Chapter 186 New Badab
Inside the Maelstrom, New Badab.

The Red Pirates' lair is on global alert.

Key nodes have been strengthened for defense, various supplies are being mobilized urgently, and there is a depressing scene everywhere where a storm is coming.

They had heard about the failed attack on the Empire's forge world, Cologne.

In the encirclement of Wei and the rescue of Zhao, not only were the people unable to be rescued, but a group of brothers were also sent in, which had little effect on the enemy's rear.

In the first stage of the confrontation with the Empire, the Red Pirates could be said to have lost completely.

What's more important is that the enemy's main force is now braving the raging subspace wave and rushing straight to New Badab to kill them.

The situation is quite serious for the Red Corsairs, and the warnings given by the Daemons of Tzeentch are not false.

Although the Jiedu Envoy was a young boy, he was unexpectedly able to unite all forces for his own benefit. If they did not pay attention to it, the Red Pirates' century-old foundation would really be in danger of being destroyed.

Fortunately, the Red Pirates have a great cause. Even if they have lost so much, they still have the ability to fight the Empire decisively. Coupled with the natural advantage of fighting at home, it is still unclear who will win in the end.

At this time, the top leaders of the Red Pirates once again gathered in the New Thorn Palace to discuss the next strategy to defeat the enemy.

Countless heroes gathered together. They are all big figures who have been riding the maelstrom for thousands of years. They are all notorious and full of evil, and they hold the blood of millions of innocent people in their hands.

However, there are still many vacant seats, and the people who should be sitting there are missing. The number is so large that it makes people think a lot.

"The Burning Sword, the Broken Ones, the Blasphemers, the Psychedelic Angels." On the throne, Huron scanned the heroes below with unfathomable eyes, and read out the names of Chaos warbands one after another in a tone that made people laugh. No emotion could be heard, "A total of thirteen war gang representatives were absent from this meeting without any reason. Please explain the situation, Chief Pharmacist."

Although the veterans here probably know what happened, the process is still essential.

"The statement they gave is that they are carrying out fierce mobile warfare behind enemy lines, harassing and plundering important facilities of the empire, so as to provide an advantage for our army to face off against the empire." Chief pharmacist Galeon Hui on the side reported .

Insignificant scenes make people feel irritated.

The real situation is that they are letting the Red Pirates face the biggest risk, and they are taking advantage of the opportunity when the main force of the empire is heading to New Badab to plunder the nearby empire world with weak defenses.

If the Red Pirates suffered a disastrous defeat in the duel with the Empire, the result would naturally be that the trees fell down and the hozens scattered, and everyone ran away for their lives.

Those people can rob the empire without any risk, and then slip away directly, choosing to go to the Eye of Terror to join the Warmaster, or go somewhere else to live freely. With more possessions in their hands, there will naturally be more choices.

If the Red Pirates win the duel, they can take over the empire's sphere of influence in the relevant areas as quickly as possible and strengthen their own strength. After all, a man born between heaven and earth can't live in depression for a long time.

Faced with such a situation, the Red Pirates did not dare to deal with them openly. First, these guys were really helping to fight against the imperial forces. As the first brother of the Maelstrom who is known for his loyalty, the Red Pirates could not take the initiative to provoke infighting on the Chaos side. , Secondly, after the decisive battle with the Empire, the Red Pirates' strength will definitely be greatly damaged and they will need time to rest and recuperate. A hasty attack may cause a chain reaction and eventually lead to chaos.

No matter what, those warbands who did not attend were in an absolutely advantageous position in this war, and they were unable to be found out by others.

The appearance of this scene is not surprising. Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is always the choice that is most in line with the heart, especially for the Chaos side.

But it is precisely because of this that the behavior of those war gangs is particularly annoying.

"Those treacherous cowards!" Chief Forger Valtex shouted angrily, his voice echoing in the Palace of Thorns.

His words spoke the hearts of everyone present, as if a single stone stirred up a thousand waves. Everyone immediately used the dirtiest words they could think of to express their disdain for those war gangs.

Appropriate emotional catharsis is necessary, Huron thought, and suppressing first and then raising can have a more inspiring effect.So he didn't stop the chaos before him.

It wasn't until after a while that everyone got tired of scolding and spontaneously became quiet. They turned all their attention to the tyrant Badab and waited for him to make up his mind before Huron slowly spoke.

"Of course they are cowards. Those cowardly souls are worthless and will never become great. Their destiny is to slowly die while lingering. The dark gods will spurn them."

Tyrant Badab stepped down from the throne, and the tyrant's claws in his hands shone with a frightening light.

"Only those who stay to fight to the death with the puppet emperor's lackeys can be considered the real heroes."

"The empire once pushed us into despair, but we rose again from the abyss and suffering and became stronger, so they will not be our opponents. That little boy wanted to come over and destroy our century-old foundation, but this is where we belong His burial place.”

"We will defeat them, achieve that great feat, and truly have the Maelstrom in our hands, and after that, we will have enough power to launch a true expedition against the Empire."

"Smashing the hypocritical Empire doesn't have to rely on Abaddon's Black Crusade. It can also start from the Maelstrom."

Huron's voice was so impassioned that everyone present was greatly inspired.

They have all seen the achievements of the Red Pirate King and felt his talent and charm. Many of the people here have also received his favor and support.

They regarded Huron as their idol and role model.

If even their idol can't accomplish something, who else in this galaxy can succeed?

So they believe that such a hero is destined to achieve a great cause.

If those guys below hadn't made their own decisions, the Red Pirates wouldn't have had to worry about the approaching imperial army at this time. The enemy was just seeking their own death.

However, even so, the losses caused by those guys only made the battle a little more suspenseful.

"Let me take the lead, great tyrant Badab, I will definitely get that kid's head for you!" A Chaos Lord stood up immediately and said with excitement.

"I would like to issue a military order to serve as the vanguard of this battle, lead four hundred elite soldiers, and join the enemy's flagship!" Another lord was not willing to be outdone and quickly asked for orders.

Huron's support for them in the past was finally richly rewarded now.

Unlike those scattered guys who only have names under the Red Pirates, these talents are the capable force under his command, and they are the core pillars of his achievement of the Red Pirates' hegemony.

"Very good!" Looking at the high-spirited subordinates in front of him, Huron nodded with satisfaction, "But regarding the fate of that boy, I have already made special arrangements. You only need to focus on the other puppet emperor's lackeys. Just put it on your body.”

Under other circumstances, there would be nothing wrong with what Badab Tyrant said.

However, at this moment, there is another force in the New Thorn Palace.

One of their new allies, a group of soulless metal mechs.

The person who controls this force is the rebellious Mechanicus sage Luo Ning.

Obviously, Star God is also very interested in that smart boy.

(End of this chapter)

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