Chapter 191

To the Red Pirates, the power of the clone master was crushing.

Many traitors didn't even realize what was happening. They only felt a strong wind blowing beside them, and then their heads and bodies were split in two.

The defensive strongholds they set up with all their heart and soul, the average holding time was less than 5 minutes, and they were completely defeated in one blow.

Being able to fight against traitors for the Empire, Fulgrim was enthusiastic and full of fighting spirit. His figure flickered like a ghost in the passage of Blackstone Fortress, and he never stopped attacking the enemy for a moment.

The Weeper war group who followed him to join the gang were divided into multiple strike groups in advance. With Fulgrim as the spearhead, they launched a flying geese formation. The efficiency of their advancement was enough to make those veterans among them who had experienced many hard battles feel stunned. Amazing.

They really envied the Ultramarines, and the return of the Primarch was undoubtedly a huge inspiration to their descendants.

Fighting side by side with Fulgrim made them unable to help but imagine how wonderful it would be if the archangel was leading them to fight at this moment.

But even so, being able to kill the group of enemies in front of him without leaving a single piece of armor still made Foros feel particularly satisfied in his heart.

When it comes to war, some people are happy and some are sad.

Huron was sitting on the throne of the Palace of Thorns, and the holographic projection in front of him was playing the fighting form of the original clone.

However, those images were very short, and they had to be switched back and forth constantly - just because Fulgrim's movements were too fast, his figure could only flash across the screen.

"He is your coming death."

Huron was fascinated by those images, and an ethereal voice gradually sounded in his ears.

Only he could hear that voice. The superhuman hearing of the surrounding Red Pirate cadres did not detect any abnormalities, and they were still discussing how to deal with the powerful enemies that kept breaking through their front lines.

“It’s not too late to accept the gift that comes from us.”

The voice, rough and sinister, sweet and dirty, continued to seduce him.

"No, it is really too late to completely fall over to you."

Huron refused internally, as he always did.

Ever since he was crippled with half of his body in the Badab War and fled into the maelstrom in embarrassment, he has never been able to completely get rid of the entanglement of these sounds.

"You are no match for him. Even if he is just a clone of the original body, his power is far beyond your reach."

Power was what Blackheart Huron longed for.

As a space warrior, he has very low desires and has no shortage of food and drink. His pursuit of material wealth is aimed at showing his status and earning more influence. This is enough.

The only thing he desires is power, because only with this can he take revenge on the empire and let the high lords know what a stupid decision it was to force him to the opposite side.

"My power is strong enough and I don't need your charity."

But even so, reason still protected Huron's mind.

He will not let his soul completely collapse for the sake of power.

"That clone is the prey of Fulgrim himself. This is already destined. You can't change this fate, so when you meet him, you will definitely be the loser. You will lose Everything you have, your status, your power, your army and wealth, are like a hermit crab that has been stripped of its shell, becoming so fragile." The voice said with a smile, "And I can help You get through this ordeal"

"Don't talk to me about these useless things, devil, there is nothing in your hands that can impress me."

Huron hated being controlled by others, and the voice in his head clearly intended to make him a slave to power.

"Stupid mortal, you think you have tasted real power, but you have only seen the tip of the iceberg of that great power. You cannot defeat the opponent, and the little tricks you prepared have no effect at all."

The voice raised its tone a bit, with a hint of threat in it.

"Then we'll see!"

Huron would not believe a word that came out of that voice's mouth. It was common for demons to use exaggeration to mislead mortals.Furthermore, out of confidence in his own skills, the attacking enemy was just a clone, and he had every chance of defeating the opponent.

If Black Heart Huron is really ambitious and ambitious, and wants to accomplish something earth-shattering, this is the step he must take.

The voice was obviously very irritated by Huron's stubbornness. It was so angry that it tried to attack the mental world of the Badab tyrant, and kept spitting out all kinds of contemptuous words.

But this had no effect. Huron was determined and retaliated with insults.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the voice finally quieted down and left, that Badab Tyrant slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

This is often the case for the creatures in the highest heaven. When they find that they can't control you or destroy you, they will gradually lose patience until the next opportunity arises.

"Don't worry about that clone. I have arranged everything." Huron said to the red pirates beside him, "That enemy is the problem I have to face, and you should worry about other fronts."

The red pirates were a little surprised by this, because Huron had not discussed this matter with them in advance.

However, they were all Huron's cronies and would not question his decision. Since the Badab tyrant had spoken, they naturally chose to obey.

"Come on, clone, let's see if your personality is as bright and majestic as the legend says."

Black Heart Huron stared at the shadow of the phoenix flashing across the screen in front of him and murmured to himself.

He arranged some "things" in Blackstone Fortress that could stop the clone Fulgrim, and expected those "things" to work.

At this moment, Fulgrim had no idea what conspiracy Huron had prepared for him.

He just continued to advance as planned, tearing holes in the traitors' defenses while granting them the mercy of the Emperor.

I don’t know how many times, the purple phoenix once again met a defensive stronghold, and the mourners who were accompanying it were still behind and had not yet arrived.

The stronghold is still guarded by a group of Chaos Space Marines, relying on a front formed by thick ceramite walls.

After discovering his appearance, the traitors picked up the bolt guns in their hands, intending to pull the trigger and pour out the power of destruction on him.

The situation was the same as in the strongholds he had conquered before. Fulgrim rushed in front of the warriors at extremely fast speeds, the sword in his hand was raised high, and the enemy's death was only in the next moment.

However, he was unable to slash the opponent with the blade in his hand.

The power sword he swung was forced to stop less than five centimeters away from the enemy's neck, and time seemed to be frozen.

The Chaos Space Marines were surprised by the enemy's unmatched speed and were about to launch a counterattack. However, when they saw the appearance of the incoming man clearly, these drug-addicted manic potion jars were also stunned.

Their eyes widened and they stared at the person in front of them in disbelief, deeply shocked by the gorgeous gesture displayed by him.

Especially the pair of violet eyes, so dazzling, like shining gems, made these twisted monsters immediately recall the concept of "beauty" and many things related to beauty.

As more and more ancient memories are awakened, chaotic information begins to impact their decadent nerves.

The minds of this group of Chaos Space Marines immediately fell into dizziness, and the weapons in their hands were unconsciously put down.

Even if the body has been severely mutilated, even if the spirit has become numb and crazy.

The impulse originating from the depths of their genes still stirs their hearts, like a warm current, dispelling the endless nightmare that has been haunting them for thousands of years.

They once again realized their own existence, once again distinguished between joy and pain, and once again recognized the person in front of them.


The fallen emperor's sons tried to ask with trembling voices.

(End of this chapter)

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