Chapter 247 Roster
  Being a mortal is both an advantage and a trouble for Wei Mu.

Ever since the Horus Heresy, the Imperial Government has been wary of the Space Marines.

These superhumans cannot enter the Terran Council, which is the decision-making body of the Empire, and the major war groups cannot gain the right to rule other planets except their home world.

They must accept surveillance and interrogation from mortals, and those who find problems will be forced to go on an atonement expedition, or even suffer direct military strikes.

Sometimes Wei Mu would think that if one or two Space Marines were randomly thrown in those core empire worlds and let them help handle government affairs, the benefits would definitely be much greater than sending them directly to the battlefield.

A strong, loyal, and astute leader who devotes himself to work with full enthusiasm every day.

The huge gap in strength left the mortal consuls with almost no other choice but to unite closely around them, so it was difficult to have dissent and unrest, just like the First Emperor did not fall, and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms did not dare to take the lead.

More importantly, this leader has a lifespan of at least a thousand years and can maintain the stability of the local government for a long time. The development level of the colonies will be qualitatively improved as a result, and it should not be a problem to double or triple the national strength of the entire empire.

Of course, this is just an ideal situation.

If this system is really put into use, it will be a matter of time before mortals become slaves of the Space Marines as a side effect.

Not only would the high lord, who was a mortal representative, not agree to such a situation, but even the imperial guards would strongly oppose it.

The Emperor designed the Astartes for the purpose of weapons, not to place a father on the heads of mortals who needed to be respected.

Although there are many mortals who sincerely hope so.

As a mortal, Wei Mu naturally has no relevant restrictions, and his superior position will not irritate the sensitive nerves of the imperial army and high lords.

It's just that as a mortal, Wei Mu would be troubled by all kinds of trivial matters as a matter of course.

Staring at the team of "noble ladies" next to him, Wei Mu sadly realized that the problem warned by the director of the administration department did exist.

After all, marriage is a lifelong event.

This is determined by the primitive instinct of "hoping to leave as many descendants as possible" and is something deeply ingrained in genes. Even if there are large differences in the various cultures formed from this, they remain unchanged.

If you savor the words "lifetime event" carefully, you will know that this thing cannot be easily escaped.

Even if he himself doesn't care much about it, the surrounding officials and even enemies will deliberately make a fuss in secret.

"I understand what you mean, but you did it too suddenly. Let me think about it again." Wei Mu let out a long sigh.

Of course he didn't have any ideas about it.

Even if there were any andrological problems, Wei Mu could easily find that group of biological sages to solve them.

What's more, these girls who can be pushed to him, no matter in appearance, figure, personality and ability, are the top level that is rare to choose from a million, absolute "high-quality human women".

But when he saw the expressions of "This is a glorious mission" written all over the girls' faces, Wei Mu felt very uncomfortable.

Have they accepted their fate of becoming "political marriage tools"?

Is the reason for showing willingness because of political and interest factors, or because of cultural and religious reasons?
  As a major cannery manufacturer, Moore's family takes "either cans or die" as its mission, frantically multiplying and nurturing family members, and then throwing them into the cruel recruit selection field for trials. The male members of a generation will die six or seven times. Not a problem at all.

And the exaggeration is that, including the person who underwent the trial, they all regarded this fate as a matter of course.

All for the Emperor, for humanity.

But aside from fanatical religious beliefs and life-or-death racial responsibilities, who would want his daughter to become a marriage tool for the reproduction of future generations? Who wants their son to risk his life to become a can?

It’s not without reason that most Hammer guys are reluctant to travel through the Warhammer universe.

This damn place may have a big enough stage to build a career, but it's totally unsuitable for a family.

"You just have to know it in your mind." Knowing that this kind of thing cannot be forced, Ju Yi nodded and replied.

"Then send them away first and don't disturb me eating." Wei Mu waved his hand. He is obviously not mentally prepared for this.

"As you wish, my lord." The director of the administrative department saluted Wei Mu and turned around to execute the order.

Wei Mu asked the waiter next to him for a glass of champagne to calm himself down.

As a result, Ju Yi had just taken a few steps when he suddenly remembered something. He turned around again and said to Wei Mu, "If you are really having trouble making a choice, you can actually just accept them all."

With just one sentence, the champagne in Wei Mu's mouth spurted out from his nostrils.

"Excellent talents create more outstanding descendants for the empire. This is also an important way to serve the emperor." The director of the Administration Department explained seriously.

Young individuals are always the cornerstone and hope for the prosperity of a population. Naturally, the more currency the master of mankind has in his hands, the better.

This reason is not only reasonable and legal, but also justified. It is simply forcing Wei Mu to make mistakes.

"Fuck you, there are sixty or seventy people in this team, do you think I'm tough?" Wei Mu quickly asked the waiter for another towel to wipe his face, shouting dissatisfied.

There are only exhausted cows and no damaged fields. He still understands this truth.

He didn't want to imitate Lu Bu, because his body was drained by alcohol and sex, so he started to give up drinking from today on.

"Then I will order someone to compile their information into a book and send it to your room. If you are free, you can open it and take a look at it at any time." Ju Yi continued, the arrangement is so considerate.

"Don't mention this to me now. If you mention it again, I will roll around on the ground crying in front of everyone present." Wei Mu said with a headache.

"No, as the Governor of the Maelstrom personally appointed by Lord Guilliman, you represent the authority of the original body and the empire. You must not do such a disgraceful thing." Ju Yi reminded solemnly.

"You forced me to do that, and the relevant responsibilities will be all on you."

Wei Mu found that although his director of the administrative department was reliable, he was also very upright and gave him a headache.

Just like Wei Zheng under Li Shimin, everyone knows that good medicine is bitter, but not all monarchs can tolerate being force-fed medicine by their subordinates.

Seeing that his Jiedushi master had begun to lose his temper, Ju Yi stopped talking and retreated honestly.

Wei Mu's side finally became peaceful.

It's just that his originally good mood for cooking was messed up by these bad things, which made him feel that the delicacies on the plate suddenly lost their aroma.

After the banquet, Wei Mu, accompanied by his guards, returned early to the specially arranged room in the Governor's Mansion.

After a hard day's work, he lay directly on the bed, his body taking on the shape of the word "big".

I have been busy with the celebrations all morning, and there were all kinds of entertainment during the banquet. After the whole process, it was simply more tiring than leading troops in war.

However, Wei Mu was tossing and turning on the bed, but he didn't feel sleepy at all - something kept teasing his mind.

When he entered the door just now, Wei Mu noticed a pamphlet on the table in the room.

That was probably the "Ladies Book" that Ju Yi had someone prepare for him, which was filled with all kinds of information about dozens of local aristocratic daughters.

He was sent to his room just after finishing the meal. He didn't expect the people from the administration department to move so quickly.

Of course, Wei Mu was not a lecherous person, but after what happened just now, he felt that he needed to learn more about the aristocratic culture of the empire.

Well, yes, exactly that.

Anyway, idle time is idle, and the administrative department and various local nobles have worked hard. If they don't even look through it, it would be a shame for them.

I'll just take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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