I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 200 Sage and Priest

Chapter 200 Sage and Priest
Luo Ning realized the drastic changes in the surrounding situation.

The Endless Redemption has come to a complete standstill, and the warp corruption in the area is rising rapidly.

Mechanical equipment failed on a large scale, and the power of science and technology was suppressed.

There is no doubt that a powerful competitor has arrived here, and the apostles sent by the dark gods seem to be about to sweep everything.

However, Luo Ning became calm because of this, and acted calmly, changing his previous impatience.

"You know you can't hide forever, young man. It is much wiser to choose the god of matter than to be controlled by those subspace evil things. We can work together to expel their power from the real universe."

The Renegade Sage led the four mechanical warriors through the dark passage. While continuing to search the interior of the ship, he did not forget to persuade.

The reason why Luo Ning said these words was actually to remind Wei Mu in disguise that if he was forced into a desperate situation by the Chaos Party, he could use the jar of God's Metal on his own and use the power of the Star God to escape from the subspace. entangled.

When people are in a vulnerable situation, especially when they are desperate, it becomes easier to pray to a great being for help.

When the time comes, Luo Ning will open the portal again and escape with him, and he will be able to do it smoothly with one set of operations.

Even though the result did not come from Luo Ning himself, it was enough as long as he could complete the task assigned by the Void Dragon.

The key depends on whether the pressure exerted by Chaos on the empire is strong enough.

He even hoped that the Chaos Apostle could show more strength and take care of Wei Mu, so that he would have a better chance of winning.

The voice of the traitorous sage wandered among the ships, but there was no reply from the target.

Although Wei Mu was not far away from him, he heard these words clearly.

He was waiting for another person.

"Thank you very much for adding luster to this operation, Mr. Sage. My merits will shine even brighter because of it."

The sound of laughter suddenly came, breaking the silence around them.

Alone, Erebus slowly walked out of the darkness.

Because the existence of the four mechanical magic weapons was too conspicuous, the hand of destiny found them effortlessly.

He was convinced that this place was closer to the center of the incident, and the target desired by the dark gods should be around.

The rest of the Chaos army is suppressing the resistance on this battleship everywhere, and I believe that it will not take long for the work to be completed.

"As for now, it's time for you to leave."

Erebus smiled at the traitorous sage, although his expression looked very distorted.

"Word Bearer!" Luo Ning immediately became vigilant, "You can't stop me, your battle here will end in failure."

"Oh, really, then I have to ask you about the principle." Erebus pretended to be confused, "Or, I should ask the question in a more concise way - why?"

"Because the material world and subspace should be in balance, and the Chaos Gods have been eroding the real universe. This behavior that violates the laws of nature will only bring backlash. Your failure has been engraved on the stars."

The four mechanical weapons behind Luo Ning entered combat mode one after another.

They pointed the infrared rays used for aiming at Erebus's bare forehead, and could launch a fatal blow at any time.

"So is this what your god told you? It goes against the laws of nature?" Erebus was not intimidated by the opponent's posture, but calmly said with a smile, "Then you But you are totally wrong, sage, let me, as the hand of fate, tell you what is the truth of the universe." "The gods of darkness are the laws of nature themselves. They are the manifestation of the will of the universe. They cannot Avoidance affects every life, and the master you worship is nothing more than a group of stellar vampires. Not only was it ridiculously defeated by the hands of its own creation, but it is also insignificant to this universe."

"In addition, the Supreme Heaven must be in a higher dimension than the physical universe. It is not a balance between the two. This galaxy is being promoted, nor is it being eroded as you said. Your understanding of the world is so superficial. Poor sage, all the knowledge he comes into contact with is lies."

The Hand of Fate felt great pity for everything that happened to the traitorous sage, as if the other person was a bird locked in a cage and had never tasted the taste of freedom.

"No, the sad thing is that you are right, Word Bearer, you are the one who was deceived!" Luo Ning retorted sharply, "Your blind worship of the dark gods has caused you to lose the most basic rationality and dignity. To elevate their status to the highest level and reduce everything else to dust is the most stupid and primitive behavior of fanatics."

"No matter how you conjecture and quibble, the rise of Chaos is what happened in the last 2 years, and the history of the Milky Way is much longer than that. Before that, your masters were nothing. Their essence was just A collection of conscious emotions, nothing more.”

"The current rampage of the Chaos forces is all due to your original rampage. If it weren't for the great rebellion you launched, the Emperor would have even had the opportunity to lead mankind to completely defeat them, but you have counted all of that on them. In their head, they believe that everything is given by gods and completely ignore the efforts of mortals."

Ronin also had considerable disdain for the worldview held by Erebus.

In his opinion, the chief priest in front of him is a giant baby who hopes to lie in the arms of the so-called gods forever and is unwilling to face the real reality.

The two accused each other of each other's creeds with fierce words and voices.

As the target of their fight, Wei Mu was hiding in the dark and silently observing all this.

After listening to the bickering between the two sides for a long time, Wei Mu actually wanted to jump out and say, the situation between your two families is a half-pound versus a half-pound, and no one has the right to blame the other.

But he didn't dare because he was afraid that if he jumped out, he would be beaten violently by both sides.

Ronin, who was teased by him before, must be holding back his anger, and Erebus is not a good bird.

So it's actually quite good to watch them fight each other like this.

Both parties can quarrel with each other until the end of time, but in a fight only one party can stand to the end.

Erebus quickly realized this, and actual action was the right way to prove who was superior.

"So how are you going to stop me, little sage, with just the scrap metal machines behind you?"

The hand of fate glanced at the four mechanical magic weapons, the expression on his face was full of contempt.

"Not long ago, there was a Chaos Lord who had the same arrogance as you, and he is now lying on the bed in the medical room."

The traitorous sage reminded him coldly.

He was very aware of the strength of the Mechanical Divine Weapon, which was the crystallization of power from the ancient Star God. Even ten Erebas could not be their opponent.

"Although no one of us can convince anyone about our beliefs, little sage, reality cannot be changed by just bickering. The biggest difference between you and me is that your master is just a group of imprisoned, dismembered, and dismembered people. Tragic fragments, but what I serve is a group of complete and powerful true gods, powerful enough to shake the entire galaxy."

Erebus waved his hand gently, and four terrifying creatures gradually revealed themselves behind him.

The powerful subspace energy is constantly surging in the bodies of the gods and demons, and the laws of physics are distorted by their existence.

This is a direct display of the world-shaking power of the Chaos Gods.

They will give the final word and bring an irreversible end to this war.

(End of this chapter)

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