I write apocrypha in Warhammer.

Chapter 259 Asking for help

Chapter 259 Asking for help

Because the crossing point chosen by the supply fleet was at the head of the maelstrom, Wei Mu knew a little bit about the situation there.

It’s really just that I know a little bit.

Blackstone Fortress has recently received news of a large imperial fleet operating nearby, led by the Tauren Chapter.

However, since the other party did not make any stops along the way, and Terra's senior management did not explain the relevant situation, Wei Mu didn't know what they were going for, so he didn't mind his own business.

Now it seems that there is a high probability that that fleet is the one that the other party said was specifically for delivering supplies to Guilliman.

The two little girls reacted quickly when they saw this.

Mo Shan knowingly compiled the relevant information and presented it in front of Wei Mu. Mo Wang knew that this matter was not trivial and ran to inform the clone master and the inquisitor.

"I know about this thing. What, you want to take advantage of it?" Wei Mu continued to deal with the other party, wanting to see how things would develop in the end.

"Isn't this the intention of the Warmaster? We have to find a way to weaken the combat effectiveness of the Indomitable Expedition Fleet." Yoris replied.

"I see." The relationship is for completing the performance tasks assigned by Abaddon. Wei Mu wanted to laugh a little, "So you came to us?"

"Thanks to the support of Lord Huron, I have a prosperous career now. Now that I have an opportunity to repay, I naturally dare not forget the kindness of the past." Yoris said with a smile.

Chaos also needs to be polite and sophisticated, and when asking for help, you have to highlight the word "lick".

"It's too early to talk about [return] now. Since you took the initiative to come to cooperate, you must have made relevant arrangements, so tell me about the general charter."

Thinking that the too harmonious negotiation environment seemed inconsistent with the atmosphere of Chaos, Wei Mu decided to put some pressure on the other party.

"Of course we can't talk about arrangements. The main reason is that we two can form a partnership and accomplish this big thing together." Yoris said politely, and then continued, "The rule of the pseudo-emperor over the Holy Territory is still stubborn. Naturally It’s hard to do anything with this batch of goods, but the situation on the dark side is different. As long as they come to the dark side, they are a group of fat sheep ready to be slaughtered. Therefore, we hope that you can provide some relevant information to predict their location through the Great Rift. .”

The curse scar that runs through the galaxy affects not only the Empire, but also all forces. However, as the overlord of the galaxy today, the Empire is the most obviously affected.

"Since the opening of the Great Rift, the dark side has almost become the world of the Black Legion. Why do we still need information from us to determine the location of things that have reached your territory now?" Wei Mu said deliberately and strangely. road.

This tone was full of dissatisfaction between the second child and the boss.

There is no doubt that the Red Pirates have some thoughts on the status of the Black Legion.

Yoris, who was in the name of the Black Legion, did not feel angry after hearing this. Instead, he felt it was normal.

It's a good thing for the big boss in the industry to fight openly and secretly with the second best, so that other small forces can have bargaining power and can move between the two parties.

I'm afraid that the boss and the second child will join forces and work together to harvest the people below, and then they will call their good life over.

"No matter where, the propaganda work is done well, and the false emperor's lackeys are as timid as mice, so those rumors are just created. If you want to completely control the dark side of the empire, the Black Legion still has a long way to go." Joris's attitude was quite sincere.

The situation was pretty much what Wei Mu had expected. This group of Chaos traitors were good at running wild, but in terms of dominance, they were in a mess. "It's not impossible to provide you with information, but what is the current strength of your Heaven's Punishment war gang? Do you have the qualifications to cooperate with us? Don't think about it with nothing." Wei Mu first warned, and then said, " The Red Pirate King likes to act on his own initiative and make friends with heroes regardless of the cost, but we people have to help keep an eye on the family business."

Cleverly separating his own ideas from those of Huron without deviating from legality. Only in this way can Wei Mu obtain as much information as possible without making the other party suspicious.

"Our warband now has Space Marines, controls more than a dozen worlds, and owns more than main warships. Although we can't get into the eyes of the Huron Lords, we can still achieve something successful." Reese said quickly.

Listening to this data, it can already cause disaster for one party, and it is indeed worthy of careful planning.

"But the prey in your eyes, the size of the supply fleet is much larger than that." Wei Mu reminded, "Even if there are losses in crossing the Great Rift, resulting in a decrease in their combat effectiveness, you have laid an ambush in advance to gain the first-mover advantage in this battle. It’s not easy to fight—you shouldn’t go there and fight to the death with the other side, right?”

"Of course not." Yoris denied, "Rather than directly destroying the supply fleet, eating this batch of fat is obviously a better choice. We can work together on this matter."

These guys have really big appetites.

"The greater the disparity in strength, the more likely it is to capture rather than destroy the enemy ship. It is up to you to contain the other side, and then wait for us to come over and finish it off. This matter is indeed very exciting, but it is such a big one. It’s a piece of fat food, but we, the Red Pirates, have to take a share of it. If other nearby warbands from the Black Legion find out and come to cause trouble for us, what should we do?” Wei Mu asked again.

Putting yourself in their shoes, after all, it is not the territory of the Red Pirates. If after the Red Pirates are completed, the surrounding Black Legion war gangs take the opportunity to cause trouble, then things will not be easy to stop.

Joris emphasized his tone and said with some excitement: "Such a thing will never happen, I can guarantee it."

Wei Mu decided to apply more pressure to see how the other party would react: "I have no guarantee of your personal reputation, Lord of Heaven's Punishment, and I will not let this so-called personal relationship affect his judgment."

"In this case." The other party paused for a long time, seeming to have made a very difficult decision, "If the interests of the Red Pirates suffer losses due to this matter, our Heavenly Punishment War Gang will pay full compensation."

Even Wei Mu admired the other party's courage to actually offer such conditions.

I don’t know if it’s because Blackheart Huron’s charm is too great, or because he’s too pressed by Abaddon’s mission.

Or, this is the situation when a small businessman faces a capital giant. In order to get the order, he talks down and says all he can, but in the end he still ends up sharing less profit and taking more risks.

At this moment, the judge and others had been called to Wei Mu's office by Mo Wang, and with Mo Shi's brief explanation, everyone roughly understood the current situation.

After some discussion, everyone agreed that they could try to make a move on this matter. If successful, it would be a fatal blow to this wave of enemies.

As for possible problems, anyway, the team they pulled out this time is fully sufficient to handle a large-scale war, and they are not afraid that this is a conspiracy of the enemy. At worst, the two sides will just slash each other with swords.

It's just a bitter tauren, and I want to use them as bait.

The resulting losses will be replenished by the Maelstrom.

(End of this chapter)

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