Chapter 235 Levels
It was time to start teaching and educating people, and Wei Mu felt a little uneasy.

It's like you sow a seed, which needs a long period of cultivation and care. You don't know what kind of fruit it will eventually bear. It's even a question of whether it can bloom and bear fruit.

If all the first batch of students recruited become the pillars of the empire, that would naturally be the best outcome.

But if he died on the way, or even went directly to Chaos, worked hard for several years, and finally trained talents for the dark gods, then things would not be so happy.

In this regard, Wei Mu maintained the same philosophy as the Emperor - that is, believing in the power of the entire human race and not believing in individual miracles.

There will definitely be a traitor among 1 students, just like if you ask [-] students to copy a phone number, someone will definitely make a mistake. After all, the probability is there.

Although mathematics is cold and ruthless, it can directly reflect objective laws.

"Speaking of which, is there any evidence that people with protruding occipital bones on the back of their heads are more rebellious?"

Wei Mu was sitting in the principal's office of the college, looking through various materials submitted by employees.

Zhuge Liang used this to conclude that Wei Yan would rebel. Maybe, probably, maybe, maybe there would be some basis for it.

"I'm sorry, sir, I have never heard of similar remarks. Isn't this a common trait? When the Inquisition examined human purity through skulls, it did not classify this trait into special circumstances. Category." A well-dressed and elegant lady stood aside and replied.

Melita was an educator who was recruited through an audition. She was born into a prestigious aristocratic family. Her ability and resume were both good and she was eventually successfully hired as the vice-principal of the Psychic Academy and the actual person in charge of the academy.

With her help, all the work in the college is progressing in an orderly manner, and formal teaching will begin tomorrow.

As for Wei Mu, the principal, it's more of a name. After all, besides the academy, he has many other things to deal with.

"It's okay, I'm just asking."

It seemed that there was no such explanation. Wei Mu silently mourned for Wei Yan for a second.

He suddenly found that he seemed to be a little obsessed with this kind of thing that had not happened yet. Going against the probability was like fighting against the air, so he smiled and threw it behind him.

"So what should we do with those gamma-level psykers?" Melita asked.

For the levels of psykers, the Empire is divided according to the 24 Greek letters.

If ordinary people are classified as level 0 (soft), the larger the number, the more affinity they have for psychic energy, and the smaller the number, the more resistant they are.

Although the two levels of Rou (Ρ) and Pai (∏) are ordinary people, one is more untouchable and the other is more psychic.

Among them, the completely untouchable ones are level -7 (Omega Omega). They are inert in the subspace and will cause negative psychological effects to the people around them. Psykers will feel even more pain. The specific manifestation of their abilities The method is that a "blank" area will appear around the individual, and psychic or subspace creatures cannot penetrate this space.

Only those with talents reaching level 7 (Jota Ι) will be considered as formal psykers and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Inquisition and the Astral Tribunal.People with talents below this level are of low level and cannot actively control their own power. They only have unconscious and slight psychic activities.

The most powerful psykers are level 15 (Alpha Alpha). After training, they can do almost anything, from tearing Titans in half to raising an army of great demons. If not controlled, they can cause harm to the Empire. Catastrophic damage.

However, like level 14 (Beta B), this type of extremely talented psychic seems to be considered that "the power they possess has exceeded the current evolutionary scope of human beings". They are often crazy and have a very unstable mental state. Although they are powerful, they are Not trustworthy.When the Inquisition discovers the existence of such psykers, unless they are absolutely sure, they will choose to capture them and keep them for other purposes. Otherwise, they will usually kill them on the spot to eliminate hidden dangers.

Therefore, Level 13 (Gamma Γ) is the highest psyker level registered in the Empire.

Among the 13 students that Karl sent to Wei Mu, six of them had psychic powers that reached level [-] (gamma Γ).

If properly cultivated, these children will be able to take on important roles in the future.

Fortunately, the law enforcement team discovered it earlier, giving them the opportunity to serve the empire. Otherwise, with their untrained brains, if they used this power at will, they would soon kill themselves.

"Leave it alone for now, just treat them as just level 9 (Etta H) psykers." Wei Mu said, "It's rare to bring these special little guys together and let them have a relatively ordinary person." living environment, rather than being seen as alien again by those around them.”

With the blessing of Blackstone Technology, the psykers in the fortress are suppressed to the highest level 9. This helps students develop their abilities in a stable environment and prevents those powerful subspace creatures from setting their sights. toward here.

Wei Mu didn't want to give extra care to those talented students, at least not until they officially became qualified psykers.

Without enough wisdom to control it, too much power can become a curse.

Therefore, rather than developing psychic abilities, training the mind is the top priority right now.

"Since this is your decision, we should abide by it." Melita nodded.

This choice actually relieved her a lot of pressure.

While the two were chatting, the guards guarding the court outside the door suddenly made an announcement.

It was a college employee who had a situation to report, and his face was full of panic.

The guards asked to search the visitor to prevent him from turning into a human bomb and attacking their Jiedushi. However, the other party said that they only needed the guards to convey the message on their behalf, and did not need to meet the Lord of the Maelstrom.

"What's wrong?" Wei Mu asked the guard curiously.

"A small question, sir." The guard waved his hand and replied nonchalantly, "The clerk outside said that two children were fighting in the dormitory and got himself into the infirmary. He felt it was necessary to let you know about this. .”

In the eyes of the people in the trial court, this matter was really nothing - it was just children of twelve or thirteen years old picking up seats and knocking each other's heads, and finally they all lay down on the hospital bed.

When they participated in the selection of Space Marine recruits, children of the same age would die in large numbers. It was only because they were ranked relatively low that they were not selected and were instead assigned to work in the Tribunal - they also had little experience back then. The best who fought hard.

"What a small problem, for education, this is a big deal, okay?"

These little bastards are really not very economical, and they actually did this to me on the first day of school.

Wei Mu's eyes were strange and his expression was twitching.

(End of this chapter)

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