Chapter 240 Worship
  Promoting saints is also one of the daily tasks of the state religion.

This not only helps to promote the divinity of the emperor and consolidate the authority of the state religion, but also inspires the piety of the people and makes them devote themselves more enthusiastically to worshiping the emperor.

Thanks to him, the people of the empire are almost familiar with the great deeds of those saints.

And after being indoctrinated with so many religious ideas, which citizen of the empire wouldn't want a true saint to walk among them?

Although they are too small to influence history, they still have the opportunity to witness history.

Based on the dazzling maneuvers that Wei Mu performed during the Maelstrom Expedition, and the fact that he was also a Jiedushi personally promoted by the Primarch Robert Guilliman, it was difficult for the soldiers not to think that, or should I say It's hard not to hope that he is a saint in this world.

The legends and stories in the classics were all true, and it was happening right in front of their eyes.

However, Wei Mu, as a party involved, was not as surprised as the soldiers showed. There was only one sentence that ran over and over in his mind - you have really hurt me, you have really hurt me!

Unlike Chen Tuzi, who was put on the throne by his subordinates and pretended to be pretentious, Wei Mu was really sitting on pins and needles in this position.

He quickly scolded the judges, rejected the so-called canonization process in the most resolute manner, and asked for all the review materials in their hands, intending to see what kind of heretical remarks those people below were using. Evaluating him.

The first thing that appeared was a rough man with thick limbs and a lush beard on his chin. He sat respectfully in front of the table in a small and closed room, facing the cross-examination of two judges.

"Ledo Coleman, as far as I know, you were originally just a mining worker at Outpost 710. Later, you were attacked by cultists and received a rescue from the Imperial Force, and then you joined the Maelstrom Expedition. , can you tell us about the relevant situation?" A judge asked.

"Okay, sir, it was just another ordinary day. My co-workers and I went into the mine early to work, devoting our sweat to the emperor. I remember that the weather was not very good at that time. The weather there has never been very good. Okay, it’s a little damp inside the mine. Old Jack said he had an attack of rheumatism in his legs and asked to change shifts early. Those of us who often go to the mine are prone to various diseases.”

"Let's get to the point, Kuhlman, we are not listening to your story." Seeing this guy getting more and more enthusiastic, another inquisitor knocked on the table impatiently.

"I'm very sorry, sir. This is my bad habit. I will correct it immediately." The rough man scratched his head in embarrassment. "What are we going to say? Oh, by the way, it was the cultists who attacked and changed everything. They The attack came suddenly and fiercely, and the outpost defenders quickly lost the fortress. We could only rely on the mines to deal with the enemy with difficulty. Although we did not intend to live up to the emperor's expectations, even so, we could not hold out for long, and At this critical moment, Master Jiedu led his troops like a divine soldier descending from the sky. He must have been sent by the emperor to save us. Our loyalty was recognized by the emperor. In short, he directly crushed the group of traitors. He He judged them as if the Lord of Mankind Himself had sent down his judgment, and He caused them to burn in the sea of ​​fire.”

"The size of the troops led by Jiedushi is far larger than that of the Chaos Fleet. It is nothing to be able to do this." The judge reminded.

He felt that the rough man in front of him was a bit too talkative and was not as honest as he seemed.

"But you cannot deny his magnanimity, Lord Inquisitor. In fact, some members of our Mining Guild failed to remain loyal to the Emperor under difficult circumstances. In order to save their lives, they launched a shameful betrayal. Of course, they did not If they can succeed, we will kill them with our hands.”

"Wait a minute, is what you said true? We have not found any relevant records." The judge quickly looked through the relevant combat information.

"Of course, I never lie. Anyone who knows me knows this. In fact, it was our person in charge, Ms. Ena, who exempted us from that record. She was worried that all of us would be implicated, but Jiedu made it clear Your Excellency noticed something fishy at a glance. He is so powerful, but he did not go into it deeply - after all, your mining union is not a regular soldier. It is already very good to be able to do this. Only the bravery of union members will appear in the file. The figure of fighting hard. That's what he said. What an extraordinary majesty. From that time on, I knew that he was a man who could do great things. The Emperor had special arrangements for him. He was destined to become a legend and be remembered by the world. sung."

The rough man became more and more excited as he talked, and he wished he could reveal the color of the underwear he was currently wearing.

The Inquisitor set up something similar to the incense in the room, which can make people spit out the truth inadvertently. Ordinary people are not prepared for this at all, especially those who are talkative.

In addition, there are a large number of cases for comparison and reference, and the authenticity of what the interviewee said can be easily verified.

After watching the first video, Wei Mu felt a little embarrassed.

Although as a military commander, erasing some irrelevant battle records was only a small matter, but it still had a negative impact. And in front of so many judges, he aggressively took the initiative to watch this video. After one operation, it can be called the moment of social death.

"Look at it, let me just say that I am not a saint. Which saint would commit such a problem?" Wei Mu could only forcefully explain,

"But shouldn't your original purpose of watching the video be to criticize and correct their so-called heretical remarks? How come it has now turned into belittling yourself and claiming that you are not worthy of your morality?" Quinn asked with squinted eyes.

"Don't worry about it, as long as it works, it may be a bit embarrassing. After publishing some of my various problems, it should be able to help them recognize the reality." Wei Mu said.

"But the person in the video doesn't think that he thinks you are extraordinary." Quinn reminded, "Haven't you ever heard of the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Those little problems with you, I guess they It will be beautified through self-imagination - unless you can put together some exciting content, the kind of material that is enough to collapse the character."

Are you kidding? Then the hell is really socially dead, okay?

"No, can it still be like this?" Wei Mu said in surprise.

"That's the way it is." Quinn said, "And many combat heroes have many shortcomings, but as long as it can have a publicity effect, covering up and ignoring it is commonplace - I don't understand why you would reject this matter, countless people are eager to I can canonize myself.”

There are more people who want to become gods, but the one on the golden throne is not willing.

Wei Mu ignored the inquisitor's doubts, but lowered his head and thought about how to get everything back on track.

"Also, I would like to remind you that you must not mess around and destroy the faith of these soldiers in order to get rid of their worship." Quinn continued.

They don't want to be praised by people, and they have to carefully protect their young minds during the process of landing. Sometimes things are so outrageous.

Despite this, Wei Mu still has a solution.

The Inquisition's inspection of mortal troops has basically ended. Blackstone Fortress will recruit several regular garrisons from the Maelstrom Expeditionary Force. Only troops that pass the examination can obtain this qualification.

Soldiers who admire Wei Mu will naturally sign up enthusiastically.

The first part of the assessment is the written test.

Among the vast number of test questions, covering a wide range of types, there is one multiple-choice question that is the most impressive.

Whether the Master of the Maelstrom should be worshiped.

A. No, because he himself said no.

B. No, if you do it forcefully, he will kick your ass hard.

C. No, if you do this secretly, he will know, and when he knows, he will curse you for choking on your nostrils every time you drink water.

D. No, if you must worship, please worship the glorious and great emperor and put him aside. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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