Chapter 251
  After the roster turmoil, the Inquisition strengthened security at the Governor's Mansion.

More guards were dispatched and more sentries were set up.

Anyone entering or leaving the mansion needs to go through strict security checks, and a team of soldiers patrol every corridor and courtyard.

The feeling is only slightly better than total martial law.

However, thanks to him, no dangerous incidents occurred around Weimu in the following days.

Just bear with it, it's only ten days and there are still two places to go.

If his frustration can make the people of the empire on the entire planet happy for a period of time, it will be considered as living up to everyone's hard work.

I'm afraid that after they have been busy for a long time, they will end up being selfish.

During this period of time, Wei Mu would definitely not be able to run around.

He can only understand the real-time situation outside through local online media and the work reports of his subordinates.

They originally thought that there would be more trouble waiting for them later, but the celebration unexpectedly went very smoothly.

There were no large-scale vicious incidents, just some public security issues such as fights and conflicts between drunken men and robbery and theft.

The people were very satisfied with the celebration, and Wei Mu even had doubts about it.

"Are you sure the information is correct? Don't make it seem like a tragic incident has occurred, but the officials below choose to hide it for the sake of their own shame. Or maybe they are just doing what I want and are now giving the people a small profit. After everything is over, I will double my pressure on the people and ask for repayment, but I am still stupid enough to really think that the world is peaceful - then I will really be scolded in the spine by the people."

He can lead a space fleet and slash at each other with the vicious alien demons, but he can't stop those moths from eating away at the foundation of the empire bit by bit.

No way, that's just human nature.

Even if a lot of people are killed, corrupt officials will continue to appear and come one after another. The ideal situation is just to suppress their number.

"We at the Tribunal are not blind. If they can really hide the vicious incident, they have great skills and eyes." Quinn narrowed his eyes and looked at Wei Mu, "Or do you think the local officials can bribe us all?"

"That's not the case. I'm just worried about the possibility of doing bad things with good intentions. After all, there are quite a lot of lessons learned in human history." Wei Mu quickly smiled and waved his hand.

In recent days, the judges have been almost crazy busy.

Excessive pressure made Quinn feel like he was on gunpowder. He got angry with almost everyone he met and had a very bad temper.

"In this case, I will give you a sure message. After this celebration, Odeka Star will usher in a period of rapid development for at least ten years. I don't know if this news can satisfy you, Master Jiedushi. ?" Quinn rolled her eyes.

This guy knows how to be suspicious, and he doesn't look at how much effort they put in behind the scenes to make everything go smoothly.

Do you really think the celebration is just for fun?

Since they came here with great fanfare, the inquisitors naturally had to clean up all kinds of dirt on the planet.

"That's good." Wei Mu nodded.

Ten years of development period is not short.

Compared with the mere days of carnival at the celebration, the most inspiring thing is the tangible improvement in life.

Many people will have the opportunity to change their own destiny.

If the subsequent supervision by the law enforcement team is stronger, this period of time can be extended a lot.

Although there was a small episode at the beginning, the ten-day carnival finally came to a happy ending.

Unlike the great fanfare and attention of thousands of people when he arrived, Wei Mu refused the meaningless farewell party.

Jiedushi's convoy set off from the Governor's Palace in the evening and headed directly to the nearest military port.

Despite this, when the convoy was leaving, the road was still lined with people paying farewell, stretching for more than ten kilometers.

"Didn't I tell you not to do this?" Wei Mu asked his administrative director.

"Yes, sir, according to your wishes, we have not made any relevant arrangements. People should just come here to watch the fun. We can't stop them." Ju Yi explained.

This is like chasing a star. Fans will do whatever they can to get one more look at their idols.

Moreover, with the support of religious beliefs, the attitude of the people of the empire towards fighting heroes is much more fanatical than that of star-chasers.

This is not what Wei Mu wants to see. So in order not to irritate them further, Wei Mu decided to stay in the car and not show his face.

Anyway, his mission to inspire people has been completed.

I originally thought something would happen while leaving.

After all, Wei Mu is about to run away, and if the local Chaos believers don't take action, they may never have a chance in this life.

But until the convoy arrived at its destination, everything was very smooth.

But when Wei Mu left the vehicle he was riding in and entered the warship, two beautiful figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

"grown ups!"

The two people who suddenly appeared were none other than the No. [-] player on the roster, the sisters, the elder sister was called Mo Shi and the younger sister was called Mo Wang.

The twins had an elegant posture and bowed respectfully to Wei Mu.

"What is going on?" Wei Mu looked stunned at first, then looked at Ju Yi beside him with dissatisfaction, "What exactly do your administrative departments want to do?"

He had not made any relevant request before, nor had he received any prior notice.

However, in order to cater to his possible preferences, his subordinates did some things on their own initiative in his name.
  For rulers, this is a big no-no.

Wei Mu didn't even know about this kind of thing and still acted openly. Wei Mu felt a little disappointed with his subordinates for a while.

"Sorry, sir, this is actually"

As a political figure, Ju Yi naturally knew the seriousness of the problem and quickly lowered his head and explained.

"Don't blame them, this is all my arrangement."

Before the director of the administration department finished speaking, Fulgen stood up in time and took over the problem on himself.

Wei Mu was greatly surprised by the sudden reversal of events, and the expression on his face suddenly softened a lot.

"So what are you doing?" Wei Mu narrowed his eyes and asked.

His relationship with Fulgrim was more of friends than colleagues, so behavior like this was not considered out of character.

"Wouldn't it be nice to find two girls to serve you?" Fulgen said with a smile.

"Don't bother yourself. I've been alone before and I didn't think there was any problem." Wei Mu looked at the original clone dissatisfied, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

"In that case, take a closer look at the two of them."

Fulgen came to Wei Mu's back, put his hands on his shoulders, and slowly pushed him in front of the two girls.

"I see, then what?"

The twin sisters' extremely beautiful appearance can indeed arouse people's hearts, but Wei Mu can still remain calm.

"Then imagine that because you rejected them now, they will not be with you in the future." Fulgan said slowly.

It sounds a bit pity, but as mentioned before, Wei Mu has lived alone for so long, and he is not used to having two people serving tea and water around him.

Just pretend that nothing happened.

"But they can't live alone forever, so one day in the future, they will eventually find their own spouse." Forgan continued.

This is of course, but it doesn't mean that without Wei Mu, the galaxy will stop turning and people's lives will have to continue.

"They will use all their enthusiasm and love to serve each other meticulously and give birth to precious children."

What two wonderful girls, I don’t know which lucky guy will be the winner in the end.

"So the choice you made today is equivalent to pushing them away from you and into the arms of that stranger." Forgan said.

If you think about it this way, you will lose your blood and feel like you are committing a crime.

"I, you, this - are you some kind of devil? Don't tempt me like this!" Wei Mu suddenly shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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