Chapter 197

Luo Ning was not used to the killing of imperial soldiers.

He didn't betray for long, and it was more to seek knowledge, so he was not very interested in the human civil war in front of him.

In fact, he was not interested in any war, not even those fought by the Empire against the aliens.

In his opinion, humans and those aliens are intelligent creatures and are the best in natural evolution. They are inherently superior to most other species and are completely capable of building a self-sufficient survival system.

Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be good for everyone to work together to explore the truth of the universe?They have to fight each other and spend countless resources and energy on this.

But he also understands that sufficient force is very necessary.

Because there will always be stupid people standing in the way of the truth, and force can remove this obstacle and even force them to use rational thinking.

Just like these imperial soldiers in front of us, although their actions were very brave and heroic, their sacrifices were not worth mentioning to the entire human race. After successfully obtaining the young man, the gift of knowledge given by the Star God could even The unremitting efforts of more than hundreds of millions of people.

Therefore, Luo Ning's behavior at this time was reasonable and appropriate.

The mechanical warriors around him slaughtered one defensive stronghold after another, and the blood of loyalists dyed the deck scarlet.

The empire must concentrate its forces to stop the invasion of this force, otherwise it will just be a waste of lives.

So Wei Mu and his clowns appeared on the front line against the enemy.

The collision between the two sides occurred on the main road leading to the bridge.

Old Mantis Neoterra and fifty other Space Marines have organized a solid defensive position here, and the enemy launched an attack on them without any explanation.

The dangerous Gauss rifles quickly consumed the bunkers prepared by the Mantis Warriors, who relied on limited defense to fight back with bolters.

After a shooting exchange, both sides suffered casualties, and the battle quickly turned into a brutal close-quarters fight in a small space.

The clowns in colorful clothes are clinging to the four mechanical magic weapons. They are all good performers. Their flexible bodies can make unimaginable movements, and they use their agility to jump repeatedly on the edge of danger.

Their support is obviously very crucial, otherwise the battle will definitely suffer heavy casualties relying solely on the strength of the Mantis Warriors.

However, to everyone's surprise, Wei Mu's appearance was too exciting for Luo Ning.

"Hello, Sage Luo Ning, you look like a traitor after becoming a traitor."

Wei Mu was saying hello and wanted to have a long chat with the other party remotely.

As a result, the traitorous sage not far away immediately waved his hand.

"Take him!"

Then the mechanical army began to advance crazily.

This approach to advancement is reckless.

They even ignored many attacks from the imperial soldiers and just moved forward one more meter, paying a very high price.

In return, a passage close to Wei Mu was successfully opened in a short period of time.

"Quickly retreat, my lord!"

Neoterra and the Mantis Warriors tried their best to block it, but they could not stop the enemy's advance.

The opponent's posture was to cut through the mess without giving Wei Mu a chance to speak.

Good guy, do you believe in Khorne? Do you want to be so decisive?
Realizing that the situation was not good, Wei Mu chose to follow the advice of his subordinates and leave first in order to take the overall situation into consideration.

But he turned around and was about to run away when a strange feeling suddenly came from behind.

It was a pain like a mosquito bite, obvious but mild.

At first Wei Mu didn't care much about it.

As a result, in the next moment, as if the connection between consciousness and body was severed, he lost control of his body and collapsed on the ground.

"It's just a little adjustable paralysis current. Don't worry too much, my Lord Jiedushi."

Luo Ning's voice appeared behind him, and the distance was getting closer and closer. It was him who shot the target with the paralysis attribute.

The soldiers of the empire realized that the situation was not good and tried to rescue Wei Mu. However, they were tightly entangled by the enemy in front of them and could not escape for a while. "What's more, compared to the promotion you are about to receive, this body is already insignificant."

The traitorous sage quickly came to Wei Mu, and no one around him could stop him.

He himself directly locked the target's body with his robotic arm to eliminate any possibility of accidents.

"Are you sure you don't want me to speak?"

Wei Mu struggled to spit out the words, his throat and tongue beginning to lose control due to the paralysis of the electric current.

"Of course." Luo Ning nodded affirmatively, "I'm very sure of this!"

The Renegade Sage had seen Wei Mu's impressive talking skills. Every time an exchange occurred, his opponent would suffer a big loss from him, so Luo Ning took the safest approach - taking action directly. Refuse to engage in any communication.

Immediately afterwards, the traitorous sage took out the syringe containing the metal of God and plunged it into Wei Mu's body. The whole process was clean and neat, without any sloppiness.


The old mantis in the distance watched helplessly as all the silver-white liquid was poured into Wei Mu's body, but he had no strength to stop it.

The Emperor's loyal servants are about to be forcibly transformed into twisted creatures under heretical magic.

"What kind of thing are you calling me?" Wei Mu asked with difficulty, his face pale.

Not to mention this strange thing that looks like heavy metal, even if it is just a tube of normal saline, injecting more than 500ml into the human body in just three seconds is definitely a very fatal thing.

"This is a blessing from the Star God. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the God of Materials. It will transform your body from the cellular level, help you break away from the shackles of weak flesh and blood, and ascend the ladder of immortality. You are so Fortunately, you are so blessed - you will become His apostle in the mortal world, command a powerful army sweeping the galaxy, and establish unimaginable great achievements."

"Great achievements should be accompanied by numerous crimes, right?" Wei Mu struggled to say.

"After the transformation of you by God's Metal is completely completed, you will no longer have this superficial understanding."

After everything was settled, Luo Ning's mood immediately became relaxed, and he also released the various constraints on Wei Mu.

Now he can have a good chat with Wei Mu.

"To be honest, I admire your courage in going to the front line to supervise the battle. Even though you know that the chances are slim, you still choose to fight hard. This is a beautiful quality belonging to human beings and is very rare."

"Is there a possibility that the reason why I stood up was not because of the slim chance?" Wei Mu tried to remind.

"Isn't the fact in front of you obvious enough? The empire has lost, and I am the winner, because my goal has been achieved. The metal of God has been injected into your body. There is no possibility of reversing the transformation of the Star God. And you are."

Luo Ning thought it was Wei Mu who was unconvinced by the loss, and was laughing when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Because after the tube of divine metal was injected into the body, Wei Mu showed no drastic changes except for being a little sluggish by the previous paralyzing current.

And transformation should be a glorious and dazzling process.

At the very least, it won't be as calm as before.

And even if we take a step back, even if there is a problem with the production process of God's Metal and it fails to achieve the desired effect, it is still a large tube of heavy metal. How can it have such an effect after being injected into the human body.

The scene in front of him was so abnormal that a strong sense of uneasiness suddenly swept through the traitorous sage's body.

"You are not him!"

Finally realizing what had happened, Luo Ning immediately took action and tore off Wei Mu's head in front of him.

As a Necron, he could do this easily.

However, the strange thing is that Wei Mu's body was torn apart and there was no scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere as it should have been. Instead, there was a little green light in the wound.

It was a replica made of energy. Both in appearance and behavior, it was so lifelike that it looked real and fake, and could even deceive Luo Ning's detection equipment.

Of course, Wei Mu's green lantern ring can't only create other people's entities. He can also create one for himself.

Originally, he planned to use this method to let his substitute step on thunder to explore the way, but he didn't expect to step on a huge thunder.

"You can actually come up with something like this. You really know how to play it. That Void Dragon of yours."

(End of this chapter)

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