Chapter 183 Rebellion

Things turned out to be much worse than O'Sullivan imagined.

Although they immediately cut off the mocking video after realizing that the situation was not good, and completely cleared it from the communication channel.

Yet it was widely disseminated, impressively enough to inspire Word Bearers defenders across the planet.

Many of them became so angry that they even refused to respond to the Dark Apostle's order to defend themselves, choosing to fight to the death against the enemy in front of them in order to protect their faith.

"You are taking the initiative to sneak into the enemy's trap. Countless brothers will die in vain because of this reckless decision!"

O'Sullivan tried hard to persuade these subordinates who were determined to fight the enemy to turn back in time and put the overall situation first.

"No, we will not die or fail. The dark gods are watching us. We are fighting for them, and they will protect us and win!"

However, this is the reply he got.

The soldiers on the frontline put on a heroic posture of disregarding death and generously serving for justice, and their fanatical belief in the Chaos Gods burned with it.

"It is also their will to protect the First Temple. It is the apocalypse brought to us by the Hand of Destiny himself. Even so, do you still want to disobey the order!"

The dark apostle, who couldn't bear it anymore, yelled loudly.

Although he really didn't want to use Erebus' name.

After hearing this, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, as if he was a little moved by what he said.

O'Sullivan was relieved when he saw this.

As a result, the next second, the answer almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

"If that's the case, then we will kill you all the way from the base!"

The person on the other end of the phone replied seriously, as if they could really do this.

"Idiot, what I want is for you to abandon your station immediately and come to support the First Temple. Don't worry about anything else. What's the difference between your behavior and direct disobedience of orders?"

O'Sullivan said angrily.

Is this a question of a different way of understanding scripture?

Some mortal believers will always interpret the doctrine in a direction that is more convenient for them, in order to reduce or even avoid the rule constraints brought by the doctrine.

"The enemy has bitten us to death, sir. This is all we can do. There is no other way but to kill all those ugly aliens. May the dark gods bless you and me."

But he still spoke like a devout martyr.

"You bastard, you"

The Dark Apostle was about to curse, but the communication was immediately disconnected.

O'Sullivan was so angry that his blood pressure soared, his veins popped out, and he punched the communication equipment in front of him.

When everyone around him saw this, they didn't dare to touch this bad luck at will.

They were careful not to make any noise, and the command post suddenly became extremely quiet, with only the cables of the broken equipment flickering with sparks.

"At least they are fighting for their beliefs. This is an honorable act." The adjutant on the side tried to persuade.

In order to defend the honor of the gods, he would not hesitate to die with his enemies. Of course, there is no way to criticize such behavior.

"The problem is here, brother, faith will not defend itself." The dark apostle who calmed down sighed deeply, "If we cannot win the war, the things we are passionate about will be destroyed by these savage green monsters. Almost exhausted.”

Only survival has meaning, nothing can be given to destruction.

"Then let's win it, just like we always do!" the adjutant said excitedly with sharp eyes.

"Of course we will win it, but I have to think about how to minimize the price we pay." The Dark Apostle silently looked at the planet model projected in the center of the command room, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

At this time, the green-skinned troops were howling and roaring with overwhelming force.

A large number of temples were conquered by them.

Ground facilities that lost the protection of their air defense systems were bombarded by space fleets.

The resistance of the Word Bearers shrank everywhere, and the demonic world fell into a sea of ​​fire.

The Dark Apostles gradually realized that even if they could win the war, it would take at least a century to repair the damage caused.

And victory in this war is obviously not that easy to achieve.

Because at this moment, according to the auspicious device installed in the temple, a huge green-skinned force is gathering not far from here, equipped with a large amount of heavy equipment. It is obvious that the comer is ill-intentioned.

After learning the news about the dark ritual, Maul did not intend to continue to waste time with the Word Bearers, although a steady move would help them further expand their advantage.

They must quickly capture the core of evil and thwart the conspiracy of Chief Priest Erebus.

So Lucas mobilized all the elite troops without reservation, millions of green boys, more than a dozen furry Kongs, thousands of green Dreadnoughts and Grut killing cans, and all kinds of shabby-looking, combat-effective But a very powerful weapon of war.

After the assembly of the troops was completed, without any pre-war declaration or other activities, the greenskin army directly launched a full-scale siege on the First Temple, and the flames of war immediately spread throughout the temple.

Among them, Maul and Goldenbeard even led the team together, exerting their surprise attack ability to the extreme, like a fierce iron fist, hitting the Word Bearer's face.

Although the generals personally lead the troops with strong combat power, the risks associated with it are also great.

Especially for the green skins, once the warlord is killed, the remaining armies will start fighting among themselves, and they can disperse themselves without even needing an enemy to attack.

In particular, the orc boss likes to be bossy and can easily be lured into a trap.

However, the existence of Moore made the enemy's booby-trap tactics ineffective.

At this time, Golden Beard was like a war machine. Wherever it went, wherever it was crushed, the positions it attacked were almost destroyed with one blow.

Someone has to stop them, otherwise the situation will get out of hand.

O'Sullivan soon realized this, and finally decided to hand over the command to the adjutant beside him, and went to fight with his own bodyguard.

Even if the enemy dares to go into battle in person, he cannot shrink back.

The outcome of this battle will be directly related to the fate of this world.

Soon, the troops from both sides collided head-on.

The powerful firepower displayed by more than a dozen Chaos Terminators instantly made Maul realize that a big shot was coming this time.

"Despicable intruder, I am the commander here, a member of the Dark Council of the Word Bearers, Dark Apostle O'Sullivan, your life is about to end here!"

The Dark Apostle showed strong combat power, and with one clean blow, he easily split open the can of grunts that was raging at the front.

"Do you want this guy?" Moore was not frightened by this, but asked the orc warlord on the side.

"I'll give this to you. I don't want it. I'm going to kill that guy named Aibasi."

Golden Beard knew that was the real big fish, and he was afraid that if he fought for this, others would compete with him for that.

"Okay, then you go and clean up the other enemies, and I'll deal with him." Moore nodded.

"You try to do it as quickly as possible. If it takes too long, I won't wait for you." Golden Beard reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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