivan wants to see.

For the vast majority of believers, the reason why they believe in gods is that they want to get benefits from gods instead of dedicating everything to them.

Even gods cannot change the selfish nature of living things.

(End of this chapter)

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